I really hate teenagers sometimes

@Erilyn (3020)
United States
June 9, 2008 5:17pm CST
My 15 year old daughter has just gotten on my last nerve. It's not bad enough that I deal with the everyday stuff. Now mind you I am not a small woman by any means. But here I am in my own backyard that has a 6 ft tall privacy fence in a bikini top and shorts figuring that I would get some excersize and some sun and mow the grass. My Daughter decides to come in the back yard with a friend of hers and wants to complain about how embarrassing I am because I am outside wearing what I was wearing. I asked what the difference was if I was sitting there in my chair getting sun in my bikini or in the pool swimming. She of course gets that look on her face, so I sent her friend home and sent her to her room. All the while she is saying how I am ruining her life. All I can say at this point is thank god for Xanax.
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39 responses
@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 08
OMG I so agree with you here Erilyn! I have an almost 15 year old son and some days i could hug him forever as he is so sweet and other days he has so much 'tude I could hug him around the throat! I also have a 6 year old daughter and I am already dreading her becoming a teenager as she is very 'precocious' already! You have my sympathy sweetheart! xxx
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Thank you mummymo. I am at my wits end with this kid. I just spent the last hour searching for her since she said she was going outside for a min and is now nowhere to be found. I just came in to coll off as it is hot today. I have no clue where she disappearred to now.
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 08
Erilyn Sweetheart you have my heartfelt support as I know what that is like! My 14 year old son disappeared after a massive argument and he had a tantrum and ran out of the house at almost 11 at night - I vented here the next day - I was lucky as he ended up at his friends house and she had the sense to get him to call me and my partner picked him up but boy oh boy was I in a state before that! I am sure she will turn up soon but meanwhile I do understand how you are feeling! Only another few years and those hormones should settle! lol aren't they wonderful? Hugs xxx
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Thank you *hugs* She just walked in the door and when i asked her where she was I got the "look" you know the one i mean and well I wanted to go for a walk. She won't be going anywhere for a while now. I am spring cleaning and now she is cursing under her breath (like I can't hear her) and cleaning baseboards!
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@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Your attitude is not going to help the situation. I would like to point out that you just lost this battle by having allowed her to get under your skin in the first place. I have 2 teenage daughters myself and believe me I know what buttons they can push but I don't allow it to get to me. And that is your daughter so don't you think the word HATE is a little bit harsh for someone whom God gave to you as a gift that you may love and cherish forever. Motherhood is the ULTIMATE gift. There are many women out there who unfortunately will NEVER know what it is to have a child of their own. Ignore those silly remarks. After all who's the adult here?
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• United States
9 Jun 08
RRDJ I find your response judgmental and condescending. If you have not noticed we all share our family woes here in mylot. It is your attitude out of order here no Erilyn's. I know for a fact she loves her daughter and would give her life for her child, you do not need to preach your sermon here. Maybe you need to learn how to read just a bit better, this was written with humor and love.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Its not her I hate just the attitude sometimes. Maybe I worded that a bit wrong. When she was sent to her room it was explained to her that her attitude and behavor was unacceptable. It wouldn't have mettered what she said it was the disrespect that she was trying to get away with because she had a friend with her. I don't show her that things that she says bothers me which is why when she was sent to her room I finished what I was doing and didn't yell or scream or even try to get into a shouting match with her. I just calmly told her friend she needed to go home and calmly told my daughter to go to her room and explained why she was being sent there. I wasn't upset, I did not raise my voice, just came on here to vent a bit.
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@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I Understand. I'm sorry if I seemed a bit harsh!! God Bless you
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• Malaysia
10 Jun 08
Hi Erilyn, being a mother to kids is not that easy especially for the teenagers. For me it's the most critical part when we have to deal with these teenagers. Your approach plays the biggest role in determining your daughter for her her future attitude whether she will turn to be good or hates you all the time. We must play our wisdom to deal with them. I know you must be so upset for this, I do understand on your feelings. But as I said, we play the biggest role. Next time you may try to use some more tender approach. Although it kind of hard but it worth enough. She may realize how much she loves you. So next time she won't do the same thing and if she has something that she doesn't like to, she will discuss it with you but it the best manner way. When we got such anger to them just think how we behaved when we were teenagers, what we wish and so on. By this way, we can handle the teenagers better ..for sure it best way!
