Is spanking a good way to discipline a child?
By ruthpinos
@ruthpinos (3)
10 responses
@mescue (64)
• United States
5 Jul 08
This is a really good question. I have a two year old and don't plan on spanking. I do believe there is a difference between spanking and abuse. I was spanked as a child. I just can't imagine striking my daughter for any reason. How can you spank a child and also teach them not to hit others? If a child does something wrong and receives a spanking for it and then that child hits another child because the other child did something wrong, would you than spank the first child for showing the other child the same discipline that the first child receives? This is just my thought.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Jul 08
This is the same problem that I have with it, it does teach children to hit. I've seen kids at preschool and in open social situations get upset and hit other kids because the other kid(s) did not listen to them, couldn't understand them, or wouldn't give them a toy or play with them. While the reasons are much different (I would hope) than the reasons their parents might be spanking them, if they had never been spanked or seen another child hit somebody, I don't think they'd have learned how to do that. My daughter has hit somebody back when somebody hit her, and I don't want her hitting at ALL, but I usually remove her from the situation and explain that we don't hit our friends and then I tell her she has to apologize. If she won't apologize to her friend, she has to apologize to her friend's mommy, and that usually gets her to apologize to her friend. The last time this happened she said she was MAD at her friend and that's why she hit her back and I asked her if she has ever seen mommy hit her friends and she said NO. I told her that I have had plenty of disagreements with friends and even occasionally with daddy but we do not hit people even when we aren't happy with them.
@mescue (64)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Yes, I make my daughter apologize as well. I have popped her hand once and she in turn walked up and slapped me on the hand. She taught me a lesson. I apologized to her and explained that I was wrong to hit her hand and we should never hit. We hugged (she hugs to make up). So although to me, I thought i was right to pop her on the hand, I was really teaching her to hit. I also make her apologize if she hits or kicks on accident. For example, we were at a b-day party yesterday and she was jumping on the trampoline (i was also). Another little girl landed next to us and my daughter accidentally kicked her. I explained to my daughter that although she did not mean to hurt the other child, she still had to apologize. In the end, they stayed together for the remainder of the party!
@mrsmorgan (5)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I dont believe in spanking. I was hit as a child and the only thing it did was make me more angry and messed me up in the long run. My daughter is one of my best friends. I could never hurt her. We are here to love and protect our children not hit and harm them. When it comes to disipline I am a strict believer in conversation. I believe that when a child is bad we should talk to them like human beings. When my daughter acts up I sit her down and make her listen. I tell her what she did is wrong, why its wrong and the consequences for her actions. The end result is that they respect you more, it makes you closer, and they really learn right and wrong. I have never hit my child. This method works. Not only now but in the long run because it makes it clearer and easier for them to understand what they did was really wrong. I dont know about you but I want my childrens memories to be good ones, I want them to remember that I am a friend not an enemy and that they can come to me and know that I am there to comfort them and help them with their mistakes in life not only as a child but as adult as well.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I was spanked as a child and although I don't think I suffer psychological scars, I do know that I am not in favor of doing it myself, so I don't. I feel that for many parents, spanking is the 'easy way out'. It is a form of discipline that has been around a long time, it's kind of a natural form since a natural reaction is to swat a hand if they are grabbing at something they shouldn't touch, know what I mean? It APPEARS to be effective because most kids do not want to be spanked AGAIN so they often will stop doing whatever caused the spanking. This doesn't mean they actually are learning not to repeat the behavior though. Lots of kids just learn that they can't get CAUGHT doing the behavior and then they just get sneaky.
I agree with you that communication is key, teaching that something is not okay and WHY, and explained in terms that your child can understand. There is a difference in what I tell my four year old and what I tell my 17 year old about why you don't call another person fat, for instance. If they know WHY you don't do certain things it is more likely they will make a good decision by themselves in the future, even if you aren't there watching.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Because words only carry so much weight. Boundaries have to be set, if a child goes outside they need to be punished and finger wagging won't direct their path. There is nothing wrong with spanking, if you negate to discipline a child they will hate you more if you don't give them direction.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Discipline is not synonymous with spanking though. I believe too many people see the word discipline and believe that spanking is part and parcel of that. Discipline is designed as a teaching tool, consequences for actions type of deal. This does not always mean punishment, although lots of people also equate 'consequences' with 'punishment'. They are slightly different things although many times natural consequences are definitely punishment enough. Say your child leaves her bike outside in the driveway even though you remind her that it needs to be either locked up or put in the garage with the other bikes so it doesn't get stolen. Instead of punishing your child by dragging her outside and spanking her and then making her put the bike away, you leave it out there and it gets stolen. Even if she cries and is upset that it got stolen and now she must help earn part of the money herself to replace it if she wants another, I think it will be much more effective to allow this to happen. Why? She will likely never leave her bike out again, or if you do have to remind her, she won't sass or 'forget' again because she'll remember that you expected her to be accountable for taking care of her bike and when she didn't, somebody else took it. She'll remember that she worked in order to earn money for the new bike, so again it will be important to her because she helped earn it herself.
