Hey Obama: DEBUNK THIS !

United States
June 13, 2008 9:40pm CST
Everyone who has checked the facts knows Obama is not now a Muslim, but Obama has claimed he was never a Muslim. So, Obama, does your own 1/2 brother not know what he is talking about? http://stuckon-stupid.com/2008/06/13/half-brother-malik-obama-claims-barack-was-raised-as-a-muslim/ Have I misunderstood? Isn't this an extremely close relative who knew Obama as a child saying Obama was raised a Muslim? Who is the liar? Obama or Malik? What do you say? Does it even matter if Obama was raised a Muslim or not?
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14 responses
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Jun 08
It's funny how his brother says in 2008 that he was raised a Muslim while back in 2004 when he was running for Senate, that SAME brother said, in fact, he was raised Christian and was one of several grandchildren who were NOT Muslim in their family. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6333496 Maybe you should have read the first comment after that article to see this link to the 2004 article at MSNBC. So, who's lying??
• United States
14 Jun 08
Actually, I've read the article at the link you provided. It does not say Obama was raised a Christian. It says, "Obama is a Christian.". There is no mention in the linked article as to Obama's childhood faith. There is no dispute among anyone who has checked the facts that Obama is a Christian. The dispute here is that Obama claims he was never a Muslim. There is more credible evidence Obama once was a Muslim than there is that he was not.
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@kareng (69631)
• United States
14 Jun 08
It seems like some politicians say whatever sounds best to them at THE time and don't realize how stupid they actually come off to people who take the time to dig into the past. You can't judge a book by the cover!! That's the bottom line!
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@kareng (69631)
• United States
14 Jun 08
A total lapse of memory..haha.
@kareng (69631)
• United States
14 Jun 08
It should matter because this country was based and built on christianity. I would say he just caught in a lie. Reminds me of the one Hillary tried about stepping off the plan under fire in the Middle East. The newsreel showed a total different story. the public needs to wake up before it's too late.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Check this out from only 4 years ago... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6333496
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• United States
14 Jun 08
jerzgirl, You have fallen for an old trick liars use frequently. Please, go back to the link you provided and read it carefully. In it you will see that in 2004 Malik said,"Obama is a Christian". In your linked article nothing whatsoever is mentioned concerning what faith Obama was raised as. The point of contention here is that Obama has said he was never a Muslim. This is obviously false. Malik's comments are only additional information to that effect. Everyone who has checked the facts knows "Obama is a Christian". The problem is Obama says he was never a Muslim.
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• United States
14 Jun 08
kareng, Yes, it does seem Hillary and Obama are much the same when it comes to dealing with the truth.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Jun 08
The Muslim world will look at something like this and say that Islam has defeated the Great Satan. Is Obama a Muslim does not matter, what matters is what our enemies will think of this country. Just as the Soviets wanted Mondale to win so to the Arab world is wanting Obama to win. I can only imagine how Osama will use Obama as propaganda to the rest of the Arab world. They want to turn the White House into a Mosque and Osama will say it has because a Muslim is running the last hope for the Christian world.
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@bond0077 (375)
14 Jun 08
fact is OBAMA's father was muslim,and his mother was christian,his father left his mom ,so typical of these types of father,when obama was 3 yrs!so he is in part muslim so why is he leaving out his true culture?
• United States
14 Jun 08
Yes, we are in agreement. Obama is just another politican, nothing special.
4 people like this
• United States
14 Jun 08
Simply put, Obama is a typical politician adapting whatever position he estimates will garner the most votes. My guess is that Obama thinks most Americans would not vote for someone from a Muslim background for President, so he tried to lie about it. A pretty stupid lie, really.
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@bond0077 (375)
14 Jun 08
sound like what you are really saying here is Obama is "more of the same",especially when you say he is the typical polition right?that was my point all along!yet he keeps saying everybody else more of the same!
@julievy (593)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Gee, I was under the assumption that this nation was based on freedom of religion. What difference does it make if Obama is Christian, Muslim or all of the above? He could be raised a Muslim, but converted to Christianity. But, since the nation "guarantees" a separation of church and state, it shouldn't make a darn bit of difference at all.
