I am so going to get in trouble....

United States
June 23, 2008 5:57am CST
I came down for coffee this morning and found a visitor on my back porch. A bassett hound, she is so sweet. I have no idea where she came from, no collar, so no tags to be able to find out where she belongs. She is sleeping by my front door now, and I'm hoping that her owner comes looking for her. She is well behaved and about 5 years old. Not sure what I'll do if someone doesn't come looking for her, I already have a large dog. But, I'm such a dog lover, I couldn't leave her outside where she might wonder into the street, and it's supposed to be stormy today. I hope if you are a dog owner, that you keep a collar with tags on your dog, you never know when they might get out. If they have tags on then you have a good chance of having your pet returned home, since whoever finds them would know where they belonged or at least a vet's number to call to find out. Do you keep collar and tags on your dog?
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13 responses
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
good day. Yes I gave her a collar with name and tel no. in case she got lost or something. We love our dog so much that each member of the family does their share of taking good care of her..
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@owntuilp (422)
• China
24 Jun 08
soudes good,i agree wiht your opiont and a lovely pet always get all the memeber's be care for .and then,whenever you can have a chance to return the lost pet if you had gave some info in the collar.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Oh no, here you go again trying to get you another "funny farm" going huh? hahaha You and I both know good and well if the owner and dog are not reunited that you will keep the dog. If the dog is that well behaved I'm sure it does have a good home somewhere close by. Our dog don't wear his collar and tags much at all. He is always in the house and when he goes out back it is usually when someone else goes out to play with him.
3 people like this
• United States
23 Jun 08
Well, as an update, the bassett's name was Sadie, and her people called and came and picked her up. But, you're right, Dan said he was afraid of the consequences if no one called about her.....he would be bringing home a new collar! LOL But she is back home, but she was very well behaved, I even left her in the house while I went to the doctor and therapy.........another month off! ughhh!
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I am glad that Sadie's owners found her. Can you imagine how relieved they must have felt? Some people would have just kept her and kept quiet or would have wanted a reward. I know you were sad to see her go but also glad to see her go before you got too much more attached. Sorry about your doctor's report, maybe in another month you can go back to work.
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@CrashO (698)
• Romania
23 Jun 08
Actualy I had kept them for a while at my dog, but now I don't, I walk him only with us handling him tight, becouse one time he got taken for one week and then they let him go or he escaped and comed home skinny and unfeeded.. but now he is okey, he walked alone outside and he allways comed back in 3-4h, but after that we didn't let him alone anymore. Now he is old, 10y old and sleeping allmost all the time :-)
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I have three dogs, they all have tags. I used to work at The Humane Society so everybody there knows my dogs! They would let me know if they ever came in!
@ElicBxn (63830)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Zoe - and some cats I think
We keep collars on our dogs - the other roomie is bad about taking her dog's collar off. Sadly, Zoe has managed to take every set of tags we've ever put on her off. We don't know how, but they have all been lost. We do keep a lock on the gate.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Since your dog loses her tags so easily, have you thought of using a waterproof marker and listing the info or your phone number on the inside of her collar? I had to do that to my cat since I couldnt put a tag on his collar, for fear of him getting caught in a tree by the tag.
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@ElicBxn (63830)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Since the next door neighbors replaced their fence our dog hasn't escaped. And she only escaped then because they took down the old fence without telling us. But I spotted her before she'd gone one block, caught her and brought her home. That's been about 4 years now.
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• United States
23 Jun 08
I dont know about you dear but I believe everything happens for a reason. This dog just might be meant for you to have
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• United States
23 Jun 08
Well, she wasn't meant to stay with me, but she did show up at the right house, to be taken in until her family came and got her.
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@mcc371 (918)
• United States
23 Jun 08
We use to have a dog name Hooch. He was a cute salt and pepper schuzurer. We had him for 12 yrs when he passed on this past April. We have been so sad he was like one of the family. He was an inside dog and we have a chained link fence but he never tried to go anywhere he stayed always by my hubbys side. We didn't get tags to attach to him as he didn't like collars and one time he was trying to get out of it he got hung on the leg of the outdoor patio chair and thank goodness we were there to help him get undone. So we decided to just leave it off as a safety precaution as he was usually during the day home alone and often went in and out through the doggy door.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Hi there palonghorn, It might be hard for the owner to trace that dog anymore..Anyway, I agree with your idea about putting some tags so that it will be easier for the one who will find them to contact the owner!
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
24 Jun 08
For a dog her age she could have been lost but then again someone could have left her. If she looks healthy and in good health and well cared for something could have happened. So keep her and let others around you know, don't take her to the pound. Someone just might come for her. Even if no one comes keep her still. If you take her to the pound and she's not adopted them might put her to sleep. So keep her.
@beeeckie (802)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Have you checked to see if she has an ID tattoo on her belly or elsewhere? Or maybe she has an internal "lo-jack" implant. Both of these are unlikely considering the fact her collar's gone, but perhaps she wriggled free of a backyard tie? You could ask a local vet to check for the tattoo or implant IDs, I doubt they'd charge you. Otherwise, check with the Humane Society, and if no one claims her in two weeks, you can adopt her.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
palonghorn thats so sweetof you and proves we should all be sure our pets have ids on them at all times should they get out and we not know it.I always had a collar with id on it when I had a dog. Now I am petless and live in an apartment complex which is anti pets.
@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Thats so nice to be taking care of someones dog, I'd hate to see anything happen to it. My dog has a license with the county animal control shelter. He did get out once and I drove the neighborhood looking for him. When I got home I found a voice mail from the shelter that said they picked him up and I could go down in the morning to pick him up. He was tired and confused but otherwise fine. PEOPLE, PLEASE HAVE YOUR ANIMALS LICENSED. Its for your good and theirs!! I hope that you find the owner of that dog, it sounds like someone is missing him! Hugs, Tianna
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I am ashamed to admit that I have not gotten our newly adopted pet any tags yet.. I keep meaning to but have been so busy that I just completely forget about it! But she does have a microchip.. and although I know it is not as easy to read obviously :), hopefully that will help to get her home as well.... Of course, hopefully she never gets lost and then we won't have to worry about that at all :)