What gives?
By wooitsmolly
@wooitsmolly (3613)
United States
June 5, 2008 11:33am CST
Why do people care so much if someone thinks something they do is wrong?
I think it is wrong to eat meat (as long as there are no health/economic reasons why you HAVE to), but so what? Why do people get so upset about this?
It's not like I'm saying I hate everyone who eats meat. If I did, I wouldn't have many friends. It's not like I'm saying I don't respect these people. It is simply one single choice that I don't agree with.
People are always trying to turn it around into.. "well, you aren't healthy anyway" or "you're gonna get sick!" What do they care even if I waste away and die?
I'm sure there are plenty of things that people do that you don't agree with, but it doesn't stop you from liking them/befriending them...
Why do people equate me thinking this choice is bad with me "not respecting their choice"? Why do I have to respect every choice a person makes? Nobody does that. For example, some people do not respect others' choice to smoke in public, even though they have the right to do so. Another example... a woman wearing a skimpy outfit. A lot of people might scoff at her and say it's a BAD CHOICE... that it attracts negative attention, even though she has every right to dress that way.
So, what gives? Why is this such a touchy subject? Why do people care so much if I don't want them to eat meat?

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6 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Actually there are a couple of reasons for this.
1) "Why do people care so much if I don't want them to eat meat?" Actually, this comment of yours is one of the main reasons carniverous and omniverous humans get so upset with vegans/vegetarians. Even though you said "It's not like I'm saying I hate everyone who eats meat."; your attitude is that YOU are RIGHT and the other people are WRONG and they SHOULD change. Guess what, they think the same thing about you. Many vegans/vegetarians get VERY pushy about their opinions concerning diet. That attitude is resented by many people. When they say ""well, you aren't healthy anyway" or "you're gonna get sick!""; they care just as much about your health as you do about theirs when you espouse a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.
2) Vegans/vegetarians make people feel self-conscious and bad about themselves. It makes them take a close look at themselves and sometimes they do not like what they see. SOME of them would like to eat healthier and/or become vegetarians; but, they cannot overcome temptation and a lifetime of dietary habits. When you make someone feel bad about themselves; many of them will retaliate and try to make you feel bad about yourself too. After all, "who are you to make them feel bad" - you aren't perfect either.
Whether it is a case of vegan/vegetarians vs omnivores/carnivores or smokers vs nonsmokers any time you have one group that is trying to "claim the high ground" morally; you will have these types of reactions. It is simply human nature.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
9 Jun 08
rev1wendy - "I also think "human nature" is a scape goat for a lot of wrong behavior and attitudes. If people would quit blaming their mistakes on human nature and try "cleaning out their closets" the world might just become a lot more tolerable."
Actually, this is a lot easier to say than it is to do. we are not all created equal in all ways. Some of us are stronger than others. Some of us have better resources to fall back on than others.
I was able to stop smoking cold turkey many years ago with no problems. It would be easy for me to say that if I can do it, so can anyone else. But, I have seen the struggle my husband and some of my friends have had trying to give up this "habit". They really do try and sometimes even succeed for a while; but, eventually, they go right back to it.
When I was younger, it was easy for me to lose weight. As I got older and had an accident which injured by back and other injuries to my knees; I was not able to exercise as much and it became more difficult to maintain a low weight.
Then, I entered menopause and my metabolism slowed way down. I eat less than anyone else in my family; but, my weight still increases if I do not keep a very close eye on my diet; and, once a pound is on it is a major struggle to get it back off. My younger self would have had a "self righteous attitude" and told my current self that I just wasn't "really trying". However, after living with my body 24/7 for the past few years AND knowing the effort that I am putting into it, I would tell my younger self to "take a hike".
When you already know that you have problems - you don't want someone else forcing you to look at them over and over and over. When someone does that it really is "human nature" to strike back. You can only put up with it for so long; before your temper flares (and some people have more problems controlling their tempers than others do).
When it comes down to "human nature" and vegetarianism; human beings are omnivorous and meat is part of our natural diet. Whether you believe in "creation" or "evolution" - in both cases - early man ate meat, fish, fowl, etc.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
8 Jun 08
your attitude is that YOU are RIGHT and the other people are WRONG and they SHOULD change. Guess what, they think the same thing about you.
Sure, my attitude is that I think eating meat is wrong... just like some people think smoking, murder, rape, molestation, kidnapping, "sleeping around" etc etc are wrong.
Now, the problem I have is that people seem to think it is not okay for me to state my opinion about eating meat. What should I say instead? "I think eating meat is wrong, unless there is a health or economic reason that requires one to do so" pretty much sums up my opinion. What do you suggest I say instead?
As for them thinking the same thing about me... uh... why would anyone care if I don't eat meat? There is no argument that it is "wrong to not eat meat."
Vegans/vegetarians make people feel self-conscious and bad about themselves. It makes them take a close look at themselves and sometimes they do not like what they see. SOME of them would like to eat healthier and/or become vegetarians; but, they cannot overcome temptation and a lifetime of dietary habits. When you make someone feel bad about themselves; many of them will retaliate and try to make you feel bad about yourself too. After all, "who are you to make them feel bad" - you aren't perfect either.
So basically what I have gathered from this paragraph is that simply by being vegan/vegetarian it automatically makes people feel bad about themselves. So, people shouldn't be vegetarian now? Or they should just never tell anyone that they are?
I certainly do not TRY to make anyone feel bad about themselves. If my being vegan makes peopl feel bad then... uh okay? If my expressing my opinion about the treatment/use of animals makes anyone feel bad then, again, so?
If someone is suggesting people take a closer look at what they are eating and these people actually agree that some of the things they are doing are "wrong" (according to their own ethics) then how is that ever a bad thing? I mean, it sounds like you are actually suggesting that people not talk about the truth of animal agriculture just in case it might make some people feel bad about what they eat/not like what they see when they see what they are doing. 

