Know that God is in Control
By Springlady
@Springlady (3986)
United States
June 24, 2008 9:54am CST
Hello everyone,
I can't help but notice some of the evil things going on, not just in here, but in all areas of the world.
I have someone who thinks they can post about a particular subject to try and "outpost" me or something. It's a game to them. It's all a game to the devil.
I want to tell you that God's Truth remains even when things seem totally hopeless! God is good and He is faithful!
I have read by someone how Christians are evil. They have no idea Who God really is and I pray for them. They are lost and they do not know God. They hate those who are His children. Jesus said for us not to be surprised if the world hates us. Remember the world hated Him first.
I love the Lord so much and I want to shout to the world how great He is!
Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. Many people don't like to hear that, but it is the truth. If there were other ways to be saved, then Jesus would not have had to die on the cross in order to save us. We can not save ourselves. Only by the grace and love of God's own Son, Jesus Christ.
God bless you!

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18 responses
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
24 Jun 08
So very well put! Yes, God is in Control! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. He will never take us to anything that he will not bring us through. He never said we wouldn't go through trials and tribulation. This is the time that he grows us. As we press in, there will be new devils as we grow to reach new levels. Time is drawing near! People Get Ready Jesus Is Coming!
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Yes, Jesus is coming! I am beginning to wonder if we are living in the end times. So much is happening just as the Bible tells us will happen soon before Christ's return. Don't get me wrong. I know that only the Father in heaven knows the day and the hour. We don't know how long the end times will be, but we must always be ready for His return.
God bless you, terri!

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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Hello..Springlady...well I agree with you on that. I don't know where people get the idea that Christians are evil. The Christians that I know aren't evil, they would do anything they could for you, and they show so much love to everyone they meet, I try to be like that also, its one of God's commandments we are to love one another as he has loved us. Yes, God does say that the world will hate us because of what we stand for, but we are to persevere through it all, he's with us all the way. I also believe that there is only one way to be saved and thats through Jesus Christ, alot of people think that just being good is enough, but its not by our works that we are saved, ONLY through Jesus Christ, and our belief in him.....God Bless You for what you stand for...
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Hi Springlady, I have spent many years as one who believed in Christ but not a Christian and a few (about 12) as a Christian. Until I was 35 I had never really gone to church or actually understood about giving my life to Christ. I always believed in Christ or at least thought I did. I wasn't brought up in church or understanding anything about becoming a Christian. I had 2 wonderful parents but we didn't go to church or spend any worship time although they were both baptized Christians, they quit attending church before I was born. I had to reach my "rock bottom" before I asked Christ to take over my life. Then I gradually understood what it meant to have a relationship with Him. Things started changing in my life over the next few years that I didn't even think possible. He took away many of my desires that were bringing me down in life and replaced it with goodness and light. I changed from the inside out. I am by no means sinless now, but I have His forgiveness and someone to lean on through everything. I talk to Him daily and He always answers my prayers. I realize now that's not just a cliche. God does listen to our prayers and answers them. Sometimes not as soon as we want an answer but I am learning to sit back and enjoy watching how God works.
I know there a lot of people on here who don't believe and that is completely their right. I will not try to change them and I will not let them change mine.
@dolce_vita78 (8062)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
I believe in God and I believe that God is in control. I do not know why some people claim that they are Christians but they do not live by it. I hope and pray that God will touch their hearts and give them enlightenment. Let's pray that they get to know who God is and recognize his omnipotent power and eternal love.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I believe in God and I want to state that before I go any further. I also believe that there are some not all but some christens who think that they should judge others and mistreat others for not believing the way they do. I do not agree with this practice at all. I think that people who clam to be Christian and try to brow beat others into their beliefs and judge them harshly give Christians a bad name. I think that we can stand up for Christ state our beliefs without heated debates. You can not make someone believe the way you do, fighting with them and trying to force them to see it your way will only make them less likely to believe. State your case and be done. No arguing, no hatefulness, then you know you tried and then they can make up their own mind. But I know there are those out there that will keep goading you into an argument. Don't let them do this either. Be the bigger person and let it go. Forcing any ones beliefs on another just makes the person forcing and the cause look bad. I am in no means saying that you are the one doing this. I just know I have seen a lot of this type of behavior in real life as well as on here.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I think that people who clam to be Christian and try to brow beat others into their beliefs and judge them harshly give Christians a bad name
BRAVO!! and I agree completely...
Forcing any ones beliefs on another just makes the person forcing and the cause look bad.
BRAVO AGAIN and again I agree completely...but try telling THEM that 

