Parents make mistakes too.
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
June 22, 2008 4:56pm CST
Oh boy and was a mistake ever made this weekend. I did a discussion recently on my little son, who is six being invited to a party and being asked by party boy to buy him an expensive present. Well that party was doomed from the word go, heres why.
The party was scheduled for this evening (Sunday 22nd June) at 6.30pm, my hubby had looked at the invitation and told me the day it was on and I remember us both thinking "what a funny day and time for a party". Anyway today rolls around and my boy is so excited and looking forward to it and going on about it all day. (This is so hard)Finally the time came and I got him ready to go and his Dad took him.
Anyway my phone rings, hubby, he says "uhm bit of a problem" I said "what's that?" he said "well we got here and no one was here, so we waited a bit and then I went and asked at the desk and they told me that the party was yesterday." I could not believe it, I dug the invitation out and it was, it was flippin yesterday. Hubby had read it wrong, and I did not double check like I normally do. I was gutted for him, and I mean gutted, I had the biggest lump in my throat I could not believe it. My hubby was gutted too as he said my son was going on about it all the way there.
On the plus side, the place where the party had been booked is like a jungle gym, a play area where the kids play on a crawl through thing. They felt so sorry for him that they gave him a free pass to go anytime he wanted, so we are planning to take them all next week sometime.
Please don't give me a hard time over this, believe me I and hubby are suffering enough, and we will continue to suffer even though my son is now perfectly happy about it.
Have any of you ever made mistakes as parents, any, no matter how big or small?
Has something ever happened that is disappointing to your child but has broken your heart for them?
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28 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Jun 08
hi gemini rose I am so sorry for aall of you but we all make
mistakes, I mean all of us have misunderstood a date in out time.
I still remmeber how hurt I felt when I make a party for my son
for his birthday while he was in kinder garten and nobody not one lousy person turned up for the party nor answered our invitations either. I actually felt worse for my son than he
did so we took him to a matinee then out to eat at our favorite
cafe as a birthday treat.
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@Elixiress (3878)
23 Jun 08
That is an easy enough mistake to make, there are many times that I have misread something and only realised later on, luckily I usually realise just in time as I check everything the day before I am meant to be going, because I am forgetful and convinced that I will forget the right time or something.
Did you ever find out how the party was? Did he really miss out on anything or was the party not that exciting?
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@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
They are not back at school until tomorrow, and I do not know the boys Mum anyway so I guess I might never know. I actually would rather not know!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I'm sorry to hear about that gemini, As I was reading the story, it makes me feel how hard it was to explain to the kid to lessen his disappointment and I felt like I am part..LOL! Anyway, We are not perfect but at least next time, you will double check as you usually do..LOL, I know you can just make up for your son...Great news that he is perfectly happy and never blame as common reaction of other kids..
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Awwww sweetheart!! You made a mistake!! It's okay!! You're only human, you're allowed to make mistakes!! And best of all, your son forgives you two so don't beat yourself over something that you guys didn't mean to do!! You're very good parents so give yourselves credit where credit is due!! Now smile!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 Jun 08
just this weekend.. but wasnt my mistake, was an equipment malfunction. we went to a carnival yesterday, and all she was yammering on about for a week was driving a bumper car.. was SOO excited!! well she screwed her nerve up.. found her car, got strapped in.. big smiles etc etc. and then the thing wouldnt work.. she got stuck in one place, never moved, and everyone was piling into her just the same. she got so upset she curled up in the seat into a little bawl and started crying. the guy finally shut the thing down and we got her out of there.. even gave her a free pass for any ride she wanted.. but she was so upset. it just killed me inside. i quickly diverted her attentions to a game of darts and the guy there had seen what happened.. helped her win and gave her choice of anything she wanted of the prizes. she didnt go on anymore rides tho.. ;sigh;
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@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
Oh poor little duck, that happened to me too when I was a kid and it was horrible. I had to be rescued too, all the time people were just crashing into me and my neck was jerked and it hurt. I never went on them ever again. I am glad she got a prize though that was nice of the man.
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
22 Jun 08
This is probably harder on you and your husband than on your son. All he wanted was to play on the jungle gym and he is going to get to do that so he is happy. You on the other hand will feel guilty for evermore! But take my word if this is the worst mistake you ever make raising a child pat yourself on the back and feel blessed!
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@CrashO (698)
• Romania
23 Jun 08
Actualy i'm not a parent, but I can say you for sure he will forget it very quickly, I'm sure you tried everything you can to do it okey.But It really happens, don't you worry, he forgave you allready, the 14-18y the mistakes will cost you :-)
good luck ! :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
I think that he has nearly forgotten, he asked me if he could have his friends present this morning! I think it is me that will take longer to get over it!
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
23 Jun 08
This is so sad that he missed his party. Parents often make such mistakes. We have also done it where the kids were invited to something and we took them only to find we had the wrong day. They missed a birthday party once because we miss read the invitation. But it turned out all right because we made arrangements for them to spend another day with their friend and it was even better then if they had gone to the party because they got to have their friend to themselves.

@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
It was sad, but he has more or less forgotten it, I am still feeling like a complete failure!

@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
23 Jun 08
It can happen to any of us. Your son is fine, so I wouldn't worry about it. I'm just glad that he isn't upset. Its never easy for us to show our children that mistakes can happen to adults.
