I'm So Upset And Furioius~ Part Two
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
June 16, 2008 8:01pm CST
If some of your remember, I had started a discussion of how furious I was about the sheer mutilation job the so-called ASPLUNDH tree "expert" company did on all the trees on our block on June 7th..You can see that discussion here
This was no "pruning" job this company did but a real hatchet job...also live trees should never be pruned during this time of year..but done either late fall, winter or very early spring in a tree's more dormant period. otherwise it makes the trees go into shock and weakens them. The tree limbs and branches were cut in a hackeyed manner making them lopsided. I just KNEW it was going to be a matter of time that something would happen...WELL IT DID
It was bad enough that the one very old tree in front of my second story apartment was mutilated..but the tree company also hacked away at what I called the "baby" tree also in front of my bedroom window. This HAD been a replacement tree, planted some twenty five years ago...it WAS beautiful, and created a wonderful shady spot in front of my window...well the tree company as I said did a "great" job of hacking at that tree too.
Tonight, I had to shut off and down my computer as we had more storms, not only that, it was severely windy. I kept looking out my bedroom window, watching "my" little baby tree sway so badly...I never saw it sway like that, and we've had gusty, strong winds before...but then, the tree was stronger.
I sat down to eat dinner around 7:15 p.m., and watching TV, when I heard it...another strong gust of wind came and a crash...yes, "my" beautiful tree fell down and fell into the entrance area of my building which is like a U=shape...it is now 9:01 p.m. and the tree remains lying there...the tenants are upset because it's blocking the entrance area of our building..understandable...but I'M MORE UPSET ABOUT THE TREE!! To hell if it's blocking the entrance!!
Maybe I'm coming across as a complete ding a ling for being so upset about this...but frankly I don't care...maybe I just too damn sensitive about issues like this. But you have no idea how this is really affecting me. I was upset with the "pruning" they did in the first place...but now I'm so upset and depressed about this beautiful tree that is no more.
Okay to turn this into a discussion...does something like this get you upset? Are you a sensitive ding a ling like me?? I sometimes wonder if anyone cares or gives a shat like I do.
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20 responses
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I think you have a right to be upset. We have our trees trimmed every so often to keep them from attacking the power lines here but they sometimes do a really crappy job and it's frustrating because they sometimes leave the trees on our PRIVATE property looking terrible. I just hate how they can take off as much as they want without really asking permission. Taking some is understandable but chopping off the entire top of a tree is taking it too far.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Yeesh...I hope they don't come back for your sakes...probably make the trees even worse if they "prune"
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Actually it is our power company that does the trimming and on private property they tell you that there is an 'easement' that permits them to do so, and to use your property if they need to.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
17 Jun 08
Pye, I understand how upset you are, they just don't care what they do and how they do it. I can guarantee you the butcher job they did to those trees in front of your house does not look like the tress in front of "Gracie Mansion" regardless of the fact that Mayor Doomberg refuses to live there.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I just emailed Arnold Diaz..I really want someone held accountable for this...can't help wonder if other trees fell down during the storm as well. I particularly like someone to get after the tree company itself..ASPLUNDH Tree Expert--what hell kind of name is that anyway???
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I am guessing that this is city ordered tree trimming. That happens lots of places. My first father-in-law got so mad over a similar trimming. He went to the newspaper and I can remember pictures of him and his torn apart trees. My mom used to get soooo mad at what they did to our trees. You are not the only ding a ling. I am saddened by a scity clean up done in my private property this month. I do not know of any way you can get action about this total mess. I am sorry about your beautiful trees. I understand where you are coming from.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I was not excusing them at all. It seems that most tree trimmers do this, when you and I both know this is the wrong season for most pruning. I was hoping maybe a newspaper or news station would find this to be a public interest story.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Okay it probably was some kind of city ordered thing...but don't the jerks investigate the proper time when to "tree trim" --its not now, but late fall, winter or very early spring. Like I would really like to find out the genius who suggested this idea in the first place---after all it would be our tax dollars paying for this..did you know it costs up to $200 to uproot an old stump of a tree and another $200 to replant? And that is just for one tree. I've emailed just about everyone I can think of...even those "helpline" things from news stations--I want answers here
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I emailed some of those "helpline" things that they have on news stations..Arnold Diaz's Shame on You..Ny-One for You..Channel 7 On Your Side..you name it..plus I just now found some great websites just for my area and have emailed them as well
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I am so sorry about your poor little tree! Can you report them to the Better Business Bureau? Make them replace your tree?
I hate when the so-called experts do stupid stuff and wreck perfectly good trees and such.
You have every right to be perturbed. Call and complain until you get satisfaction and an apology.
