ahh while the husband is away the wife will play
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
United States
June 27, 2008 1:51pm CST
Hubby has left town for 4 days. I am so excited but am probably going to get into so much trouble. He has told me not to do it but I am going to do it anyway. I Don't know why he has such a problem with me fixing up the house. Our bathroom floor is rotted out by the tub and needs to be fixed. He is giving me all kinds of grief over how we don't have the money yada yada yada to fix it. We never have the money to fix up the house but we always have the money to go do things or for him to buy stuff he needs for work. Well I have came up with the money( he don't know about it yet) and while he is gone I am fixing the floor and putting down tile. I might even tile the hallway and entry way to the house if I have enough dollars for the tile to do that. I am going to be in trouble might as well make it good lol. Wish me luck on getting this done before he gets home. Just one question am I the only one who has a husband who don't want to spend time or money fixing up his castle?
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17 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Since you ask, it seems to me that there possibly might be a lack of communication between the two of you regarding finances. How much money you have should be shared openly and discussed equally so that both sides understand why one purchase might or might not be necessary. Does he work in a decaying atmosphere or is his workplace clean and up to date? If he goes someplace nice and clean and works in a pleasant environment all day, he should not expect you to be home fighting off the germs in the grout. But if he is roughing it then maybe he expects you to rough it a bit, too. Is there a chance of his being transferred to a far away location so that improvements you make to the place would end up being a loss? Will improvements make the value of your property go up? Then will you taxes go up? Or will improvements result in your ability to sell this home at a higher price when you decide to buy a new one? All these things make a difference.
Understandably he has to put your work-related expenses first. Those are not his expenses, just as the home improvements are not your expenses. The are both expenses necessary for you as a family, right?
Does he consider the money he earns his money? If so, does he pay you for the housework you do? What is this about "his castle?" If a man's home is is castle, then where is a woman's castle?

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Here is a picture of my new tile. Hubby will be home later tonight and then I will know if he likes it or not lol.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Jun 08
Oh no lack of communication here. Hubby said no and I said okay and did it any way lol. My husband likes to be in control. He likes to decide when, where and how the money gets spent. He is right that we don't have the extra money right now but it worked out to where I had dollars in my pocket that I would not normally have had. When I try to save for things he finds other things that needs to be bought. It is all good. I usually go along with it all and am fine with it. This time I decided to do the house any way. The floor had to be fixed. There was a hole starting by the tub and the kids could have and more than likely would have put at least a foot through it. I do understand he has to buy tools for his job but he is also just wanting some of them not really needing them. Some of the things he is wanting to buy the company has but he for some reason wants his own. That is fine also but the floor needed to be fixed first. I think once he sees how much I got done, how nice it looks, and that I did it for around 100 bucks he will be really pleased with it.
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@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Ooh sounds like an exciting project, too bad I don't live next door to you to come and help out.
I love remodeling, I love the excitement of seeing something messy and then the finish product.
Of course I hate the dirty part but I like going through the joy of picking out colors and watching the progress.
Good luck and don't get scammed by contractors who take your money and never return to finish the project.
Good and and have fun

@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
1 Jul 08
OOhs looks great. I am pretty sure your hubby would love it.
It sure it nice to do it all yourself with the help of you dad. It lets you appreicate it even more.
Not to mention you save a lot of money doing it yourself and you can also do a better job because you know it will be for yourself.
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@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
1 Jul 08
what do you think? this is my new tile. I really like it aned hope hubby does. I will know this evening if he does or not.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Jun 08
O my gosh no, many men are like this. Mine is one of them. It's always, no that will cost too much.
Well I like you have taken things into my own hands, like getting the new frig and stove. I also did other things and got things that were needed here.
Best of luck with your project and with the response.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
2 Jul 08
It's looks good, you seem to have done a good job, and who says we girls can't do anything, lol.
Good luck with the reveal! I'm sure he will like it. If he's like my hubby he will be surprised that you could save the money to do it.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Good for you for taking things into your own hands as well. Sometimes we just got to be get r done kind of girls. I am proud of how it all looks so far and can't wait to see the finished product. The hardest part for me is waiting for the glue and grout to dry before being able to move on to the next part. Thanks for the encouragement and congrats on getting the things you needed as well.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Here is what my new tile looks like. I will know tonight if hubby likes it or not.

@MAHESH2008 (844)
• India
28 Jun 08
Hi trivibabiesgirl, its nice to hear from you that you wanted to fix floor for your bathroom. pls get it done neatly, precisely and with minimum expenses, so that when he return to home he will be surprised by your and praise you all your effort, In that way you can avoid his anger and surprise him with your feelings and responsibility. pls go for genuine expenses only. Good luck 

@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Thought I would show you what my tile looked like. I finally got it finished.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
That you for the great advice. I took your advice also. I was going to tile the bathroom, hallway, and in front of the front door. I was only going to have the money to tile it and not finish it out to where it looked nice. I thought about what you had said and decided that you was right. I tiled the bathroom and in front of the front door. We got it laid today and tomorrow we will grout it and trim it so that it looks really nice. Thank you so much because you are right. I think he will like it this way so much better.
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@Alucifer89 (292)
• India
28 Jun 08
Hmm.. Do it, Good luck.. but if i were you id save a tiny peck of dollars from that stash to calm him down when he sees those gleaming new tiles and those fixed floors. Men can be aggravated by non dirty things, u know .. well sometimes .. and some men. hahaha.
Have a nice Day.