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
When I get upset about her behavior I always try to talk to her calmly. When that fails I tell her that I think she needs to go into her room until we can talk. I have learned with her that the best approach is not to yell and show her how bad it upsets me. I just send her in the other room till wecan calmly talk. That's why I am glad I have MyLot I can vent here and not on her.
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• United States
9 Jun 08
Rotflmao LMAO Sorry Erilyn for laughing, I see you got the chance to do that discussion on teens...LMAO Oh all I can say is that we daughters pay for our raising when we raise our own :)))) I would never have said such a thing to mymom but I sure as heck thought it at times. Oh boy :))) sorry I am trying to stop laughing really!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Jun 08
hehehehehehe Its All Good hun, Once I typed it all out I felt better. Now when I was a kid saying something like that to my mom I would have at the very least been backhanded lol. At one point a couple of weeks ago I called my mom and apologized for anything I ever did as a teenager. these mood swings are killing me. At least though I can always come here and vent and stay calm and cool with her. Glad you got a laugh though lol.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Jun 08
All I can say is that the Mothers Curse works!!!! I can still remember too that even if you were outside and a neighbor heard you being disrepectful they would tell your parents as well if not drag you home to face them lol.
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• United States
9 Jun 08
I would have gotten back handed as well. After I had kids I also called my mother and my step mother and told them I was sorry for any grief I had ever caused them. Funny how kids can make us see how bad we were to our parents.
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• Canada
9 Jun 08
I do feel for you. I had a darling sweet daughter until the hormones kicked in. Then, if you looked at her the wrong way her head would spin 360 and she would vomit pea soup. It was quite the difficult time, to say the least. Hurrah! They do come out of this stage and become human again, but you have to have the patience of a saint. My daughter is now 20 and we have a very good relationship (and her head doesn't do the 360 thing anymore). I think she started to grow up when she got her first job. She really matured and took her job seriously. I had told her she had to get a job because she was very high maintenance and I think that was best thing for everyone involved.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Thank you. God knows I already say the Serenity Prayer about 100 times a day. I think with my other daughter I will be much more prepared than I was this time. I was my mothers only girl. She used to say when you have sons you only worry about your son, when you have a daughter you worry about the rest of the world. As long as I make it through this one I know I will be good when my other daughter's head starts to spin!! The things they don't tell you when you become a parent!!!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Jun 08
YOURS too?????? I think my walls are permantly the color of pea soup heheheeh. Don't want to repaint yet though, her sister is only 11, so I have another one to go through this with lol. I can't wait for her to be Human again!!!!
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• Canada
10 Jun 08
It will happen. She will be and this will be a distant unpleasant time that you can bring up to when she least expects it, usually with company around so she's embarrassed (paybacks, you know). Keep your sense of humour and choose your battles wisely. Think of it as experience for the next one coming up. Good luck!
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• United States
9 Jun 08
That's pretty messed up by your daughter, i feel your pain sometimes, girls are like that.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Jun 08
My mother alwasy said she would rather raise 10 boys then one girl, now I know what she meant. somedays she is fine then there are days like today.....
