Im black and even I wouldnt DREAM of voting for Obama

United States
June 5, 2008 6:31pm CST
Im going to say ahead of time these are MY opinions and you all are entitled to your own. I personally... think if Obama gets elected president this country will take a dramatic turn for the worse. Obama has muslim roots and this is a predominatly christian country. IT just doesnt make sense. He's not even president and there have already been scandals in his campaign. i really wish americans would WAKE UP! Ive been an all out liberal my entire life but after hearing his lies and seeing how his fake words convince miliions i quickly became a Mccain fan. i intially was all for obama before i learned his policies and his back ground. In my opinion i think obama is telling nothing but lies... The thing is only time can tell... but if he gets elected theres no going back. Give me your thoughts myloters
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21 responses
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well I am white, and I won't be voting for him either. Not, because he is black, but because he was raised as a Muslim. He also won’t place his hand over his heart during the national anthem or pledge of allegiance, nor will he wear an American flag on his suit. He also has a picture of a communist leader (I think the man in the picture is from Cuba, but I am not sure) hanging on the wall in his campaign office. I also don't like the fact that he has gone to a church for half his life where the preacher preaches messages like the one his preacher passes on to his congregation. I feel that deep down, if the truth was told, he is a Muslim at heart. I believe that his "joining" of that church was only symbolic, and that his true colors will shine through the veil if he is elected. I do feel that the only reason he received the nomination is because he is black. Let's put the shoe on the other foot here, and I will pose as a white man running for president, and tell me how far you think I would have gotten in the race for the nomination. I will include a similar background to the facts that Obama brings to the table, and you put all of this together and give me your opinion. I am running for are my facts.... be sure to read the comments in parentheses as I go... I am a white man. I was raised by a member of a neo-Nazi group. (Obama was raised by a radical muslim) I attended a church that preached white supremacy/white power for 20 years (Obama's preacher leans towards the "Kill Whitey"/Black Oppression messages. Now, I admit that African-Americans have been treated poorly at times in our history, much like the Native Americans, but do you want a president who has had this drilled into his head repeatedly over the years?) I refuse to salute/Place my hand over my heart during the pledge or the national anthem. I also refuse to wear a lapel pin of a U.S. flag on my suit. (Obama will do neither) I have a picture of Adolf Hitler hanging on the wall in my campaign office. (Obama has the picture I spoke of earlier in his campaign headquarters.) NOW...taking all this into far would I have gotten in the race for president??? Would you vote for me?? Am I fit to lead your country? Am I fit to send the soldiers who protect it to fight and die in a war somewhere? Do you want your children or grandchildren being told to look up to me and respect me? Would you want me as Commander-in-Chief of a military that your children and grandchildren may someday want to join while I am in office? Facts don't lie matter what color a man's skin is...God help us if Obama is elected...
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
6 Jun 08
I really couldn't care less who wins, so, I'm not defending anyone, but,I wish people aren't voting because of all the email lies sent out about Obama. Firstly he's not a Muslim, secondly it's also a lie he doesn't put his hand over heart. There is one incident where he didn't, but all the rest he has. So, I don't think these are valid reasons not to vote for someone.
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• United States
6 Jun 08
I would love to see us finely get a black president or even a woman. But it has to be the right black man or woman. I won't be voting for him simply because he wants to take our arms away. He doesn't understand the huge threat radical Islam poses, and because he went to that church for so long. I couldn't sit through one entire sermon of that crap much less go to that church for 20 years.
• United States
6 Jun 08
you summed up almost everything i wanted to say... And God is going to be the ONLY one who can help us if he does...
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Jun 08
Yes I don't think I would vote for him as I don't like the things I have read about him, that is if they are true, its hard to know what to believe these days, but I can only hope the American people get it right and I do believe the rest of the world relies on their decision...
• United States
7 Jun 08
Everybody just check this link out plz and tell me what you think.
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• Canada
6 Jun 08
Who you vote for should have nothing to do with your race. Who says black people like Obama just because he's black? I think colour, whether it's your own colour or someone else's, as a pro or a con, is a pretty stupid reason for voting for someone, just like gender. Voting or not voting or Hillary because of her vision is pretty stupid. Who one votes for should be about the person, not about what group they belong to.
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• United States
6 Jun 08
ok... i live in a divided house. my dad is strictly for obama solely because he's black. i think thats stupid so i did research on him and mcccain as a neutral voter.(actually i was leaning a little towards obama) The negative things i found on obama makes mccain look like he's never commited a sin in his life. heres a fact you probably didnt kno. did you kno that it's fine for a muslim to lie to a person's face if they're not muslim? And deep down we all kno obama is muslim.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
6 Jun 08
He's not a Muslim!
