God's Awesome Love for Us

United States
June 18, 2008 3:42pm CST
Hi all, I pray all of you are doing well. I just want to share with you about the Lord and how He has worked in my life. As I look back on my life, I can see that God was working in every aspect of my life. He has taken care of me all the time. I didn't have such a great dad..he worked hard and provided well for me and my siblings, but he was harsh and bitter. My mother on the other hand, was the one who held us all together so to speak. She was always there for me and my siblings. God blessed my family with her! I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I was a teenager, but drifted some because of the usual peer pressure, worldly things, etc. I met a man and started dating for about 4 years and then we got married. I had some serious doubts about him, but I married him anyway. I now know that it was God telling me that this was not the man for me. I ignored God's warning. I went thru some abuse during my marriage and finally, with lots of prayer, I filed for divorce. I knew that my husband had cheated and lied to me most of our marriage. Four years ago, I found out I had breast cancer. I was so scared and angry at first, but as I went thru the treatments, God was working in my life. He was molding me to be more like His Son. I suffered, but I leaned on the Lord and knew that I was totally in His hands. I want you all to know that God loves you so very much and there is nothing He can't see you thru! He will forgive you no matter what your past is like. He is in full control of all things. He is so awesome and I want to praise His mighty Name all my life! God wants you to know Him personally. He wants to give you life...eternal life! Knowing Jesus Christ is the greatest thing there is. I could post so much more, but I'm limited on here! I may start a new post later as the Lord lays it on my heart. God bless all of you!
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11 responses
@kittenmc (464)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Amen! Thank you so much for sharing Springlady! He is an awesome God!
19 Jun 08
Inspiring words, thanks you for te post.
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
i was raised with parents who are religious. studied in a catholic school. as i was in my middle years and married at those times i myself had experience drifting away from God, got tired of praying for i thought he is just ignoring me. but in the middle of my life crisis i found myself entering the church and when i was there i did not pray i just cried. cried cried. i felt like i was home. as i step out the church i felt relieved, revived. God is always there just waiting patiently for us. now i am in a new life, i took care of the horrible life i was in before. i have an abusive husband so i left him and brought along my chioldren. now i am a single mom with my four children and i feel good and blessed. there is a song here in our country so popular and has a good lyrics. i hope you like this very inspiring song Life is not at all that bad my friend, mmm....If you believe in yourself If you believe there's someone Who walks through life with you You'll never be alone Just learn to reach out And open your heart Lift up your hands to God And He'll show you the way And He said, "Cast your burdens upon me, Those who are heavily laden Come to me all of you who are tired Of carrying heavy loads For the yoke I will give you is easy And My burden is light Come to Me and I will give you rest." When you feel the world is tumbling down on you And you have no one that you can hold on to Just face the rising sun and you'll see hope And there's no need to run Lift up your hands to God And He'll make you feel alright
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• United States
19 Jun 08
Oh ron! Thank you for your great testimony! God is good and He was working in your life for sure! The song is beautiful! I would love to get the music and sing it in church! God bless you!
• United States
18 Jun 08
thank you for your impressive post i too have depended on the Lord if he ould love and save a sinner like me there is hope for all in his grace your sister in Christ Dorothy
• United States
18 Jun 08
Thank you, Dorothy. God is so good to all of us. We tend to take His goodness for granted sometimes, don't we? I depend on Him for everything and He supplies all my needs! God bless you!
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• United States
18 Jun 08
thank you he does every day !
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
19 Jun 08
God Bless You Springlady....Its so wonderful being a child of Christ isn't it? I wished more people would come to know him, but its so hard for people to trust in something they can't see. It sounds like you've been thru alot in your life, and I'm glad God was there to see you thru it all. I myself have been thru so many things, mostly healthwise, I've had two heart surgeries and numerous infections, and I know that if it wasn't for God, theres no way that I would be here today..He is sooo good...God Bless
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• United States
19 Jun 08
Hi walijo, Yes, it is the greatest joy ever knowing you are God's child! I, too, wish everyone would know the Lord and the joy and peace that only He can give. Faith is believing in the things unseen. God has always proven Himself to be faithful in my life. God bless you!
