I just lied to a preacher will I go to you know the bad place?
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
United States
June 21, 2008 2:27pm CST
I Just lied to a preacher. I got a phone call and I don't like talking to people I don't know because my ex went out and got things and gave my number to call when he decided not to pay for these things. Well the call I got the guy told me he was from such and such church and he asked me who He was talking to and asked me if I remembered Him coming out. I might have vaguely remembered but I said no and he said you must be one of the kids and I said yeah (Lie) Then he asked me if my parents were home (another lie)( sort of not because my parents are not really home) and i sad no. Well he went on to tell me all about the activities of the church for the beginning of July. He then asked me if I had wrote that all down. Yes I told him (Lie) Am I hell bound for lying to a preacher? I believe in God but I am not a big fan of church. It has been months since this preacher came by with no response from me so why do they keep trying to get me converted to not only their church but a different kind of church than I would normally choose?
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12 responses

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Thank you so much for helping me to feel better and for the advice to ask for forgiveness.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I don't believe in lieing, I'm sorry. I don't think you'll go you know where though. Ask forgiveness for what you did.
Next time just come right out and tell them that you are not interested in there church that you have your own way to worship. I believe they will leave you alone.
Just being up front and forward with them is the best way. This way they won't keep calling or coming around. And you won't feel the need to tell a lie. It took just as long to do what you did as it would have to just told him where you stand. And guess what, they will call or come by again.
Better luck next time. You can try telling him that they of of a different denomination than you are and you prefer yours. This will do the trick.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I really don't like to lie either. I am usually a very honest person and hate being hurtful or dishonest. I am so afraid of hurting his feeling that I at that moment felt it was easier to lie. You are right though I do need to be up front and just be honest. You are also right that it took just as long to lie as it did to tell the truth and they will probably be back in a few months. As hard as it is for me to tell someone I am not interested I am going to have to try. Thanks so much for helping me.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
22 Jun 08
personally i dont beleive in hell.. so no, id say yer not going there. but i dont understand the reasoning for the lying in the first place. (which might buy you a bit of bad Karma) why not just tell the truth? be blunt and to the point that you arent interested.. maybe then they wont continually call you trying to get ahold of the "parents" they havent been able to reach because you keep leaving the door open for them to make the call back by lying and saying they arent home.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I respect your opinion and you are right I should just tell the truth. I am afraid of hurting someone's feelings by telling them I am not interested. Good point when you said I am leaving the door open. I am going to have to quit worrying about hurting their feelings and close the door. Thanks for the help.
@heleni0 (322)
22 Jun 08
I don't think you did anything wrong, really. Some people just can't take the hint. It's a lot less rude than yelling, "Look, i'm just not interested, okay?!" and that doesn't usually work anyway.
When Jehovah's Witnesses come round to out homes my family pretend we're not in! I do feel bad about it but the fact is that I find going round to someone's house unexpectedly or calling people up to try and convert then just so rude. You're a religious leader, not a sales person! It doesn't matter how many times you turn them down, they keep coming back. My Grandmother is Catholic and the rest of us are Baptist. We have a religion already, thank you very much, we don't need yours.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I hate lying but don't want to hurt someone's feeling by saying I am not interested. I am afraid it will sound rude and sayint that is just so hard for me. I know what you mean about the Jehovah's witnesses I have had those that would not quit coming over either. I tried telling them that I was Babtist but it didn't work. That just made them want to convert me even more. I know she could tell I wasn't interested but for months she would come around and bring me the booklets. Save a tree and quit trying to save me was what I was thinking. I agree they are religious leaders (I can understand they are supposed to witness to people), but you are also right they are becoming more like sales people than leaders. Who wants to follow a high pressure salesperson? Thanks so much for an awesome reply.
@venturecap (6)
• United States
22 Jun 08
in matther chapter 26, there you will find where the apostle peter lied concerning jesus 3 times, yet he still remained an apostle and disciple of christ. this was not a practice, but a mistake, a mistake of which he repented. our heart condition is what counts, and thats something only our creator can examine accurately. the fact that this bothers you is some indication that you or on the right track to gain and understanding of what the bible really teaches.(accurate knowledge)
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Thank you thank you. You brought a very good bible verse to teach me and show me that it is alright. Good point on the it is what is in our hearts that we will be judged on. I do truly believe that and should have remembered that but with it being a preacher it made me feel worse than it would have if it had been say a bill collector. I know lying period is wrong but I guess the higher ties to God made me think it was more sinful. Thank you so much for pointing out something I could read to give me more understanding.
