I had a scare last night
By ElicBxn
@ElicBxn (63832)
United States
June 16, 2008 3:39am CST
I woke up in the middle of the night due to hydrolic pressure, and had a cat sleeping on my arm. I went to try and pull my arm out and he didn't move. In fact, he was totally limp. I shook him gently, nothing. I turned on the light and lifted his head, dead weight. He was warm, hot even. It is my Taj, one of the ones with the mouth sores. He's gotten a bit thin, but he's eating okay. I laid my head on his chest, can't hear a heart beat - but I do have earplugs in... duh. I lift his limp head again, saying "Aww Taj." Cause I don't have a cent to take him to an emergency clinic.
Then he woke up. Phewww!
He gave me a scare.
Now, I haven't had the best luck with yellow cats, I have, in fact, lost 3 of them before they turned 4. Taj is now 6, but I still don't want to lose him either.
Soooo, any idea why he was sleeping so hard? Any ideas at all, please help!
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30 responses
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Wow! I've never heard or experienced a cat that slept that hard as not to wake up at any sudden movement or sound. Now you have me worried with my Tigger after you mentioned you never had luck with yellow cats. Tigger is our 3rd yellow cat and the other 2 lived a long life so I'm hoping Tigger will as well IF I can keep him from being a sneaky escape artist.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Hi ElicBxn,
When your cat drops into a deep state of sleep as you have described, it's quite possible that he's astrally traveling off in hyperspace somewhere.
Eastern mystics and other adepts commonly descend into such a deep state of sleep when they go off on astral trips hither and yonder. Their breathing slows to nothing and their heartbeat just about disappears.
So I wouldn't be too worried about your cat unless his type has a predisposition to just pass away in their sleep.
Frankly, if one has to go, I can't think of a better way to go. Even though this one hasn't.
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Hi again,
Of course, another possibility is that your cat may be one of the Undead!
If he sprouts fangs and claws on the Full Moon, he could be a Were-cat...
Or if he's allergic to garlic and sucks blood from your big toe while you're sleeping, then he may just be a Vampire Cat!
Easiest way to check is just hold him up in front of a mirror - if there's no reflection - bingo!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Hello ElicBxn, I'm sorry about your Taj, maybe he wanted to rest only to get more energy. I hope anyone can help you here since I didn't encounter same problem yet! I hope your Taj will feel better!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
16 Jun 08
He's sick and he's tired. I've been difficult to wake up under those circumstances. Also, my cat is used to my moving and the more he gets used to it, the more I have to move for him to wake up. Take care.
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@celticeagle (172614)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Jun 08
We have four cats. They take long naps sometimes and are very sluggish when they get disturbed. It is alittle alarming at times. It seems to take them along time to come to as it were. I never get used to it. Sorta freaky, huh?
@mamakat (321)
• United States
26 Jun 08
I can imagine how frightened you must have been when he did that! I've had cats who sleep that deeply too, and it does get to be a bit unnerving at times. Especially when you've had a bad run with losing pets at a young age.
One cat I had who used to sleep that hard was a Siamese I had for twenty-one years. She gave me a number of scares with her heavy sleeping the older she got.
I'm guessing you must have just caught Taj right in the middle of his REM sleep for the night and he just didn't want to stir from his kitty dreams when you shifted him.
Give your little guy a hug for me and tell him not to scare you like that again. 

@mamakat (321)
• United States
29 Jun 08
He sure does look like a sweetheart! I don't know how I managed to, but I didn't even see his pic when I responded the first time. What a beautiful kitty!
I think I've gone through some spells of tossing too much in my sleep too. I can usually tell when it's been a restless night for me when I wake up and none of my furbabies are around. 