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• Australia
10 Jun 08
You always appreciate your mum when you have children of your own!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Didn't you know that it is your job to ruin your kids lives while they are teenager. I did a lot of that to my teenage daughter. Oh not really on purpose. My grandson gets upset with me when I ask him if he did a chore in such a way. I finally told him it is my privilege and a grandma thing. I used to have a lot of fun with my kids when they were teenagers but at the same time would like to have hung them by their toes in the closet some times too. Hang in there she will grow up and you will survive. You just need to figure how you will keep your sanity for the next couple of years.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Put her in the deep freezer until she out grows the teen years. Just remember that this too shall pass. Just ask God to get you through it.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I wish I could get away with putting her in the deep freezer! I say the serenity prayer about 20 times a day now, and do everything I can to stay sane. it is only by the grace of God I haven't lost it yet.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I think a lot of Xanax will help lol. Sorry I couldn't get back to you its been a really bad wekk. and if I could get her up in the closet believe me I would have already hung her by the toes lol.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
10 Jun 08
That is normal for a 15 year old. What I'm concerned about is how you reacted to it. I have a 15 year old and a 13 year old and as testy as they can be, I would never say that I HATE teenagers sometimes when referring to my children.
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• United States
14 Jun 08
Amen MO, Sometimes our kids need to know WE hate their behavior... What do you think is wrong with kids today... Too many parents p*ussy foot around real feelings and attitudes.
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 08
Well i have a lot of nieces and nephews who have gone through the teenage phase - I have a almost 15 year old son as well as a 6 year old daughter and I HATE teenagers sometimes too! Sorry if you don't like the fact that people feel as though they hate teenage behaviour but then we don't all have to live up to your expectations! x
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
It was the attitude I was refferring to not her. I have talked to her about it and explained to her that I love her very much and would do anything for her but the attitude has got to change. I let her read this discussion as well as yours, and she had stated to me that she understood that it was the attitude that I was refferring to. She understood that I was venting and didn't apperciate that as she put it "attack" on her mom for venting about something that she did. She stated to me that the attitude she had was inapporate, and she knew that I was not refferring to me hating her. As she put it we say things we don't necessarly mean when we are upset. She said when she has said to me that she wished I would die that she never ment it. I may not have picked the best words to state what i meant, but we don't always when we are upset.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 08
I have come here to see what it is all about and as far as I can see it is very clear to me what you are saying and I would say many People feel like that You have no reason at all to justify yourself you have done nothing wrong I certainly know what you mean lol as my Girl was the same and that is Girls for you at that age
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 08
Oh no Erilyn I think you need to sort her out once and for all that is something my Daughter never did, she was a bit harsh with her words and that but has not done anything like this I am so sorry and I wish I could help you I really do Hugs
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
14 Jun 08
oh its all good now Gabs, she isn't going anywhere for a while, and sinice I am spring cleaning she is cursing me under her breath and washing the baseboards!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Thank you Gabs, it does get difficult, right now I have no idea where she went. She told me she was going out front, and now I have no clue where she went. I have just spent the last hour or so calling her friends etc. she doesn't come home in the next 30 mins I don't know what I am going to do.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
2 Jul 08
Your daughter appears more concerned about your dress. I think teenagers are very particular and in your case, your daugther were appearing to be very protective about your bikni. But you can tell her calmly that there is nothing wrong in it and you have every right to wear the bikni or some other dress of your choice and you know whta is right and what is wrong for you.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
3 Jul 08
Be cool and calm! Things will improve in due course of time, hopefully.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I hope so, it just gets so fusterating, and now with everything else going on I can't get my medication that helps keep me calm. I hope everything works out and we get though all this with our sanity intact.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
2 Jul 08
She just wanted something to be mad at me about I am sure. This friend of hers has been over to the house and we have all been out in the pool. So it isn't like this girl hadn't seen me in it before. Its almost like for some reason her head has started spinning out of control if I even look at her let alone try to talk to her about anything. I am told that one day she will become normal again and I can't wait for that day.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Jul 08