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• United States
15 Jun 08
I certainly can't argue with your logic. When you are right, you are right.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jun 08
Yes, Obama's religion is not as important as if he is lying about it.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 Jun 08
If the Muslims of the world didn't hate the USA so much, and if Obama had been forthright about his birthplace and upbringing, it wouldn't matter, but he has tried to hide it all, and so now it matters.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Gotta ask the question, how would his brother know? Obama did not meet this side of his family until he was an adult. All it takes is a bit of fact checking. But more to the point, who cares what he is. His religion is not relevant. We are a secular nation. By design, we are a secular nation. By Constitutional Law, we are a secular nation. By the standards of our Founding Fathers, we are a secular nation. It was never intended that we be a Christian nation. There is no mention of God or Christianity anywhere in our Bill of Rights or our Constitution. The words "In God we Trust" and "One Nation Under God" did not enter our national lexicon until the 1950's. Let me say it again we are a secular nation by design and law. The religion, past or present, of any President is irrelevant unless he or she attempts to create a government that is theology based and bypasses our Bill of Rights and our Constitution. Which by the way the current administration has done time and again.
• United States
15 Jun 08
Malik met Obama in 1985 when Obama was 24. I am quite sure they had numerous conversations concerning each others upbringing and life in general. Wouldn't you discuss your life with a long lost relative? Especially a sibling? As to your points concerning this being a secular nation, yes it is. Thank God for it, too! This is part of what helps us to avoid the religious strife elsewhere in the world. It is true, too, the current administration has tried to inject theology into government when it should not. Just as I do not want sharia law, I don't want a biblical based theocracy either. Either would be very bad.
• United States
15 Jun 08
You make good points that have to be taken seriously. Especially the one about Malik possibly trying to cash in. His statement that Obama was raised a Muslim certainly would gain him more attention than the other possibilty.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Well having met my natural / biological siblings at about the same age as Obama met his I can say with some degree of authority that what we talked about was not religion. I can also say with some authority that they would not be able to make the statement with any degree of credibility about me that Malik has made about his half brother. They simply would not have that information. They were not my half siblings by the way they were my full siblings, I was born first and given up for adoptions while they were born after my parents married, there were 5 of them. I had a relationship with them for nearly 10 years and then disenchanted with their bad behavior, lack of moral standards or compass finally cut off contact when my biological father passed. So I think I have a bit of insight into this issue on a very personal level. I spent a great deal more time with my natural siblings than he ever spent with his. In fact they were in my life on a regular basis. In and out of my home in some cases on a weekly basis. Ultimately they did know my stand on politics, religion, faith, family, morality, ethics, and many other things. What they didn't know a great deal about was my upbringing / history or what got me to the point I was at the time we met. You might be surprised at how families interact when they meet for the first time under these circumstances. I believe strongly that Malik is simply trying to cash in. I always look for what a person has to gain. I think it is important.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
15 Jun 08
I think you need to check your facts and not believe all that you read in scandalous and lying emails. Snopes is a very good place to check out stuff like this: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/muslim.asp
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
15 Jun 08
Yes, I'm sorry, I should have read some of your comments, which make your position clearer. Obama has every right to say that he has never been a Muslim. He clearly means that he has never espoused the Muslim faith. It is, of course, Muslim belief that one who is born of Muslim parents is a Muslim, just as some Christians believe that if you are baptised at a few days old, you automatically become a Christian. It seems to me that this may be where some misunderstandings have arisen.
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• United States
15 Jun 08
Apology accepted. Yes, the confusion concerning the Muslim perception of Obama's faith and the western perception, is where the problem comes from. What people like myself are wondering is why didn't Obama address this? People are smart enough to understand the difference. Obama gave us an answer such as you would to someone that you thought was stupid. Obama gave us a simple one sided answer to a complex question. When I ask myself why, I don't like the answer.
