What do you think would happen if we Protest Gas?
By marciascott
@marciascott (25529)
United States
18 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I just paid $4.47 for regular this afternoon. Diesel that my son uses is $5.13. He can hardly afford to drive to work but he can't afford to quit so he cuts out on food, and so many other things.
I just paid $4.47 for regular this afternoon. The only thin that saves me is that I purposely don't drive much - I work very hard to schedule things so that I do errands and such all in one day - I go out on Mondays and usually Thursdays - and the rest of the time I am at home. But I make sure, using my lists and things, that I plan my trips to the utmost gas usage. IT is getting worse and I read today that Iran says that no other country is asking for more oil, but the US dollar is so far down, that is what is causing the high prices. THey are drilling the same amount but the dollar being low in the market....etc.. I don't really understand why everything hinges on the dollar and I dont' understand how it gets high or low, but bottom line, they aren't going to pump any more oil than they already are so it doesn't look like it is going to get any better.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Someone said by the end of Summer we will be paying cost to $5.00 fir Gas, this one person from this discussion, said that they live in England and the Gas prices there is $8.00 can you believe that? Go look on the first page.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I just paid $4.47 yesterday for regular and this is at a station that charges 10¢ LESS if you pay with cash as opposed to credit and is the cheapest in town. So if this Union 76 station can sell it for 10¢ less for cash, just think, when you are paying at another station, and you pay cash, that station is pretty much pocketing a clear profit of 10¢ a gallon from your purchase!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 08
The end of the summer? There was this guy in this financial newspaper or sommat I read the other day who said we could expect to see five dollars a gallon by July! That's only mid-summer! It's insane.
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@terri0824 (5039)
• United States
18 Jun 08
The price of gas is nonsense. It is affecting everything with higher prices of food too! I wish I could say that there was an end to all this madness in the near future, but I don't seem to see it at this rate. I have a feeling it won't until the beginning of the new year. I'm still holding my own and I'm thankful to God that I am, but I know it is putting a lot of people in a financial bind.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Hi, terri, Luckily I have a small car but it is still hard to keep a full tank. When will things get better, maybe when we get another president, you think?
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Ok, LOL, You have a good Night, I half to get ready and go to bed, because I half to go to the Doctor, for test on my heart. I hope everything is Ok. Good Night!
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@terri0824 (5039)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Yeah that's my thought, that's why I said the first of the year!
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I don't know if a protest would help a lot or not. I think that no matter what we do they are just going to let the prices rise and rise and do nothing about it. Sad to say, but when our leader is in the oil business himself, and has lots of bucks, why should/would he care how it affects the rest of us. I do see a lot of people struggling with the increasing prices of gas, food, and medicines and all. I know the price of gas has affected lots that I know, in how they shop at the supermarket. I think it's very true about having to make a choice. For those who have to rely on a car to get anywhere, work, shopping, etc, they have no choice but to cut back elsewhere, and that very well may mean food too.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
18 Jun 08
That's pretty good savings, a buck is a buck and it all adds up. I'll have to mention that to my daughter about the Get Go savings, I guess I had forgotten about that gas savings program. Thanks for the reminder!
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Yes JoY, You should mention it to your Daughter, she probaly already knows.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I shop at Gaint Eagle, and the have this thing where for every dollar you spent you get a discount on Gas, I don't like shopping at Gaint Eagle but I do get a discount on Gas. just like the other day, I got $20.00 for Gas at Get Go, the Gas station, they are affliated with Gaint Eagle. I got 20 cents off every gallon of Gas. So I end of spending $3.79 for every gallon of Gas. I saved a little bit, I was able to get probaly $1.50 extra of Gas I guess. Then they have all these specially offers, to get Gas different Companies. Something has got to give right?
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
17 Jun 08
What we really need to do is protest the speculators. They buy the oil at a price then hold onto it until they get a higher price for it. We need to let the government know we want something done about them. We also need to have the government allow new refineries be built. There hasn't been one built since the 70s. That is where our real problem is.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Jun 08
One person here said they paid $8.00 for a gallon of Gas, and they live in England, that is crazy! So that is what it is in England, I really feel sorry for their Country. Can you image paying that much? I hope it never comes to that.