Yes I too have moments where I dislike teenagers, and I think "surely I cannot have been like that" but actually I was worse. If this is the only problem you have with your girl then you are lucky as at fifteen I caused more grief for my mum and dad than anyone I know! I have a sixteen year old son and he is a pain in the behind too, we fall out every single day over something or other, and it gets me so down sometimes that I actually feel like packing my bags and running off. I sometimes can seriously see why parents do actually leave their kids, but I just keep telling myself that I grew out of it and so should he. Mind you, it took me until I was in my middle 20s to finally stop misbehaving so actually I could have a lot more to put up with!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Oh this is not by far the worst. She at one point a short while back almost broke my nose. She had cursed and screamed in my face, then slapped me and I slaped her back. She responding by throwing punches at me and like I said almost broke my nose. It would be so easy for me to just give up and send her to my mothers house bt I am bound and determined to try and work through this.I would NEVER have thought to scream at my mother let alone slap her. She would have beat me within an inch of my life! I have talked to her and she has told me that I was not that bad as a teen, I had my moments don't get me wrong, but I never acted out this badly.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
3 Jul 08
It wasn't really strictness in my family as much as there wer certian things you just didn't do. Now (I don't know about where you are at) here if you spank your child you child has the right to pick up the phone and call the police on you. And you will be arrested! Then they want to hold parents responsible for kids that don't behave. I just don't get the world today. Not every punishment works for every kid. My son responds well to time outs, my daughters could care less, time outs don't work for them, grounding doesn't work for them I don't know what else to do. Physical labor doesn't phase them. I think if I had just beat her behind one good time when she was younger I may not have the problems I have now.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Jul 08
I am sorry to hear that she is violent towards you, I would not have dared be like that to my mum, she would have flattened me. Through all that I did, I was still frightened of them, still am at times to a degree. The strictness they showed towards me stayed with me to this day, I sometimes wonder if it is what my eldest lacked.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jun 08
ouch she is fifteen so take care mom. everything a mom does embarrasses a fifteen year old but by the time she is twenty she will be telling you how great you look in your bikini so go figure.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Hehehehe She probably will. I can remember when I was looking at bathing suits she was actually the one that helped me pick out the bikini. I think she was just trying to show out in front of her friend.
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• United States
9 Jun 08
wow, I don't even know what to say. That was pretty disrespectful of your daughter. I guess all teenagers have their moments of doing that though. I have a 15 year old daughter as well and all though she is pretty much (so far) a good girl she has her moments that she gets disrespectful as well. I think you did the right thing by sending her to her room and all kids think parents are out to get them and ruin their lives lol. I pray us parents survive teenagers lord I don't know how my parents did it though. I often ask my mom and mother in law that question of how did you survive teenagers. Best wishes from me to you.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Thanks Hun, its not always easy being the mother of a teenager. After everything I have been through with this kid....WHEW is all I can say. Hopefully from what I understand about 18-21 somewhere in there she will be "normal" again lol. Let's hope I can make it heheheh.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
I would have to agree with you for what's the difference like you said if you were at the beach or the pool side and had that on and she showed up w/ her friend she wouldn't have said that. I don't think she should have said anything at all and just let it be. Kids at this age can be very hard to deal w/ for they takes things to personal and way to far. I hope you had a chance to talk to her after all was said and done and she isn't like she was when she first walked in with her friend.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I hada nice long talk with her, and explained to her that she would not have said something like that to someone else out of respect and that I deserved the same respect. I also informed her that if it embarrasses her that badly then she should have come home to and ask me to put on a t- shirt or something if she felt that it would embarrass her. She knows when I go out back and mow I go out in my shorts and top. I told her that if she had come to me differently it would have been a different story.
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
is she the only child you have? lucky you lol. i have four teens and 3 are girls. close your eyes and imagine. lol. yes teen daugther are really harsh sometimes but its okay for me that they say what they feel but i always tell them that make sure that they say it nicely and properly. i am a singer and sometimes in a party were they get invited also i will sing just for fun. and sometimes i will change the lyrics just to add spice to the song. i dont bring them to work so they dont know this side of me. my son just laugh at the craziness i was singing but the girls you can see there faces turning red. one of my daugther even told me she was so ashamed of what i was singing with everybody hearing it. i was really shocked when she told that to me but i didnt talk with her for a week. she was the one who bowed down and talked to me. i told her, i am a singer and a single mom. what she heard during that night is just a show but that show brings food on the table. thanks for mylot for we can pour our heart out here and others can advice us or just makes us feel better. i think it is natural for daugthers to be more tackless than sons but it is nice to know that they are concern with us but just dont know how to express it in a nice way.
