Worst service ever!
By gmakesmoney
@gmakesmoney (2923)
United States
June 26, 2008 10:41pm CST
While I was out running errands today my mom and I popped over to our local Joanne Fabrics store to look at what they had and get some ideas for future items for our coming up Etsy shop. While I was there I found the pattern for an apron that I love. I've been looking for patterns but really wanted something with all the ruffles and full skirt and top, really 1950's vintage style is what I was looking for. I found one that had the full set and then just the half ones and fell in love. The book price was $11.95 and on the drawer it was in there was a huge sticker/sign that said 40% off. I was like wooooo hoooooo! Well I wanted to make sure so my mom and I asked someone who asked someone else. Well the girl that was asked got a major attitude and said "well if it has a sale sign then it's on sale but that one doesn' thave a sale sign now does it?" I'm like "actually it does, I'm just making sure before I get it that it really is on sale." She said she saw no sign and that the price listed on the back is obviously the price it sells for, that why would it be any different. And she was being loud and giving us the dirtiest looks ever. Now I have to stop for a minute and say that since the moment we walked in we were followed around the store yet never asked to help, the entire time all around the store. Then of course 3 of the employees had to wonder out loud what "those kind of people" were doing in there store. The store was full and not a single other customer was getting that treatment. So then we're like ok whatever, let's go check out and go to the checkout counter. All the sales people were in one area just chatting, not 5 feet from us and out of all ike 8 not one person walked over to the counter for a full 5 minutes and then only to throw something in the trash, made a groan and started to check us out as if it bothered her. I was so upset that I threw my 2 patterns on the table and walked out. I may be Hispanic, look obviously Hispanic and freely speak Spanish but as far as I know... my cash & cards speak the universal language of green!
That shop has just lost thousands in business. I'm a huge crafter/fabric hoarder, lol, and now that I will be offering my items for sale I wanted to offer more designer fabrics and was looking to in a few months buy a new state of the art sewing machine. I like the best of the best, mom says it's in my blood lol, and so I was willing to pay top dollar for the fabrics, threads, beads, machine and whatever else. I only use German thread in everything I make for the quality but I also pay just about $8 per little spool of it. I also frequently make covers for our furniture, curtains, bedspreads, quilts, pillows and sheets for personal use and for friends. That's a lot of supplies. I had been buying some fabric at Walmart and a lot of fabric I already had from the Joanne's back home in MA. I was looking for someplace where I could get better fabric quality and lots of it. There loss.
Would you have just left too?
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11 responses
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
27 Jun 08
That is awful. You did the right thing in leaving.
I used to shop at Joann Fabrics too but stopped a few years back because they store was always so disorganized, things were expensive, and the people weren't overly friendly here either, which always struck me as odd because most crafty people are pretty nice & easy to get a long with!
Lately I've noticed things are getting worse and worse in the customer service department everywhere. It doesn't matter where I go or what I want, I end up getting pretty mad. Even on our recent vacation I had to fight with people because of bad service.
It's not surprising that I buy almost everything online now besides groceries, lol.
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I decided I'd get all those supplies online too. I totally agree, service is getting really bad these days. You know I thought it was odd too that they were so not friendly and all just like hanging out. If I worked there I'd be feeling on fabrics all day or rolling around in patterns, lol.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I don't know gmakesmoney...I think I would have stood my ground and stayed and demanded service...to walk out like that was kind of letting them win. Also, if the service was really that lousy, I would have demanded to see the manager.
I've had lousy service too in the past, but while being "diplomatic" even in such a situation and about the rotten service and trying to be "charming" I'm kind of a in your face person and would refuse to move until I got service. Call it my stubborn nature..hehe. In other words, if you keep staring THEM down and refuse to move it kind of makes them nervous.
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
27 Jun 08
The manager was the girl that was being the rudest. Normally I do stand my ground with things like that but I was so upset that I didn't want to spend my money there, not one cent. I'm not going to pay people to treat my like crap. Especially today, I was going on 2 hours of sleep and nothing but 1 slice of toast all day & cramps and running errands for 5 hours. I was in no mood, lol.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 Jun 08
well, i will also leave and they can forget about getting my business... as you say, it is their loss... but before i leave, i will make sure that i go and see the manager and make a real complain about the employee's attitude... it is kind of discrimination if because you look hispanic and and they treat you like that... you can really fight it with them and tell them that you are not a free customer... you are a paying customer... so you have to stand on your ground... take care and have a nice day...
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thanks. It was the manager that was the rudest of all actually. I'll be contacting the corporate company though and not shopping there anymore.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Some people may say that you should of just stood your ground and demanded them to serve you better, but if it was me, I would of made it worse if I stayed. Because I can get hotheaded in situations like that, so it would be better if I just left and went and cooled off some. I would call it discrimination, but thats a harsh word, I'm Native American and sometimes I can go into certain stores and I get the looks, like their thinking what is she doing in here? It's like their thinking that I don't have any money to spend, so why am I wasting their time. I know how you felt...so I would of just left too, its their loss, they just missed out on making money that time.
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I'm the same way, I can get hot headed and that day I was going on no sleep, no food and cramps so I was in no mood to deal with that in a calm matter. I hate that today when the world is so intermingled that crap like that still exists.