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Last year we rented a car in England and figured it out to be about $6 a gallon. So I try not to complain about it too much because I know it's way worse elsewhere. It is a bit ridiculous when you can remember back when it was less than a dollar.
We almost hit the $4.00 mark the other day. With tax I guess you could say we were paying that much but it's gone down a bit since then.
My brother lives in Alaska, where everything costs more. I lived there for a year and a box of cereal was around $6.00. I can't even imagine how much it would be now. His fiance told me the other night it's outrageous. The cheaper prices in the 48 states makes a tempting offer to move here.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Jun 08
$8.00 Oh wow! that is so sad, how can you all afford those prices.
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
18 Jun 08
It's amazing how it jumps in such a short period of time. I'm used to seeing it a few cents more but when it climbs like that, it's a bit of a shock. I remember coming home last week and it was $3.89. When I went to work the next morning it was $3.99.
I've seen on the news that a lot of people here are looking into hybrid cars but it's a long wait.
@Wizzywig (7847)
17 Jun 08
Even higher here in England now - around $8 a gallon. I went past the filling station at 11.30am on Sunday and it was £1.14 per LITRE. I came back past at 6.30pm and it was £1.22 per litre. I reckon the cost of fuel to get to work and back is currently costing me 10% of my wages.

@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You're exactly right. We do need it. Gas prices here in indiana range from 4.09-4.19. Isn't it funny how we think 3.93 is cheap? My husband had just said the other day,"And we griped about 3.00. I wouldn't put it pass people having to choose between the two.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I seen this on the news where, this one lady said, she has to go without eating just to put gas in her car just to go to work. I think this is really sad. How are you? I hope all is well!
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I'm doing fine. Still trying to get negative things off my husbands credit report so we can get a home loan. Its been nothing but a headache. I hope you're doing fine as well.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I hope everything works out. I half to go to the doctor in the Morning, for a heart test, something like a ultra sound to see if my heart is ok. Thanks for stopping by.

@ajesh_pullad (2251)
• India
21 Jun 08
hi friend,
i think there is no use of protesting against fuel hike. it is internationally it hit badly. i our country due to continuous agitation against fuel hike, government decided to reduce taxes. thereby we didn't feel much burden.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Jun 08
yes some ppl ARE having to choose between gas and food and IMO its COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE....
I think that if enough ppl protest, things would change...Ppl should be writing to congress, writing to their Senators, and so on.....if ENOUGH ppl do it, they HAVE TO listen..if ENOUGH ppl get involved, protest, etc etc things would HAVE TO change...
My husband has a link to a website actually that is if I'm not mistaken just for this purpose (to protest)..Once he has the chance to send it to me I plan on posting it for everyone...
I think the BIGGEST problem is so many ppl have that attitude of "nothing will happen" when the reality is how will anyone know until we try right..
I mean seriously, what do any of us have to lose other than a few minutes of our day to send the emails a few times a week....

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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Yes, Send it to us when you get this information. Thanks!
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
9 Jul 08
If the gas prices stabilized where they are now, by next year, we would not be complaining, we would all adjust. If the gas prices went up slowly, like the cost of living in general, we would be ok but the problem is they are sky rocketing.
We don't have time to adjust. I got my raise this year and figured out how many tanks of gas it would get me. That is not how it should be. When we get a raise at work, it should be enough that we can continue to live and maybe save a bit more. This year my raise just slowed down the process of going further into debt.
Protesting, would not do any good. If we all cut down our gas usage by 20 or 30% ( I know, easier said then done) then it might make it difference.
I am doing more internet shopping to save gas.
We must reduce our dependence on oil
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Try this link, www.gasbuddy.com I hope it works for you. I am going to see will it works. Thanks for you input.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I agree with Ravelady.
Whether it would accomplish somethng, or what it might accomplish is anyone's guess.
But we NEED to do SOMETHING. We obviously cannot rely on our government to do something, we have to get out there, we have to get involved...we need to make some noise, or else how would the fat cats ever know how angry we are with them? They're divorced from reality, it's only when it goes to their doorstep, that they realize how things really stand.
If more people protested...it doesn't matter how, they did it. A whole city could decide not to buy ANY gas for a single day, they could do what a few schools are already doing -- walking en masse instead of using the bus, or getting rides, to protest oil.