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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
24 Jun 08
You are right about God can touch their hearts and he will if they will let him. God will have the final say that is true. All we can do is share our views and tell our testaments and go on knowing that we tried our best. We may leave the conversation thinking we didn't make a difference but you never know that one little whisper that we did may eventually pay off and us never know that it did.
If that little whisper gets through than they might be open for when God does touch them. I was a sinner like crazy tried to deny God. He got me and turned me into a true believer. He touched me twice cause I guess I was a slow learner lol. Twice he talked to me and now I know without a doubt that he is there. So remember that just because we think that our whispers are not always heard they might be getting through more than we think
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Thanks for your imput, Raven.
That is what I'm trying to do. All I want to do is to serve the Lord. That's it. I want to do that which is pleasing to Him. I want everyone to know that they have hope...true hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. I hate to see someone living without God or true hope. It saddens me.
I have so much joy and peace...way too much not to share!
How can a Christian show love if they do not tell of Jesus Christ? How can they honestly say they are serving Him if they do not spread His Word?

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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
24 Jun 08
My Sunday school has been going through the twelve step program and my pastor has been addressing it in light of God and how the steps can bring us closer to God. The second step is acknowledging that God is in control, which goes with the first that we are powerless.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
24 Jun 08
all i can say to rhis is a big Amen !
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Springlady, keep on posting! God is using you tremendously. You are making the devil feel uneasy and he is just trying to discourage you and stop your posts by the other one posting about other particular subjects and trying to outpost you! I support your discussion because you are 100% right! God is the ONLY way to be saved and satan will do all he can and use whomever he can to cause us to give up. WE REBUKE YOU SATAN AND WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT GOD IS IN TOTAL CONTROL! God bless you!
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@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
I really do believe that you're right in this issue. But I'd like to share my own thoughts on this.
The Lord is really in control always and in all places. And I would relate this to problems happening here and there and in a lot of places in the world. But for a specific issue, I would take a problematic person for instance.
When one has a problem which is quite too hard for him to handle, he might think that God has abandoned him already specially if he has exhausted all efforts to solve the matter. However, I know that God sends us problems to test how strong our faith in Him is.
It's good to remember that He works in ways we cannot see, in His time.
And in times of crisis, He is our only hope, carrying us through stormy seas and leading us to placid waters.
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@chechuva (1275)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
hello Springlady!
i do agree and im blessed to read your post!
yes there are people who really hate and argue about the existence and the power of God. they even say that there is no God.
at times it is really hard to share to this people how God dearly love them. but anyway, as long as we did our part to share them God's love, its their choice how to respond to God's calling.
im happy to hear from a christian like you!
have a nice day! God bless....

@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I will say liveing in this messed up world is scary and no one knows if their comeing or going anymore with all the evil that is going on we are all simply running every which way to avoid it but simply can not. I myself am a believer in god for he has helped me through so many trialing times in my life when I thought I was at the end of my last hope. He was there when I called apon him and when I truelly stopped for 1 minutes just to listen to what he was telling me I knew he was right. I one day remember just sitting here crying my eyes out for nothing seemed right in my life and it was all crashing down at my feet and I simply wanted to give up and die. Once I had gotten a grip of myself I prayed long and hard I had handed every trial situation I had over to god to deal with for it was to much for me to handle. He spoke to my heart and this is what he said "fear not my child I'm with you always I feel every pain and every tear I see I know how to care for what belongs to me." I then had a change of heart when within the next few months I saw a dramtic change on things and things made a turn for the better. I do believe that if you put your faith and trust in god that he will see all things through in his own time. It may not be that split second that you see the change but he will help you through your most trial times all you have to do is ask. I know he had guided me through this evil world and protected me from harm. I couldn't ask for a better father or best friend than him.
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@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I don't believe it is right to say that anyone is evil, even if you know that they are. Pointing it out is just wrong, especially in a place like this. However, I also think that cramming religion down someone's throat is unacceptable as well. Not saying that you are doing it, but already I have seen some such discussions. Actually, it would be nice and refreshing to see more discussions about religion. I am agnostic and all so I wouldn't want it for that reason, but just for the shear diversity. Most, not all, but most of the religious discussions I see on here are like this one, started by a Christian. There is absolutely nothing at all wrong with that, but I wonder why more of the muslims and bhuddists and such don't post about their beliefs as much. The only other religion I have seen on here a lot is Pagan/Wicca, which is how it was a very long time ago when I was here as well. I understand there are loads of Pagans and Christians on here and it is very interesting to me to read the differing views and to see what people think. Religion is a very interesting subject to me, simply because what a person believes helps make up who they are and if you read a person's religious discussions, you learn more about that person. That's why I think it would be cool to see more posts about different religions. I think it's cool to see the differences, similarities, and get a little closer look at how a person thinks. Anyway lol I'm done for now.