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
to tell you frankly all this years you are the only person who greeted me happy fathers day, and come to think to it that yes i am a father and a mother at the same time. thank you very much for that sweetheart. now that was funny.... yes we are still alive our moms did'nt cut our throat lol. yes we are kind of like that too and we should be the ones who should and can understand them for me know we are like that back then. specially when montly sickness is around. i pity my son when the mood swings of us 4 ladies.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Jun 08
No she isn't my only one, I have an 11 yo daughter and a 10 yo son as well. And let me just also say Happy Father's day early to you. Being both mother and father to kids isn't easy. I started a discussion earlier telling single mom's happy Fathers day. Anyhow back to the discussion at hand here lol, I think you might be right in that they don't know how else to deal with it. Maybe since women tend to be more sensitive to other people this is the phase when they get it out of their system? Maybe that's why they go nuts around this age....who knows. At least we do know that it will eventually end, we know that cause we are still here our mothers didn't kill us lol.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
10 Jun 08
You are very welcome. It was in my other discussion, but a few years back when I was a single mom still me and some friends started a tradition when we would get each other something for Father's day as well as Mother's day after all we do both jobs we deserve both days! We also got the kids involved, it turned out to be really nice. I wished a sigle Dad I worked with a happy mother's day and got him a small present as well. It would be nice to see someone like Hallmark pick up on that one lol. My daughter and I are on different cycles so my Fiance has to deal with 2 different women going though it at different times. It will be interesting when my other daughter starts lol. I have a feeling both my fiance and my son will be hiding for all but a week out of the month lol.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
Brace yourself it is going to be a bumpy ride!! Thats all I got SORRY! I can tell you the next one may be totally different, I have three and I thought after the first I had this teenage girl thing whooped. (after tears and trying to cast a demon out of her anyway lol) Guess what #2 was an angel! But she would not talk to me and just seemed to despise me most days, I mean she obeyed the rules to a fault never got in trouble at school ect.. I wished she and I could be close maybe someday we will. Now #3 WOW!! She is a little like both older girls, wont talk to me like 2 but breakin rules like 2. This one actually ran away!! No note just disappeared! She is back police found her that night. So honey hold on!! Boys? Yeah give me ten to one anyday!
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
My middle daughter is like that she is 11 but I can see the signs already. She likes to get into trouble, but mostly keeps to herself. My son is 10 so I can only hope hehehehe. My oldest threatened to run away one time, she was 6 or 7 I think it was. I packed her backpack and put it on the front porch, told her if she wanted to go to go and iwould call the police after she left. That broke her of that real quick. she stood outside and cried for a few minutes, came inside and said that she didn't want to run away because she didn't know how she was going to eat lol. Then she hugged me and put her stuff away. I wish that would work now lol.
• United States
10 Jun 08
OOPS-- Breakin the rules like #1.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
HAhahah, I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you! Funny how they treat us like we are so mortifying, stupid, and uncool and still think we are supposed to take care of them and their needs. I think it's part of the letting go process parents have to go through when their babies become adults. They make you glad to see their backs as they move out. I'm with you though, you don't have to moon at my feet but you most certainly have to treat me with a bit of common courtesy and respect in my own home.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Thank you :). I think that deep down she does apperciate me and when I do for her, but she would never admit it lol. I think that will be the closest that I will ever get to that lol.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Oh I know right? I can laugh about it now, She was in the garage yesterday and I was doing laundry, she didn't know I could hear her but she was telling her friend that she had a cool mom that she could talk to about anything. That really warmed my heart believe me. I still haven't told her that I heard her, and I don't think that I will. I think thats something I will keep close to my heart when she starts up again. I let her read this discussion and the responses I got this morning, and she didn't like some of the negitive things that have been said and agreed with most of the posters that I did deserve to be treated with respect. She hugged me then went to do her chores, so we will see. lol
• United States
13 Jun 08
Good for you both!!!!! Your garage story is wonderful!
