It's lovely - er... what is it?

@p1kef1sh (45681)
June 11, 2008 11:24am CST
When we got married we were given some lovely wedding presents. Well they all were, but perhaps the most curious (and to me the ugliest) was a jardiniere. A porcelain monstrosity with naked cherubs in relief sitting proudly on a ceramic pedestal about 3 feet high and similarly decorated. Unfortunately over the years this glorified plant pot and its stand got broken. Although I tried hard it still took me nearly fifteen years to destroy it!! What has been the most curious wedding, or other present that you have ever received?
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21 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
I never received any strange wedding gifts but a few years ago a friend wrapped up a baby pink pashmina for me for Christmas which was lovely but I think it must have been an unwanted gift she had received as she never usually gets me anything, just the kids and also I can't stand baby pink which she knows as it just doesn't suit my skin tone at all makes me look all washed out and I have to admit I gave it to my sons little girlfriend from school for dressing up as she loved pink and girlie things. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 08
She must have been having a blonde moment we call her dizzy Dawn for this reason bless but she knows I hate to wear pale pink but the thought was there in that it was wrapped well bless and I know she is short on money so I laughed about it rather than get upset. I bet you are pleased though that this finally got broken after 15 years, wow that is a long time to have an unwanted gift laying around. Ellie :D
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
I was delighted to see the back of the thing. I felt that 15 years was long enough. Actually, the plant pot bit went even earlier I think.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
The pashmina went to a good home at least Ellie. Just the thing for dressing up. That's an interesting thought - "I don't like this so I shall give it to someone else that won't like it" LOL.
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@ruby222 (4847)
11 Jun 08
Good lord Piky ..this destroyed jardiniere could have been a Minton relic for all you know...but you were obviously blessed with many useful and generous wedding presents...Our wedding presents were unique,loland different maybe...among them were a cookery book,a set of plastic jugs,a pair of sheets...and the one present that stands out in my mind was brought in by a little chap that Hubby knew..he burst into the reception ..his armed swathed in articles wrapped in newspaper...which he duly presented to us both..on further inspection each newspaper bundle contained a part of a Willow patterned tea set!!...the thought was kind..the tea set was eventually well used...but that memory is as fresh as a daisy!!!!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
My mother had a willow pattern tea set Ruby. I have very fond memories of it. As you say, that must be a very fresh memory. Minton I doubt. Littlewoods more likely! I cannot remember all that we received. My wife had worked for Rackhams department store in Birmingham and we got a load of towels, sheets etc. We did receive a genuine modern "antique" corner unit which sits now in our lounge. I use it for my extensive collection of dust!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
15 Jun 08
We didn't get anything besides expensive jewellery from close relatives and cash from a few close friends. My father didn't want a houseful of junk (which is what we usually get in India) and he printed invitations which asked for 'Presents in the form of blessings'.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
16 Jun 08'd be sensible too if you know what south Indians give as gifts...most of them give steel pots or utensils...even when they can't afford it!!! I wasn't going to carry all those pots because I was moving to another state.....and my dad wasn't going to keep any of that at home. You dad wasn't serious about your eloping? Most of our gifts we get on the day of the wedding or the evening before.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jun 08
Your father is a sensible man. Mine gave me cash to elope. LOL. Unfortunately that was on the morning of the wedding. I don't think that he was too serious.!!
@Annmac (949)
13 Jun 08
My sister has often bought me gifts I don't really like but the most curious was a set of Christmas related plant pots. One is a chimney with Santa climbing out, another is a Robin holding holly in it's mouth, on the edge of it's nest and a third is a snowman. To me they are hideous and pointless. The Santa and Snowman can only be used at Christmas but WE don't celebrate Christmas! I don't even have a tree! I got very useful wedding presents, and the only curious one was a Chip-pan. It wasn't wrapped or even in a box though it was obviously brand new, and all the label said was 'Knowing you this will be needed!' It was found on the doorstep and we have never found out who it came from.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jun 08
I have seen those types of pots. I'd share your distaste. As for the chip pan. Have you used it? Do you cook chips or throw it? LOL.