I am not saying allow this to happen right away. Just if it becomes a struggle and she has been leaving it out repeatedly and you are sick of reminding her or going out and bringing it inside yourself. It also depends on the age. My four year old is good about some things without fail, bad about others without fail, and others it just depends on her mood and mine lol.
@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
27 Jun 08
Spare the Rod and Spoil The Child. It's a very old saying about corporal punishment. Children should be punished as per their mistakes. Yes, it does emotionally hurt them, because people go around spanking them for the smallest mistake. One reason I used to hate my dad. He used to spank me for the smallest of reasons. Like spilling a glass of water, leaving the ceiling fan on when not in use. Who in the world, would spank for such small reasons. But they surely spanked me when I committed some real bad deeds. So, it had to be under a level.
In India, there was this news about a school child being admitted into hospital, under a state of comatose, after he was beaten by his teacher. Such kinds of things are inhuman and should not be followed. Although spanking to some level can be allowed.
Spanking is to discipline the kid, not to kill him.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I think it depends upon the intent as well. If a child is purposely talking back or purposely damaging something, attitude, violence, then I agree that some type of punishment is in order. I do not necessarily condone spanking though, but remove some privelage that really gets them where it hurts. If what happened was an accident and not intentional, then simply having them correct the situation or help you correct the situation is enough. This helps them learn to be responsible for their actions, whether they were intentional or not - and also that if you are purposely doing something wrong, there are additional penalties. I always add more consequences if my kids lie to me, or if they talk back or get attitude.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I personally do not think it's a good way to discipline a child, not to teach good behavior. In a situation where a child is reaching toward something hot and you don't have time to do more than smack their hand to get it away from the flame or something, perhaps it's useful but as a consequence for common things like not picking up toys, not eating a meal and then sneaking a snack, talking back, running away from mommy in the store - I do not think spanking is the first step nor really any step at all. Granted there are some children who do not listen to ANYTHING, and maybe as a last resort I can see it being used, but I do not think it has the intended effect, which is not only to discourage the behavior but to redirect and help teach the child how to handle conflict and how to make good decisions.
Think about it. If I HIT you every time you did something I didn't like, what would it teach you? Probably to avoid me. Probably that I am a mean bad person and I like to hurt people. Probably that as a result you plan to learn how to hit me back and when you get bigger you're going to do it for revenge. LOL!
@thegyfted1 (55)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Webster's defines spanking and beating as two different things. Every adult SHOULD know the difference. Who wants to get child of course. So if they do wrong and you warn them verbally and they don't listen, then you verbally let them know if they don't cut it out or whatever they will be spanked. If your verbal warning doesn't work then you make a believer out of them, hence the training....if I don't listen to what mommy or daddy says, I will be spanked. It's called discipline and the degree in which you discipline depends on the "crime". Case in point and say what you will, it worked for me. When my eldest son was 13 (he's now 18) he went on a little shopping spree without any money. I had already warned him about hanging with this certain boy and knew he was trouble. Well I got a call from my daughter while at work saying that I had 45 minutes to get to my son or he was going to juvenile. My worst nightmare as a single mother trying to raise four children without the help of their father; losing one to the system. Let's just say when I got there he was already in tears and the police told me, as if I needed his permission, to do what I had to do. Well what I had to do was discipline him to the point where if he ever had a thought about doing that again....he'd remember the day momma DID WHAT SHE HAD TO DO. Well five years later, I'm happy to report that he has never did that again and now holds a full time job and is making moves with the stock market. As I disciplined him corporally, I also let him know verbally that I'd rather break every bone in his body to keep him out of jail than for him to go to jail and me not be able to hear his screams and cries and not be able to do anything about it. A loving parent knows how to discipline correctly and to what measure. Not sparing the rod and proud of it.
@chirantani (1379)
• India
27 Jun 08
I think,there can be two reasons behind that.These parents are very demanding,due to many reasons, and they don't understand the mentality of their own child.Secondly,probably they get suppressed by their parents too,so they treat their child in that same way.So they don't try to understand their own kids.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
27 Jun 08
We need to spank the child if they did wrong things in order to correct them. But spanking must be done the proper way. First you must let the child know the reasons for spanking and you must let him feel that you love him that's why you want to correct him.
@dmcollie (217)
• United States
1 Jul 08
There is a difference in spanking a child and abusing the child. I spank my daughter when she does really bad things. Its about two swats on the behind and no where else. If she does little things I put her into a corner. There is nothing wrong with spanking when it is in moderation.
@meganparsons_4 (97)
• United States
27 Jun 08
If a child is not going to listen to you then you have to take it one step further in order for them to understand that you are serious.
There is a difference between spanking and beating and there is absolutly nothing wrong with spanking and punishing. Now if this is a continuous thing then maybe there is a problem.