@Alucifer89 (292)
• India
29 Jun 08
Lol.. Ure welcome. If u need crazy advices on crazier problems, i can come up with as many as you want .. I jus need the jar next to me filled with cookies .. hmm .. and some soda will be grea. (yeh .. im sorry . i do get random at times) ..
Anyways ..
Of course .. that was my point. Being a guy myself, i have reasons (and stupid experiences) .. to believe that women can turn a fuming angry man into a docile harmless purring furry just by adding flattery, a nice little suck up gift and a few right words at the right time.
Once again .. Good Luck with it all.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Lol thank you for the advice. I got it all done for less than I thought so maybe that will make him happy. Maybe if I buy him a little suck up gift he will then be happy by my non dirty things lol.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Jun 08
you go girl.....lol..
He would be thrilled to see a changed, repaired house, I a sure. You just be careful while spending and have a great time fixing. One day has almost past.
Good luck hon.
BTW, did you rob the bank?? just kiddin...
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Well Thank you for the encouragement. I did spend right about what I had but it was less than I thought it would be so that was good. My dad and I got the tiles laid today so tomorrow we will grout and trim it. I am so excited it looks so good already so I can't wait to see it finished. No bank just got lucky and had unexpected money come in. I love when that happens.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
28 Jun 08
When my husband was alive,he always enjoyed fixing our home up. I don't see a problem with you doing the tile job, after all if you came up with the money, you should be able to do it if you want to.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I am sorry about the loss of your husband. Rare to hear about a man that actually enjoyed fixing up the home. All the ones that I know that do fix up their homes have to do it but don't want to. I only have known one man that likes to fix up his home and that is only the stuff he likes to do. He always skips out on the little things lol. Thanks for the encouragement. It is laid so now it is just finishing it up so I guess it is to late to turn back now lol.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I hope it is a good surprise for him also. thanks so much
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thank you for making me feel better. I think once he sees it he will really like it. I got the tile laid out and it is looking really good so far. Thank you again for the words of encouragement.
@rrdj71 (696)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I think that is VERY nice and I don't see why he should or will be upset about it. However, I do know the feeling because now that my husband is away for 2 months this house is going to be the way I always wanted it. NO CLUTTER. He is such a pack rat. I have cleaned out kitchen cabinets and given out most of those cans to the poor and I am having a garage sale next week. Don't worry I'm not selling any of his stuff but there is more room for his things now which I think will make him happy.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
29 Jun 08
LoL, I hope that you get all the things done that you want while hubby is away. Good luck with the garage sale. You are a good wife because I would probably sneak a few things of hubbies in there so that I could get some of the clutter gone. Sounds like your man will like the changes.
@pink_bunny (324)
• Australia
28 Jun 08
unfortunately, not all men out there are the "handyman" type...some doesn't have the know-how, some doesn't have the patience, and some are just plain l-a-z-y. the reason probably why you're hubby doesn't want you to do it yourself is because that would make you look more superior to him, since you'll be doing the job that he was supposed to be doing. but you go girl...it is your castle and you have all the rights to fix it the way you want it to look like...make yourself feel more at home. you won't get in trouble as i'm sure he'd appreciate your all your hardwork and not to mention the money that you have saved for the job, especially if the job will come out really good...like it was done by a pro. good on you!
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I think you are for sure right on the some men not being the handy man type. My man for sure don't have the patience and I think he gets frustrated because he don't always have the know how. Thank you so much for the encouragement. My dad helped me and we got the tile laid and it looks really good. Now I just got to grout and trim it and it will be so pretty. I should have it finished tomorrow. Thanks again.
@Cindycrocker (209)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Go for it !! I think this is a really good thing that you're gonna do, it will make you proud when you stand back and look at your work.
No, you're not the only one, I have been waiting for almost 6 years for my husband to hook up my dishwasher, it's in my kitchen but still it doesn't work. I wish I had the know how to do it myself.
I think your husband will be pleasantly surprised when he comes home and sees what you've accomplished.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thank you for the encouragement. You are right it isn't even done yet and I was standing there admiring it lol. My dad came over and did most of the work and I had to point out that I wanted to do it several times lol before he finally let me lay some tile. We got it laid and are waiting on the glue to dry. Tomorrow means grout and trim and it will be done. I can not wait. Sorry that you still don't have the dish washer hooked up. I just am not the wait around kind of girl. I have to give hubby credit he did hook up my ice maker to the new fridge. I am lucky that I have a dad to ask how to do it and don't have to wait. Do you have any one to ask so that you can get r done? Home improvement stores are great for helping a girl get it done as well. Just tell them what it is you want to do and they will help you find what you need and give you tips.
@wonkydonkey (54)
28 Jun 08
you go girl!!
i did up our bathroom a while ago and the other half loved it
don't worry bout the male efo thing he'll really apprieciated when he gets home
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thanks for the encouragement I sure need it. I am pleased with how it looks so far. I really think once he gets over the shock he will really like it. i can't wait till it is done. Have to wait for the glue to dry lol before I can finish.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thanks lol. I am trying to and so far I think it is coming along really good. Thank you for the encouragement.
@graceandowen (1637)
27 Jun 08
lol and heres me thinking u were going to be up to no good!
well good luck with it hun and i hope all goes well.
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Lol well I kinda am up to no good because hubby said no but not that kinda no good lol. Thanks for the well wishes. It is coming along nicely.
@pixiedustforyou2008 (2422)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I think you should do it... This will be something that you are doing for your self... its time for you do something for yourself
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I have now started the project so it is to late to turn back now lol.