How many cats have you ever owned, where did you get them and their names

@nanajanet (4436)
United States
June 17, 2008 2:52pm CST
I always loved cats but my mother did not, so we never had them, growing up. Of course, she decided, when I was older, that they were okay and then got one. My first cat was one my husband found working in a manhole. It was black and white, about 4 months old and very sick. We took care of her and she lived a long time. Her name was Sheba. We found two more strays after that, also black and white, a male named Gypsy and a female named Guenevere. All of our black and white cats died within one year of each other of feline leukemia. Now they have a vaccine for that. We found a gray cat named, Moonie, but he did not live long. He fell on his head and became paralyzed. What cat does that? It was sad, he was only a few months old. Then we found, years later, an orange tabby and a mixed tabby, brothers, named Henri and Gumby. They lived until seventeen and died within one month of each other from old age kidney failure. We were given a white cat, from someone who could not keep it, named Snowflake (we called her Snowy) and she was an awesome mouser! She was ten when she passed from kidney failure. After that we found, Christine, all gray and so tiny when we took her home. She was about 15 when her kidneys went, too. My daughter found a 3-day old kitten abandoned in a barn (others died, mother was not around). We named it Annie because it looked Anorexic. It wound up being a male, but it's still named Annie. He is a good mouser, for a male, so we think he is mixed up, LOL. Annie is ten now and in great health. Last we have Aiden. My daughter bought him from a breeder and he is a long-haired, orange tabby. He is beautiful but not too smart, but a pretty good mouser. I thought males were not interested in that!! LOL Aiden just turned two this June. Let me hear about yours!!
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11 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Wow nanajanet that is a lot of cats. I had my very first cat 21 years ago and he was a rescue cat called blackie, lovely big old boy and then we got Porshe from a neighbour as a kitten and she was pure white. Unfortunately when I lost my home in the early 90's they were rehomed. I was so sad as they were part of my family too, when I had somewhere to live again I got two more kittens called Bob & Sophie which I had until about eight years ago but Sophie was run over and killed and Bob I think pined for her and got weaker and weaker until the vets said they could do no more, he had been injured as a kitten and had no tail and various other problems bless. I then had Wilfred and Sybil who are still with me now that my daughter bought from her own money as young cats and we have had one called Greebo and one called Button too, Button was deaf and got run over and killed and Greebo decided to not move with us and stay living at the little old ladies down the road which was fine as she never got on with the other cats. Ellie :D
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I had many cats as a child. My parents were big pet lovers, including dogs. As an adult I had an orange and white cat named Tiger, a stray white and gray tabby named Lurch, a gray tabby named Ralph, three siamese cats, one named Suzie, one Saki, and the other Pepe.Two tuxedo cats, one called Kiddle, one called Mamma. I lost a white and gray tabby 2 years ago due to a tumor. I still have Momma, she's 16, plus I now have a white and gray male called Oliver, aged 2. He was a short haired kitten, as he grew his fur got longer and longer, I love him but not all the shedding. He is a little stubborn at times, he doesn't realize that my Momma cat doesn't like him. He just wants to play and she just can't stand him. LOL.
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I have had 4 cats my entire life. I got my first kitty when I moved into my own aparmtent I got her from a lady on a farm her name was Shadow she got outside and I never could find her again she just disappeared then when I met my now husband he had a cat named Tazzy we had some neighbors that basically stole her. My kids have been asking for a pet for years so we went to the humane soceiey and we brought home two 3 month old kittens their names are Frisky and Jazzers they will be 6 monts old the end of June.
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@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Buffy - My 23 pound kitty.
At one point we had 14 of them. Started out with two but since I couldn't afford to get the female (a beautiful grey with emerald green eyes) spayed she had several litters. Her name was Tissy and was a wonderful friend, but such a tramp! lol. The calico female, Patches. had one or two litters and we kept a couple of them which is how we ended up with an orange tabby named Simba. They produced Bandit, a tortie with green eyes. She just passed away last November at the age of 20. Now we just have 2, Buffy and Sissy. Sissy is a female skinny, neurotic calico/Siamese mix and the other one is a big white male with pink ears & nose and light grey eyes. He is my baby and I hope he lives as long as Bandit did. They are both fixed by the way. Learned that lesson.
