Do you give to others less fortunate than yourself?

@kareng (71007)
United States
June 22, 2008 2:19pm CST
I'm trying to clean out the house here with a pending move to the Old house we are buying. I'm finding so many things that belong to my kids who are now grow and living on their own (except for one who is staying with us again temporary). Lots of the things are old clothes that do not fit anymore. Since I don't have time for hosting a garage sale, I'm posting some of them on our local FreeUse group and others I'm sending to the Salvation Army. Do you have and use a FreeCycle group in your area? And/or make donations to your local Salvation Army or Goodwill? I've done both in the past and find it most rewarding. I've met some very nice people from our FreeUse group and find it a very rewarding and nice group of people. If you are not familiar with the program it is an email group where you post things you want to give away for other locals who can use the item to pick it up. It is a great place to find things you need and also a great way to donate! It also frees up the landfill/dump. That is a lot of stuff being 'recycled" that would otherwise go to the dump! So anybody else take part in this group in your city? How do you like it?
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19 responses
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
Here in the Philippines, we don't have the salvation army and the like. But we have foundations or NGO's which we could donate such stuff and they will give out this stuff to those in need. That is were we usually give out old yet good to use clothes. But for those clothes which were worn once or twice only, we often give it to our helpers. They would be the one to decide if they would rather use it them for themselves or send it out to their families in the province. With old shoes and bags as well as unused make up, we often just give it out to people who feel needs it the most. We don't sell it anymore because we believe that those people who gets to receive it needs it the most than we do. It is also nice to give than to always be the one to receive.
@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
That sounds like a wonderful custom, lorelie :) Thanks for telling us what you do to help others in the Philippines!
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
23 Jun 08
I have never heard about an online group here but we do have a Salvation Army and the Intravel Home which funds for battered women and children. I definately do agree with donating all you don't need. I raised ny little girl on hand me downs and now at 35 years old she is a very kind and caring person and she's doing the same thing I did. She donated all her childrens things.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
It sounds like you did a great job raising her! Way to go!
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I never heard of the FreeUse group. It sounds very interesting. Will have to check out the site. I give all our unwanted clothing to an organization where I was initially housed after being born. I was adopted so in the process of being adopted, stayed in this orphanage for about 3-6 weeks until the adoption was final. They take any and all clothing, wash and resell. The profits to go the organization. It's based locally in Missouri. I always feel good about doing something for someone who needs things more than I do. My husband also donates all his unwanted clothing and our kids do as well.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Try Freecycle and your city name or Recycle and city name! Good luck!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I belong to a Freecycle group in our area and have donated lots of my sons toys, clothing and other household items to the group. It's a great way to recycle items. I have also dropped off clothing to the local thrift store as well. I would rather do that than chuck everything into the trash.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I agree. My husband always says throw it away. I usually post on our local FreeUse group--same as Freecycle. There are so many great people there! If you are reading this and don't know about this group, search Freecycle or Freeuse and your city. Great way to get rid of things you don't need and get things too! Our group shares cuttings, plants, coupons--all kinds of stuff! Btw, Freecycle is a registered name. Our group used to have it but we had to drop it because of the trademark.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
1 Jul 08
When I originally moved from Winnipeg to Calgary, 7 years ago, I went thorugh everything I owned and I gave away most of it. I tried having a garage sale but most of the bigger things didn't sell so I just donated them to Value Village. I know the proceeds go to charities so I don't mind giving my stuff away. Then after we lived in Calgary for 5 years my husband got transferred back to Winnipeg and so we did the same process of getting rid of everyting. Now I moved back to Calgary, without him, and I only took two suitcases of clothes with me so the rest of the stuff we accumilated he gave to his daughter since she just bought a house and had nothing. So yes I do give things away and some of it to charity.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Way to go, Chris!
@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
23 Jun 08
That is very generous and thoughtful. That is the right way to do it. Although these things are old, small and will never be used by you or your family members, it is wise to give it to the less fortunate. It is indeed rewarding to be able to help without wanting anything in return. Keep up the good work. I will do the same when time comes and I have stuff that I wont be needing.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Will do! It's awesome to have so many wonderful people here to share with.
@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I believe in helping others. Mom and Dad raised us that way. With nine kids and crippled with arthritis bad enough that he couldn't hold a regular job, he still helped people who came by our place back in the 40's and 50's who needed mechanic work or parts from the salvage yard that he owned. People traveling who sometimes didn't have the extra money for repairs would stop and he would do it free of charge. And maybe if he had a little extra he would give them 5 or 10 dollars to help make it where they were headed. He would tell them that to pay him back they should help someone else who needed help. A lot of people may have thought he was doing it for nothing but what he got back was the knowing he helped someone in need and though he never said so I will always believe in my heart, he felt the blessing of God! And he taught his children a life's lesson that we could not have learned from a book. And what is one man's trash is often another's treasure. I have known hard times and have taken what others may thought was only worth throwing away. So instead of tossing something, give it to someone else.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Very well said! And a good lesson to be learned her. Your father sounds like a very wise man!
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
23 Jun 08
It bothers me to see all these people on tv asking for money for charity. I have no money to give. I am retired on only a small pension with high blood pressure and heart trouble. I have to support my wife and two sons (one with autism from the mercury in the MMR shot). I find it very hard to find enough money for us to eat.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I wish you luck! Have you ever thought about freelance writing? I can give you a couple of sites if you are interested--just PM me.
• United States
23 Jun 08
Karen I think we do have a freecycle like what you are speaking of here. The place I tend to take things to is our local help center. We have a small town with very limited resources for families that need help. So I donate anything in good condition to them. Also several times a year Jake and I buy a good size bag of non perishable food items and take in. We do it at times other than at holidays when everyone is giving because the pantry at the help center gets low. I think it is important that as a member of a community that we give back what ever way we can no matter how small the donation is.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I agree, the size doesn't matter or the dollar amount. The thing that counts is you give and you help out. That is the key.