• United States
15 Jun 08
owlwings, I went to the link you provided. I hope you will go back and look at it, too. Here's a quote from it. "Barack Obama is a radical Muslim who will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance." Snopes correctly identifies this quote as being false. Obama is not any kind of Muslim, much less radical. Obama does say the Pledge in the Senate and has done so publically. Do you not understand this snopes entry does not contradict anything I've said here? Please, read my orginal post. It begins with stating that everyone who has checked the facts knows Obama IS NOT A MUSLIM. The problem is that Obama claims he was never a Muslim even though his father was a Muslim and under Muslim law everyone born of a Muslim father is a Muslim. While it is true Obama is not a Muslim, whether or not he ever was one, is not a simple question.
@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
Right, time to spit it out. This is a whinge at the U.S. method for choosing its politicians. Why, why, why, do we, the rest of the world, have to put up with U.S. pre-election politics on the TV for so long. In Oz, we announce and have an election, and it's a done deal, wham bam, thank you Maam. None of this mamby pamby, dragging things on, and on, and on. THANK GOD HILLARY IS GONE. This has brought about an end to months and months of useless drivel, shoved not only down the poor citizens of the U.S. but, ??? down the rest of the planets as well. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I think American politics is just in for spin and the money, not worried too much about actually running the country, no evidence of that yet. Why can't U.S. politicians do like the rest of the world, take just a few months to get it all over and done with, then get on with business. I perceive it all as a madness, contagious, probably. I also perceive only war mongers in line for the whitehouse at the moment. Let's have a war, that'll save our economy. and from the other side, Hey, that was my idea, I'm gonna fight you on this.
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• United States
15 Jun 08
Good points all. I was not aware you blokes down under had to put up with election news of the USA. Jeesh... on the behalf of my fellow Americans, I apoligize to you.
@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
Ha ha ha ha, G'day Red, it is crazy, but I guess it shows a serious lack of local content on the service providers behalf, no news this side of the planet, what are they doing over there? No, probably not true, just the fact that it is there and is happening is all it takes. I feel sorry for all you folks in the middle of it all for soooooo long. What a strange system I do think. One big difference is also this which may have a big influence on the way it's done here and there. Your vote is voluntary. Ours is compulsory. If you don't vote, they confiscate your pocket money for 2 weeks.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
From my understanding he was marked as a Muslim even on his school records in Indonesia. I do however appreciate that this may have been a default process rather than a true indication. Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population at 200M+ and maybe, just maybe, it was in the family's best interests to state they were Muslims even if they were not at the time? "Does it matter if Obama was raised a Muslim or not?". Well I look at it in two ways; firstly, today he is a Christian which would mean that as an adult, he has made his life choice regarding which religion he wishes to practice and follow. Secondly; if he WAS initially raised at a Muslim; we are at a crucial point in history where having even a base understanding of the Muslim culture could be of benefit during his career. So no; it does not matter in my opinion.
• United States
15 Jun 08
The point that Obama being partially raised as a Muslim would give Obama valuable insight into some our country's enemies is a very good one. This has often caused me to wonder why Obama has not been forthright concerning his earlier exposure to Islam. Why has Obama not made this point himself, instead of lying about his Muslim past? Makes no since to me. Yes, my star is now a 2. What I think happened is that someone with myLot admin authority on the web site has in the past been altering or otherwise artificially holding my star down. I suspect that person has been either removed, quit, or been reprimanded. My own understanding of web sites and computer programming leads me to believe ordinary myLot users could not possibly cause my star to behave in the manner it did. I won't say what mistake the individual made that allowed me to deduce my fellow myLotters were not responsible for my star rating as I don't want to give anyone knowledge to do a better job next time if attacks on my star start back up.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
(By the way RYBD..... I have noticed your star rating has moved up from a 1 to a 2? You are not starting to soften are you? lol)
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
I definitely agree that IF he has a Muslim past then Obama should be upfront about it. If this IS proven in the future then he will not fare well for being elusive about it. Regardless of whether he was or wasn't; his family have Muslim members and his Father too was of this faith. Why be so defensive about the idea itself? Doesn't make sense to me either.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Yes it matters.... especially since Obama seems to think it important to deny it. So far we have seen a lot of misspeaking and outright lying by Obama. We have seen fabricated history, anecdotes about things that never happened, or never happened to him... such as non existent influential magazine articles, and many other things. The claims of him being a Constitutional Law Professor turned out to be a lie, he was a lecturer. It matters at least to the fact that he is not being honest, he is already lying to us and he isn't even elected yet. It matters also because I believe him to be hiding something much deeper, and he has not been thoroughly vetted as of yet. There are too many unknowns about him, and until all questions are cleared up, he has no business even being considered for president. I want to know why there are no records of his time in Illinois... does he have criminal associations that are even deeper then just knowing Resko? Why is there no paper trail? Most politicians have papers, notes, and diaries.... why are there none for Obama? There are a lot of things that matter, and none of the answers provided are accurate.... such as this one about his Muslim background.
