Obama was born in Kenya. So why is he running for President of the USA?
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
United States
June 14, 2008 8:17pm CST
Obama's mother gave birth to Obama in Kenya. Then she immediately got on a plane and flew to Hawaii. She registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii. His father is an Arab Kenyan man. He is 50% white. He is 43.25 % Arab and ONLY 6.75% black. Yet, he says he is running as a black man. So here we have man who is mostly white and Arab and who was NOT born in the USA, running for president. Nobody is challenging this. He gets away with so much.
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31 responses
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
15 Jun 08
There is no way this is true. Only natural born citizens can run for president. The government would not allow him to run for president if he were really born in Kenya. And I'm sure they would check this kind of thing.
Where exactly are you getting your information?
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I did a search yestheypayme2dothis and I couldn't find anything to this. Could you point us in your direction since after using several different search engines and still coming up with nothing. Thank you in advance for your site information.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Thanks for your link. I appreciate the info you gave. This latest opinion makes me wonder how can this be. How can you immmediately get on a plane after giving birth and go to Hawaii? and from what I understand, Barack's father didn't come back to Kenya until he finished his schooling in the U.S. I will say that in his autobiography, he mentioned his relatives talked about a white woman came to his village searching for him, but it was the woman that he married after divorcing Barack's mother, Ann. he had married another white woman who gave him a couple of sons, they to my knowledge, consider themselves white if I am not mistaken. That is one interesting story there. I read Dreams of my Father after he gave his speech at the Democratic Convention in Boston. Check it out for yourselves.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
15 Jun 08
This is the closest thing I could find to what you are talking about. And these "rumors" don't prove anything to me. They are just that. Rumors.

@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Jun 08
So neither one of the candidates were born here in the US then? Not that I believe what you are spewing but why didn't you state that both of the candidates were born in countries different than the US?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Duh, because I am not talking about anyone but Obama.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Wow, what a truly intelligent response. Sort of remembers me what my children say when I call them out on something.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
His father was born in Kenya.
Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Obama, Sr., of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, of Wichita, Kansas, who was largely descended from pre-revolutionary British settlers to the United States, although her great-great-grandfather Falmouth Kearney emigrated from Ireland in the mid 19th century.[2][3] His parents met while both were attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was enrolled as a foreign student.
Hope this helps you. What is he actually getting away with? Seems like he has worked very hard to be able to run for office.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I find it interesting that so many of you jump to defend Obama, the great racist of 2008. A man who stays in such a church for 20 years and has Wright as his mentor. What are you people afraid of? Wait until we have universal health care and it takes you 6 months to get a doctor appointment. You might then look back at who this man really is.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I can read all that from a book, too..and that would not make it true...you are right he as worked so hard....as a member of a racist church for so many years.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Obama's family are part of the Lou tribe. Prove differently please.
The certificate number is blacked out because it isn't your business, or anyone elses. It is "private" and were it to be made public it could be used to obtain other information that despite him being a public figure is not our business.
So unless you can prove your allegations would suggest, again, that you retract them.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
15 Jun 08
LadyLuna's point is that blacked out number is the only thing which can be used to verify this 'certification' of a birth has its information actually taken from the orginal 'birth certificate'. One needs that number to find out the 'certification' is not just a lie. What other information could the sequential birth certificate number lead to? That blacked out number is indicative of an attempt to deceive. Revealing that number is not the same as revealing a social security number or other sensitive number. As a presidential candidate, Obama will sooner or later have to prove beyond a doubt he is a legal candidate. He might as well do it now, unless he has something to hide.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Hello Ivaldean,
I believe that waders are appropriate. One ought not wear their 'good shoes' in the depths of such horse manure.
Your quote -
"The certificate number is blacked out because it isn't your business, or anyone elses. It is "private" and were it to be made public it could be used to obtain other information that despite him being a public figure is not our business."
Pardon me, but what "other information" are you referring to??? There is no other information available from an 'original' birth certificate that would jeopardize any issue of privacy.
My husband and I both had to request copies of our birth certificates for our passports. After our requests, Hubby and I both received copies of our ORIGINAL 1960s birth certificates. There is NOTHING on the 'original' that releases any information that would jeopardize any citizens right to privacy!!!
