When did your child first take an interest in reading books?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
June 22, 2008 10:36pm CST
Today me and my daughter sat down and read her favorite
fairy tale, about the Little Mermaid.
Later, I found her curled up on our loveseat, with
book in hand, busily flipping through the pages
as if she were reading.
I was a very proud mommy!
I'm happy that she is finally taking an interest in reading.
When did your children start trying to read on their own?
How did you encourage them to read? Any tips to help a
preschooler learn to read? Would love suggestions. Thanks!
6 people like this
22 responses
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I'm sure you were a very proud mom!!
My son has shown interest in books and pretending to read them since before he even had words. I began reading books to him daily when he was not even able to hold his head up by himself. He always loved board books and one day just started opening them up and reading them (pretending, of course) when all he even had was a babble language. But he was getting the inflections right and occassionally a slight word. But he felt for sure he was reading. Success!
I have been told that the best thing to do it is get stories for toddlers that have few words, a catchy story or phasing and pictures that relate directly to the words. One good example is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" It is catchy and they like to hear it over and over. Very soon the pictures tell them how to fill in the words. That is when we as mommies do what is called "catching your child finding success". They say the words that they remember from the story and we point to the words they are saying and tell them they are reading. YAY YAY YAY. This kind of success will make them want to please us more and more and have fun in spite of them selves.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
That is very sweet! And, I love all your ideas. I will try them all.
I have noticed that she does that over the Three little pigs story.
She will go through the book and she has every page memorized.
She could fool someone with her clever memory.
I know that it's just from memory. But it's a start.
I'm happy for her.
She is doing so well.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Be well.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
23 Jun 08
You are doing an awesome job, beauty. You know that she has just memorized The Three Little Pigs but she thinks she is reading and that is success.
Educators call all of that the early stages of reading...... learning to turn the pages from front to back, saying what they remember being said on certain pages, etc. It is all about engaging with a book and your little one seems to have that down. Enjoy. It is a blast isn't it??
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
It's so fun much to watch her "read".
And fun for her.
I'm going to treasure these times, always!
Be well, my friend.
Have a beautiful day.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Elliott loves to look through books! He picks out books and brings them to me probably a dozen times every day, and I read them anytime he brings one over. He also looks through books on his own a lot. He's been interested in books since before he was a year old. I've been reading to him since before he was even born, though. When he was really small, I would read whatever I was reading out loud, while I fed him. I guess that might be why he likes to look at parenting magazines so much!
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
My daughter loves looking at the parenting magazines too.
She coos at the babies and says, "Oh, isn't that cute!"
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
My daughter is only two years old... and i can already see signs that she is interested in reading books... she would always get one and pretend as if she is reading... she can already identify Harry Potter... and loves to look at picture books... sometimes... she will ask me to read for her... she would point at the word... and i will read it for her...
@eachen2002 (889)
• United States
23 Jun 08
My daughter has been reading ever since she could walk,i got her a computer when she was 4 and I bought all the books and whatever i thought would help her.she is so smart,my mom has homeschooled her for several years now and she ahead of alot of kids.I am so proud of her.She wants to be a doctor.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
That is so wonderful to hear!
I'm thinking about homeschooling my daughter,
cause she is so smart. I don't want our local
school system to crush her spirit and I know they will.
So, I'm not gonna risk that.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Be well.
@vicneedscoffee (1259)
• United States
23 Jun 08
This will sound terrible, but I honestly don't remember. It was young though. She is now 12 and a voracious reader. She called me today from her dad's and reminded me we have to go to the library tomorrow...lol.
When she was learning to read we did flash cards, easy reader books, picture books and I used a chalkboard a lot with her. I read to her every night. If I was working my mom read to her. She just always had books around. I think a lot of it is the environment. I never made her read, but always offered to read to her so she grew up in an environment where she saw everybody reading.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I love all those ideas!
So far we've used some flash cards and read to her often.
Plus we use Reader Rabbit and other phonics cds.
But I had not thought of the chalk board.
She will love that idea!
@Jhordie (5115)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
I wish I can share something about this... all i know is that I saw my nice grew up to be a nice and kind little lady at her age of 7 yrs old. I even watch her flip those pages of her story books when she was around 3. I am happy just by watching her and makes me more eager to read to her everytime she sleeps. She is indeed a little older now, making her a little independent and less need for our guidance... but still she is our baby to look upon to.
I am so happy that your daughter have that kind of interest in her early age. God bless you and your daughter most of all.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Thank you so much, my dear friend, Jhordie.
It is always a treat and honor to speak with you online.
Thank you also for your well wishes.
And blessings upon you and your family, as well.
Be well.
Have a joyous and blessed day!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
27 Jun 08
My older one's been a book lover since he was a baby. He loved to sit on our lap when we read a book to him...and the love for books continues.