• United States
6 Jun 08
your splitting hairs bonbon... if you want to get exact we can. he went to a muslim school... his dad was a radical muslim... and even the one main people who supported him have come and said that they think the present day muslim leader( cant remeber his name) was a gift from god... my question is who's god?
• United States
6 Jun 08
I would agree that he is full of lies and if he is elected he will probably take the country in a bad direction. On the other hand...Clinton is a scary option as well. Of course, with the way things are going, only time will tell. I would say about the only thing we can say for certain is that Bush will be out of office, which may be very helpful (depending on the direction the next president takes us).
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@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I have a very simple question for you, JonnyVet, are you sure you really don't know or are you just trying to take advantage of those who may not know the truth? In my experience, I have met many people who pretend not to know the real truth because of political convenience...are you one of them or are you someone who genuinely doesn't know the truth and would like to be educated? I am curious because of how you conveniently avoided the 24th comment to your discussion and responded to the 25th one. I believe that if you really didn't know the truth, you would have found the 24th comment very knowledgeable and informative, political leanings aside. I hope you are truly someone who doesn't know the truth, not someone who is trying to 'prey' on hate for political convenience.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
I actually wrote on the 25th comment because those two people were on the same side of the arguement and i figuered id try and kill two birds with one stone. next time ill copy and paste the same response on both. and did you not notice i even put her name in there so she would know i was talking to her. I watch the news... read the news paper... and browse on the web because i find all this politics stuff some what interesting. And from what i gathered i think the guy is fake and theres alot of things he is hiding. The media portrays him as some sort of savior and it makes me sick. in fact i beleieve he's the exact opposite.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
And if i were really trying to change the outcome of this election i would have to go somewhere bigger than mylot. i have fun talking to people about things like this and getting your opinions. it's not about me trying to sway your vote. if what im sayin is changing your minds you must not have had a strong opinion about it anyway. And furthermore everyone who reads this is capable of opening a new window and looking this stuff up.
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@Pocari (9)
• United States
8 Jun 08
That's your reasoning? He has a "Nuslim bakground"? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You're buying into FoxNews propaganda. He's most definitely not a Muslim. And if you think it's surprising that he's had "scandals" prior to being elected to President, I don't think you've paid much attention to Presidential elections before.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
9 Jun 08
If he is a Muslim as seems pretty obvious to a lot of people, do you think he'd be publicizing it? I rather think he'd be doing everything possible to distance himself from the appearance.
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
9 Jun 08
So would McCain....the question is: why didn't anybody suggest that McCain is Muslim too so we can see whether he will accept it or not?
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
6 Jun 08
With Hillary losing out on the democratic support, this election has become an election where I do not want either the democratic or republican candidates elected to office. However, I would rather see Mccain become elected then Obama and I consider myself a great deal more democratic then republican! In terms of the election; I feel most unsettled!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Jun 08
In what way do you consider yourself "a great deal more democratic then republican"? I ask that because I really can't figure out how someone who considers themselves Democratic could even consider McCain but I have been hearing of people saying just that! I know I'm definitely a Democrat and there's nothing I could imagine that could ever convince me to vote for McCain! That isn't to say I've never voted for a Republican or never will again, although I've never voted for on for President so far, but McCain goes again everything I believe in, most importantly the things that I'm most concerned about right now - the war, the economy and health care, which are all related in one way or another not to mention possible Supreme Court appointments. Annie
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Jun 08
Hi jonnyVet, Being black or white shouldn't make any difference as to who you vote for, neither should religion. You can expect to hear all sorts of stories out there about Obama but I wouldn't pay much attention to any of them. There have been stories about every Presidential candidate in every election and few were true. Some people thrive on gossip. Blessings.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
you have a point by saying their have been lies said about every presidential candidate. but your wrong about religon not meaning anything. IM SORRY... it would be different if muslims didnt hate the united states and everyone in it.
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@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
9 Jun 08
It is not all Muslims who hate the United States. It's Muslim 'fundamentalists' who hate the U.S. The same way that some Christian 'fundamentalists' also hate all Muslims.
• United States
8 Jun 08
Well, im not voting at all because i dont feel its right i do. i dont know anything about any of them and any of their vews.but i pray to god that if he does make it to presidency. that he doesnt screw up because if he does. hes ganna ruin the chance for any other black man to make it 2 be presidnet. its wrong but i beleive that is what will happen:(.. so i pray that he does well by us.
• United States
9 Jun 08
well i guess its up to me to correct you and ivaldean. Obama is not "black". if you took the time to look up the facts before you type you would know his mother is 100% white and his father is 87% Arab and 13% African. If thats what you people consider black there are alot more black people in this world than we can imagine. On his dads birth certificate it states that he is Arab not black. So if barack wins he wouldnt be the first African-American president he would be the first Arab-American president. And i could give a rats @ss about him practicing muslim in the past... humans have the ability to change their thought and opinions. BUT!... the reason i wont be voting for barack in november is because i love white, black, asain, Arab, and every other type of people there is. My best friend is a hispanic and my girl friend is white. So im refuse to vote for a guy who is ANTI-Anything... even if he isnt he shouldnt have been assocaited with someone who does feel that way for 20 years...
