Am I alone

@p1kef1sh (45681)
June 21, 2008 3:50pm CST
I am fairly regular contributor to myLot, I have several close friends here. So how come I sometimes read discussions and think "what are they talking about". I've just read one about a friend and her nude pictures. How did I miss that? More importantly, why haven't I seen them. LOL. Do you ever feel that despite your "presence" myLot life passes you by?
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35 responses
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
21 Jun 08
Actually no. I find that I have more of a life here, then I do in my normal life. LOL. Here I can be myself, say what I feel and people here seem to understand. While the people around me, don't seem to know what I mean. I really like talking and trying to help. At My Lot, I don't feel like people are judging me in a bad way. Everyone is equal and we all help each other. I like that. Maybe its because my German is not good. I had lived in the Netherlands and felt the same way. In the Netherlands they have a different mentality. Speaking English and getting reply in English feels good too. Anyway, I like it here. Take care, Happy My Lotting. Margajoe
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Jun 08
I know exactly what you mean about myLot, it has been that way for me too at times. I have even just met one of my myLot friends for real this last Friday! However, I think that sometimes I must wander around in a dream. I don't always remember which discussions of my own I have posted!! I used to live on the Dutch German border (German side) and loved going into the Netherlands shopping etc. There is more of an English feel there than in Germany. Although I have often thought that there are many similarities between the British and German approaches to life. We both think that we are always right for a start!!
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• India
22 Jun 08
well its different living normal life cause you are not used to MAKIN FRIENDS and i am suffering from the same problem, its like 5000 friends on social networks and hardly 5 in reality, another reason can be your girlfriend whoos SO Attached to you that she dosen;t even let your freind come a meter closer to you Damn that, still i enjoy the NET. LOL
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
22 Jun 08
Hi, Thanks for your comments. Yes the mentality of the Germans (Berliners)is alot simulair to that mentality I used to know in Canada. Though your absolutely right, about always wanting to be right.LOL! But, the Dutch are very stuburn too. I like Holland as well, but I feel more at home here, in Berlin. Though my Dutch is much much better than my German,LOL! But, I will get there. As for the girlfriend: Are you sure you want to live your life like that? I did it for 9 years of marriage. No way anyone will strangle me in that way anymore. If you really Love her, go for it. But, think about yourself first. Just some friendly advise. Take care, Margajoe
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I'm not sure why you have not seen them yet, I have tons of discussions to go through from Mylot from my friends. I have not seen any rude pictures so far either. I have all of my friends discussions saved in a folder on my computer. I go through them as I find the extra time to. I feel like I miss some things at Mylot at times also from some of my friends. I think they mails get lost in cyberspace.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I don't think that there were any rude pictures now Steph. I misread something. But it can be a hard job playing catch up.
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Its passing me by because I haven't been on here. I just had a few minutes and thought I would dip my head in and say hello. I miss everyone very much and all their antics, but don't feel yet up to saying too much. So just a quick hello. Thinking of you along with all my friends.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see you comment here. The discussion is immaterial. Just to know that you are able to drop in is a relief.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Jun 08
oh all the time! I go thru and respond to so many discussions and sometimes spend much time searching and reading. It always amazes me when something happens and I missed it. I'm not sure why I am so surprised in that. It happens in real life too.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Jun 08
exactly. sometimes it feels as tho I am right here all the time or even in real live and then something happens and i don't know...makes me feel how did that slide by me? it doesn't even surprise me anymore really. i can blink my eyes and everything changes.....nothing new to me.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
It does happen in real life too Sid. But you only have to miss one discussion and you are struggling in total darkness.
@ellie333 (21016)
22 Jun 08
Hi, Even if away for less than a day it can appear you have been away for a year as you only have to miss one discussion to be out of the loop with what is going on. In fact I couldn't remember whether I had responded to this one or not so have just gone through all four pages and did notice response number 21 you have overlooked by accident, I have had this happen to me where I have missed a whole page too in the past, not nagging but thought I would let you know as you like me respond to all received. The other two you didn't respond to I can understand why, why do people post these strange links eh? Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 Jun 08
OOOOps sorry didn't spot that you had already replied cos on two separate pages. Oh I know where I would rather have been to I agree but playing cathc up takes forever doesn't it, I am sure there are many more I have missed of my friends discussions. Oh I delibrately don't reply to those money making ones also. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I shall have to blame you Ellie!! If we'd not met up I'd have been on here and missed nothing. LOL. Mind you, I know where I preferred to be. A certain pub with two gorgeous ladies. Thanks for reminding me about No 21, but that was a double entry by Lingli. I replied to her at No 20. There are a couple of very silly money making ones that I have ignored though. But a day is a long time on myLot, two days an eternity.
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@Elixiress (3878)
22 Jun 08
I feel that in such a large community it is impossible to know everything that is going on in everyone's lives and keep up to date with their current affairs, and for this reason I do not even try, I take each post a person makes as an individual post rather than one post out of many in their life. Sometimes I wonder what people are talking about, but that is usually because their English is not too good and it makes very little sense.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
That's a sensible plan. I struggle with others' English too. But then you should see my attempts in Urdu or Spanish!!