The world needs more people like you who hate the senseless destruction of beauty.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
It wouldn't be the BBB that I need to contact..I emailed a lot of places...like the Department of Parks and Recreation as it falls under their jurisdiction...plus a host of other places.....I like someone to be accountable here
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I think that I would be upset about that also!!! Some people have no concept of ecological sense. Sure, it was only a tree, but if you become used to it (after 25 years if I read that correctly). The pruning company should pay for the damage that was done!!! I hope that you can make that happen. Let me know what happens on this.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I've been emailing just about anyone and everyone about this and even managed to find the "tree expert" website...and you better believe I wrote them...I wrote to them on June 7th to complain about the "wonderful" job of pruning they did (hope you hear my sarcasm)...but they never answered me..probably think I'm a nutcase...LOL--
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
17 Jun 08
Oh Pye's mommy..How sad to hear its gone and these hackers will never care that it is..instead of having an expert take care of these trees they sent in the clowns..well thought of the song when i was posting...
I'm very sensitive to trees and love them and could care less who calls me a ding a ling too..this old Hippie chick is unhappy too for Pye's Mommy!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Kind of ticked off at my "neighbors"...they just see the fallen tree as an inconvenience --like what about that beautiful tree itself? They just don't seem to care. It's life is gone now...yeah, I'm the Woodstock generation hippie dippie here...a tree hugging person. Believe it or not, my cat Pyewacket was looking out of the window when the tree was swaying and he too saw it come down...Think he's upset as well..now the birdies can't be in the trees for him to watch...he's unhappy too

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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Jun 08
awwwwwwwwwwwww thats so sad I know I wouldnt want my trees cut like that I beleive the people that did this to the trees wasnt experienced for that job my son worked for the company for awhile in Tenn and they never did that kind of job only cut off what needed trimmed and that was it they didnt kill them sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I'm so infuriated by this all Lakota... We've had bad storms before and gusts of wind but the trees remained standing ...I really blame that so called tree "expert" company for the hatchet job they did that made the trees weak
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
18 Jun 08
urgh.i had a feeling that would happen.
these trimmers never seem to stop and think if the tree's out of balance(internal and external),it'll fall over.
that's like this one company here-if you hire them,say goodbye to your hedges.they're bulldozer happy and have no idea how to drive it.my neighbor hired them to do a driveway and they proceed to run over my mom's.
did they pay for it? oh yes they did.i caught them.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
20 Jun 08
oh jeez..my dad used to machete too.
but only to weeds,and not downtown NYC
i'm surprised to this day none of the neighborhood biddies called the cops on him.
"yea,there's a guy out here with a really big knife.." 

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Got a point there..hehe...yes, he could have been charge with possession of a dangerous weapon
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Jun 08
My dumb jerk super wasn't much better...He hasn't done this in a long time...thank God! But he used to get it in his head to "trim" and prune some of the bushes and very small ornamental trees that are in the front of our building...uh, with a machete...and just hacked away like he was in the wilds of a jungle...don't ask the results...but like I said he hasn't done it in ages...which is fine by me
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Thats so sad that the poor tree didn't make it. You would think that professional services would know when they are hurting rather than helping when they trim vegetation. I just don't understand the way people think sometimes....some people just have oatmeal rather than brains i guess....I hope they get it cleared up and I do hope somebody gets the tree trimmers for killing the tree.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I've been emailing and making complaints all over the place...anyone I can think of...not that it'll do much good as the damage is done, but I really would like to see someone accountable for this crap
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I can understand how you feel about what those tree guys did to the beautiful trees around you, yes they did a bad job. We have some really beautiful trees here where I live to, but many of the trees have low hanging branches, which hang over the whole street and I worry in a windstorm if it will break and fall on my car as I am driving down the road, I hate to say it but I really wish they would trim our trees around here, plus there are alot of power wires going through these trees, and that scares me as well.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jun 08
That's the really weird thing though..all of our power lines are underground, under the streets, so there was never any danger of trees wrecking havoc with power lines.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I don't see any sane reason then to chop beautiful trees.
@littleowl (7157)
22 Jun 08
Hi Pye-I dont think that you are a ding a ling otherwise so am I-THAT is awful I cannot bear to see trees hacked away-they are living and feel hurt and pain just as we do-it would drive me crazy if that happened where I live-your friend littleowl
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
17 Jun 08
Oh no, your beautiful tree! Oh so sad....
Keep on going honey because this would have incensed me too! Can you sue the people who butchered this poor living thing? Who paid for the butchering? Who is going to pay for the cleaning of it too? (not that this is the most important thing, mind!)
