Woot! Way To Go Mom!!
By tessah
@tessah (6617)
United States
June 8, 2008 12:20am CST
i never post news stories, but this was just too good to let be! finally a parent doing the job of a parent without getting grief from state officials for hurting her poor wittle boys self esteem
Xtreme kudos to her!!
feedback people.. you agree with what the mom did? no? why?

5 people like this
11 responses
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Personally, though I do believe the kid needed to be punished for stealing another kid's I-pod, I don't think publicly embarrassing anyone being child or adult is the correct punishment method. Yes it may work, but it is a form of abuse, albeit mental, but still abuse none the less.
Yes, I agree that some parents are rather lenient on their children today, but extreme methods of punishment that could possibly scar a child mentally or physically should never be considered. It don't take much to mess up a person for life especially if that person is a child. I can only imagine the teasing this child will now go through, which in the end can turn him to do something much worse than just taking someone's I-Pod.
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
8 Jun 08
No, I'm not saying that someone who steals anything should feel good about it and yes they do need to be punished, but publicly embarrassing the child is just not the way to go.
As far as abuse goes, it may not come from the parent directly, but from the children he goes to school with. Teasing is a brutal form of this abuse, and can be much more devastating to a child than one thinks. I know, because I went through being teased not only for being over weight, but for having a skin condition to boot. I know not the same as what we are talking about here, but teasing is teasing no matter which way you look at it, and it can take years to rebuild one's self-esteem.
I believe taking the child over to the other child's house to face that child's parents and making the child work for those parents for a couple weeks would have been sufficient.
Just my opinion though.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
9 Jun 08
well.. this kid was also guilty of being a bully.. mayhaps finding out what it feels like to be the one degraded and humilated in public will let him know exactly what it was he was making that other kid feel when he was trying to be tuff and cool in front of his friends.
i too was teased bullied and had my a55 kicked on a nearly daily basis while i was in school.. i was one of the "poor" kids so i didnt have the right clothes or the right shoes or the right hair style.. blah. and i tell ya.. if even ONE of the kids who took pleasure in my misery had been forced to stand on the street and held up for public ridicule.. maybe they wouldntve been such horrible nasty people knowing what it felt like on the other end. but their parents not only did nothing about it, they encouraged it.. to keep their kids in the "popular" category. this mother, in my oppinion, may have just saved her son from turning out to be a rotten miserable human being by giving him a taste of his own medicine. its harder to swallow it yerself than cram it down anothers throat, hopefully he learned his lesson. ..;nods;..
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Jun 08
This is the second time I have seen a Mum do this as punishment to her child. I have to say I think it is a great way of punishing them. No one likes to be shown up in front of a crowd and to be made to wear a billboard stating what you have done is even better.
I agree she has done a good thing and if it works then I may well consider it myself!

@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Jun 08

@kiwigal (26)
• New Zealand
9 Jun 08
I do not agree with Bullying and I have seen to often children getting away with this behaviour and growing into abnoxious individuals. Some see error in there ways.
Parents are getting less and less rights, this was perfectly lawful and I am sure this child would not do it again.
I think this mother had one to many complaints about the bullying.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Jun 08
That is a very very awesome story! It is called tough love and it does work if you are able to do it without everyone getting on your case. It all depends on where you live and the law enforcement in your area. My daughter called the cops on me one time for nagging her. She had dropped out of school and my rule was that you live with me rent free as long as you are in school ...college even but I will not support you to sit around my house doing nothing. I guess, I went beyond simple nagging to actually dragging her out of bed and telling her to get up and go out and get a job or find some other idiot to support you. It was noon and I'd been trying to drag her out of bed for several hours....I was frustrated and yet determined and also a tad angry as I had many other things to be doing on my day off than this. I didn't know she'd called the cops and was quite surprised when they arrived. I did get loud and assumed it was my neighbor but I couldn't imagine so as we are good friends. It was her. She felt she was being abused. She used the f word several times while describing to the cops how I yelled at her and even "f-ing swore and hows that for good parenting?" They saw right thru her and told her to get herself dressed and get out there and find a job or better yet ....go back to school. hard times back then but she is a good kid now and learned much the hard way. It's too bad more law enforcement didn't see things this way.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
9 Jun 08
i had the exact same rule with my eldest. either school or work, but yer not going to lay around all day doing nothing. instead of calling the police who prolly wouldve backed me up.. she went screaming to social services for my "abuse" and that organization just helps destroy kids rather than help them. she thought it was funny to get mom "in trouble" doesnt find it so funny tho now that shes out of the house. hopefully mine will someday pull her head out of her butt and smarten up as yours did. 

@above31rubies (1863)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I am going to be difficult and say: Yes and no.
The reason for my 'no' part is this...I am completely with her right up to what the letter "D" on his hat stands for. Unless she made it clear that what he DID was dumb- I couldn't read the sign and they didn't elaborate on her saying it stood for "dumb".
But, regardless, it's refreshing to see a mom take a strong stand in trying to make a point to her kid and to discipline his behavior in a logical and tangible way that will probably actually work.
And how creative! 

@tessah (6617)
• United States
9 Jun 08
didnt really think about the D on the hat.. but yer right, it wasnt very concise in its meaning. if itd been on the used to be used Dunce Cap, which i think is what she was attempting but couldnt find a big cone shaped hat and instead used the plastic tophat, i think it wouldve been more recognized and easier to understand. 

@vicneedscoffee (1259)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I love it! In a society where parents have less and less rights parents are having to find more creative ways to punish their children. I think she is right on the ball. That boy will think twice before he steps out of line again. If more parents took such a proactive step in punishing their children, the world would be a better place. And yes, Kudos to her! And to you for sharing this! 

@tessah (6617)
• United States
8 Jun 08
i fully agree that it gets harder and harer to teach our children right form wrong and consequences to their actions when state officials tie our hands and make it not allowed to even HAVE any consequences to anything because it might damage their poor fragile self esteems. i think if they do something wrong they SHOULD feel badly about it.. its called a concience, its called regret, remorse. things are getting to a point that an already difficult child turns worse when they can run crying theyre being "abuse" because something their parents did as a discipline hurt their feelings. its very sad.
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I would have welded out a somewhat different punishment, but yeah some times we have to get tough if we love our children and want to keep them from harm, and that means self destructive behavior. I would have stripped my son of all of his game consoles, computer, everything other than the clothes. I don't think I would have stood him out on the street like that, but I believe in tough love.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Jun 08
more power to her perhaps the next time will never happen
as this has to be really embarrassing to the kid
and bullies have to be stopped some way and this
seems a good way to do it to me.
@Iconoclast1 (389)
• United States
8 Jun 08
That's a great idea! Embarrass the hell out of him and make him think about what he did! If that doesn't stop him from continuing down the wrong path I don't know what will. For some kids, jail really isn't a deterrant, because they think it makes them tough, and then when they get there by the time the get out their life is really screwed up. But theirs nothing tough about your mommy making you wear a sign! More parents should use this type of punishment. I say kudos Mom as well.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
9 Jun 08
Thank goodness this kid has a mum who loves him enough to bring him into line! This experience will probably stop him offending again, and keep him from a downhill spiral into worse misdemeanors. If more parents took a sterner attitude and schools were allowed to use stricter discipline, our young people would end up with a far happier future.