Tired of given them such special treatment...
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
June 23, 2008 2:03pm CST
Ok this is my rant and if I p*ss someone off I really don't care. I'm so tired of this country bending over backward to accomidate Spannish speaking illegals and immagrants to this country. GUESS WHAT YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY FOREIGNERS IN THIS COUNTRY. Why in the hell do we have to go out of our way to have everything be in English and Spanish? What about all the Germans, Koreans, Chinese, Indians and everyone else that migrates over here. Why the hell are Mexicans the only ones who get special treatment? If they want to come to this country then need to stop being so damn lazy and learn the language just like everyone else. We can't go to France or China and expect them to bend over backwards for us and make everything in English just so we can fit in.. so why are we doing it for the Mexicans? I'm sorry but this is getting out of hand. I think that anyone comming to this country should have 6 months to learn English or get deported back to their own damn country. I also think that in order to apply for any type of assitance or work they must speak english flunetly and be here legally.
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15 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I agree but now I am going to pi*ss you off. If I was going to complain about people not speaking English then I would make darn sure I was at least writing/spelling correct English in my rant!
accomidate AKA accommodate
Spannish AKA Spanish
immagrants AKA immigrants
comming AKA coming
assitance AKA assistance
flunetly AKA fluently

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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Will given that English isn't my first language... I don't really give a damn if I mispell a few words here and there.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
25 Jun 08
At least you are trying! It is not easy to learn English, but it can be done! traditionally,the older parents,or grandparents, were the ones who felt they could not learn anything new! The saying about teaching an old dog new tricks, was about people who thought they could not learn because they were older than 25 years of age!
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I realized how bad it got when I called a company and the greeting was in SPANISH first then for english I had to press 2. I just shook my head. Just as I am shaking my head now. I agree with you that everyone living and working in this country should speak the language. But I take my rant one step further. I don't believe foreigners should get assistance AT ALL until they have lived and worked in the US for at least 2 years and only then if they are applying for the benefits due to an illness, injury, or loss of employment. It makes no sense why my tax dollars are going to fund people who have been in this country 6 weeks and would rather live on welfare then get a job in this "land of opportunity" while my neighbors who has busted his rear end working in the mill for the past 30 years can't get assistance because he has too much "equity" in his personalty.
I'll stop now before I go off on another tangent.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
23 Jun 08
What got me all ticked off was when I was watching tv and suddenly they started playing commericals in all Spanish... I was like WTF. Last I checked I lived in America.. so why the hell are my commercials now being played in Spanish. Unless its on an all Spanish speaking Channel then I want my TV in English like it should be. I'm tired of this country bending over backwards to make them feel comfortable when its screwing its own people in the process.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
24 Jun 08
i can't agree more with you... if a foreigner wants to migrate to another country, then they have to learn to speak the language of that particular country they are moving to... it is just not fair if the native people have to accomodate the foreigners and learn their language as well... i, myself migrate to australia and i have to learn to speak and write english fluently before i can move here... if they don't want to learn, then stay where they are... take care and have a nice day...
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@carrotcake14 (361)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
Everything in this world, should be fair and square and so sad to say, it rarely happens.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jun 08
I am with you all the way devilsangel. let them come inhere legally and learn English. we have to have all our prescriptions and other stuff with folders in four or five languages. whyh not
'all immigrants learn english as they come in here legally. I would learn the language if I moved to a foreign country.And yes to get any type of assistance they must speak English fluently and be here legally, otherwise no help will be given.
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@acolecobob (3)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I am so glad to hear you say that, my friend. I, too, am tired of the multi-language thing in this country. If you come to this country to live, you have to speak the language. I would give them 2 years though. If they can't read and write English after 2 years, get the hell out! We have enough trouble having natural born citizens that can read and write English. I am tired of having a Mexican couple send their 7 year old son to talk to me about their purchases at the store, because they can't speak English. You want the freedom? Then take the responsibility to learn the language.