That sequential number is THE ONLY proof that the document was ACTUALLY created on 8/8/1961!
While I support your right to express your opinion, I definitely DO NOT support your right to deceive the public!
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I understand your point of view and still disagree. I would not provide my official birth certificate in a public forum under any circumstances. I also would not provide my passport, my social security card, my drivers license, or any number of other identifications.
Call my paranoid. But in this day and age I simply would not do it.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
He was born in Hawaii.
As to the rest, said it before and I will say it again. Prove it!
There is now a site de-bunking all the garbage rumors that the right is putting out about this man. Win, lose, or whatever this type of garbage is simply fear tactic attacks.
So what if he is part Arab? So what if he is of mixed race?
So are we all in the USA.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Why does he say he is running as a black man? McCain did not have to say he was running as a white man? Why does it make a difference to Obama? You ask him.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
You know I have not heard him say this. I have heard others say this.
Produce your proofs, again I ask you to produce your proofs.
McCain defends his position as the oldest person to ever run.
Hilary ran as a woman.
These positions are pointed out by others frequently. Are you offended and bothered by this?
Prove your allegations. If you cannot prove your allegations than suggest that you retract than rather than trying to defend them. Claiming that something as been falsified simply because you don't like the result does you no good.
Obama has produced his birth certificate.
Obama has produced his tax returns.
Obama has been very open about his past.
Obama has not laid claim to sainthood only humanity.
The right has taken pot shots at him because they are xenophobic. They continue to take pot shots at him because they fear him, he is a Washington outsider and an unknown thus likely uncontrollable.
Thus that jump on every unsubstantiated rumor no matter how far fetched or unlikely simply make their job easier.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Opinions are not proof.
Your links are not proof as they do not work.
Your opinion is not proof as it is only your opinion and you repeating the unsubstantiated rumors that you hear and read.
Everything that you have posted thus far has been proven to be unsubstantiated rumor and smear campaigning by the far right. It is fear mongering at its worst. Can't attack the man attack his wife.
Thus far you have proven nothing. Thus far you have posted nothing but your own bias.
Thus far you have shown nothing but your own fear.
As for my personal opinion of Obama, actually I have not posted it. I have also not posted my personal political stand on any issue. Because I don't like fear mongering, I don't like unsubstantiated attacks on any person does not mean that I agree with a persons politics in all cases. It simply means that I am a thinking American citizen who exercises their right to make decisions based upon substantiated information not rumors, fear, bias, and BS.
Personally I find both candidates wanting in many key areas.
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@wabuser (114)
• China
15 Jun 08
This could never be true as only a true American can run for president and I believe that the government would have done thorough checks to see whether or not he was actually American and black at the same time. Even if this was true, hes still running for president now isn't he?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Look at what goes on in America....nothing is impossible here.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I do wonder if this is the reason that Obama has not released his birth certificate. The only thing that his campaign has producted is a proof of birth. A proof of birth is not a legal document. If Obama was born in Kenya it would be illegal for him to become President. Oh well even if Obama was born in Kenya the Democrats would just forge a birth certifacate that would say he was born in Hawaii.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Exactly!!!! They would do this! So many people are in the dark....
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
15 Jun 08
honestly you cannot believe everyhting you find on the internet. If it wasn't for topics like this and people creating web page after web page and blog after blog I may have an easier time typing in the senate bill I am looking for and not getting opinions about him and the bill...
Plus, the only thing I could find was that his father Obama SR was bron and raised in Kenya and his parents met in Hawaii at a college.
Maybe you should start a discussion on real political issues...otherwise you are going to get more opinions.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
16 Jun 08
I would like to start my response with an apology for intruding into unknown territory. Residing in India, I have no first hand knowledge of ground situations. Yet I wanted to say this much that I have always heard of America being referred to as the land of golden opportunities, where all are equal to conquer their destinies irrespective of nationality, caste, colour and so on. While people will be people and racial tension will always be there everywhere on this earth in every square feet of land against the ‘outsiders’ & ‘settlers’ & ‘immigrants’ America always portrayed herself as an open level playground for all, as against other more conservative ‘white’ nations. Political debates will always be there, that’s what makes politics so interesting! But would it be fair to comment on Obama’s race and colour and hold these against him? To dig stories about his Muslim schooling or whatever and his Arab connections? America has always championed the underdog, the personally imperfect to aim for professional heights. If somebody has to say something against Obama, let that not be a personal attack but a professional one on his policies and his thoughts about America’s future.
