Do you talk in your sleep?
@jewelenterprises (1996)
June 16, 2008 11:56pm CST
My partner related to me a funny story today. Apparently, she went for a drink of water at 5am this morning. When she came back to bed I told her to "Watch out for that tram." She asked what tram and I replied "The one coming down the tracks you're standing on. You'd better move or it will hit you!" LOL.
Naturally, I remember nothing about it. I don't even remember dreaming about trams. Apparently I was snoring mid sentence even.
So do you tend to talk in your sleep? And don't go telling me you don't know because you're asleep LOL... I mean, have you been told you talk in your sleep?
Have you got any funny stories about talking in your sleep?
14 responses
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
HEHE. I am very bad for talking in my sleep. My fiance always tells me the next day what I say and sometimes I just stand there and I'm in shock.
One time I went to bed before my fiance and apparently I was being a little bit of bed hog and was taking up alot of the bed so he went to push me over and said to me "hun move over". I turned around and told him he couldn't come in my fort. NO BOYS ALLOWED I said. He just shock his head and pushed me over to crawl in.
Another time I was getting mad in my sleep saying that he was stealing my slurpee. He just laughed that one off.
Now thinking of it I do talk alot in my sleep and I don't even realize it.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
I remember an incident my mum related to me when I was a teenager. One night she heard me talking in my room so she came in to see what was wrong.
Apparently I was sat up in bed, with my eyes open, looking over the edge of the bed and saying "it's a long way down!"
Mum asked me, "Down where darling?"... my reply (pointing)... "Down there, it's a long way down!" LOL... I must have been dreaming I was standing on a cliff or something.
That one was kind of a combination of sleep talking AND walking since I was sat up with my eyes open.
Of course, I remembered nothing about it the following morning.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
Yikes, that's scary... sleep driving???
Sounds like the coppa was very understanding... I wonder how long it took him to figure out you were actually asleep LOL.
Not like they can arrest you for what your subconscious does though.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
Haha the funny this here is I had that same dream when I was younger and I did the same thing. I do alot of sleep walking as well. The worst I did was sleep driving. Yes sleep driving. I did get picked up by the cops and they brought me home I was still sleeping on that count though. Good thing I wasn't charge with anything and I didn't hurt no one.

@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
1 Aug 08
i don't talk while i am sleep but my brother talk while sleeping. he tell all his activities the whole day if i will not waking him up. i laugh every night if we sleep together in my room. when i tell him what he told me that night he didn't know any works he told.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
4 Aug 08
yes, we can say some very strange things in our sleep.
Personally, I usually just talk nonsense (something connected with my dreams) rather than real things that have happened. So thankfully I don't give away any secrets.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Hi jewelenterprise, My mom will always tell me that I was talking while sleeping that was when I was still single.Sometimes, I will wake up talking and realizing that I am just dreaming but there are times that I have entirely no idea about it! Sometimes, I will talk about the movie that I watched and the experiences with friends that day!

@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
18 Jun 08
LOL, Correct, we have tried that a lot to our roommates asking her a lot about her love life when she will start talking while sleeping..
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Sounds like you're one of those fun people that gives away secrets in your sleep.
Youll have to make sure you're always totally honest with your partner, cuz if you're asked questions in your sleep, you will always answer honestly LOL.

@Alucifer89 (292)
• India
18 Jun 08
Well well .. ive been told i talk inmy sleep, ive been told i fight with sm1 in my sleep .. i can hold a perfect conversation when im sleepin responding from both sides of the opinions or points of veiw involved in the argument im havin with myself .. or so ive been told. Lol
My sister recorded me once .. i was laughing like crazy and was mumbling about eh .. beinmy blueprints complete of takin over the world, thanks to my super special newly found technology .. or smthin i like that. I want to destroy the recording, but she keeps it in lock and key -_-

@Alucifer89 (292)
• India
19 Jun 08
hahaha ... u sounded exactly like my sister there :) ... I think i want to learn more about dreams now ... ill probably do some self helped research in a few days after im done with my exams :)
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
Oooh, wacky professor dreams... no wonder you want to destroy that one LOL.
But yes,I talk and answer myself too.