@olivemai (4738)
• United States
25 Jun 08
It is worse than anybody has ever thought possible! Now our schools cannot teach science or math to preschoolers and other students, because what little money our government has, by law has to go to the English learners first! That is not a problem, except that I have learned that parents who already speak English are not teaching it to their young! That is a waste of our tax dollars and it is holding back the students who speak English! All anybody has to do is out Sesame Street on, and it will help anybody learn English and some Spanish too!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
23 Jun 08
300,000,000 - 535 = 299,999,500
299,999,500 / 300,000,000 = .999998333
99.9998333% of Americans agree with you.
There are 300,000,000 Americans. There are 535 members of the House and Senate combined.
I've long maintained we should treat the visiting members of any country in the manner that country treats visitors from this country. How are Americans treated in Mexico? Like we treat Mexicans? I didn't think so.
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@redfang (967)
18 Sep 08
I have got to sympathise with you O.P. things aint much different here in the uk either only it's not the mexicans we have muslims instead, our country is being constantly changed to fit their needs hell it's hardly England any more it's more like new muslimia.
I have a sneaking suspicion things in the U.S. are pretty much the same as here when it comes to immigrants, what annoys me so much here in the uk is that these foreigners come over in the thousands and as soon as they get here they go and claim every possible benefit they can get their hands on at the expense of the british tax payer, they clog up our NHS, they don't speak our language, they demand mosques to be built for them to worship in it's just never ending with them, they won't stop or be happy until they are running the country and using the english as slaves, hell we're already not far from that as it is we work ourselves to the bone in order to pay the government the high taxes they are demanding and where does most of it go? to help these lot the british government ( labour ) hardly bother about the british people any more they are more interested in appeasing the foreigners and giving them everything they can.
It's about time these governments started thinking about their own people for a change.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
24 Jun 08
The mexicans came into Louisiana after Katrina to help clean up the area. They did the jobs that we as americans did not want to do. But as you watched them, I seen someone say that they buy at the local stores, yes just barely to get by, they are lined up on payday at the stores that they can send money back to Mexico, they earn it here and send it back home/ i do appreciate the help that they gave, but one was convicted of killing one of our neighbors and because they dont' have to register as being in the united states it took a long time to find this person, there was also many rapes and assults by these people.
Wonder why they are all coming here when all our jobs are being sent to Mexico, my future daughter in law just lost her job as it is being moved to Mexico also, they should not get any help here unless they want to stay in this country and pay the taxes we have to pay for the work we perform, all that i know was paid in cash, no taxes, wouldn't it be nice if that was the way it was for us. They dont' have to speak our language, although most that I saw could speak it but wouldn't. They are taking over and I heard one say on a game site I play on that by 2010 they will have taken over California and then will move east, I don't think they should have the right to a driver's license and food stamps and welfare they are not united states citizens, look at the crap I had to produce after the storm to prove I was a us citizen, but they don't need birth certificates or social security cards or any of the things that we need to apply for help they just give it to them. Some one better stop the influx of all these people coming to the united states or there won't be anything left for the people born and raised here, and there certainly won't be any jobs if they keep sending them to Mexico, they will work for nothing there and they don't have to pay them benefits.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
24 Jun 08
America is a melting pot, however, most every other ethnic group that has chose to move here has learned our language, except we are supposed to learn Spanish, because they chose to move here. I don't think so! To drive an 18-wheeler in this country, they will actually give the test in a foriegn language so they can get their license, however, all the road signs, maps, etc. are in english. They want Americans to bend over backwards for them.....what have they done for our country? Have they become legal citizens so they can fight for this country? NO Have they learned english, so they can become a citizen and work and live in America legally....are you kidding? I have no problem with anyone wanting to live in America, become a citizen and do it legally, but I do have a problem with illegal immigrants coming over here and complaining......If you don't like it, go back where you came from! I have been down the beach in Texas, and I have seen illegal immigrants walking up the beach, coming into America, and they didn't do it legally.....why?