Again an apology if I have shot off my mouth too much.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
He care about the under dog? You want a professional attack? Here is one. He blocked the Baby Born Alive Protection Act. In the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, legislation that would require hospitals to care for infants who survive an abortion. If a baby is not an under dog, I don't know who is.
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@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
19 Jun 08
Okay here we go this will most probably seen as racist but for me it is about the PERSON. He makes me nervous, my reason being.
In the beginning he did talk the talk and walked the walked, until the embarrassment came via the pastors.
What amazed me was the fact that after 22 years belonging to this church, he resigned because he didn't go along with what was said. I am absolutely sure these hate speeches have been going on for a long time, it is just now the world got a little peek what is going on there Sunday after Sunday.
He is the ONLY member so far resigning, I didn't hear any of the other members resigning or even protesting because of what the one pastor said.
The second incident mocking Hillary Clinton, looked like an episode from The Jerry springer show !
I didn't see ONE member there complaining or resigning from the church either. Surely you can strongly disagree with the person, but still belong to that particular faith, I see a big danger here on the horizon.
I was just wondering if one of his daughters were a troublesome teenager, that were caught with substance abuse or anything else that would have embarrassed him, would he have publicly disowned her?
It seems the only time you can truly feel like an American is when your husband is running for the top job.
Michelle's words "This is the first time I am feeling like an American"
It is sometimes "better the devil you know than the one you don't"
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
19 Jun 08
His pastor spews hatred for white and America. He said G D, America. His years at that church have ingrained him in him nothing but hatred for America and white people. If that is the way he feels, I don't want him for president. He left that church because he knew it would hurt his chances of winning. It should have already hurt him. We don't know where he was born. He will not disclose his birth certificate. There is a fake one online. He could have been born anywhere. It doesn't matter to me. It is the fact that he wants to hide so much.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I started out reading this ready for another good laugh but when I got to your response where you said to prove you wrong I just lost it completely! It's not enough that your math is beyond "fuzzy", it's not bad enough that those who are so determined Obama because of their racial prejudices are now resorting to accusing him of not being black ENOUGH, it's not bad enough that you claim to know what Obama's mother's exact moves were after giving birth to him and you even say "Nobody is challenging this" - as if anyone would bother dignifying something like this to begin with - but for you to put the burden of proof on the other poster instead of on YOU, the accuser, now that was enough to totally destroy any shred of credibility you may have had! Of course there are people who don't want Barack Obama to be the next President, I get that, but why not for once try to make you point based on the issues, tell us some substantive reason you don't like his policies; or, even more far out there, tell us why we should support John McCain or whoever else you may prefer. Otherwise I'm going to have to go public with my information about McCain actually being the child of aliens from outer space. I know this to be true, nobody is challenging this and go ahead, PROVE ME WRONG!
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
If people keep asking the same question...I will do it.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 Jun 08
There is no proof that Obama was born in Hawii OR Kenya, because so far he has managed to keep his birth certificate out of view of everyone. OMG, maybe he was really HATCHED, not born!
Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to run for president but couldn't because he wasn't born in the USA. He was trying to get the law changed, but the law is still the same now.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
Sounds like Baracks mother knew he would be the chosen one to go to all that trouble. Imagine bording a plane after she gave birth to him, got off in Honolulu, went to the hospital there and said 'write me out a birth certificate' because in the future he's going to be the President.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
She could have gone into a hospital in Hawaii and said I just had a baby in my car....I want to register him....It does not matter. Because no matter what he has his cronies protecting him.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
It is possible. But so many people here prefer to get angry rather than examine information. We are living in the USA, where anything is possible.