@mythreya (90)
• India
22 Jun 08
No u will never go to hell because there is nothing like hell or heaven IT IS ALL IN YOUR MIND.Being happy whether your circumstances are favourable to you or not.If u feel like u have made a mistake and always keep thinking like that then u r definitely in hell.
these people belonging to churches always try u to convert but should stand on your ground.its u r life.live the life in the way u want.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I respect your opinion and thank you for your reply.
@habichuelo (3100)
• United States
20 Aug 08
i think that was GOD using that person to test you.But you can always repent of lieying and ask GOD to forgive you,,HE will!.
You can go to other church and listen to the message and then if you feel GOD is talking to you then you can convert and keep going to your favorite church.It only means something to you and GOD.Im converted(pentecostal)but im still going to a catholic church in town sometimes,like today again in a few hours.Its not a sin gettin converted and then keep going to your old church!....
sincerily: Habichuelo^^^
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
20 Aug 08
You may be correct that God was testing me. That is a great way to think of it. I did ask for forgiveness and do feel better now than I did at the time. Thank you for sharing and showing me that it is okay to go to more than one type of church.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Of course you arent hell bound...you have your reasons, they are valid reasons....I wouldnt worry about it..not to mention the fact that as you say these ppl from this church keep trying to "convert" you which IMO is a BIG FAT NO NO...Once someone shows that they ARENT too interested or arent interested at all, they should be left well enough alone....Could you ahve gone about it in a more honest way? Sure BUT you were put on the spot, probably caught off guard as well and I'm quite sure that god would get that ya know...
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Thank you so much for a great reply. I do wish I would have gone about it in a more honest way and I am really going to try if it happens again. It did catch me off gaurd because it was like last summer when he had stopped by and had only sent a flyer once or twice in the mail since then. It is so hard for me to want to say I am not interested because I don't want to hurt someone's feelings. Thank you so much for making me feel better.
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@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I can just picture it... That preacher, showing up on your doorstep, pointing a finger at you with a lightning bolt striking you down, screaming, "Liar!" lol Ok, in all honesty, no, I don't think you're going to the bad place for lying to a preacher. Really, remember none of us is perfect, and being caught off guard by a surprise phone call would force anyone (myself included) into saying things that might not be altogether true. However, while I don't condone lying, I think anyone in your position would have done the same thing. If you feel you need to "right this wrong", try giving the man a call and coming clean, but also assertively tell him that you are not comfortable with his church, you have no desire to hear from him or anyone from his congregation again because you have your own spiritual place of your own choosing. Any "Man of God" worth his weight in salt would accept the truth with the explanation and leave you alone to pursue your own religious/spiritual beliefs. At least, that's what I'd like to think I'd do, but maybe I wouldn't. One of my pet peeves is having someone force something onto me that I don't believe or want to be a part of. But that's me.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
23 Jun 08
LOL I loved the mental picture you just gave me. I was laughing so loud that hubby looked at me like I was crazy. i had to explain what I was laughing about. I really don't like lying either. I did feel caught off guard and put on the spot. I am not sure I can call the preacher up because I don't even remember his name. I might be able to find his church though in the phone book. I might try that and go ahead and nip this in the bud now before he calls again and I am on here reposting I lied to a preacher again lol. I also hate having something forced on me and eventually I lose my temper in those situations. We did a timeshare presentation not to long ago and that is when I found out I can get mean and not care if I hurt someones feelings. But that is a whole other long story LOL.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Everyone lies sometime or another, it's not right but we still do it. I can understand why you lied. We don't like being put on the spot from other people no matter who they are. I don't want to offend anyone out there, but really dislike the Jehova people knocking on my door, no matter what you tell them, they still don't take no for an answer. They don't understand that you don't want to covert to their way. Not only that but they keep coming back, and you get to the point of being afraid to answer the door.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I did feel put on the spot and did not want to hurt his feelings. I had one of the JW coming over ever month and I had told her more than once I was not interested but she kept coming any way and if I did not answer the door she would leave those papers for me anyway. She has not been around in a while I guess she gave up.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
11 Jul 08
No you won't. You can do any sins you want and go to heaven as long as you believe in god.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I don't think you are going to go to a bad place for this one. It is just a little white lie. I also am a very spiritual person but I don't go to church anymore. I probably would have done something similar. I have never had a preacher or minister call my house and ask questions like that so I probably would have been suspicious as to if he was who he was saying he was. I think you'll be just fine on this.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Thank you so much for helping me to feel better. I truly hate being dishonest but truly hate hurting someone's feelings even worse. It has helped me a lot just to see that others don't think it was so bad. Thanks again.