@MsCYPRAH (394)
23 Jun 08
Yes, I do tend to give to others whenever I can, because I firmly believe that the more we give is the more we actually receive too in a cycle of gratitude. It is also a way of giving thanks for my own blessings which I never take for granted. I am always giving my stuff to Oxfam here in the UK because they do a wonderful job around the world making sure it goes to the people who need it most. Giving is a part of my life now which I do automatically without thinking. For many reasons, I couldn't live otherwise.
@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
That is a great way to look at it! I also believe that what goes around, comes around--either good or bad!!
@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
23 Jun 08
i dont know about this group i live in bermuda but i do give too people less fortunate then me i feel if i was in there shoes i would want someone too help me so i think it is fitting too help others because the bible says do unto others as you would have them do unto you one hand washes the others i feel we have to help one another because you never know when you will need help from someone else
@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
So true. I always say, charity begins at home.
• United States
23 Jun 08
Unfortunatly, we live in the middle of nowhere in a neighborhood with about 200 families. The income levels out here span from very poor to very rich. Everyone owns 5 or more acres and a lot of people bought out here when it was only 5 thousand dollars for a 5 acre lot. Now the lots go for 200 thousand dollars. So needless to say, the ones who have been here forever are, for the most part the poor ones and those who got in later are middle class and those who are buying now are very well off. We live too far away to talk anyone on FreeCycle or Craigs list to come pick anything up. Fortunatly, there are enough poor people right here in our neighborhood that all you have to do is spread the word and someone will take it off your hands for sure.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Helping those around you should always come first in my book. Have a great day!
@snowy22315 (186912)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I donate at church. i've done some volunter work for Habitat for HUmanity, and I donate clothes and food periodically. I do like to help others at times.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
That's great! We have a great group of people here!
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
my sis - see my daughter in my avatar wearing same dress
There are lots of old clothes here at home and there are also lots of charity groups here in the Philippines but only a few of them pick up donations and I am having problem carrying all of it to their place so I just give it to some of our neighbors and friends who'll need it. Actually, most of my kids and even me use hand me down clothes. I have a seven-year old sis in Canada and she sends most of her clothes that she had outgrown. So basically, we are one of those who use "relief goods" and it was a good way of cutting expenses on clothes since kids grow up fast and it will be a waste if you would be buying all their clothes. I hope, we also have freecycle groups here as there are lots of items here at home that I can no longer use since I've grown really big after I had two kids.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Recycling among the family is a great way to clothe the family, especially kids!
• United States
22 Jun 08
I have never used a "FreeUse" group but I do quite often donate to the needy as I know that we must look out for those less fortunate than ourselves. I do not usually give to the big charities that feed those in other countries and such as I believe that charity begins at home. I donate to local foodbanks, salvation army, good will, food for homeless (we distribute sandwiches to homeless people), and etc... I think that it is our responsibility. Thank you for the interesting topic and have a great day!!!
@kareng (71007)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I also believe that charity begins at home. I'd rather give stuff to people I know need them than to an organization that will freely hand over money to a foreign country. I like to know where my donations go, either monetary or items. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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• United States
22 Jun 08
With me and the foriegn donations, I think that how can we clean up our neibor's yard when ours' looks like crap. You know what I mean, we have a million starving people right here at home so how can we in good conscience take the neirbor's kids to lunch and leave our kids at home to starve. Charity begins at home not anywhere else and once we erradicate home charities then we can worry about other countries in other countries. Thank you for the wonderful discussion and have a great day!!!
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
23 Jun 08
You have made an excellent point! Thanks for chiming in!
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@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I also belong to a freecycle group. It is really a great idea and it makes me feel better to give things away then to throw them out. I don't really do Salvation Army only because I know of places that will take things and give them away free instead of making people pay for them. Churches and Community Action Groups is where I have always focused. Also food pantries are great when cleaning out the cupboards.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I used to give to Volunteers of America here locally but they have gone up so high on the prices in their resale stores to where it is crazy. You can buy the same thing for same price but brand new. So what is the point? I'd rather give to FreeUse/FreeCycle :) The foodbank is another good cause!
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I'm going to look into the freecycle as theres stuff we need to get rid of.I would like to donate money to charity but I can't right now. Me and my family have got to get so many things fixed around our house. We need a dish washer,vacuum cleaner,we need plumbing work done and alot of other things. We pretty much struggle to get by like alot of people and the rising prices are not helping. God Bless the needy and less fortunate though.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Good luck with finding one! I think a lot of people are struggling right now. It's not enough to have to face the high cost of gas, but food also! Everything is going up!
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Me & my girl-friend go through the house once a year & all the things we find that we don't find the use for ourselves, we donate them to charity... We talked about having a garage sale but I thought it would be better this way... I grew up not having much so I know what it feels like...
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
22 Jun 08
That is wonderful!
@ShealM (388)
• Canada
22 Jun 08
Absolutely, I remember once giving a street kid with no shoes 20 bucks to go get a pair of shoes. I've bought brand new baby items for people I didn't know in real life who couldn't afford to do it themselves (cloth diapers, Ergo carrier, ect). I've sent money through western union to people I've known for years online who needed a boost. I've even done Christmas shopping for a friend I've never met face to face because she couldn't give Christmas to her boys without help. I've donated stuff, money and lent money with no expectations for it back. I believe in helping people who need the help because I was there once too and I'm just paying it forward with only expectation for the person I'm helping to pay it forward one day when they can do it.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
22 Jun 08
That's a very nice thing you are doing! I agree we should all help those less fortunate because you never know when you will be in their place and need help also.