Personal diaries

June 26, 2008 2:10pm CST
Hi evryone. I have a problem with having a personal diary-my mom. As a matter of fact my diaries remain personal at the most for a single month. I have tried hiding them in several supposed to be secret places but as my mom has access to everything I posses on this earth,it eventually falls in her hands.Though there is nothing much PERSONAL written in those, still I like to have a personal diary. How many of you face the same problem??
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15 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Jun 08
She is sooo wrong, I cannot believe that your Mum actually does this to you. I used to keep a diary, actually I still do occasionally, but as a kid I kept one. I remember my Dad reading it, and I was so mad, I just could not believe that he had read it. I would never do that to my kids, no matter how much I was dying too. The thing is they stop being personal, it gets to the point that I dare not write anything personal in mine because I am afraid someone will read it and get hurt. I will tell you what I do to get past it, find a way of writing things so that it makes you remember, like a code that only you know. So that when you read it, you will remember the story behind the code and you can always rewrite it another time.
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@itsina (55)
• United States
26 Jun 08
You should tell your mom not to read it because it's YOUR diary. Or, you could buy one of those diaries that has a lock on it, and you could wear the key around your neck or wrist so only you would have it. I'm really sorry that you have to go through something like that. I've always kept my diaries hidden in my room and my mom never goes digging around to see what I'm hiding, so it's never been a problem for me. I wish you good luck.
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• India
28 Jun 08
You must be very lucky. I had thought of lock diaries but theres a small problem in that. There are limited pages in such I will have to have a lot of them all through my life. But I always wanted to have a single diary-a diary which will enclose within its pages my entire life. So I have made a diary myself in which pages can inserted for eternity.Its like a Lab note book...only smaller and very well decorated. But that I cannot lock !!!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
27 Jun 08
i have the same problem as well... my mum likes to look at my stuffs and search through my room... so wherever i hide my diary, it is never safe from her... so i decided to stop writing a diary in a book as it is just too dangerous and annoying if my mum finds it and reads it... instead, i just keep it in my head... now that i am already married, i don't have any intentions to write diary anymore... take care and have a nice day...
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
27 Jun 08
First of all I would talk to your mother that you have the right to have a private diary and that you know you can rely on her when you have a problem, and she doesn't have to look for stuff you aren't telling her because that's not the idea of a diary. I would also consider a diary with a lock and keep the key with you at all times. She has to force it open if she wants to read it. I hope your mom will not go that far ;)
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
27 Jun 08
well i dont.since i dont have one when im still like your age...coz i know that later on it will be read by somebody..and i guess it will be going to be a problem..why try putting some lock on the drawer for the diary to be safe?
• Vietnam
27 Jun 08
I had this trouble last year ,but I have a solution .I burnt my diary and I've written in my PC and set an password for my secret diary .Itis ok till now and I think It keep my thinking in secure
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• India
27 Jun 08
Same here Meghna. Your post brought back memories of those times and I remember how furious and embarrassed I used to be. On top of that, my mom had this extremely infuriating habit of criticizing everything and using the notes of my diary to blackmail me emotionally at other times. Like suppose she found about my latest crush….either she would be sarcastic, or she would be derogatory in her remarks or would insinuate that studies are over for me as all I do these days is think of boys How exasperating, really!
• India
30 Jun 08
Well I guess some mothers are like that! For my mom, nothing I did was ever good enough, nothing she wanted me to do I could ever do to her satisfaction
• India
28 Jun 08
Hey !! Great to see (I mean I am sad sorry also)to find a partner in this particular field.So you must be understanding exactly how it feels. I had a habbit of writing poems in my personal diary...and most of my poems were romantic. So she used to say....your future is crystal clear to me-you are going to run away with this man you are writing poems about, so why am I spending money for your education? And I could never convince her that teres no man in my life. When I stopped writing poems she bought me a diary and told me to write poems again.I dont understand her....why has everything happening in front of her eyes got to be good...and the same things behind her back are the worst things on earth????!!!!!!!
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Have you talked to your mom about this? Have you told her that it hurts you when she invades your privacy? If you have and she still won't stop and you have come up empty on other places to hide it I would have to say get a lock box. Get one that has either a combination on it those are hard to figure out or one with a key. Keys are a lot easier to hide then a diary. Get a new one so she doesn't reeconize it. Some places to hide your diary: An old coat pocket. Inside your matress or pillow. Under a peice of furniture. In your car. Under carpet or floor board. In the bathroom tapped under the sink to the top.
