wisdom tooth

@resuab (265)
United States
June 22, 2008 8:18am CST
hi all, in a week, im suppose to have my wisdom tooth pulled. now since that heard, i have been asking around, but all i have been hearing is how bad it could be, and how it could take a few days to "recover". the part where i have to be knocked out with anasthetics is also surprising for me. at first i thought it was just a tooth that needs to be pulled, but now it seems like a "real" surgery now. Have anyone here gotten their wisdom tooth pulled, what are your thoughts and comments on getting a wisdom tooth pulled. resuab
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4 responses
@kareng (59055)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Well it could be either. When I had my wisdom teeth out,I had to be admitted to the hospital and totally knocked out. I had wrapped around roots and mine had to be literally cut out. Your doctor should inform you BEFORE the surgery as of what to expect and if there are any complications or possible complications. If there are none, then usually a short term anesthesia is used.
@resuab (265)
• United States
24 Jun 08
yep, the ortho told me i had to be knocked out for the procedure. i am somewhat worried about the after affects of the surgery, like he said something about destroying the nerves after cutting the gums, sounds freaky
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
24 Jun 08
It does take awhile for recovery, just follow doctor's orders and you will do fine! Dreading it and waiting for the surgery is the worst part!
@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
so, how did your tooth extraction go? mine is next month... i have been reading about other people's experiences... anyway mine is not as serious as yours i guess because it's just gonna be local anesthesia...
@resuab (265)
• United States
6 Jul 08
well i actually just got it done 3 days ago. the anesthesia worked well, didn't know what happened because i was sleeping. right now, theres no pain, just still some swelling where the tooth use to be, overall its not too bad, although i would say that eating stuff can be a pain the first couple of days, good luck with ur extraction!
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
wisdom tooth is also called third molar..most of the time it is impacted,meaning,the position or the tooth besides it hinders the eruption especially if the jaw of the patient is too small to occupy the 32 sets of teeth.. the best thing to do is... have it examined by your dentist,get x-ray and assess.. if it bothers you,have it extracted.. impaction,is not just a simple extraction,it is a major surgical procedure.and it took hours sometimes depending on the case. just be ready and stay calm.it wont hurt you,as long as the anesthetic technique is good.
@resuab (265)
• United States
24 Jun 08
hehe, the anesthetics better be good, my dentist told me that itll be sore for a while afterwards too, although he seems quite calm, so im nervous and calm a the same time.
@psalm1_3 (562)
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
I think that just hurt a little but it will soon fade when the anasthetia takes its effect...
@resuab (265)
• United States
24 Jun 08
yea thats what ive heard, tho idk how much is its gonna sting after the anesthetics wear off haha