That lovely tree gave you and the other people so much pleasure and now it has gone. I hate to see things like this happen, you almost feel as if a limb has been torn from your body. Yes, I care.
Thanks for sharing this sad news with us.

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I guess our grand glorious city government initiated this tree "pruning" as for who paid for it? Why our tax dollars--This morning was a delight--NOT. Around 8 in the morning I heard the lovely sounds of a saw again...it was a firetruck and the firemen were cutting the tree in pieces to remove it from our entrance way..then just dumped the "remains" on near the curb of the sidewalk...crap I didn't even want to go out today (but did) cause I just didn't want to see that butchered up tree.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Has the city responded to why this was done? It sounds like they were deliberately trying to weaken the trees in order to get rid of them. My landlady's husbad HATES trees and cut every single tree down on the property, even though his wife and sisters-in-law told him not to (they are joint owners) because he says trees are dirty. He has tried incessantly to get neighbors to cut their trees down. He really despises trees - it's an obsession with him.
Maybe the people who hired this hatchet company have similar feelings? If not, if this company did something totally against policy or desire of owners, then I'd look into suing them and making them replace the trees - true, it will take time, but they can't be allowed to destroy nature. Without trees, we don't breathe.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I had written a letter to DEP--the Department of Environmental Protection..I got sort of a reply that they were forwarding my letter to the Department of Parks and Recreation...what's the term..passing the buck? I emailed a lot of places tonight including some of those helpline news media places, my Public Advocate, and on and on...I don't think anyone is taking this seriously and probably think I'm some kind of kook..like I care..I can't help thinking probably other trees fell during the storm and who knows maybe created severe property damage, like maybe falling on top of parked cars. I really want someone to be accountable for this
Yeesh...it certainly does sound like the tree company who did this has the same attitude your landlady's husband has....to them it's just a job to make money and don't care the damage they are creating
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
i am sorry to hear that your "baby" tree that you love so much finally fall down because of the pruning done by the tree company... i don't know why they are doing that and is it really the right time for them to do it??? like you said, it will weaken the tree if they do it during this period... you might want to report them to the department of environment (if i'm not wrong) if you think what they are doing is not right... take care and have a nice day...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Tree pruning jobs are supposed to be done in the late fall, winter, or very early spring when the tree is in it's dormant period. Oh, you better believe I've been contacting every place possible about this and would like an investigation into this tree expert company itself
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
did you ever find out why they had to prune the tree? was the branches in the way of electric wires etc? That could be the reason why it was all lopsided, they cut what was interfering,
yes it is sad but if the tree knocked out blocks of electricity or broke foundations of buildings where people lived, that is a lot worst.
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
I do so understand what you are upset about, quite some time ago I turned my back on what didn't belong to me because to see the vandalism, the plain stupidity of local government, as well as provincial and federal, gets me seeing red. Even our building has a strata council so again with the rules and regulations, as if we should need rules to be considerate and think of others and no trespass on our neighbours. I found that I took every thing to personally and got involved where all it did was frustrate the life out of me. Some times it seems this world is going to he// in a hand basket, and I can no longer look and watch. I do not envy you because all it is doing is stressing you out and you being stressed is not going to change any thing except possibly your medication bill.
Deep breath.
Take care of you, that is the only person and thing that no one will say boo to.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
LOL--don't take any medications..hehe
Well I've been writing to a whole bunch of places about this...and just now found a fantastic website that is devoted just to my areas issues and you better believe I emailed them...I want that tree company held accountable...if you look at Hatley's response, it seems that tree company is a nationwide company...and apparently does a hatchet job of trees everywhere. I can't help wonder if other trees that they pruned suffered the same fate, and may have toppled over...and maybe even causing severe property damage, like falling on people's parked cars.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Yes I do remember how you love trees and posted that great poem
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Jun 08
No you are not a dingaling. I am dealing with the same thing going on in my apartment complex. It isn't asplundh altho I do know that company and many who work there. Anyway, they are cutting down all these trees out here....perfectly healthy trees. each day it is more and more and they are killing the beautiful scenery which is all that is beautiful here. my grandson was over today and was quite upset by it. We have a lot of wild life here and it is fun to look out and watch. Where will they all go without the trees?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jun 08
ah yes Asplundh tree experts. yes we have that same outfit
here in tustin ca and they really can ruin beautiful trees
too. I get the feeling that none of them know anything
about pruning a tree and have never even read a book on
how to do it. if you are a ding a ling then so am I. where
are you writing from by the way?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jun 08
That tree company seems to be a nationwide "expert" service...yeah, sure...I'm here in the Queens area of NYC