The Terrible Twos
By cheetahcatus
@cheetahcatus (8)
Antigua And Barbuda
June 9, 2008 12:55pm CST
I have a two year old son and whenever other moms ask how old is your son and i tell them, they reply oh!!!!the terrible twos. The things is i dont understand their reaction, i am loving this stage of my sons life: his speech, all the difference discoveries,the potty training, i am his partner and mother at the same time. I think maybe most of us moms are so busy being moms that we forget to view the world through the eyes of our children. Some of us have become drill sergeants so we forget that commands arent all their is to life. As a mother i want to encourage other moms with children at this age; dont think of it as the terrible twos, think of it as the terrific twos be a mom but let the kid in you out so that you can view the world through the eyes of your child. Rather than command, suggest with reason because with understanding every situation is easier to handle. Looking through the eyes of the child we the parents can then see that the child is afraid of the potty for some reason. Once we understand that, we can then find a way of encouraging the child not to be afraid, rather than engaging in the command war. Dont view your child asking the same question 100 times as bothersome because if you want to know something you too will ask many questions. What about you have to you handle the twos?
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13 responses
@16031981 (449)
• Jamaica
10 Jun 08
its a wonderful experience to work with the twos. somtimes it gets fustrating yes but dont get carried away. you can smile so much at that time especially when their trying to call a word which does not come out properly an your trying to figure out what they are saying you av to smile or even laugh, and the beauty of it is when your in youyr lowest point thats when they do something funny to cheer you up. God bless
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I actually loved all ages of my kids, even now that I have a teenager. Everyday can be full and exciting as well as have hard times. I always say terrible twos as well, but never really viewed them as terrible. I actually miss that age of my kids.
@spectrum42 (393)
• United States
10 Jun 08
So far I am having a lot of fun with my two year old. There are days when the phrase "terrible two" fits perfectly, but there are probably days like that at any age. Perhaps the tantrums are more likely at this age because they are starting to have more of their own opinions and want control, yet don't always know how to voice that. They also don't understand sometimes why they can't have their way.
I like the suggestion of trying to see life through your child's eyes. Everything is exciting and fun for her and it makes me look at the world differently.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
10 Jun 08
i agree wholeheartedly with yer frame of mind. i enjoyed every phase of my little girls development. 2am feedings, colic, teething, potty training.. terrible twos, tantrum threes, etc.. all of it. each phase goes by too quickly really, and most parents only focus on gettng to the NEXT rather than enjoying the NOW. i have and still am cherishing every moment of my girls childhood (shes now 8) and discovering the world once again through her perceptions has taught me quite a bit and changed my own perceptions about alot of things. its nice to see another parent that is takig the time to really know their child rather than skip past everything in a rush. 

@princesslaura (8)
10 Jun 08
In my opinion the problem often is that many mums don't actually seem to like their kids that much!! Once their kids start to be a little more demanding and making their opinions felt it's just a bit too much like hard work to deal with it.
I think it's great when my little ones stand up for what they want, what character and bravery to order a huge giant adult around! I wouldn't change it for the world!
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
10 Jun 08
I think it's funny that people only associate this terrible 2's stage once a child hits 2 - my daughter has been going through this stage for a while now & she only turned 2 a few days ago!
I don't think it's such a bad stage either. They get very curious, ask a lot of questions & pick up new words on a daily basis. When they start doing it earlier it's even better!
Potty training will start soon, i think each child is different with things like this so the sooner you can give them encouragement & praise, the better.
I don't think i agree you should let the child in you come out though coz the terrible 2's are also the time where children press your buttons, push the limits & see how much they can get away with so if you're acting like a child too, there wont be any boundaries or anything - then the child will think they can get away with everything.
Just guide them gentle, answer their questions, teach them new things & encourage their creativity! I wouldn't call it the terrific 2's but it's nowhere near as bad as i had been told it would be!
@devtina (371)
• India
9 Jun 08
Well i have a 2 year old ...he will turn 2 actually in August so thats just almost a month and a half left...i havent heard of this "terrible Two's " phrase...and as you say i do really enjoy time with my son...he is an angel ..well i guess all kids are ;) but he is such an adorable little darling ...i can go on n on n on....since u have a kid too u surely would understand what i all in all i dont have any problems(touch wood) and i really dont think its terrible twos but it is inTeresting Twos...cause its his learning phase and he just repeats what ever you talk and when u hear him talk it is so so cute... so such things i guess its more a lovely time with the little one :)
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
9 Jun 08
You make some good points. We really didn't have a difficult time with 2. My husband and I try to find something fantastic about every age our daughter has been. I must say there are days when my hubby is more successful at this. Sometimes, I think people just get overwhelmed. What a nice way to have a reminder.
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I don't know the origin of "The Terrible Twos" but it has been a long-standing traditional phrase.
I believe it's because at age 2 they are starting to voice their opinions more, do more things on their own and discovering their boundaries. This then means that they are grabbing at things they never used to, saying things they never used to, being VERY vocal when they don't get what they want, and using temper tantrums to push their boundaries and see what they can get away with. Because of all this, age 2 has been giving that notorious title "The Terrible Twos".
@jashley1 (746)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Well its really just a cliche. It's about the time when children are becoming independent and coming out of their baby phase, and wanting to make their own decisions and realizing their own emotions. So I guess it's called that because of the emotional changes - tantrums, anger fits, etc., because little kids don't really know how to handle their emotions and need to be taught how. Of course I think we all love this stage - and every other stage that comes along later in life! I've learned that after the twos comes the "I know everything" stage, and then the "everything seems funny" stage where your kid fights an uncontrollable grin when you're trying to discipline them. But yes, its important to realize kids will be kids - they are not grown ups.
@mclendon (308)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Mine are all past two now, but you are right. I think the twos are terrible for many moms because it is an adjustment for Mom, not so much because the child is terrible. A little baby may cause sleep deprivation, but for the most part they are pretty easy to haul around, feed, and tuck away for a nap. At two a child wants more control and independence and can walk and run away! Mom has to put up with another person's wants, needs, fears, and opinions a bit more. Their little baby can suddenly say "no", walk away when they see something more interesting, refuse to leave the park, etc.
@SwtJenlove (1090)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I have 3 kids. One son who is 7, one son who is 2 and a daughter who is almost 3 months old. My 2 year old has his moments. He has no fear as to where my 7 year old when he was 2 he was a pretty good child, no problems out of him what so ever. but then again that could have been becasue i worked and didnt see what he put the babysitter thru lol. When i was pregnant with my daughter i was in my 8th month my 2 year old almost got hit by a car becasue he ran from me and if i had been 2 seconds later to grab him he would have been hit by a truck. I was opening my door to put him in his car seat and off he went. i wouldnt call him a terrible 2 year old but i would say they have there moments. Yes they are at the age of exploring and learning more. my 2 year old not only does he have no fear but we tell him something and he says "Huh" so like an idiot we repeat ourself and he says one again "huh". I know he has good hearing because if we say something he hears it or if we whisper something we dont want him to hear he will repeat it, so there is no doubt he can hear. Yes im guilty of calling my son a terrible two year old but that doesnt mean i love him any less or anything. im going to start another topic about child leashes becasue i think thats another one that people could really get into as well as this discussion :)