Which type are you? Talk or type / write? Or both?

@zweeb82 (5653)
June 27, 2008 10:02pm CST
Just wondering since we mylot so much here - which type are you? Do you express yourself best when you type / write or are more comfortable when you talk rather than doing the typing / writing which at times can be rather quite formal? Or you are one that's just at ease at either one. I'm the type that's ok with both though at times I do find talking face to face on matters would be more practical. Please do share you thoughts & views.
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25 responses
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
I am more of a talk-person but in terms of being VERY EXPRESSIVE and being TRUE, I prefer to write. I write it all because it is safer than expressing it verbally. Sometimes you can filter you mind while writing than talking so it means that you are more sure of the words to express. But I can say that im comfortable at both thus making me an introvert and extrovert at the same time.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
Aha!~Someone like me. Really agree on the filtering part as we can't give the excuse of slip of the tongue is no fault of the mouth as we might be bashed up already before we utter the next word? HAhaa
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• Philippines
28 Jun 08
Hahah. It's better to be safe and not hurt anybody or be hurt by anybody. :)
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
Very true, words of wisdom as I wouldn't want to see sparks flying. Haha
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@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
28 Jun 08
In most cases I am much better with typing/writing. The only thing I have a harder time in writing is trying to explain to someone how to do something, like on a computer or use something. Actually, typically with that I have to demonstrate it literally, because I'm better at actually doing something than reading about it or talking about it. So yea, I'd definitely say that writing and typing is my strongest communication.
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
Yeah I can relate on the demonstration part especially on technical stuff as the other party might not have a clue on what we might be saying as they're not the technical savvyCool. Nice to meet you greysfreak & since typing is your strongest communication you've come to the right place - happy mylotting
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Jun 08
I can express myself much more easily and comfortably when I type than when I talk, but of course there are times 'when face to faceis the only way to handle things. but I love mylotting and typing and sharing and caring with all my many mylot friends. I am more open to others by typing than I ever would be talking about myself. It is so much easier for me and probably a lot of others as well.
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Yeah, it seems that some express their true self better through writing somehow. But as you said, some face to face conversations are just unavoidable as writing/typing may proof to be impractical especially in terms of clarifying things
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I was asked a similar question while in a group at our college orientation, and I believe the answer I gave there is the same as what I can give here: I am more talkative on myLot than I am on any other website that has places to post discussions and respond to them. I am also more talkative online than I am offline. In the real world, talking to people about almost anything makes me feel uncomfortable. I think it is because online, I have time to think, and it does not seem unnatural. In real life, I cannot avoid topics, especially if someone asks me directly, and I cannot sit there and think as I type, or delete what I have already said.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
I guess you're like my wife as she's not really the talkative type but girl she types, hahaMaybe when talking you could say - hang on, let me think? HahaAnyway, thanks for the honest & sincere reply
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
Hmmm...words that carry weightIt's good to be a good listener. I guess it depends on situations. I am very comfortable with both typing/writing + talking & also not talking as well, hahaIt's called wisdom - saying the right thing at the right time to the right people at the right place, yada yada or not saying at all :)
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@Valenas (1507)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I might be able to do that, but people would find it rather odd that I am silent for a while trying to think. I am sure that they would get impatient having to wait around for an answer. Sometimes it is good not to be that talkative in real life. It kind of prevents a person from diving into a situation that they should not be involved in, and rather, they can just observe and help if they really feel that it is needed. I think in real life, it is good to be a bit silent. I have also noticed that a lot of silent people befriend or start a relationship with someone the complete opposite of them.
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• United States
29 Jun 08
It really depends on the situation at hand. There are some situations better dealt with face to face, and some by typing/writing. It's always good to remember, though, that when you are dealing with the written word, you lose the advantage of body language and facial expression, so it is much easier to misinterpret something.
