How do you get your kids to eat vegetables?
@vickilouise85 (95)
United States
November 2, 2006 3:33pm CST
My 15 month old is already a veggie hater. She will only eat corn. Sometimes if i mix the food up really good and she can't tell its in there I can get greenbeans and other veggies in her belly. I have to give her pediasure because I just can not get her to eat enough healthy stuff. Any ideas would be wonderful!
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20 responses
@derfyslove (245)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I was a very picky eater as a child. My mom had a special tray for me with separated sections because I thought it was gross if my foods touched each other. It had this little hole in the middle of the tray where I used to "hide" the things I didn't want to eat, like peas! Have you tried giving her Campbell's alphabet soup? It's vegetable soup, but it has the alphabet noodles in it. I was very picky about eating veggies as a kid, but I loved that soup! I also recommend trying to find ways to make food more fun. There are a lot of kid-friendly recipes out there that can turn your every day fods into something your child will enjoy. Another tip I would give is experimentation. If she likes certain flavors or certain foods, try mixing things in with those. Does she like ketchup? Let her try her green beans with ketchup! It might sound silly, but hopefully you will find a combination that she enjoys and is willing to eat! Good luck! :)
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Good idea! She looooves bbq sauce i may have to try that! Thanks for the tip!
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
2 Nov 06
We've actually never had a problem getting our daughter to eat vegetables. She loves peas and corn and will eat several servings.
Getting her to eat some kind of meat other than chicken is our problem.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
2 Nov 06
yeah my daughter loves chicken and doesnt really like beef or anything else really. I just make sure the pieces of meat are really small and mixed in with pasta or something else to get her to eat it. but it doesnt always work with veggies. i wish i was that lucky to have a kid that loves veggies!!!
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
3 Nov 06
That's the other problem we have with her eating. She likes certain foods but won't eat them if they are mixed.
For example. She likes cheese and she likes macaroni. But, she won't eat macaroni with cheese. If we mix anything in with a food she likes, she knows and pushes the plate away refusing to eat.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Tooo funny! I mean I know its a pain but thats pretty cute...
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Thanks! You are right forcing them to do it won't really help!
@chebel82 (417)
• United States
3 Nov 06
My twins were exactly like that at that age, and only recently they are starting to eat more of a variety (they're 8 now) also I was worried they weren't getting enough nutrients, but just make sure to give a multivitamin ( there are some liquid ones for the little ones) daily and she'll be fine my twins are now 4 ft 7 in, and are about to pass me up I'm only 5 ft, aldso they stopped drinking milk around 1 yr old due to an illness they got, but I constantly offer flavored milk like chocolate. The thing is to just keep trying and eventually she 'll at least take a bite, and then she grow to accept it.
@millmelo (52)
• United States
3 Nov 06
My daughter was the same way. We started giving her raw carrots or celery and letting her dip them in ranch dressing, peanut butter, whatever. It really worked. She loved fruit so we also upped the amount of fresh fruit we gave her each day. Now she has outgrown the phase and will eat most vegitables. Good Luck!
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Yeah my daughter gets tons of fruit!!! I just try not to let her overdo it! But she will eat fruit constantly if I'd let her!
@derfyslove (245)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I think those are all great suggestions. Homemade pizzas are very easy to make and it's something you can do together with your daughter. I used to love making them with my mom.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
The only problem is she is a little young to really care what shape her food is far as disguising them in soups and pizza...i may have to try that! I usually try to mix veggies in with some kind of pasta and sometimes it works really well and other times it doesn't. Also I thought of a new idea...I could make her kind of like miniature pot pies except i can use those crescent rolls you bake and just put some little seasoned veggies in there...she loves bread so it might work! And she's too little to help me make anything in the kitchen!
@karinna (233)
• United States
3 Nov 06
i started my daughter on table foods pretty early 8 months old she was eating mashed potatoes with gravy, oatmeal, soft food but i had the same problem with the veggies. what i do now (she is 2 in feburary, i sprinkle plenda ( its a sugar subsitute, or i it might sound groos but if you think about it veggies dont realy have alot of taste anyway i mix certain veggies with applsauce, i dont add anyting while i cook the veggies for the least taste possible, but i mix it with the apple sauce and let her pick at it. its messy but she eats them.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I never would have thought to put applesauce on her veggies! She loves applesauce!!! Thank you so much!
