Which hurts worse, an ant bite, mosquito bite or flea bite?

United States
June 15, 2008 1:30am CST
Which one do you think is worse? Ant bite? Flea bite? Mosquito bite? We've had all three of those in our house this past couple years. At first we had fleas, even though we don't have carpets. Then we got rid of those and the ants got in Now that it's getting closer to summer weather, there will be much more mosquitos. I hate all kinds of bug bites, regardless the source. Bugs and fleas creep me out. Ants are painful and pesky! Ant bites burn. Mosquito bites hurt and make me itch. And, flea bites are the worst. For me, a flea bite feels just like a bite. It feels like something is chomping down on my foot. And the pain of a flea bite goes on for weeks. When I was a kid, I'd scratch a flea bite so bad that the sore would turn purple. I hate that! Which one do you hate worse?
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23 responses
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Perhaps it depends on the ant. Fire ants are the worst bites I've ever had in my life! They burn forever, then they itch, the "boo-boos" scab over and if you scratch off the scabs, the whole process starts again (burn, pain, itch, scab). I've never been bothered by either mosquitoes or by fleas. That's not to say I have never bitten. I have. But those were nothing compared to fire ants.
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• United States
16 Jun 08
i agree with this.my house was invaded by these when i lived in tucson.i don't know if somebody disturbed a nest,or what.it took me 5 hours to get them all. i was bit multiple times,and each bite felt like acid.it was horrible.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
15 Jun 08
Nero and Guinness - every year at this time, these two get fleas, it takes me all my time to get rid of them by which time ive been bitten
ant bites dont hurt me, mosquito bites sting then itch and i hate that, but far far worse for me are the dog and cat flea bites. Every year summer is blighted by the animal welling pests. My trouble is it is only when i get bit that i realise its time to get the treatments in blessed be
• United States
16 Jun 08
Yes, the fleas are real pests. Lots of treatments to be done this year! We have yard cats too and they infect our indoor cats with their fleas and we all suffer. Not looking forward to that.
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Jun 08
I think the worst is being bitten by the mosquito. As the mosquito can carry deadly disease, such as the malaria. As to a bite from an ant and flea, it seems it's not a big problem. But mosquito's bite is different. I really hate mosquitoes. I love China
• United States
16 Jun 08
That is not a good thing! I had forgotten about that part. Those things cause such devastation.
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
All of them I hate. That flea bites makes my legs with some maps on it. I just can show it off. All are itchy.
• Philippines
15 Jun 08
both ant and mosquito bites are painful...but the worst is the flea bite...flea bite might not hurt you but it really sores after its bite...it will be in your skin for days...and sad thing is it sometimes leaves a scar...
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
15 Jun 08
I agree, it really is horrible as they try to drink your blood, it makes you itch to bring more blood to the surfice
• United States
21 Apr 09
fire ants! 3 days ago i went into my back yard and i didnt kno it was infested with fire ants,(witch btw i am allergic 2) and i was wearing only sandles and i was standing in a HUGE fire ant hill and i have 27 bites!(dont fling ur foot trying to get them off, put ur foot under water and brush them off because they latch onto ur skin.) i havnt itched them yet but they r killing me! my foot is swollen and i cant go to school cause my foot is too bug to fit in any shoe. i was even on crutches from them.&& the bits look like pimples. (yukk) i was also wondering if it is bad if fire ant bits turn purple. i think it might be infected so i might have to go the hospital. or it could just be healing. is this happends to u and ur allergic i would recomend getting benidrill and afterbit(for fire ants). u can get benidrill at any pharmacy and i dont kno where my mom got the after bite stuff, she got it about 3 weeks ago cause she got 8 bites on her right foot!(same as me!) and that stuff helped it alot. but the benidrill i got 2 days ago after it started swelling and we found out that i was allergic. i've never had a flea bite, but my dogs do have fleas... and misqueto bites r annoying but i have several and i got used to them and learned not to itch them! im also 15 and i cant handle pain at all.