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@rev1wendy (611)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I think that the people who are "forced" to look at themselves and do not like what they see, maybe should have been "forced" to do that a while ago. While I somewhat agree about the human nature, I also think "human nature" is a scape goat for a lot of wrong behavior and attitudes. If people would quit blaming their mistakes on human nature and try "cleaning out their closets" the world might just become a lot more tolerable.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
5 Jun 08
Hello wooitsmolly!:-)
"Why do people care so much if someone thinks something they do is wrong?"
Because that someone isn't just 'thinking' that what others do is wrong, they are "saying" it, LOL! I'll prove a point to you, I think, I hope.
We humans don't live individual lives, even though some tend to believe they do (wrongly so). We live in societies, we interact with people and we have to deal with them. Even if we are living 'alone', we are not living individual life. Plus, humans are not just a material of logic, they have hearts and emotions too. It is not quite reasonable to think that if you are telling someone that they are killers, they won't react. Well, they will.
Now, why do YOU care that why people care so much if you don't want them to eat meat!?!? LOL!
Personally, I find both excessive meat eaters and vegans as extremists, i.e. without much reason. Both groups go to such limits and try to 'forge' realities around them that are unnatural. Both groups have tried push their views on me, for my eating meat or lack of it. I tell these excessive meat eaters, in response, that 'that' much wouldn't be healthy. When vegans tell me that I am killing a life, while I don't appreciate at all how 'farmed' animals are treated, I do tell them that they are also killing plants. Normally, both of them try to close their mouths after my response.
Now I think I have done what I was trying to do

@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Killing plants... uh? so... your point? Did those plants feel pain? No. Apples and oranges...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Why do people care so much if I don't want them to eat meat?
well I'm gonna be honest here and straight up tell you that I dont care if you don't want me to eat me....I'm eating it...JUST LIKE I dont care if you DON'T eat meat...Its not my biz what you put or don't put in your mouth...I understand why you feel the way you do and I think thats great that you care and are so passionate about it but I'm the type of person who does what she wants whether its eating meat, smoking ciggies or suckin back a 40 of vodka and running up and down the 104 with a carrot stickin out my butt LOL (no I dont actually do that). At the end of the day the ONLY ppl I care about what they think of me is my kids ya know...
Why do you (or anyone really) have to respect anothers choices...well realistically we should because its right but none of us HAVE to...
Ugh..I need coffee..am I making any sense?
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@rev1wendy (611)
• United States
8 Jun 08
It is human nature to not only judge, but also to control. When you have an opinion that they do not agree with or believe in then the feel their control slipping, which leads them to judgements. There are plenty of non-meat foods that will keep you as healthy or more than someone(like me) who eats meat. I just read another article the other day that stated the average person (who eats meat) has between 5 and 15 pounds of undigested meat traveling in their intestines because of all the artificial crap they put in the animals diet to make them bigger, faster. As for the respect thing...I believe that is the number one problem in the world today. A lack of respect. There is so little respect anymore. Rights, privacy, thoughts, feelings none of it is respscted. If it is, it is by someone close to you. Respect leads to courtesy which in turn leads to compassion. People today would cross the street to avoid helping someone in trouble. Not every person, but certainly way too many. I respect your decision to eat what you want, believe what you want and live the way you feel is right for you. I do not ask for anyone to agree with or believe everything that I do. Just respect the fact that I do have my own set of principals. And know that I respect, also, the fact that you do not want anyone eating meat because it is your belief.
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@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
8 Jun 08
People care because they feel if their thoughts are validated they are validated. It makes people feel connected and a little less alone I suppose. When someone disagrees with your way of thinking it can make you feel wrong or at least misunderstood and those are some pretty discombobulating feelings.
Me I don't care if you don't want me to eat meat and I am pretty sure you don't care that I don't care.
Looking for your validation from outside sources can leave you a little exposed so I'd suggest those that can't really accept ideas other than those that match theirs should only expose themselves to like minded people.
Ahh, but how do we know who thinks like us unless we ask for others opinions? WE DON'T.
I think it's facinating.
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@slyvixen42 (926)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I understand your situation, but from the other side. Most of my family is vegetarian but me and my fiancee are not. I'm living with my family at the moment and no one judges anyone. I understand why they don't eat meat and they don't hate me for eating it. I've learned that it's very important to try to understand other people's point of view if you want any peace in this life. I respect you for going against the grain and not judging people who aren't like you.
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