@Annmac (949)
14 Jun 08
I used that pan for about 10 years and I've never been able to find one as good since! I got married in 1970 and at that time in England, no kitchen was complete without a chip pan. No-one had 'invented' oven chips then........
• United States
11 Jun 08
I just got the usual assortments of gifts mixer, towels that kind of thing. I had a friend that got a huge bottle of Shoe Goo. It's to remove gum or other sticky substances off the bottom of your shoes...Me thinks there was a message in there somewhere. Wonder what it was?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
LOL. Useful but curious! I'm not sure what the message was either.
• United States
12 Jun 08
That's so cute! Sounds like something my kid would buy for me. Mommy is always in need of Shoe goo! Anyway, sometimes friends take jokes a bit too far, especially on special occasions like weddings. I am sure it was not meant as a bad thing. Perhaps your friend is not good at buying gifts. Most times, I stick to gift cards and gift certificates so that the lovely wedding couple can choose items that match their own home and life style needs. I could not possibly know what they will need. And, certainly don't want to presume. Be well!
• United States
12 Jun 08
It was from her mother in law. The one who really wasn't all that delighted with the nuptials.
14 Jun 08
Most crazy things came our way,a dustpan n brush and matching his n hers pillowcases,there was not much grand about our do at all,but it was ours and we enjoyed it.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jun 08
A dustpan and brush is incredibly useful. I've bought dozens over the year - well four or five anyway!
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16 Jun 08
The hardware shop must be in love with you,all those dustpan n brushes.
@MrsAdvice (623)
• United States
15 Jun 08
A blind friend once gave me a faded out plastic santa head that she said played music, but the thing you wind it with was missing. She also baked me a cake for my birthday and it was full of cat hair. It's the thought that counts, but when she asked me if I ate the cake I told her the truth because she is blind, and she lets the cats crawl all over her kitchen counter, and she had a baby on the way, I thought she needed to know. She thanked me for telling her. She said she appreciated that I was honest with her. I would want to know if I were eating cat hair.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jun 08
Yuk. Sure it was just the hair and not the cat! LOL. I am sure that she was grateful though. It must be very difficult at times.
@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
12 Jun 08
How awful of you! Not even. Awful, that is. I only got a gift or two when I got married the second time. All very practical. The first time and the third time (the last also) there was nothing. Guess it was because everyone knew I had all the household stuff I needed. After 24 years of widowhood I have no plans to be married again. Havem't even dated for almost 14 years. As it were marriage is an honorable institution, but I have no desire to ever be institutionized again.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
I cannot imagine doing it again Nana. I am still on my first and hopefully only marriage. Thanks.
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
Flip flops,clothes,and vanity stuff for my birthday.I'm not yet married so no wedding presents yet.Well,I'd like to receive useful stuff even if they are perishable rather than gifts that are just meant for displaying.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jun 08
Oh yes. I am not a great one for nick nacks that have to be dusted - or not in my case. LOL. I like perishable. Especially chocolate flavoured perishable!!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
My mom got me a shirt once. Straight from the Nascar track...Huh??? Do I have poor white trash pasted across my forehead?? No I think not but she does. I couldn't even say it was the thought that counted. It was something you'd think my own mother would know that I wouldn't wear. So what did I do with it?? I sold it on Ebay for 10 bucks. LOL
• United States
12 Jun 08
LOL!! Yep and bought some lip gloss! A gift right up my alley! LOL Thanks mom!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
At least you made a profit from it Skinny!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jun 08
oh pikefish we got as a present two of the ugliest statues 'of a lord and lady in medieval costume which would have beenfine if only their faces were not so ugly,just plain' ugly. now my husband was fascinated with these but I just' hated them and he insisted they be on our fireplace mantel 'in full sight of everyone. even my mom thought they were ugly. finally one day I was painting and moved my ladder and the lord just sort of fell off the mantel and he just sort of broke into a good many pieces. okay my husband realized it was an accident. but when I put on the second coat of paint. the lady'did a nose dive and she was completely smashed into small'little pieces. needless to say hubbey was not happy but I was ecstatic myself. he called me a murderer. shame on him.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
What dreadful accident Hatley. You must have been so ashamed and embarrassed. LOL!!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Jun 08
Somebody gave me a slicer thing (kind of like tongs but rounded and with grooves - you put a tomato in between and start slicing). That's about the oddest thing that I can think of!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
There's a novel gift Dawn. Have you ever used it?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Jun 08
Nope couldn't ever quite get the hang of it!