There was this guy a month ago, he climbed on top of the gas station with a mega phone and a guitar and sang "Gas price blues"...people stopped filling their tanks and from all over gathered and sang with him.
The more widespread it becomes, the more people will have to pay attention.
Protesting is a good START, and I think it may open us up to more things we can do.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Also: yes, it is true. Many people are having to choose between gas and food. For some it's not too painful of a decision yet, sometimes its only in small ways...but for a few, I know that it really has come down to it in a heartbreaking way.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Isn't that in itself absolutely incredible - that you thought $3.93 for gas was CHEAP??? Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd come to this. I'm honestly afraid for what will happen to some people this coming winter. People will have to choose between gas, food or heating their homes. For some they'll be able to choose two, for some just one. If you throw in medicine for some Americans, we're really in quite a mess, aren't we? You're so right, what good would it do to protest because we really do need it so they've really got us over a barrel - pun intended and really not very amusing, is it?
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Seems like the President can do something, you would think, but if he could he would of did something long time ago when they started raising gas prices.
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
9 Jul 08
Those of you in the US have it easy as far as petrol/gas prices go. Here in Australia, we pay the equivelant of almost twice what you pay.
Thankfully, we are smart with our money, so we don't have to miss out on either, but our car is only used for essential travels any way, and not outside of town (it wouldn't make it that far! lol).
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
17 Jun 08
It is crazy how expensive it is. I spent $50 today on gas and it didn't even give me half a tank!
I don't plan on leaving my house more than I have to - I am going to see if I can make this half tank last as long as possible!
I would think we should protest it, but of course we can't - we're way too dependent on it for getting to work and doing the rest of the things in life we enjoy.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Yes that is very true, I am lucky that I have a small car, I put $20.00 in my tank today but it didn't fill it up. maybe half full. I heard on the News today that since Brush has been in Office, the Gas has went up $2.50. What a shame.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I spent $50 today on gas and it didn't even give me half a tank!
At the current price, my husband is spending over $150 a week on gas..Mind you he commutes 2 hrs a day (total) to work....crazy thing is he only works 4 days a week 

@littleowl (7157)
17 Jun 08
Hi Marcia-I wouldn't be surprised if thats true-gas/petrol/diesel is going up and up over here in the UK my son needs his car for work as there is no transport where he works as it is he gets a low wage and works all the hours god sends to try and get a decent wage at the end of the month to keep him going after paying all his bills rent etc and what is left is very little-so I wouldn't be surprised if people are having to choose between gas or food is true-your fiend littleowl
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Some people are even working to just keep Gas in their Car.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Well gas is going down a little bit because people are buying less of it, but it is not helping enough. It was $3.72 yesterday when I got gas.But there are not enough people that will go along with the protest I do not think. The price of gas really is affecting people like me on a fixed income.I do have to buy a lot less foof..
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Yes, I believe that it is true for a lot of people. I don't, however, believe that any kind of protest or boycott would have any effect on gas prices. Not all people would join in and many would just continue to buy no matter what the price.
Maybe some program such as existed in the depression, where the price would be lowered, but each family would only be permitted an allotted amount.
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@punkin1803 (526)
• United States
17 Jun 08
All i can say is that Gas is getting so so outrageous!!! I mean I have chose between eating lunch and buying gas. And you know that the gas won that battle each time, because i need it to get to and from work. But i mean i am getting the point where i am looking for a 2nd job just to have money for gas and other things. It has just amazed me at how much it has went up.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
There are lots of chain letters/emails going around that if you stop buying fuel from a certain company for one day however this is not going to work. Only true way that something will be done about fuel prices will start going done is if everyone and I mean every stop buying fuel from the 2 biggest companies Shell and Esso. This will not happen over night it is something that is going to happen over a long period of time. Once one station goes down the others will go down as well. Keep doing this so they bring it down farther and farther. With it being Summer this is usually the best time that you will see fuel prices sky rocket so refusing to buy fuel from Shell and Esso for a period of time you will start to see it go down.
I have seen others that they have to choose between fuel and food. I am thankful that this has not affected my fiance and myself in anyway.
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