@Springlady (3986)
• United States
25 Jun 08
How am I "cramming" religion down anyone's throat? I am simply witnessing for Jesus Christ. I telling of His great love and the hope we have in Him. Lord knows we need it!
As I said in an earlier post, I aim for the heart, not the throat.
God bless.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I have to agree with you on that it would be really neat to see some of the other religions discussed on mylot. I know very little about other religions and think it would be neat to see how others from other countries believe. How their religion works. I think when you boil any race or religion down we all want the same things out of life. Love, happiness, acceptance, and also I think if we would all take the time to see we would find that our religions are more similar than we would like to admit.

@sophiej01 (1)
25 Jun 08
i sure believe God is really in control of everything. There is no such thing as accident. whatever happen, good or bad, God has the answer why that happen, and what the Bible said, all things works for good for those who love God. Even if we think why that happen, even to us, it's a big question 'why', for God, it happen for our goodness' sake. And even how bad we are, he can change us from red to as white as snow.. He can change us..We are all Christian, yes.. but the big diffrence is the Savior. If Jesus Christ is not yet in your heart, you are lost. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and a new beginning will come in your way.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
25 Jun 08
Hi dear
I do agree that Allah is always here to help us and being disappointed is basically negating His Absence, which is not correct. We should always be optimistic and have trust in Allah
and Sure Jesus was his prophet and was messenger of Allah. I am Muslim and have faith in all Prophets come to world to guide us to the right Path Before Hazrat Muhammad( peace be upon him)
Take care
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
26 Jun 08
the mind works like this: what you think, so you become. if you fill your mind with ideas about evil and devil, definitely you will become one of the evil and devil. some people always think that god is in one side and devil and evil in other side. by thinking like that, they unconsciously limit god's existence. he is not like human who can be here and in the same time not be there. he is everywhere, he is within both side. everything is merely his game. pls don't limit his unlimited nature.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
springlady I respect your beliefs and I also am a Christian
'but I do not go around forcing what I believe onto another
'mylotter so if thats being evil in your eyes, well tough'as
I do not feel I am evil for respecting all mylotters and
their various beliefs. there are many different churches
in the christian religion and all are Christians so do not
think that any one church is the one and only church.The
only ones here that might fit the description evil are those
who call anyone who differs in beliefs by rude insulting
names even going to the extreme of calling a mylotter the devil it is against mylot rules to name call or flame.

@Springlady (3986)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I'm not calling anyone the devil, but the devil does work thru people who allow him to. Satan cannot force us to do anything. Some people will say, "The devil made me do it." He can't make you do anything unless you let him. You can say no to the devil.
Same with God. He will not force you to believe. You can say yes to God or no to God. It seems more people have a much easier time saying yes to the devil and believe his lies and tricks. We need to remember that God is completely perfect and holy and loves us. The devil cannot love us. He loves evil and is out to destroy.
God bless!
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I agree with you there. Calling anyone the devil or even saying the devil is working through a person is just plain rude, not to mention against myLot rules. I'm sure throughout my stay here I will find people I do not like, as I did before, but that is no reason for me to insult them.