How do you save your money..???

June 13, 2008 7:25am CST
What do you find is the best way to save money? I always try but never really get very far.!!
9 responses
@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
13 Jun 08
I keep my money in bank, I only purchase some things that is important nor I need for a week. I don't like spending money too much for nothing, unless I will spend for food there's no problem with that.
1 person likes this
13 Jun 08
I'm definitly going to try harder and stick to buying only stuff I need =)
13 Jun 08
Thank you for your advice =)
• India
13 Jun 08
It all depends on the person. Unnecessary spending is a best way to save money. But not spending for needy things is foolish i believe. What do you say?
1 person likes this
13 Jun 08
I always end up spending my money when I get it, but I do just buy things I need but the odd time even if I didnt need something but I really liked it I would get it, that wouldnt be that often though =)
• India
13 Jun 08
Yes its really difficult to save money. Even I would always try to spend only on the things I need but I would end up spending for things not needed.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
13 Jun 08
With prices the way they are, it is hard to save money. I think that the best way that I have found to save it is to put my change into a jar and not touch it until I need the savings for something important.
1 person likes this
14 Jun 08
I think I might buy one of those tins you put your change in and can't open it until its full - with a tin opener lol :)
@dvschic (1795)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I do a couple of different things, i have keep the change from BOFA and i dont have my savings account linked to my atm, so if i want the money i have to go inside to get it (saves me a lot) plus i dont spend coin money, if it is $6.55 then i give them $7.00 and put the change into my vegas fund.. right now i have abuot 200 in there just waiting for vegas next month..
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13 Jun 08
Usually when I save coins I always seem to end up lifting it out for the bus or something lol I'm definitely going to try harder though I think it'll be worth it in the end!! Have a nice time in vegas, lucky you =)
• India
13 Jun 08
at first i used to be like that, but after that whenever i receive excess money i would usually give it to my friend, not to give it to me ,even if i asked him ,i asked him to give the money only it reached a certain amount to buy something, u don't have to give that to your friend, but u can give it to your parents, try this new thing, i hope u can save money here onwards
1 person likes this
13 Jun 08
I might start giving some of the money I want to save to my mum, I think it would help alot, Thanks =)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Take half of what ever money you have and put it into a money market account and you will save money along with gaining more money.
1 person likes this
14 Jun 08
Thanks =)
• United States
15 Jun 08
dont know if you have bank of america over where you are but i have a checking account and a savings and whenever I spend money say its $2.50 the other 50 cents goes automatically into my savings usually when I pump gas I'll put 20.01 just so the 99 cents goes into my savings you save money without even knowing, i also exchange cans and bottles and put the cash into an empty water bottle you know those big water bottles whenever i spend money in cash if its 2.50 and i have the 2.50 i will just give 3.00 so i get the 50 cents back and add it to my water bottle
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@oscar6 (1938)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I think that a good way to save money is to get a seperate checking account or savings account. Make sure that you dont have the debit card for the account handy but make sure you have plenty of deposit slips. This will help you add more money to the account and spend less of it. I hope that this helps you save the money that you need.
• China
13 Jun 08
Saving money, it's really difficult. I use two bank account to save money. At the beginning of a month, I withdraw some money from one account, and put the money into the second account, during this month, I will use the money in the second account to live if there is no emergency. And the money in the first account is what I saved.
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13 Jun 08
Thats a very good system, I never thought about getting two bank accounts to do that. Good idea :)