@Elixiress (3878)
22 Jun 08
Other than English, I know a little big German and that is it. I have never been one for learning foreign languages, since most countries are able to speak English now.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Jun 08
There are a lot of times I have read a New discussion on here and wondered how could I ever respond back to it even if I wanted too. Sometimes the discussion either just makes No sense, or it is about something that I cannot relate too as well.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I've been there. I think that I might have posted some even! LOL.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
There are now over 133,000 members and I can see how the old friends might have gravitated somewhere else or have been snagged in some other orbit. I do notice that some of my old friends have moved on to other things. Cheers!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
Over the months I have seen a few friends fall by the wayside too. But others have joined and sometimes the old ones come back too. That's always a good day.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
yes i do often wonder how come i have missed some discussions.lately i have not been on mylot as often as i would like and i understand i would have missed a lot of things,but when i was on constantly,i always seemed to miss some fun that was going on around me,maybe it is when we are on here and discussion change so quickly,its easy to miss some.cheers sue
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
Time does fly by here and discussions move on very fast. I admit that sometimes I don't read them all. A day out and the whole world seems to have moved on. LOL.
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Jun 08
It does pass you by if you are not there every five minutes of everyday. This is a fast moving site with discussions and responses 24 hours a day. Miss one thing and you feel left out. Perhaps its easier to be on top of everybody if there was a system where all of your friends' imput was sent to you. I'm not sure this is possible but maybe it can be done. Other than that anybody can miss anything on a site like this.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
The best that we can hope for is the e mail notifications system. But that doesn't always work. Otherwise you are quite right, it is easy to miss things.
@anex08 (868)
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
Yes, I always response to discussions everyday. if I can't post a new discussion myself I make it sure that I do a lot of responses so meaning I am also one of the active members of mylot but then, there were instances that mylot really passes my by. But i do not blame anyone, maybe because my effort is not yet enough.. happy mylotting!!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I agree. Happy myLotting to you too.
• India
22 Jun 08
Yup! life on mylot passes away, every moment all of our fellow mylotters are posting new issues and topics. Happy Posting!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
Very true. Happy myLotting.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
I haven't been here long enough to feel myLot is passing me by, p1kef1sh, but I think maybe real life is passing me by because I spend so much time at my computer! It's a bit of a worry that there's a big, wonderful world out there and I'm not spending enough time in it ...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I share that view. I need to get out more too.
• United States
22 Jun 08
I believe it is because there are so many people posting at all different times. Missing a couple of hours or a couple of days will let much pass you by on here. This is the only place where I can post a discussion and get responses within only a few hours. With hundreds and hundreds of postings to choose from, it's very easy to miss most of them. As long as I see my earnings increase then I will stay on mylot.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
That's a very good point. 24 hours is a long time on myLot.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
it happens to me as well... i am here everyday quite regularly and i still miss out on some things here... but i can understand... may be i don't spend as much time here as you... i have a full time job and i can only be here on my free time... but i always try to catch up though... take care and have a nice day...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I think that you do very well Lingli. You are a very popular contributor.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
it happens to me as well... i am here everyday quite regularly and i still miss out on some things here... but i can understand... may be i don't spend as much time here as you... i have a full time job and i can only be here on my free time... but i always try to catch up though... take care and have a nice day...
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@ruby222 (4847)
21 Jun 08
In short..All of the time!!..I just post away regardless,and if its read its read and tough if it isnt!!by thw ay ive not yet seen the discussion you mention..but ive got to admit that I often go to my friends page..and i will take alook at the conversations that they have replied to..and usually there are a few discussions that are of interest to me. You at least do well enough to attract a good few replies Piky...which is evcellent,but then your posts are quality posts..not monosylabbic..or boering...thats a bored person during the Boer take no notice of me tonite ive overdosed on pirates and playing games!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Jun 08
I do alright I agree. Sometimes more than alright. I had a post last week that ran to nearly 140 responses! But I sometimes feel that I look but don't see. Or maybe I don't look properly in the first place. Thinking of looking. If you've read the latest part of the OurLot Pub story; are you still talking to me?
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@gloamglozer (1289)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
I know mylot is a great place to be but i cant help think that there should be some kind of chatroom (I dont think would work since there would be so many people on and the posts would go by very fast). I just want something that would allow us to communicate more quicker.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I can see why they don't put a chatroom in though. We'd go there and not the discussions which give us more time to "admire" the adverts that pay this site and pay us!
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22 Jun 08
hey guys...what are you talking about..i did not get it..sorry...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
The discussion is about not keeping up with your friends discussions. Even regulars struggle to keep up at times.
@masterdw (90)
• China
22 Jun 08
Though I almost have no friends here an I have been here just for several days,I think mylot is significative for me .I live a palce whitout just a litte english,and I can't speak out my mind in english.But English is so inportant for me.Mylot just give me the place to think in english ,and talk about daily things,all this make me satisfied.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jun 08
I am pleased that you are enjoying being a part of the community. Thank you Masterdw.