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I think it is irritating, and people do need to get along! How can anyone think of moving somewhere if they do not speak the same language as those who live there? It is true that many immigrants will continue to speak their own language even after learning English! That is not a problem, but if you want to get along with Americans who are against you but trying to be friendly, it really does help to speak English! Many are afraid they will not be understood, but do know some English! I have often struggles to speak Spanish, as I learned it in school for two years, but I am not fluent as I did not have much chance to use it where I grew up! Now that I have the chance, it is not always a good idea, since it can be considered insulting if you use the wrong word! I was doing fine trying to get more signs in the school written in Spanish, as we have fifty-one percent Latinos in our city! After the school hired a Spanish speaking secretary, I was not longer welcome and my Spanish was no longer considered adequate! I was even asked at one parent meeting to let them have the meeting entirely in Spanish, even though there were other parents who were not Spanish speaking to begin with, and we would have an English translation! I have noticed that at times, the translation is not exactly exact! The funniest thing was the word "challenged" stumped everybody, as in how do you say "challenge" in Spanish?
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I agree. Everyone is preaching about the econmeny going to sh*t but I go to McDonalds and don't see one white person working there. I am by far a racist, I have a mixed family. But I think that there should be stricter laws on the illegal immagrents
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@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I so agree with you.It is true we only bend over backwards for the Spanish.I wonder why this is to.The only thin I can think of is that the Mexicans maybe aren't as intelligent as the other nationalities.I am not sure of this it is just a thought.I know not all Spanish speaking people are from Mexico,I used to work with this very nice man from I think it is called Dominica.He was very proud of his country,talked of how beautiful it was,and over the years of knowing him I have learned that these people are far different from the Mexicans.He has learned English pretty well although he still speaks Spanish in his hoem,I was always able to understand him.I met his friends and family from Dominica,and they are very nice people.He does a bible study once a wek and they go to church every week.His children are well behaved and well mannered.He has also began speaking English to his kids more,and has them in special English classes so they can fit in ,in school rather then expecting the school to accommodate his children because they don't understand the language.
So I do agree with you,I just wanted to point out that I do think there is a difference with Mexicans,I don't think they come from a place where they are taught common courtesy,and manners.They all seem so rude and uncivilized.
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@tractorboy (62)
23 Jun 08
Mexicans and other foreigners are moving to the US because they can earn more money than in their own country as unskilled labourers. This benefits US society because you pay less for general cleaning, sanitation, road maintenance, food and the like. This means your costs are less in your affluent lives and you have more disposable income than you would otherwise have. In fact, so many are living in states like Texas for example, that there is a quite reasonable notion that signs and instructions may need to be in both languages for the good of public safety. I'm sure Mexicans would love to learn "American" so they can enjoy their adopted country even more than they do, but simply can't afford the $200 per week that this would cost. In the meantime, they all go to the shops and buy American products, therefore increasing the money that ends up in Daddy's or Hubby's pocket every month.If they work for Daddy as well, he may even get away with not paying payroll tax and health insurance. And if you own a small house or flat in a poor area, you will also have a queue of people ready to rent your cockroach infested shack. Shame on you.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I call bullshyt on that.. my family immigrated to this Country and trust me English isn't their native tounge either but they took the time to learn to speak, read and write it. I'm not Japaneese but since I was going to live in Japan I took the time to study their language so that while there I was able to get around and function. So to say that they can't afford it is just simply bs. The fact is they are to lazy to learn it and the goverment caves in to their whinny complaints that "its to hard" instead of making them learn it.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Shame on me??? I've know mexicans that had lived in my state-which is Tucson AND Texas thank you very much--for well over 10 friggin years and NEVER bothered to learn the language. I also don't feel it's fair that they are crossing over ILLEGALLY and we are offering our own benefits to them. I understand what happened with African Americans and the fact that they were BROUGHT here for slavery, but the mexicans are coming over here because they WANT TO!!!