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• United States
15 Jun 08
My daughter would have done the same thing.Glad to hear I am not the only one with a self centered little monster.I so miss the days when I was her hero,to put a band aid on a cut,or cuddle her and read a book.Now I make special tims for her and I to spend together watching a couple programs she likes or playing cards.I am not supposed to talk I guss at these times because I get snapped at for it.She talks up a storm about boys,boys and more boys.Or to complain about how terrible her life is,and go into detail about everything that has gone wrong in her life since she was born.By the time she is done I am wracked with guilt and getting ready to dig my grave.Teenagers are so difficult. Jas
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Yeha I know that feeling Jas. I think a lot of us go through this stage with our daughters. I can't comment on sons becasue mine is only 10. So far so good with him. My other daughter who is 11 is already showing the tendancies that her sister has. What ilike is how she LOVES to embellish things that happened when she was younger and try to blame her current behavior on that. I tried to explain to her that sha has to take responsiblity for her own actions. I cna only hope that one day she will be normal again.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I know exactly what you mean. I have to fight with my 15 yo just to get the kitchen cleaned up. Other then her bedroom and bathroom thats all I really ask her to do. I have nothing but fighting with her. Then when she startws in how how hard it is to be a teenager I just want to strangle her. And then when she said she wished I would hurry up and die that was about the last I had with her. I think i did post on your discussion about the cell phone etc. So I feel your pain. At least we can always vent to each other!
• United States
16 Jun 08
Boy can I relate,I just had yet one more battle with my 16 year old.She asked for more minutes on her cell phone giving me a million reasons why she needs it.I had put $50 on her phone two weeks ago and she went though them in two days text messaging.So I told her the only way I would consider was if she got off her butt and did something to help me around the house.She yells how she does her own laundry,I don't know how she seems to think that is enough.She won't even cook for herself if she can't reach in the fridge and immediately put it in her mouth then there is a battle because she will insist there isn't anything in the house to eat.She has gone so far as to tell my family there is never anything in the house to eat.I tell you she really knocks me right into the ground every chance she can.I do hope she outgrows this like people on here are saying.I have one more year until she graduates if it isn't better then she better move in with friends.L.O.L. Jas
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Teenagers nowadays are really different from before but as mothers we always love them whatever they are.Though we really tried to raise them well but when they are outside home we don't know what they learned and what they are doing.I have a daughter on her teens too.Sometimes we argue but i think its normal.Mostly we get along with each other.Well, i know what you'eve been through is normal.Talk to her and explain where did she went wrong and then hug her.I know she loves you too.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I have tried, I think a lot of it has to do with the stress of me being diagonised with cancer. I don't think she knows how to handle it and is trying to seperate herself from me. After all I am all she has. things got worse with her when I found out I had cancer.she doesn't want me near her most times but other days she wants to be around me all the time. I don't know.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Its possible and i have tried to talk to her about it, but she doens't listen. I have always had behavioral problems with her since she was born, this might just be another extention of that. I just don't know anymore.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
14 Jul 08
She might be having an emotional problem regarding your health.You should encourage her to be strong and tell her that you will be fine.Myabe it hurts her to know your health condition.
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@qhwater (392)
• China
5 Jul 08
oh, what a naughty girl. but did you ever watched the series "super nanny"? it is a very nice series to parents since it tells us how to control the naughty kids. if you have time, you can watch it and hope you can learn some useful way from it. by the way, someone said that the naughty boy are normally very clever.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I had the cable shut off to the house so she couldn't watch the stuff she wanted to watch! I have treid everything with this kid and she doesn't seem to get it. She will behave for other people, just not me. Oh well one day she will learn and hopefully grow out of it.