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@moose8 (483)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
one time i owned zero cats and it still the same
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Well, at least you don't have to change the litter box!!! LOL
• Canada
17 Jun 08
I have only ever had one cat in my entire life. He's a tabby cat, and we found him out on the streets. He was with his brother, and they were both really tiny. They followed us home, so we kept them for a while, and gave away one of them. The other one we kept. His name is Whiskers.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
18 Jun 08
to the best of my recollection my first cat was when I was little little - he was a burmese named Bosco. We were setting out to travel back to the U.S. from Panama and he jumped out of the car and into the jungle. We called him and searched a little but the trip had to go on. I imagined that he got eaten by a boa eventually. Back in the states I received a pure white cat which I named Samantha. Another move and the cat needed a new home. At the next state my brother brought home a little orange kitten which we named Pera a grey tabby named Misty shortly joined the family (she was with me 17 years before she took ill) Down the road and becoming married my husband adopted at kitten he called Quila (keyluh) we had her a short while before the managers of the home we rented said no cats, my brother took her. 6 years ago we got our daughter a lovely kitten and she named her Mabel - we currently have two cats Gypsy and Lily.
@Annie2 (594)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Goodness, that is going back a long way to try to remember all my cats. First was Tom Cat. We had him when I was little and he always attacked me and scratched my legs up badly. I was afraid of him, but he would let me rock him to sleep. Then there was Tiger, a yellow striped cat. He was kind of stupid and always laid in the street. Dad backed over him in the driveway when we were going out to supper. We had another Tiger and he was mean and always attacked me and any company we had. He jumped on my best friend's head when she walked through the house. He was eventually taken to the vet's farm because he started attacking my baby (who is now over 30). We had T.R. (Teddy Rossevelt) a black cat. There was my sister's cat, Stinky. I had two black kittens, but didn't keep them long, and gave them away. I inherited a calico when the neighbor was put in the nursing home. He had called her Kitty, so that's what we called her. She loved to eat rabbits. We turned her into an indoor cat and she was quite happy until she had a huge tumor in her bladder. She was put down. We adopted an older, big fat cat, Sarah, but she had a stroke so we didn't have her very long. We had a calico kitten for a short time until we could find her a home Her name was Callie. We had brother and sister, Buddy and Poopsie. They were a year old and both very fat when we got them. Then we had an outside cat named Thomas that was a stray who adopted us. Scooter was a yellow stripe stray we had for a year until we finally found him a home. Baby, I've had for 8 yrs. now. She is just that . . . a baby. She's small and she cries "Mama!" when she can't find me. I think that's all the cats I've had. 15 We won't mention all the other pets over time.
@jashley1 (746)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I actually do not like cats very much. They are ok - but I just can't stand all the hair. I used to have cats when I was growing up - we had a big grey fluffy cat named Smoky, but he got hit by a car ... actually it was my Uncle after a Christmas Dinner which was unfortunate and sad. Maybe that's why I don't want anymore cats...traumatized during my youth?
• United States
18 Jun 08
I've owned three wonderful cats. My first one I got at the shelter he was a year and a half old male. I was looking for a cat so I got him his name was Marcel. He did good for the first 5 to 6 months then he just started not being nice, peeing on the clothes instead of his litter box. I had to decied if I was gooing to keep him or give him a new home. I decieded that I couldn't have him doing this and gave him to a lady I knew. The second cat I got was from my son's father and his wife. I named her Princess She was only 5 months old when I got her cutest thing very loveable. She was an indoor cat and after about a year I had left my bedrrom windows open and forgot I did and she managed to claw the screen and get out. She was gone for three days then came back. She had some cuts on her and I knew she had been in a fight and I made sure I kept the wounds clean but she was acting really weird. I gave it about a week then had the vet check her out she was pregnant. I was like oh boy what am I going to do with a bunch of kittens lol. I tried to cater to her and as time went on she wouldn't even let me near her for she was mad at the fact I closed the windows and she couldn't get out oh did she howl wanting out bad. One night I was watching my friend's son and I didn't tell him about not opening the window. Sure enough I was doing something in the kitchen and he opend the liveing room window that had no screen just enough for her to get out again. This time she never came back. I hope she found a new home or the sad thought of she may have been hit by a car or something. The third cat which I got from a friend from work he was 5 months old when I got him and he is still with me now and he's a loveable hyper cat he's a year and 4 months old now. His name is Butterball he came to me with this name already given to him for he was the plumpest out of all the kittens born. I am very cautios of this cat and watch his every move he is sneaky. He get's in to cabinets and will have stuff dumped on the counter and hanging out of the cuboards. He will come and get me or wake me up if something is wrong. I couldn't ask for a better cat he is the greatest and I'm going to hold on to him for good.
• China
18 Jun 08
in my grandfather'house there was a black is very lovely