Are There Angels Among Us / around us?

June 24, 2008 9:20am CST
Hi all, I was praying and felt that weather angles are listening or not? When speaking of angels, we should not ignore the wicked angels, heavenly creatures who the Bible says rebelled against God. "Daniel" was the one who join the satan. According to bible the angel were created before the earth/human were created. So they are near our god. and are working as per his instruction. i have this concern, how we will come to know that what we are thinking is due to good angel or the bad angel? please help.
6 responses
@ferritic (82)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
Yogeshdhusa,Good Day! First things first, there are several types of angels. 1) Seraphim, 2)Cherubins 3)Thriumpants, (They glorify God) 4) Thrones 5)Power, 6) Principalities (They are the guardians of heaven) 7) Arch Angel (Warriors) the most known is St. Michael the Arch Angel defeating Lucifer and 8) Guardian Angels (Personal Angels). Angels are Super Beings, the highest among beings. While us we are only beings, the lowest among beings. Angels cannot read our minds. We are the only beings that have a will. When God created man He ordered the Angels to look after Man. Lucifer a Seraphim, one of the highest form of angel, will not bow to a mere being (Man), for he is one of the Seraphim. This is his sin pride. Because of this pride he and 1/3 of the angels in heaven were thrown into the deep pit of fire after the great battle of good and evil. Lucifer comes from the name Lucius or Light Angel. Even Lucifer cannot read our minds, but can only suggest and tempt us in commiting sins. He did this in the garden of Eden when he suggested Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge to know everything and be equal to God. He also did this when he was tempting three times Jesus in the desert. He is doing it everyday to us. Lucifer is not scary or horrifying with horns and fork tongue as projected in out movies. He is one of the most beautiful beings and with this beauty comes deception. Each one of us have a Guardian Angel. Think of it when babies fall from their cribs unharmed. The guardian angels always there to be at our side. Our Guardian Angels are always at our side but when we grow up and become more focused on worldly things, we start to block our ears and started not to listen to them. Both Angels and devils cannot dictate on us for we have the power of will. We can choose wether to be good or to be bad. We currently call our Guardian Angels as our conciense. The little voice that we hear is the voice of our Guardian Angel. When we try not to hear the little voice and focus on the temptation given to us by the devils then we commit sins. Temptations are not sins, but when we let ourselves engage in the act, then we comit sins. We often stop hearing the little voice when we enjoy commiting sins. I have a little experiment for you. Think of nice things for others and they will smile at you. But try to think of bad things for others and probably will get you into trouble. So how do we know that what we are thinking is due to a good angel or the bad angel... always hear your consience! More power and God Bless. Ferritic.
• United States
25 Jun 08
I want a friend of mine to read this and comment could you Alucifer??
1 person likes this
• India
25 Jun 08
Thanks a lot fer askin me DJ :) .. posted a response ;) ..
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Jun 08
no, Thank you, it was *perfect *
• Australia
28 Jul 08
I think the biggest way to know is to decifer whether or not your are being advised to do something you know you shouldn't do. In my religion we believe that angeles guides always and if it's right you will recieve a burning within your bosom. A heavenly feeling of peace. If it is wrong you will have a stupor of thought that should confound you and misdirect your thoughts. Take a look at for more info on how I believe.
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
I do believe in angels, whether good or bad. They were created to help God guide mankind. However, when jealousy and insecurities arose,God's favorite angel named, Lucifer decided to follow the wrong direction. That's why there are angels and devils. I also believe that even here on earth there are angels. They come in the form of our true friends and loving family who will guide and protect in any endeavors that we take.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
I don't really believe in angels because I can't see them. It's really hard to believe in beings you can't perceive. I do think there are spirits who roam the world and inhabit certain places. Maybe the good spirits become angles just like good people become saints? I don't really know. I'm not sure about the origin of angles but I don't really believe in them to answer your question.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
Hello! Yes I believe there are angels. They are God's soldiers sent to protect and guide us. The elders say that each one of us has a guardian angel that's assigned by God. My guardian angel's name is Ton-ton and I always call on him whenever I need help. My aunt taught me how to find out his name. She said before going to sleep pray to God for Him to let me know the name of my angel. She said once I wake up, the first name that comes to my mind is my guardian angel. So I tried it out and I just thought of the name Ton-ton when I woke up. You might want to try it too. You may believe in it or not but theres no harm in trying. About those fallen angels, I think as long as you have faith in the God they can't harm you.
@benhilo (871)
• Tripoli, Libya
25 Jun 08
First of all remember when praying...sometimes the answer is NO! Yes there are angels among us in many forms even in the flesh!!!