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@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
9 Jun 08
The percentage breakdown of Obama's father's heritage is interesting. Obama's father comes from Kenya, repeat Kenya. The Asians closest to the Kenyans are not Arabs. They are Indians. During the crisis in Kenya recently, CNN ran a step by step analysis of the Obama family in Kenya with a correspondent who was interviewing the family. It is quite clear that many missed those telecasts because the ignorance here concerning is Obama is quite huge.
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Don't believe any of those percentage breakdowns. They are an insult to your intelligence. It's only in America that people can break down their heritage like that. Africans don't do that.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well, it's funny that everyone keeps saying this man has Muslim roots when he is an admitted Christian. It is funny that everyone keeps saying he has Muslim roots like its a bad thing. If he had christian roots I'd have a problem with him as historically more people have been killed in the name of christianity than any other religion in history. Hopefully a change for the better will come about with a changing of the guard. Maybe if someone of a Muslim background gets in office, we can have peace, as Islam is the religion of peace. Maybe it is a good thing and not the negative everyone expects. Or you can vote for McBush. Just my opinion.
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• United States
6 Jun 08
islam is the religon of peace but their god is supposedly telling them to strap bombs to themselves and kill eachother? They're a peaceful religon but their god is telling them to kill america? thats not too peaceful. i agree with the seperation of church and state TO AN EXTENT. if all of you do research on what his reverend for the past 20 years beleive then you will all see where im coming from. ITS COMMON SENSE. obama says he doesnt beleive what his pastor believs... but someone PLEASE explain to me why he stayed for so long...
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
6 Jun 08
ehh im not worried about what Obama is or what he is about , nor McCain cause what everyone CAN agree on is that , if neither one gets anything done correctly in this country than we'll dislike them both ..
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
6 Jun 08
Go forbid that!!! American should now better than us non-americans. I don't really know much about your Presidentiables, but Americans must use their head really. You have to vote wisely and really be careful in selecting your next president because whether we like it or not, whatever happens to America, it affects the whole world.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
true indeed
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I do not think black or white or whatever other color there is should be a deciding factor in determining who is going to be the next president. I live in NJ and I voted for Hillary in the primary. My belief is that the person who is going to do something for the American people should be in office. Look, where we stand as Americans NOW, people losing their homes, jobs, families breaking up because of the lack of money and so on and so on. We need someone in the Whitehouse who is going to st, gas prices out of control. We need someone in office who is thinking about Americans, instead of running to other's aid. I believe in helping others, but home should be taken care of first.
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• United States
6 Jun 08
Ok... america needs a LEADER... not a president. Mccain im sad to say... is NOT a leader. And im equally saddened to say that Obama IS a leader. but i think Obama is the type of leader like we've seen in the past such as hitler. No... im not sayin obama is the next hitler but you never kno what the future holds. And im having a hard time getting over him staying with his pastor for 20 years when his pastor speaks hate and rascism. It really make NO sense to me. I just wish america would WAKE UP before November. or atleast buy me a plane ticket so i can get outta the country.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
Personally I wouldn't vote for anyone except Ron Paul. I think he's the only hope for America.
• United States
10 Jun 08
no... im saying that ron pauls chances of winning are so low that a vote for him is taking a vote away from mccain.... which is good for obama. i love ron paul and thats probably who ill vote for despite this fact. i couldnt sleep a night if i voted for any of the other two
• United States
10 Jun 08
same here... i like ron paul but a vote for him is pretty much a vote for obama. know what i mean?
• United States
10 Jun 08
I don't see the comparrison. Ron Paul seems like he wants to change things a lot more than Obama. I don't see how Ron Paul can get elected now so I'll take your word for it.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I totally agree with you and I wish there was a way to warn EVERYONE who wants him in office. I myself am afraid to live in the US with him as president. I'd feel a lot safer with anyone else there. lol His policy for small businesses and taxes is outrages! I just hope that the people who feel for him at the beginning, do their homework and realize this man is NOT to be trusted and is bad news all around.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
11 Jun 08
It means we don't want OBAMA in office! OBAMA didn't win fair and square, he told LIES ON TOP OF LIES to get votes! I don't like either one of the candidates, but I would feel better with McCain over OBAMA!! Right now OBAMA is only a little a head of McCain, something like 5%, there is a chance people will see the light in all the LIES OBAMA told! I am not a racist! I simply said his policies and his taxes on small businesses is OUTRAGEOUS!!