@Jemina (5770)
16 Jun 08
Mosquito bite is the worst, it almost killed me. Ant bites are mostly a little painful but sometimes they cause me abbrassion if I scratch them too much because they itch so much. Fleas are also very itchy but the worst biters are the mosquitos because they can be deadly as they carry dengue and malaria. Oh just the thought of it makes me tremble again.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
7 Jul 08
well the worst bite that i have gotten was a deer fly bite. it was huge and terribly itchy for a very long time and it took forever to go away.
@mizcash (685)
• Canada
24 Jun 08
I have never been biten by a flea but have ebeen bit ants and mosquitos and I hate them. Now I dont get biten any more because I have been eating raw garlic for my blood pressure.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
7 Jul 08
mosquito bite I dont think I have evr had one . I hate and I mean I hate fleas . They are the most annoying things ever , and so hard to get rid of . Last summer I had them , and almost went nuts .
@Erratic (723)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
I think an ant bite is the worse. Their is a lot of really big ants about with hugs gnashers that really bite deep.
@taqinaka (429)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 08
Hi beautyqueen.Which hurts the worse?I think any bite hurts.Really hurts.Especially the fire ant or in my county(MALAYSIA) we call it "semut api".Another ant that hurts the most is..i don't know what it's called in English but in my country we call it KERENGGA.It looks like a fire ant,only bigger an its bite is nastier.When it bites,it is really painful.Then the bite area will swollen and gets itchy and feel like burning.Painful and not comfortable at all!Hope you've learn a little of what my country call fire ants.LOL.Cheers.
• China
16 Jun 08
mosquito bite worst, then flea bite, the last ant bite. mosquito can the most possibly delivers diseases for it get one's blood in which there may be some virus or bacteria. many people know that some diseases can be transfer through mosquito bite.
@lamcouz (101)
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Ant bite is terriblly painful. Mosquito bite can be disease-related , but not too bad. Have never been biten by a flea. So, my answer is ant bite - the worst.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
I really hate flea and bug bites but I really rarely get those. I can't even remember my children having them and the last that I could remember being bitten by anything was years ago.
@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
hi beautyqueen! I've never been bitten by a flea so I only have to choose between mosquito and ant bites and I'd say ANT BITES are the worst that I've ever experienced. I hate insects and bugs also, mainly because of this reason and that they scare the hell out of me. The worst ant bites that I had was when an almost army of ants were crawling on my legs on my bed. I have no idea why they were there in the first place. I didn't anything on my room and I just changed my bed covers and the most weird thing is that they weren't there when I closed my eyes. I guess they wanted to attack me while I'm sleeping. I woke after less than 30 minutes of sleeping with my legs all itchy and it felt swollen with red marks. Good thing it didn't scar cos if it did, I'm going to kill all the ants in the world. Bwahahaha!
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
16 Jun 08
I have been bite by all three and I think that fleas are the worse. They really nip and itch and are hard to kill to stop biting you. My youngest son also breaks out in a very bad case of hives if he gets bite. I don't really mind mosquito bites, after the first few of the season I don't find them that itchy. Ant bites hurt more than mosquito bites for me but they are very rare unless I am picking blueberries then I have to do the ant dance.
@gemini_rose (16264)
15 Jun 08
I think that I would have to say the mosquito bite, I have only been bitten by em when I go abroad but they are horrible. Ant bites itch a bit, flea bites itch a lot but mossie bites are just yuck and they always seem to get infected.
• United States
16 Jun 08
I personally hate flea and mosquito bites those two are the worst for me. When I got my kitten from a friend from work I didn't know he was loaded with them and after about a week or so I kept feeling like something was biteing my legs. Sure enough I looked and it was a flea and I ended up checking him and he had them. I gave him a couple of flea baths and ended up have to check my whole apartment for them useing the flea raid can and spay everything down just to get rid ofd them haven't had any since.
@Pixelus (151)
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
red ants with poisons will hurt you pretty much. mosquito bite will just cause you small pain a lotta itcheness especially if the mosquitto has a lot of bacteria. Malaria-carrier mosquito is a different story here. now of flea bites, bites very painful too. but as long as the 3 mentioned insects doesn't carry any viruses/infections. as for me ants bites painfully.