@aimee750 (1116)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I get my daughter to eat broccoli by drenching it with cheese sauce. And she will eat carrots if I give her ranch dressing to dip them in.
My son on the other hand is alot harder, I have to dice them up very small and mix a little bit in with the food he likes.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I may have to start trying to give her some dipping sauce for her veggies!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Wow that is tough. I dont have the problem with my kids they love there veggies. There favorite is steamed broccoli with melted cheese on top. My kids gobble that up like it is going out of style. We all love corn, we always have cans of corn in our cabinet and on occasion we get the frozen bags of corn to keep in our freezer. We just went grozery shopping and my husband founf 2 huge bags of broccoli and corn and grabbed both.
@kcbabez14 (967)
• United States
3 Nov 06
i don't know how i got my son started on veggies! lol i just started feeding them to him when he was about 5 mos old.. he loves eating veggies other that green beans out of the jar.. but he will eat them from the can, in a green bean cassrole or something other than the baby food one! One way you could get her to eat it is make it with like a stir fry or something! Stop giving her any junk food/ fast food. Make her eat only good stuff. if she don't eat it right away it's okay, but when she gets hungry she sure will eat it if you don't offer her any non healthy food!
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
well see thats the thing i dont give her anything that doesn't have niutritional value. I mean I have given her sweets and stuff to try but not much. And I started her out with veggies young too so I am just so confused!
@massaj03 (4367)
• United States
3 Nov 06
My daughter will eat certain veggies, but she will also eat and say she likes anything I eat..*lol* "If mommy eats it I like it" I think it's funny in a way..but in a way it stinks...I am a very picky eater...and she don't need to take after me in that..not this early..
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Maybe you will just have to tough out the stuff you don't like to eat. Just the sacrifices we make for being mommys!!! My daughter wants to sample everything I eat but if she doesn't like it she will pull it out of her mouth and give it back to me!
@fredstromdaisies (294)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I usually don't have a problem with my daughter getting veggies...she could eat green beans like they are going out of style..LOL...Now my son I have a problem getting him to eat. He is 4 years I tell him he needs to eat them for him to go up big and strong, and that usually helps out some. As for being 15 months old..mixing them in would be the best. Good luck!
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
That seems to be the typical idea...mixing them in...Thanks for the ideas!
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
3 Nov 06
My son refused to eat his veggies at that age too, but now he is 7 and I really don't have a problem. I honestly don't know how the change was made other than me always putting them on his plate. I can only guess that because they were always there he just got used to them. And I did the same thing my mom did and had him finish everything on his plate. And have you tried giving her some V8 juice? It has all the veggies she needs and tastes good.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I have not thought to try to give her V8 what a good idea!!! And I'm hoping her hate for veggies will eventually fade away! I wish you could make a 15 month old clean her plate haha
@ozzieblackcat (531)
• United States
3 Nov 06
My youngest son is 24 and he still won't eat many veggies. I wish you luck with your baby. Mixing a few into other foods sounds like a good idea. You could gradually cut back on the other food until she is eating the veggie only. None of these things worked with my son. I have three other adult children who all love veggies.
@finidinwa (497)
• United States
3 Nov 06
well i force them to do that
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@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
9 Nov 06
You can puree carrots in a blender and add them to spaghetti sauce. Supposedly they are hard to detect.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
3 Nov 06
My daughter actually loves broccoli and my youngest son loves salad so I don't have that problem. My oldest son is 16 and eats lots of junk but participates in several sports so he stays skinny for now. He is the only one I have problems with and I don't worry about it much because he will eat some veggies.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I dunno but I ate lots of veggies while i was pregnant so I don't think thats it. And the first food I gave her after cereal was green beans and i kept up on the veggies for awhile and then tried a i dunno...she looooves fruit she would eat just fruit if id let her!