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@shantiquarian (146)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I have had similar experiences with cats, dogs, and lambs.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
17 Jun 08
He may have been in REM sleep the deepest sleep there is and so he was sleeping so soundly it took a while to wake him up. How is he doing today?
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I am glad that he is find today. I wonder if he was not just in rem sleep. What ever the cause was I am glad he is fine.
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I've had this happen with my cat a few times where she goes into such a deep sleep and I get scared and freak out. But then she'll snore or something. Sometimes though if she's feeling lazy and doesn't want to go up the stairs to bed but wants to go to sleep (her bed is in the spare room) she'll look at me all sad like and go totally limp and act really weak so I can carry her upstairs. Mind you she was fine seconds before. Then she'll close her eyes almost shut and peek to see if I'm peeking at her and then close her eye really quickly, lol. Then we get up there and she's fine like nothing and lively. Cats are like children and sometimes such good fakers, lol.
I hope by now that your cat is going well and that nothing is wrong. Sometimes they get tired and sleep deep. It could be that he felt so comfortable there with you and so safe that he let himself go into a really deep sleep. Cats sleep lightly so they can sprint in case of trouble but it's not the best quality sleep which is why they take so many naps. For him to feel that safe with you is a sure sign of tons of kitty love. If you find it happening too often and his breathing isn't normal then contact your vet.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Oh, that's funny! Most of my cats think that 4 legs are better than 2 and would rather do it themselves!I do think its because he was right next to me and most of the cats know that my bed is a "no fight zone." I've had a long standing policy that if any cat starts a fight they all get kicked out! Well, except maybe the victum of the fight.
I honestly couldn't see him breathing, but that may have been because he was so close and my near vision is going. But then he woke up and blinked at me groggily. He's been fine since.
I've had Taj since he was 4 weeks old, I found him in front of the house after he had spent the day outside.
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
26 Jun 08
LOL. The reason he was sleeping so soundly is because he felt 100% safe with you.
I had this happen with one of mine, when she was still a kitten. I went to sleep on my tummy, and woke up in the middle of the night with her on my back and I was unable to move.
I think I spent about an hour trying to get her off me, and when she did move, was only down to my feet! Oh, and she barely woke at all for the move either!
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
16 Jul 08
That walking while you roll is pretty funny! lol. Surf's up little Kitty! lol.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Im not a cat expert. I have 3 cats of my own right now. I have noticed that sometimes they sleep pretty hard and sometimes not. I think the deep sleep is actual sleeping and the other sleep is just a capnap. During the catnaps they appear to be sleeping but are easily awaken by movements or a noise. You can even see their ears moving at the sounds around them.
@eztuner (450)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Elic Bxn
Some cat go into a deep sleep stage when they feel secure and safe to a point that they won't respond to noise or touch, but in this case it's more likely that Taj had a seizure. I guess there isn't much you can do but to take Taj to the vet for a check-up. He is loosing weight and has sores in the the mounth, these are two things that have to be treated for his own good, They could be serious. In my case, I would sacrifice my self for my baby, as I have done in the past.
BTW look for cat insurance or pet insurance, they don't go so expensive and your baby (cat) will be covered for emergency and vet visits.
Really hope this helps!!!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I did take him to the vet a few days later and they said he probably just was sleeping hard, he was feeling secure because he knows no body can bother him while he's with me.
He's loosing weight because of the sores, i'm trying to feed him special, but he's not a real pushy cat and the kittens make him nervous.
I'm not sure the insurance will cover "pre-existing conditions" I know people insurance doesn't.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I didn't get back to you.
I've been feeding Taj meat baby food for the last 2 months and adding canned food after that. He's been getting 250 mg of L-lysine and vit C and 3 drops of Echinacea glycerite twice a day, when he eats at all.
He will have his oral surgery on Thursday, Nov 6th.
@eztuner (450)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Elic Bxn, Iam so happy to hear Taj has been seen by the vet, this means at least you have a piece of mind having the opinion of a real expert, I have seen Taj's picture,He is just Gourgeous! Does he eats dry or soft food? and how many times a day? Iam asking because, if you have the time maybe you could try to feed him from your hand, so you will make sure he gets the right amount for him with out the stress of his siblings, If its moist most posible you could make him eat from a small spoon, it's time consuming but its a sure shot! at least until he recovers. One of my girls was diagnose with diabetes and she had to change her diet, I loved her like my own daughter, and along with the insuling I had to force her to eat the new food that of course she dindn't like but with A LOT OF PATIENCE AND LOVE and a spoon we made it! After about 2 years she had no need of insulin anymore. She lived free of diabetes for about 10 years, upto the moment that time gain on us, she lived for 21 years! There was no even trace of the illness.
Keep up the good spirit, My best wishes for Taj and yourself!
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@eztuner (450)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Hi, ElicBxn. Iam new on the forum and I have just encounter your post! I hope your beloved Taj is doing OK! I just LOVE Cats, I have owned a few of them since I was little, now Iam not so little any more.
I have had a cat that lived up to her 21 years old, and other that is now 15 among others. Some cats can sleep that profund, if Taj behavior is normal, eating, drinking, playing, or even ingnoring you as usual, I will not worry at all.
Other wise, since I read you are concern about means to take him to the vet, I will recommend you this site where you can get The best Information possible, and maybe if you contact Dr Jon he could help you Online. petplace.com
Please keep us informed on the development of Taj health, God Bless you both,Good luck!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I get Dr. Jon's newsletter. I am kind of concerned about Taj, his coat isn't looking real good. You probably haven't seen that he has stomatius and needs his teeth removed. He eats with some trouble because of the ulcers in his mouth, but he, and Solo who also has it, were going after the treats last night with the same eagerness as the rest of the cats. As for ignoring me, I wish he would!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
27 Jun 08

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Jun 08
I'm sorry your cat gave you such a scare. They do that sometimes, sleeping soundly. I can't think why right now but if I do I'll let you know. You could also call a ve5t and ask them. Tell them you just want to know so that next time it won't freak you out so bad or not at all.
But I believe it's natural. or not from a problem.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
26 Jun 08
I took him to the vet for something else on Monday and she didn't say there was anything wrong when she listened to his lungs and heart.
Taj was not a happy camper at the vet, we were laughing at his growling from the carrier while we worked on the kitten.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
18 Jun 08
This is =Taj= we're talking about! I LOVE that furbaby!
I'll bet if you just CALLED David or someone at Hyde Park, they'd tell you what MIGHT be wrong. You KNOW they take in STRAYS & adopt them! Heck, as much business as we've given them over the years, they MIGHT even see him for free!
And if push comes to shove, I'll HELP yu find the bux, even if I have to beg on the street for it! And you KNOW I'm SERIOUS!!
@bloglady (19)
• United States
17 Jun 08
So glad he woke up. I use a drop of colloidal silver in my pet's water dish whenever one of them seems a little sick. I've also sprayed it directly into my cat's eyes and on a couple of wounds he got from playing too close to the geese. It's not that expensive, you might want to keep some on hand. Just a few drops in their water for 2 or 3 days will help with any type of virus or fungus.
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