But the younger one isn't interested in books and the moment we open a book for him...he glances at it and then shuts it with his little hands...to signal that he doesn't want us to read it. He enjoys stories told to him though. The only pictures he likes to see in a book are that of a car or plane. So, I'm planning on getting a little book on cars and slowly get him interested in books.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
24 Jun 08
I don't have a child, but I took an interest in reading around grade four, when I discovered that I liked more "grownup" books about history, than the typical kids books that my teachera and parents were trying to get me to read.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
24 Jun 08
My neice last week when my sister was here with her was asking me if I had any books that she could read. She doesn't know how to read yet but she want to learn. She starts kindergarden this year. I think for her birthday or before she starts school. I am going to look for her some books that have small words so maybe she can get a start on reading. She also likes someone to read to her.She already knows her ABC's and how to count to 100. So I think that is pretty good. Of course she has been in nursery a few times and earlier this year my sister put her in Pre-K for awhile. She liked going. Even on the weekends she would get up and ask her momma is school today?
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
24 Aug 08
My children never really got into reading and it became a problem for them once they were in school. I tried to sit with them and read to them, when they were little, but I didn't always have much time to do that since I was raising them alone mostly and had to work a lot of hours so that I didn't have to go on welfare. Then when my son went to school he had problems with his reading and failed grade one. Then not till grade 5 did the school actually test him to find out he was dislexious (wrong spelling I'm sure) and had to be placed in a special school to learn how to deal with it and read. He eventually learned, it was a tough couple years, and moved on with regular school. But it scared him and he quit school when he was in grade 9 and never went back. He is selfemployed today and is doing very well financially, but the reason he is selfemployed I think, is because he was embarrassed that he still can't read very good.
My daughter also failed grade one in school because of her reading skills but she is moved on also and can read now no problem. I personally love to read and I read a lot. I read one good size book every week.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
My son started to read before he ever entered kindergarten'as we would read to him and he soon learned to read and just devoured'everything I bought for him.He was reading third grade'level in first grade and sixth grade level in third grade and in high school he took classes at the junior college inour county. He grew up to be a very intelligent man. read to preschoolers a lot and explain words and help them to understand. they absorb so much so quickly its surprising.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
23 Jun 08
he is currently reading and he is 7. he started to take an interest this past year as soon as he learned to read. he will look through books and magazines now and read aloud and it is so cute. he picked up reading so easily that it is truly amazing to me. i picked it up easily too and never struggled with it. math, however, is another story.
@misty99 (736)
23 Jun 08
You're really a one proud mommy.
Just like your little darling,my daughter (turning 3)started flipping her brothers book last year.So I decided to put down to her reach all story books/flashcards (alphabets and numbers)/picture books as well.What she would do is ask me about the pictures or letters or numbers one after another,sometimes i'm having hard time mylotting lol.Tips?Check out some box of picture puzzle where letters are separated-what i have are animal pictures.Start with 3 letter picture (cat,fox),say the letters one at a time while she puts them together.In no time you will hear her do it by herself.And then the next level is 4 letter,then 5 letter so on so forth.
Good luck!
@CrashO (698)
• Romania
23 Jun 08
Hmmm, congrats for you to hear that, I'm 21h don't have kids, but I have a neice, and she's 2y old, and I let her alone on youtube, and she picks her favorite songs from the list and she allready knows how to move the mouse and pick the video when the one she's looking is over.
Good luck with that, I saw some nice alphabets with animals on it, you could try to learn her some of the letters one bye one, if she would enjoy it.
She'll be the smartest in the class :-)
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
23 Jun 08
My daughter is only 17 months old and she is already obsessed with books. She will lay down on the floor and flip though a book for a good 10minutes at a time. I know that does not seem like a long time, but when you are 17 months old that is a long time. I don;t really remember how old my son was when he first got interested in books.
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jun 08
My daughter is two and she loves to sit with her books and "read" them. She babbles away using the words she does know as if she is reading the book. She is interested in reading and books so that is a good thing.
@chitchat (179)
• United States
23 Jun 08
My daughter, who is 7 now, started to take an interest in book when she was about 3. I had bought her some picture books and she made up the stories to go with the pictures since she couldn't read yet. Now she's a speed reader--she reads chapter books. I was lucky enough that I didn't have to do much encouraging. I give her full credit.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I am proud to say all of my kids are readers. I can't remember when the older 3 first started taking an interest in it, but I can tell you my toddler just turned 2 years old and he adores reading, and has for at least a year now. Here's a picture of my daughter reading to her brother. It was taken nearly a year ago.
@jban0811 (98)
• Australia
23 Jun 08
Well this is very interesting. Well, I'm still a teenager so I guess I don't have a child but I do have a baby sister who's 5 now. She loves books but she can't read that well for now. My mother told me that I started to read books when I was about 2 and a half years old and loved listening to books before as well. I must say I was quite amazed by this. I never thought I could've learnt to read that fast but she said I was literally reading easy books. I guess that does explain why I like books now. Early, good habits give you good habits for life. When trying to learn to read I teach my sister some words to memorise (small words like is, am etc) and put vowels with consonants so it'll be easier to make sound out of letters. Also reading with the child is helpful but you have to make sure that she must look at the letters while you read(even if she can't read). I hope she could read soon.