12 Jun 08
I'll umm.....let you know when I get married, if I get married!!! How come it took you so long to break it?? You obviously wasnt trying hard enough!!!! lol
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
Well I couldn't break it too quickly just in case the person that gave it came round. We still see her but she's never asked about it. Thank goodness.
12 Jun 08
You were waiting for her to forget about first and then you could atleast blame the breakage on one of the kids or something!! Im sure she would be pleased to know that you managed to have it safely for 15 years!!!
• India
13 Jun 08
There are different ways of gifts and presentations we get not only when we get married,but also for different occasions.As you are teling about your gift,it all depends on how much importance you are giving to the gift.Donot take so deeply,Rather forget about it and be happy.Gifts are given to cherish the occasion,but not to disappoint anybody.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jun 08
Thank you for that Chinnu.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Well we didn't do the wedding(bridal)party or reception and we didn't receive but 2 gifts a kitchen drainer and a set of crocheted towels which were both from my granny. You survived 15 years with that I believe I would have accidently knocked it over a few times and say oops have to take it to the garage and never brung it back I have gotten alot of gifts and wondered what the blank they was thinking when choosing it for me because it was the total opposite of what I liked but it was nothing like you had to deal with.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
The thing did go to the garage once or twice, but it got in the way even there! LOL.
@dorypanda (1601)
12 Jun 08
I had a present the Christmas before last and I wondered if my sister-in-law had gone completely mad. She bought us a childrens shelf unit, blue bit at the top, yellow bit in the middle and red bit at the bottom, it's made of plastic, now, I didn't want to appear ungrateful but, my face kind of gave away my bewilderment, so, she explained it to me. I'd put 'recycling box' on my Christmas list, so, she saw that and thought it would be perfect, she was absolutely right! I have got an unusual pair of jugs (hey, stop laughing!), they're kind of a weird greeny pattern and they've got dimples in all four sides of them, they're really horrible, but I love them. They look kind of odd and weird. They weren't exactly a present but they were my Mums and they 'lived' at my Nannas, my Mum new I liked them and so told me that if I asked Nanna if I could have them, then she would let me take them home, so I asked and I've still got them now.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
Clearly your SIL was more thoughtful than you first thought. I'm sure that your jugs are quite delightful. LOL. Especially if they have that sentimental attachment. Another aspect of your Mum's soppy side coming out. Wait until I speak to her next!!
• United States
12 Jun 08
My cousin and his wife received these ugly as sin cow dishes for their wedding from my cousins who I now do not talk to. These dishes were so ugly that they never used them, and decided to sell them at a yard sale.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
At least they managed to sell them. Otherwise they would have to have been involved in a nasty "accident". LOL.
• United States
11 Jun 08
Oh Pike, ours was a big fat bellied Buddha that sat on a stand much like your cherubs. His eyes were closed he had a goofy grin on his face and he had just about every color of the rainbow on his clothing... many years I hid him in hallways and bathrooms where he did not garner much attention. The boys playing football in the hallway did him in.... and I could finally tell my cousin that Buddha had taken a fall.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
LOL. Of course, your cousin, being so concerned will probably seek out a new one for you!!
@GreenMoo (11833)
11 Jun 08
You know those really cheap looking pictures you can buy in tat shops, the ones of photoshopped sports cars with half naked women draped all over them? Well my ex father in law gave me one for Christmas once. To this day I don't know what possessed him. The same man presented me with a bumper pack of cheap sports socks another year.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jun 08
he wasn't Arthur Daley was he? LOL. I can't imagine either of those presents being especially attractive to a woman. Especially the picture.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
12 Jun 08
P1ke..besides the'd have to say this stupid doll someone gave us for our bed..ok what does a married couple need with a doll on there bed except maybe this
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Jun 08
Where you are concerned I can only think of one doll that I'd need. She'd be in the bed Rosie!!