• United States
12 Jun 08
If mccain wins its goin to be 4 more years of bush pretty much. but if obama wins i think he will take us to a new low. so its up to you all to make your choice. not on what im saying but on how you feel about each candidate.
• United States
10 Jun 08
I think Obama unfortuanly will probably win... Bush is probably the worst president ever and i doubt they will put another rebulican in there
@kareng (70402)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I totally agree with you and I don't know why so many are blind to this. He has been courting Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana for Vice President. Guess what? Mr. Jinal is a former muslim. This is so scary to me. I hope America wakes up and stops to think about what they will be doing if they vote for Obama. It will be the beginning of the end for our great country.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jun 08
"Ive been an all out liberal my entire life but after hearing his lies and seeing how his fake words convince miliions i quickly became a Mccain fan." I really find this hard to believe. You've been an all out liberal and now you're a McCain FAN? How do you define "liberal"? By my definition of the word there's no way in he11 I could ever vote for McCain, he's against everything I believe in with a few very tiny minor exceptions. This country is NOT a Christian country, we have a separation of church and state as it should be. I don't believe these fools who continue to write these blogs calling Obama a Muslim but frankly I don't care one bit what religion he is or if he has any religion. How in the world can this country "dramatically take a turn for the worse" after all the damage Bush and his cronies have done? Annie
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
6 Jun 08
That's a new one, I haven't heard of the Hitler thing, where did that info come from?
• United States
6 Jun 08
ok... let me rephrase what i said. it's not that i'm a mccain fan it's just that im completly against what obama is trying to do... and let's throw the whole muslim thing out the window for a second. He still is an unexperienced flip flopping senator from illinois. even of he was white christian i wouldnt vote for him because andybody who has a poster of a murderous dictator on their headquarter wall is OBVIOUSLY not fit run this country. Sorry...
• United States
7 Jun 08
it wasnt hitler... it was a cuban leader i believe
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I completely agree with you about Obama. I am pretty much a conservative in my thinking and most republicans view McCain as a liberal republican. I still think he will be the best choice for president, given what is available to us at this point. I hope the campaign will make Obama show his true colors so all those who don't yet understand will be able to make up their minds based on the the truth.
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Your 'truth' cannot be farther from the truth. Conservatives generally make progress very difficult. Consult the history books and you will find how true this statement is. If conservatism had triumphed, Europe would be still be choked by dynastic governments and America would still be singing God save the Queen. If conservatism had triumphed in religion, there would be no Christianity and Judaism would be observed by only a selected few. If conservatism had triumphed, today, we would all still be riding horses and there would no cars. Each time progress knocks, crying for change, conservatism tries to resist. If conservatism had triumphed in the Catholic church, we would all have to agree that the Pope is infallible and therefore anything he says is the Gospel. We have come a long way as human beings because we have learned how inimical conservatism is to development. Hold on to your conservatist stance and when you open your eyes when it matters most, you will realize that the world has traveled many light years beyond your scope.
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@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
6 Jun 08
My friend and I were talking about this yesterday while we were hanging out at her place cos we just saw on TV that Clinton will be "supporting Obama in his campaign and that she's open to be his running mate". I think having muslim roots does count in this matter as there are some beliefs or manners or I'm not sure what the term is, that differs from being a Christian. But I don't think it'll be a problem if he IS already a Christian with muslim roots. I'm not sure about this one. As I was saying, my friend and I got into this discussion yesterday. We are not even Americans but we will not be voting Obama if we are given a chance to vote or something. No Obama for us. We didn't really like what he says in his speech, he seems so fake to us. We hope he doesn't get elected. If he will, I guess we'll all just have to just wait and see.
• United States
6 Jun 08
i like seeing other people from other countries inputs... it would be different if he were running for anything less than the president. that's too much power to kind of play around with. and it's not that he seems fake. it's that he IS fake and your just seeing through his bull.
• United States
10 Jun 08
lol... so i really want to go to to find the real facts? very funny... i doubt there are few facts on that site. i think i can find out all i need to kno about barack on rev. wrights website.
@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
6 Jun 08
hi. i am shocked to hear that. u say dont like him cos of his background. he is not telling the truth, and the things he says is a lie. the truth is not matter who was running for the candidate whether it was obama or not. they all lie, and say what we want to hear so we would vote for them.
• United States
7 Jun 08
Ok... it's not really his campaign lies that bother me. What really gets under my nerves and got me started on this whole thing is the fact that his pastor is openly saying that he has a problem with white people. he blames them for a lot of whats wrong in todays world. if you dnt believe me look it up. and obama has been going to this pastor for 20 YEARS PEOPLE!!!!!! your ignorant and blind if you dont think he liked what he was hearing to stay 20 years... ok? just because a man is mixed doesnt mean he can't have hate towards a certain people in his heart