I have heard it from their mouths that they don't WANT to learn our language...while chuckling, they WILL use us to take care of their needs. I have heard this from MANY mexicans!!!
Now why should we bend over again??
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@tractorboy (62)
23 Jun 08
I emigrated to France from England in 1987 and would have been horrified if French people had suggested I should be thrown out if I couldn't learn the language. I speak fluent French now, but had the privilege of having had an education, so found it easy. As you evidently have if you can afford to go and live in Japan. If the Mexicans are so lazy, why are they doing all the hard, dirty jobs like milking cows, that Americans don't want to do.
Sometimes we need to remember where we came from and allow others to do as we,or our parents, have done.
Also, remember Martin Luther King and how the US used to be? Do you really think we should go back there with all that hurt?
"Making them learn it" is authoritarian. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that Hitler and Stalin were the kings of this particular philosophy.
I think "Live and let Live" is a good idea. We are lucky to have the lives we do, and should celebrate our good fortune.

@redbutterfly20 (111)
11 Jul 08
I think you should do yourself a favor and learn how to speak English yourself. Your spelling is absolutely horrendous. Anyway, they are learning English. If they weren't all the ESL classes across the country wouldn't be filled to capacity. My husband is a first generation American and he speaks English fluently with no accent. His mother who has been here for the past 30 years speaks english. So if you don't have the exact statistics to back up your claims you should refrain from posting.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
11 Jul 08
First off speaking English and being a great speller have nothing to do with eachother. I never claimed that I was the best speller on the planet. I however can speak, read and write english and don't need to have special treamtment. As far as your husband good for him, My father was also a first generation American so big freaking whoop. Is he suppose to get a cookie for doing what people are suppose to do and that's come here and learn the damn language.
Given the fact that we have hundreds of illegals come into this country everyday and even some of the leagal one who expect special treamtment just becuase they speak spanish. The hell with them. Why is it that they deserve special treatment? We're not cattering to German immigrants, or French one's or Koren ones.. so why are Mexicans getting such speical treatment.
I think there should be a 60 day time limit. Once i this country you have 60 to start learning English and making some progression or it's back to where ever you came from.
I'm tired of my tax dollars going to pay for people who aren't even here legally, and who don't even have enough respect for this country to even learn the language.
@redbutterfly20 (111)
13 Jul 08
I think it's ironic that you are comparing them to the Germans actually. The Germans were critized for the SAME exact thing. Here is a quote by Benjamin Franklin about Germans "Few of their children in the country learn English...The signs in our streets have inscriptions in both languages...Unless the stream of their importation could be turned they will soon so outnumber us that all the advantages we have will not be able to preserve our language, and even iour government will become precarious." Deja vu right? It obviously took them a while to assimilate. Virtually every country on Earth is multilingual (Look it up). At least the Mexicans do learn within the first generation that is a fact. Do you actually know any illegal immigrants, or hispanics for that matter? I think a lot of people are lumping the two together and that is wrong. My parents are from the U.S, my grandparents, my great grandparents. I don't give my allegiance to Mexico or anything but I do think people need to be fair about the situation. Why are they coming here? Because they are poor and unfortunately there are too many poor people in mexico doing menial jobs. So they come here to WORK. Not leech off the government. The urban institute found that 2/3 of illegal immigrants pay taxes. This I know to be true because I KNOW illegal immigrants that are currently paying taxes. Can they get social security? umm NOO, but they are putting money into our social security fund. I think it's safe to say they are the ones being taken advantage of. I just think this country has such a history with being Xenophobic it shouldn't be surprising anymore. The Irish were considered dirty drunks. They would actually post signs saying "N.I.N.A" No Irish Need Apply. Legal or not, so what could have been the excuse then I wonder? They critizided them of stealing jobs, which were the same types of jobs the Mexicans are doing now. Even the Italians were not considered white, but "Latino".. Funny stuff. They did anything they could to separate themselves from people they thought were less than them.