This year I told my husband he needed to pick up out daughter from work, but I had the wrong day and she ended up calling because Dad didn't arrive for her. I felt about 1 inch high, as her boss couldn't leave until my husband picked her up. It was already 11:00pm. The bad part was she had to work the next morning and over slept, so my husband had to get up early also.
@proudmammabear (556)
• Canada
23 Jun 08
oh sweetie! I feel ur was about 5 months ago, and same kind of senario, hubby said the party started at 1 pm, I never checked the birthday invite as I too usually do, well we got there and the party was just ending because it was from 11am until 1pm. I felt like the worse mother in the whole world...luckily they were still there and I was able to explain what happened etc. and while he didn't get to play with his friend at the place, they agree'd to take him for a "play date" with just him and his friend....I FELT HORRIBLE though and I still feel terrible about it, because usually I am so on top of things....but not that day :S
It is ok, we are human, and kids are resilient and likely this will bother you for years where he has likely forgotten about it the next day!!
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
It has to be the worst feeling! I too felt like the worst Mum and when he came home and hugged me and cried I could feel my heart ache for him!
You are right though, kids are resilient and he has more or less forgotten and I still think of it and feel really bad!xx
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
23 Jun 08
The same thing happened to me when I was in grade 1. I was really looking forward to the birthday and my parents had the wrong date. I was so sad. My mother just yelled at me for crying cause it was my fault. So don't feel bad at all. Glad you are doing something for him so that it will leave him with a very positive memory. :)
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
I am sorry that your Mum shouted at you, that cannot have been nice!
@kimberlylynn (978)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Here's a good birthday party oops. My child started a new school and brought home an invitation to a party the first few weeks. Neither of us knew the children yet but the excitement of meeting new friends was too tempting so we called to RSVP and went and didn't think much of it.
When we got there my child wasn't playing and I said go play with you school-mates and it became apparent that none of them were familiar. So we are talking to people and find out the invitation was for another kid with the same first name (no last name was on the invitation and we did call to RSVP remind you). How crazy was that? So we let them have the gift and stayed for a while.
On the flip side, we had someone show up a week early to one of our parties so I am sure similar things have happened to all of us! The kids will get over it and so will we.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
23 Jun 08
It has happened many a time, and it will continue to happen worldwide to every parent.. We are parents not saints, we do make mistakes.. I would quit beating myself up over it, since your son has already forgotten about it.. I hope you didn't get the expensive toy for this other child..
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Why would anyone give you a hard time for an honest mistake? Parents are human. Humans make mistakes. I remember the year my son was supposed to wear a costume for a halloween party at school. They were also supposed to bring candy or a treat to share with everyone - like trick or treating in class. He brought home the flier and was all excited, but he was young enough he didn't remember dates well. As mom, I should of. But on that day I sent him off to school as usual, without costume. When he came home that night he was so sad. He was the only child in his class who didn't have a costume on, or a treat to share. Boy did I feel like a bad parent. Luckily for me he was young enough it didn't last.
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
Sometimes I get grief when I say things to do with the kids! I know it was only a mistake but at the time it was awful! When my eldest was little (16 now) I sent him to school in uniform and it was non uniform day, that did not go down too well.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
1 Jul 08
Damn! What the heck are the orrganizers made of, couldnt they inform yu hat the aparty was pulled a day behind, It was really bad especially fro the little boy! he missed all the fun! Life must go on anyway!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
27 Jun 08
Your poor son! He must have been so disappointed!
But yes, we've had such incidents too and my son's been a sweet heart and forgiven us...though he did go on for a while about it.
I can't think of any specific incident right now...but my son had to forgo having a birthday party two years in a row. The first time I was pregnant and I was just too tired to organize one...and I explained it to him and he was okay....the next year, my grandmother passed away just a week before his birthday and we were in mourning. As per our custom, we can't celebrate any happy occassion (unless it's a small one with only immediate family) for a the poor felow missed another birthday party.
But this year he's going to get a real great one to make up for the past two years. I've been feeling so bad for him especially since he was nice about it...though I knew how much he was looking forward to having the party the second year. We had everything planned out and I had evern started getting things ready to match the theme.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Poor little buddy!
My heart goes out to you and your son.
I know what it's like to miss a big
appointment or feel like I messed up.
These things are often unavoidable.
Even in the best situations.
I can imagine how bad you felt.
I will not be the one to critisize,
cause it happens to everyone.
It's happened to me.
I'm happy to hear that this gloomy
dark cloud has a silver lining
and your little one will get a free pass
to the playground.
Take pics! You always post the cutest pics.
Be well.
Have a beautiful week.
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
Thank you for your lovely words, that is really nice. I will take some pics when we go.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I am sorry to hear about your mistake. There is no need for anyone to try make you feel worse. I haven't made those kinds of mistakes but I am super super anal about things. I have missed martial arts programs because they will tell my ex-husband when he takes them (we have shared parenting) and then I don't know about it and I miss it. I get mad the kids get disappointed but they know that I didn't miss it because I was trying to miss it. I hope you stop beating yourselfupover it.
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
I am OK now, he is OK so I am. But I will definately make sure that things are checked and double checked in future.
@zhoushuzhen (284)
• China
30 Jun 08
Top 10 common mistakes parents make
1.Too much junk food.
2.Not reading to your child often enough.
3.formula feeding.
4.being too strict
5.being too permissive.
6.buying whatever your child wants.
7.too much pressure.
8.not teaching responsibility for one's actions.
9.talking negatively about a child when he can hear you.
10.forgetting to tell your children that you love them.