My grandparents came here from Puerto Rico like the families of every other non-native to this country did so I don't understand why all of a sudden they're like "go home". If that's the case then we all need to go, lol. One of my best friends is Native American and people tell him to go home all the time. That drives me insane when people say that to someone who is Native American and here in the South when they say it to Someone who is Mexican. I mean really, I'm pretty sure that good old Mr. Columbus and his pilgramy friends didn't have stamped passports and visas approved by the Native Americans. And as far as the South goes... umm this used to BE Mexico. So how much more home is everyone supposed to go? I could go on forever, that topic get's me going ,lol.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Yeah, this topic will get me going too..lol. I know what you mean, most Americans here all have ancestors that came from other countries, so theres not many of them that are Native, except the Indians, and Mexicans are Indians too. We look alike, we have the same skin color, and hair color. I myself have 2 brother in laws that are hispanic, anytime we go to my sisters house all his family are there and we get along good, like I said we all look alike, just speak a different language. I don't know why this world has to be the way it is, its a shame that we all can't get along. I myself like everybody, I don't try to act like I'm better. good day to ya...before I really get going..haha.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
28 Jun 08
You bet, I would have left. But I would also make sure to contact the store's manager and owner and let him/her know how I was treated and how much business they lost because of this poor treatment. Shoot, I might even write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. Often they won't print a business name when you're complaining, but people might get the idea of which store it was anyway.
I'm so sorry you experienced this. Thankfully, not everyone is this racist.
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
28 Jun 08
The manager was the rudest one. Right now in our city being Hispanic is exactly what being Black was like in the 50's/60's. You would think this place would know better too, I'm in Northern Alabama and they have so much history that comes from the movement back then so I don't understand why they choose to repeat it. To make matters worse, an undocumented man killed a police officer 2 years ago. There was even a KKK rally on my birthday to demonstrate against immigration and Hispanics in my city after that. The trial of the man was this week and all over the news so a lot of people were really not feeling the love this week. I've noticed this week that it's been a lot worse than it had been before and that's saying a lot. I'm not a "race card" kind of person and grew up in a very diverse area in MA. Since moving to AL I've experienced all of this for the first time and it shook my every belief. I've learned to get past it, this store though took it so over the top though that I really got upset.
@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I have never been profiled because of my race, but I have walked out on poor service. I have also received poor service from a small automotive firm once, because I was a woman, and in that case, I was writing letter to the owner, and when I called to get his address he was at the store I was calling, and I told him what had been said and done, right down to the foul language. I have boycotted stores as well. I wonder if there is some other fabric store around you could shop at, like Hancock's fabric? Hobby Lobby also sells designer fabric. I would write to the home office, if nothing else. If you can get those same patterns at Wal Mart, I would, because they are always on sale. Around here we also have some quilting stores, believe me, they are friendly. Some of the best, neatest, most professional sewing and design I have seen is done by people of Hispanic background. I think that the Joanne store employees are very foolish. How about the local chamber of commerce?
@hezoid (2144)
2 Jul 08
Not only would i have made it clear that i thought their service was rubbish and left without buying the goods but i would also ahve made it clear that their manager would be hearing about the incident and would even ask t see the manager or ask them for their names so i could send a letter to their manager reporting their bad behaviour. I might even have taken it beyond the manager and reported the branch to someone higher up if i didn't think the manager dealt with it properly. What happened to the custoer is always right?
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
1 Jul 08
How horrible for you to be treated that way. I do not understand why people had to be so prejudiced. I see nothing wrong with the color of your skin. I see nothing wrong with your money.
I am from California so we have lots of people from all over the country. I do not care what color or back ground you are just do a good job or treat me nicely and I will do the same.
White people are the minority in California and I do not mind once bit, because what is COLOR?
Good luck finding where to buy your goods. I think you need to get on the internet and write JoAnn's corporation and let them know what is going on in your store.
Good luck my friend.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
16 Jul 08
Good for you, G!
I'm glad you walked out.
Those idiots don't deserve your money.
If you had to put up with that treatment
and still bought anything there, that would
prove they are right. And they are NOT right.
Why should you have to reward that kind
of behavior.
And for the record, what's their problem?
You've got money like everyone else.
Why isn't your money just as good?
It is! You should be able to spend it where
you want to and get service that you want.
AL was always that way, anyway, when I lived there.
Lots of prejudice there.
LOTS! People who live outside the state don't even know.
Please, go find some other place where they will
give you personal customer service and appreciate
your business. And treat you with respect!
There are many specialty shops in AL,
not just JoAnns. JoAnns always does that, anyway.
Have you tried Hancock fabrics? They're kind of snooty
there, but the fabrics are often good.
Also, check online. Lots of fabric store moving online
these days. I don't like shopping in the retail market anymore and
do most of my shopping online. And I get better prices
and no attitude from low paid employees!

@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
27 Jun 08
I would have more than left, I would have told her off ! I'm glad they lost this business. Even if I've never had that kind of experience I can well imagine how awful it must be.
Several times throughout the year I get second class service around the place and simply leave.
People who run businesses like that never know how much they lose because they cannot count the expenditure they've lost.
Not just with those who leave but those who never go back or who spread the word.
Well done !
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thanks. I agree, they'll never know how much they're missing out by treating customers like that. Good news travels slow but bad news spreads like wild fire and that can burn a business out pretty quickly.