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• United States
14 Jun 08
The biggest mystery about Obama to me is how in the world did someone like him come so far? What is wrong with our method of selecting leaders?
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• United States
14 Jun 08
Great link there Destiny. I'd have to say they've nailed that doofus, Obama's, hide to the barn door. He's as big of a liar as Hillary.
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• United States
14 Jun 08
Hey, we are talking about democrats. You know... those people with no principles and absolutely no standards. How could someone like Obama not come this far? He looks black, he's liberal, and he hates everything America ever stood for... in short he is just perfect for the liberals. To top it all off, he has a Muslim and communist background and associations. What more could an enemy hope for in a possible president? Here's a brief link about his non-Muslim past... http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=66981
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• United States
15 Jun 08
it sure matters to me !"train up a child in the way he should go and when he is a man he will not depart from it"
• United States
15 Jun 08
Wise words that apply here. Thank you.
• United States
15 Jun 08
they come from a wise place the bible!
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Very wise words! And how long does it take you to train a child? Three months or three years? Obama stayed with his Christian grandparents all his young life but the few months he saw his father were enough to prove how he was trained? Very wise words indeed!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Probably it's an honest mistake. But, we must ask ourselves, do we want someone with that degree of amnesia to be our president?
2 people like this
• United States
14 Jun 08
I sure don't see how this could be an honest mistake by Obama. You know, he is an Ivy League school graduate, a member of the bar, and supposed to be among the very brightest people in America.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
You're worried about Barack having amnesia, what about McCain getting dimentia - that's the pot calling the kettle black - excuse the pun.
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@bond0077 (375)
14 Jun 08
i especially like the site you gave me on utube with all of obama's famous blunders.that was funny for a orator
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• India
14 Jun 08
Well obviously the people who know you beter r the ppl who stay with you. Well so its clear whoz lying. Well him being a muslim shouldnt b a consideration after all, now that he claims not to be one. But if he is lying, then that should be the consideration.
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• United States
14 Jun 08
Well, put! Whether he once was a Muslim or not is unimportant, but if he is lying about it, that is important.
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• United States
16 Jun 08
enterprise, Please, read what I wrote, not what you think I meant. I said, "IF" Obama is lying. I am giving Obama every chance I can.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
15 Jun 08
R.Y black Dog, I donot know why are you so much allergic/afraid of Muslims?After all they are not ghosts but human beings like you.Please have a heart and donot create differences between all the religions.Your constitution does not stop people of other religions to become presidents.All citizens have equal rights.I donot know much about Obama's religion.I think most of the black people in your country were Muslims in the begining.Please give them their rights........and donot be so much prejudiced about them.
• United States
15 Jun 08
Most black people in the USA were not Muslims in the beginings. Black people in the USA do have their rights to the point one is about to be elected president. I am not prejudiced about black people. Of course, members of any religion can be elected President. These things are obvious and well known. I have no idea how you became so mislead. What I'm concerned about here is a candidate for President and whether or not he is a liar, not his race and not his religion. Thank you for your response.