@triptadasgupta (900)
• India
20 Jun 08
well friend i dont know that whether i talk when i sleep because no one has ever told me.I mean not before marriage as well as not after marriage as well.
have a nice day....
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
4 Aug 08
Oh well, if you don't talk in your sleep you can't give away any secrets LOL 

@raclie (1732)
• Singapore
17 Jun 08
i'll sleeptalk every night..
i guess it started when i was about 10..
i was in malaysia with my many cousins and family..
my cousin were asking math questions and i answered them correctly..
wow..that was to me.. cool....
there was also this time when i was in a camp..
i was already sleeping..
this friend beside me was unable to sleep because some friends were chatting the night away..
i shouted to them" you talk when you sleep and you sleep when you talk"
although it did not make sense..
they shut up but my friend was still unable to sleep for the night cause she was giggling the whole night through...
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
LOL, that is a rather amusing one.
With the maths thing I do the same... I have a great head for numbers (even though I don't know my times tables by rote... hey I can work it out, it's just not instant recall). My ex used to give me knotty maths problems when I was talking in my sleep... even things he didn't know and I'd rattle off the answer, he'd check on a calculator and find I was correct. LOL
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
who knows, you might be a chatterbox in yours sleep? LOL
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I sometimes talk in my sleep. In college you were able to have a full conversation with me while I was sleeping. My roommate said one time i just woke up pointed to our computers and said "I'll take three of those" and laid back down.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
Sounds like you were dreaming of a little consumer therapy LOL.
@sweet_oceania (254)
• Japan
19 Jun 08
I too talk in my sleep-- but I hardly remember what I say-- i even giggle at times- and my husban keeps on telling me that you wanna talk talk-- but don't laugh in the middle of night-- i get scared-- poor fellow--
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
20 Jun 08
I've never been told that I laughed in my sleep.
I know when I was a teenager my mum caught me in the kitchen at 2am during exam time... studying in my sleep. LOL
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
I sleep alone and have for years so I don't know. My grandchildren told me I snoore but I already knew that. I have woke myself up at times when I have been really tired or upset about something.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Oh gosh yes, that big snore right at the start when your body is also twitching... that one often wakes me back up LOL. Im not a loud snorer in general but I often do that big snort at the start.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
18 Jun 08
HAHA Thats funny!
I have alot of sleep talking stories but two of them are my favorite.
When I was little my brother and I had bunk beds. Once in the middle of the night he flung the covers off and jumps out of bed. He then yelled at the top of his lungs: "OKAY!!!! Matt, where did you put it?"
So I said "Put what?"
Then he got REALLY frustrated with me that I didnt know what "It" was that "they" wanted, so he started crying. "Matt I'm not kidding they want it RIGHT NOW!!"
Eventually my dad came in and asked what I was doing to my brother, and at that point he realized that my brothers eyes were closed. He was sleep walking/yelling LOL.
So my next story is kinda gross, but funny. My best friend growing up used to spend the night at our house alot. She was a sleep walker like my brother LOL.
Well this one night my mother just happened to be walking past the bedroom we were sleeping in and saw my friend (a girl) walking around the bedroom.
"What are you doing hunny?" My mom asked her, but my friend ignored her.
After a few mins of aimlessly wandering the room, she pulled down her underwear, sqautted, peed in the corner, then got back in bed and pulled the blankets back onto herself.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
It's funny the things we can do in our sleep.
I love both your stories. Like you said though, the second one is a little gross.
I sleepwalk to the toilet all the time... guess I've been living in this house so long that I just subconsciously know where to go because I don't go anywhere odd... just get up and go to the toilet without missing a beat... and often don't even stop snoring according to my partner. LOL.
@pixelpixie (473)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
I don't really talk in my sleep, but if someone wakes me up to ask me something I'll often reply and then go back to sleep and not remember what I was asked or what I answered later.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
Oh yes, I do that constantly.
LOL, I even get up and go to the toilet in my sleep (sleep walking). Apparently I do it at least two or three times per week... but I NEVER remember!
Actually, I lie... occasionally I have a vague recollection of going to the toilet. But I tend to think I've dreamed it.
@kittenmc (464)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I have talked in my sleep my whole life! Not all the time thou. Sometimes it can be about things I'm worried about or something off the wall. If I tend to wake myself up, maybe not fully a wake, I will remember, but not always.
My mind tends to race a lot in my sleep, I think that has a lot to do with it.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
20 Jun 08
Yes, I'm more likely to talk in my sleep if I am stressed out about something, same with sleep walking (though that doesn't apply to taking myself to the toilet in my sleep)