How nervous are you in front of

June 6, 2008 7:06pm CST
How good a speaker are you at a meeting,seminar or conference with huge audience before you? Initially i was afraid and nervous, but later grew into confidence and now i can put forth my points with confidence and conviction and speak without nervousness in front of an audience! How about you? Are you nervous to speak with audience watching you? Or meet the challenge?
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19 responses
• China
7 Jun 08
I like speaking in public.But no one knows how nervous I was before I stand on the stage.I couln't stand up sometimes because of nervousness.But when I am forced to go to the stage and stand in front of the public,I will become confident again in a few secondzs.I think it is a bit strange.I don't like the feeling of nervousness for it makes me feel bad about myself.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
It's funny...I am a compeletly shy person, and I hate speaking in front of an audience. Oh my gosh it's nerve racking!!'s the kicker: I was in theater for highschool and would preform stuff for my class in front of an audience of everyones familys/friends/and other kids at our H.S. I LOVED theater class and had a lot of fun lol. It actually helped me become a little less shy, but I still hate being in front of an audience. i think it is easier to act in front of people than it is to give a speech! Speeches are scary where you have to look out across the audience and just speak! But acting, you can't focus on them-so that probably helps calm the nerves a little bit! :) This is probably why I would prefer to act in movies/tv than actual are acting in front of less people and if you make a mistake you can just do it over! And no one else would ever know (except for the fun gag reels!) lol.
@sun2day (1062)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
7 Jun 08
I am glad you posted this. Thanks. I just cannot do it. I will be good as soon as I know I have to face an audience to speak or say something, I get very nervous and you can hear it in my voice. I always said I would like to become a proficeint speaker. I read so much. I have some motivational tapes also but I just cant do it. What can I do?
@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
8 Jun 08
i am not that confident with speaking in front of a public. when i started working, i was so nervous that i stutter when speaking in front of an audience. however, since i'm getting used to the situation, i am not that nervous right now compared to what i felt before. i guees, it just takes time to get used to it.
• India
8 Jun 08
I become very conscious about myself that what would be the response from people in front of me.How would they react would they accept me or no? Am not self centered but am conscious.
@naseeha (1382)
• India
7 Jun 08
I find it very difficult and nerveracking to face a big audience. It has been a long time since i had to do that. But if i am confident of my material the fear would go away
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
Hi snakequeen, I was only in my teens when I started speaking in public, so it isn't a very big deal for me anymore. It is something that you learn by doing. Blessings.
@kame_w (104)
• China
7 Jun 08
I always feel nervous when I give a public speech. But it turns better when I grow up. And I tend to do something to make myself feel better. So I attended the Enligh speech competition in my college every year. I've learnt that the more you practice, the less nervous you get.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I am very nervous when I have to get in front of a crowd, in fact so nervous, that I refuse to do it!
• United States
7 Jun 08
I am not nervous at all, and actually enjoy public speaking. I joined Toastmasters International many years is an organization that helps you to overcome shyness, and become an effective public speaker. It is fun, and even if you do not intend to give lectures, or speaking engagements it is priceless training and helps you to gain confidence. There are chapters in every major city worldwide, and it is open to all.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
7 Jun 08
i dont like public speaking...but as i get older, i can do it better and it doesnt bother me as much...when i was a kid, i used to refuse to do oral reports... but in college i didnt care anymore...
@adrico (204)
• China
7 Jun 08
yeah,i will be nervous when i make a speak or talk at a meeting or conference where huge audience were in front of you...i am a shy man,when i in this situation,i think i can't make a coherent speech .but i will try my best to do the speech when i meet the opportunities,it is really for me to exercise. i believe i will be confidence to speak in front of huge audience...coz nothing is impossible.. haha...o(n_n)o...
@iamnes (324)
• Philippines
7 Jun 08
i get so nervous speaking in front of an audience! when i was in high school, i was shocked to be assigned to host our school's singing competition! why me? when everyone knows that i get so nervous speaking even if it is just in class. but during the competition, i got the hang of it and just enjoyed hosting. after that nerve-wrecking experience, i still get soooo nervous speaking in front of everybody but i'd gladly do it anyway if i am asked. hopefully i'll be used to it and eventually overcome my nervousness! i'm looking forward to that and i'm always up for the challenge of speaking in front of everyone even if i am so scared and nervous!
@Timothy31 (649)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I am a extremely shy person. I have trouble talking in front of people i don't know at all. I also stutter and tend to talk too fast when i'm nervous. So the thought of having to get up in front of a group of people to give a speech really scares me. I've only had to do it a few times in my life thankfully.
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I have absolutely no problem with public speaking. If I have someting to say, I am going to say it, and I'll say it confidently.
@duranv (516)
• Honduras
7 Jun 08
I am no good for speaking in front of people, and anyway if I do have to talk in front of a group of people I try to get over it as fast as I can, so I guess my speeches are quite useless.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I took Public Speaking in High School. And I made an A. But, I still battle with being afraid in front of other people.. I guess, that this is a habit that I will have for a very long time..
• United States
7 Jun 08
I know that I couldn't I never could as far back as I can remember even in high school when we had to give this kind of stand up in front of the whole class and talk about our reports or projects. I get all nerviouse and feel my self freezing up inside just knowing that i'm in the spot light and all eyes are on me. I don't think I will ever over come this fear it would be nice but I hardly doubt it.
@gy850710 (90)
• China
7 Jun 08
i will be very nervous when speak before many audience.maybe i am lack of confidence.