• United States
19 Jun 08
I really liked that inspireing touching story you told. Yes I do agree with you that god is a awesome god for he has worked through many up's and down's in my life. I know that there were many of times I wanted something and asked if it was his will he would give it to me but it never came or worked out so I got mad at him thinking "when are you ever going to give me anything I want" Once I had sat and really thought about it and parayed I knew the reason he didn't give it for it wasn't for me and knew that I'd only end up in heartach. I think in the past 3 yrs now he has really done a wonder on my life and made me really think that he knows what is best for us and what is not. He has talked to my heart when I was in doubt saying "fear not my child I know how to care for what belongs to me". I would have to say that he is a best friend anyone could ever have that will always be there, understand, and love you more than anyone could ever do.
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• United States
19 Jun 08
Hi remembering, You are so right. God sometimes does not give us what we ask for. I've asked for many things that God did not grant to me. They were not a part of His will for my life. God does answer our prayers, but not always the way we would like for Him to. His answers are either yes, no or not now. Sometimes He will just say, "My grace is sufficient for you." As I look back, I am so very glad that He did not give me what I thought I wanted or so needed. He saw my future and knew it would hurt me. I'm so glad that He loves us so much that He only gives us what He knows is good! God bless!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
That is a nice testimony and it tells you that sometimes God lets things happen, like letting you marry an abusive man who cheats. Some people say that God should immediately take you out of the situation, and that everything is your fault, but had you not married the guy, no one would have known how horrible a character he was. I thought that I was a child of God when I as young, but I did not have the resistance against evil. It was only when I got older in my fifties, that God called me for sure. Before that, I was tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. . As for evil, I could not resist and I paid the penalty for that - no birth children in my marriage. I had to move all the way from Vancouver to Winnipeg before I found the right church. I also found that by some miracle, people think that I gave birth to my adopted sons, and that is a little miracle in itself. So you never know how God works.
• United States
19 Jun 08
Hi suspenseful, Yes, sometimes God does allow us to make mistakes and uses them to teach us. Boy did I learn from that mistake! I have learned to listen more to God and less to others! God does work in mysterious ways! But He is always faithful to see us thru! God bless!
@AmbiePam (96433)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I think the best thing about God besides the gifts He has given us (including His Son), is that we never have to wonder about His motives. He always wants the best for us. The past several years have been the most difficult and painful of my life, yet I've never been more content. That's not to say I don't have a long way to go. I still need to continually give myself to Him and let Him fill me with peace. If I just got out of His way more often, He could do even more than He already has for me!
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
18 Jun 08
God bless you, Springlady, and Praise the Lord for your testimony! Yes, no matter what we have done God will forgive us if we have given our life to Him and accepted Him as our personal Savior. God does want us to lean on Him and depend on Him entirely. God is in control and the sooner we learn this the better off we will be and the better God can work in our lives. Of course, He doesn't need our help but we do want to help Him out so many times. I am so sorry for all you went through but God has made you a much stronger Christian through it all! God bless you!
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• United States
18 Jun 08
Thank you so much, cathie! Yes, God has been more than good to me! I know that I need Him all the time and I am so thankful that He is always with me! Yes, we do try to help God out sometimes, don't we? God wants our trust and faith. God bless!
@terri0824 (4993)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Thanks for sharing your awesome testimonies here. As I read it was as though I was reading part of my life unfold before me. I too was in an abusive marriage and after 8 years of marriage I divorced. My testimony for this week is that church service has been awesome this past week with all of us pressing in harder than usual and I have been under attack this week. God told me earlier today if your not under some kind of attack your not pressing in hard enough. To read how my week has been going see my most recent discussion. God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Even in the midst of the storms!
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• United States
19 Jun 08
Amen terri! Yes, God is good..even during life's storms. Jesus told us that we would encounter persecution when we live our lives for Him. I will look for your recent discussion. I'm sorry you have been attacked but God is with you and giving you strength! God bless you!
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
18 Jun 08
Thank you so much for your inspiration. There are times when there are problems and we think that God has forgotten us he is right there beside us. As the songwriter said, there is one footprint in the sand, he says he is carrying us. I am at the worst in my life and there are times when I contemplate in taking my life but thank God for sunday school and school devotion I have the strength to overcome those thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Continue to love and trust him and he will guide your heart. All the best.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
kerriannc, God is with you always. He will see you thru your trying times. Just know that He is right there beside you and He will never leave your side! God never forgets us even though at times it may seem that way. He's working in our lives all the time! Keep trusting in Him and praying!