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@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
15 Jun 08
The reason why many people are leaving the Republican Party is because of these absurd rumors. People got tired of this kind of crap after the Wilson's wife case. After everybody in my family had laughed over your posting, my grandmother asked all of us,'now do you still not understand why I will stop voting Republican this year?' You think you're helping McCain with this piece of fecal matter but it only helps those who are die-hard conservatives, and ignorant. Obama's mother is not as stupid as you are. She knew that her son would be a US citizen wherever he was born because of her. Forty-six years ago, neither her nor you nor Obama himself knew that he would be in the position in which he is today. She, therefore, wouldn't go through the pain of getting on an airplane immediately after giving birth to help a cause she didn't envisage. Nice try but let those who pay you to do this know that you don't do it like a professional.
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@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Such an excellent response! These stories seem to indicate such prescience and yet people buy it hook line and sinker. You're exactly right, why would this young girl really CARE to hop on a plane right after giving birth? That seems extremely strange. Too full of holes if you ask me.
Besides, if we're going to be pointing fingers at candidates not born in the US, then we should look at McCain, who wasn't born in the US. Theres no conspiracy theory around THAT one.
@ebookyoung (184)
• Nigeria
15 Jun 08
Ordinarilly, I would hav ignored a ridiculously ignorant discussion like this, but the more I think of it, the more more adrenalin of grace and strenght rise to a boiling point. How on earth do you think a man can run in one of the most civilize, intelligent and sophisticated country like USA without having passed the screening and gadget searches which go on every now and then. Each of the presidential aspirants are looking for how to destroy each other but McCain has never accused Obama of being an alien aspirant, and you think he has not found what you are rumour mongering here? Let me tell you, the American constitution recognizes that as soon as you are born in the US, you can run for president but if you acquire citizenship by other means like marriage or by registration, you can only stop in positions like Governor, mayor etc, and you can't go further. Eg Arnold Schazzeneger is an Austrian-American. He came to the US and acquired its citizenship. He was a former actor and eventually became the California Governor. When the talk of running mate for McCain came up, they thought they could choose Arnold, but it didn't work, because he wasn't born in the US even if he is a citizen. He can therefore never run as US President. So how the hell do you think you can get away with this rumour you are spreading when the facts speak for themselves, look for something else to talk about and grow your lot money or sleep off your ignorance...no offence intended..but I like your courage, though, being able to lie with straight face.
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@jbl1975 (374)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Don't complain. There are people who want the law changed so Ah-nold can run for president!
BTW There is such a thing as being an emergency birth in another country. Read "Ann Innocent A Broad" by Ann Leary (Denis Leary's wife), where she gave birth to her son in London, England, but he was not automatically a British citizen.
Oh, and your boy, President Bush has gotten away with stuff Bill Clinton would've been lynched for doing, so just get over it!
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
16 Jun 08
How do you know this, I never heard that before. Where are you getting your information? I was wondering where he got his name from.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
15 Jun 08
Obama is an American citizen. That is what gives him the right to run for president. That is all that is relevant. There are plenty of people in official positions in the US who were not born in the US. Arnold Schwarzenegger (whether you like him or not) is just one example.
Obama has African blood (not that that makes him Afro-American). What of it? It's the man's politics and (his fitness to do the job of President) that is at issue, not his color or creed or place of birth.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Obama is the one who made an issue of his race. He is the one who said, "I am running as a black man."
@ldybgsgma99 (798)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Rumors or not, I still refuse to vote for the man. I am from Illinois and I do not trust the man. I don't care for John McCain either but I will vote for him purely and simply because I feel he is the lesser of the two evils. I truly hate to see him be elected for fear of what will happen to this country. I know of the damage he and the governor of Illinois have done to our state. But I am sure that had he not been born in the US, the government would do something about it. Although I wouldn't put something like trying to lie about it past him.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Do you have the evidence of this? Without evidence, it is meaningless. Candidates are fully vetted prior to being allowed to run for this office. Do you really think that the Bush regime wouldn't have looked for every opportunity to debunk a Democratic Presidential candidate? They've done far worse and haven't with this one, so my guess is there's no truth behind the rumor. Rumors should NEVER be shared as fact. So, please produce some.
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