• India
28 Jun 08
Hey !! Thanks for the idea of a lock box. I wonder how I didnt think of that before??!!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
26 Jun 08
I don't really remember what it was like growing up in that sense. I know I kept a journal - I had to for creative writing class. And I never stopped. But I don't think, to my knowledge, that my mother ever rooted through things in my bedroom. I can't even remember how I got my clean clothes after she did the laundry. Did she put them away in the drawers or leave them on my bed for me to put away? I don't remember. If she put them in my drawers then she could find something I had hidden away but I really don't have any memory about those small details. I have a husband and two kids. I have a huge plastic storage container in my bedroom full of journals from the past 30 years. I don't think either my husband or my children have ever invaded my privacy. When I write something I want them to read I will show it or read it to them. They have no reason to look through my stuff. I am sure they wouldn't want me rummaging through their's.
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• United States
26 Jun 08
Hi sweetie, sorry to hear about your mom being a snooper. As a mother of 5 I am proud to say I have never invaded my childrens privacy. The only way I feel I ever would is if I truly believed they were hiding something important from me. If you have never given your mom a reason to fear that you are doing anything that my be harmful to yourself or other than try this: In your diary write her a letter: Dear mom, I know you have been reading my diary and I really feel you are invading my privacy. If there was anything going on that I feel you need to know I will come to you. I am a good kid! You know that, I have given you no reason to doubt me. Please give me my space. I love you and respect you. Love, your good kid Try that. Good luck.
• India
28 Jun 08
Now that was a lovely idea. But its just that I have tried a modified way of that before with little success. We ended up having such a row that I tore away my 2 years' of beloved diary and cried through the rest of my night.
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• United States
1 Jul 08
Thanks for the best response. I hope things work out for you and your mom. It is something that you could resent her for in years to come. I hope she realizes the consquences that could come from her actions and I hope you are the big enough person to grow beyond what feels like betrayal. A mother's and daughters relationship is such wonderful thing. Best wishes now and in the future.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I'm sorry you are having this problem with your mother hon. I have a daughter at home who is 21. I have never went through her room for anything unless it was something I needed and it was never any of her personal items. That is her private stuff and if she wants to share it with me she will, I'm not going to invade her privacy. To me privacy is important and I treat my daughter, and will my son also, with respect the way I want to be treated myself. I hope that your mother will soon realize that she is hurting you by treating you this way and will stop. Good luck and God Bless!!
@ynigz1 (472)
• China
27 Jun 08
I also write diaries once I still live with my parents. I don't think they have see my diaries, they know sometimes I write diaries, I think I don't so interested in my diaries. I haven't find that they 've see my diary, mybe just I don't know whether they have. That's maybe your monther is very cared you, so want to know what are you think, to see that in your diaries.
• India
28 Jun 08
Ya, maybe you are right.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Jun 08
Do you carry a back pack or a purse? I would start carrying it with you.
• India
28 Jun 08
I have my college bag. But my mom often rummages through it in order to "clean" it.
• United States
26 Jun 08
I do not invade my kids privacy. Some parents think it is their right to snoop. I would think if their was anything serious in your diary you would talk to your mom about it so their would be no reason to snoop. You should try talking to her and tell her you do not like her invading your privacy. Tell her you would talk to her about any thing important. I would see what she does. In the mean time Make another diary for her to fined and write how wonderful she is for respecting your privacy in it and hide the real one good. She will not look for the real one if she thinks she has found it. She will read what you wrote and feel guilty and might leave you be.
• India
28 Jun 08
I talk to my mom about all important thinhs. My mom knows perfectly how many boys follow me around and she also knows that I dont give a damn to them. Thats what hurts me the most...when I am telling her everything, then why has she got to snoop around??
• India
27 Jun 08
I kept my personal diary in my backpack. No one dared touched my Backpack. Not even my parents. That's why it was always safe. Although now I have stopped writing stuff into the diary, I have kept it safe under a stack of books, so that no body finds their way to it by mistake. As mentioned in the first post, you could surely get a diary which had a small lock on it. That way it is secure and safe. Also you can talk to your mom about it and tell her that its unethical to read someone's diary. She might argue saying she's your mother, but still she has to understand that some things are personal. bourne