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Very nicely put. I guess misunderstandings are one of the biggest hurdle in communication
• United States
28 Jun 08
Type - I prefer email over phone conversations.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Hmm, the more I respond to you guys the more I realize that I prefer to talk anytime than type? HahaThanks for responding
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
It really depends really on the situation, perhaps I get the chance to express myself clearly when immediately communicating orally but, when you have time to write it all down, you tend to think over your words and then decide on which terms you'd use to express yourself better. One of the things that oral communication is great as well as its weak for is it being immediate unlike communication through typing or writing, you can always look back and edit some of the things that you seem to be unsure of. Maybe if I had time to think over on what I would try to reply orally, I may give a clearly perspective on my opinions but, its not always like that..
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
Yeah, sometimes we tend to express words that we don't intend to utter but, when spoken, we've already implied what we did not really want to convey.. it often happens on discourses that turn into arguements.. Sometimes, your listners catch a different tone and would also have a different perspective on what you are saying. While written words can always be taken as they are, with no tones to modify interpretation.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
I have to agree with you on that one, zweeb82 Written communication can also carry certain tones when intended to have one. I guess oral communication is just more immediate than written ones though, written words can also be more permanent since texts are visual too.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Well, then again even written words can carry certain unique "tones" of it's own as well. For instance, you can catch a sarcastic "tone" as well when you read some written stuff for instance although they can appear to be more subtle, haha
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• India
28 Jun 08
I can manage both pretty well, or so i would like to think. There are times where speaking is more appropriate .. and there are times i prefer writing more .. heck there are even times wherei prefer speaking on the phone more than anything else. As far as what am i comfortable doing is concerned .. i guess it doesnt matters to me as long as i know what i am talking/typing about .. which generally also translates into me being smartassed about things. Have a good day ;)
• India
28 Jun 08
Indeed .. Something like ... 'now listen up, coz i am going to tell you a story .. whether you want to or not, for i wish to speak' Um .. yeh i do get random at times. . but you are right there, lol.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
I guess at the end of the day it's about getting the message across, rite?
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Haha!~Very expressive indeed, hope your rather blunt& straight forward at the same time could be considered extortionist style won't scare you audience away, haahahahaha
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Jun 08
I think that I can express myself equally on all subjects. Typing or writing and even just talking. There are groups of people that make me nervous and feel the need to type or write to them instead of speaking on one on, but well I just don't talk to them anymore. Have a Great day.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Jun 08
heheh well not really freaks or weirdos, but people who do not take no for an answer. I suppose the freaks and weirdo's would be hard to talk to as well.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
Oh yes, the people who cannot take no for an answer, plenty of them around. We can clump them all in one gang with the freaks & weirdos, haha
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 08
OohThe weird & freaky ones? hahaI guess it also depends on what sort of people we talk to also. Point taken
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@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
I used to be the type, type before I met my husband. After meeting him and especially now after married, I have become the talk type and the type type. But I think nowadays I talk more. Especially if there's a need for confrontation regarding matters.....heee heee heee...face to face better...you can see the other person's face and many time see right through the person...heee heee heee!!!
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Oh my wife, what have I made you to become, heheh ahahahha
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@ez1982 (97)
30 Jun 08
I find writing easier to express myself, especially as I have a really bad short term memory. I do like to talk face to face but like I say, I sometimes forget what I want to say. I also enjoy writing anyway, so I do it a lot.
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
1 Jul 08
Hey, I think you're my age & you have short term memory? Mayb you weren't paying attention to what you were saying as you had too many things going on in your mind? Sometimes that happens to me as well & I find myself asking the same things all over again, hahaI guess since you enjoy writing more than you would excel & be more expressive in that way then. Nice to you~! Happy mylotting!~
@snowbitz (487)
• Philippines
17 Jul 08
I think i am more into typing when it comes communicating in a different language.Because i might be misunderstood and i don't want it to happen.But if native language i am more into talking because i am confident to use it everyday as it is our mode of communication.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
18 Jul 08
Aha!~ But I thought you pinnoys do converse well in English? But anyway, better safe than sorry, hahaThanks for responding
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
19 Jul 08
What can I say - practice makes perfect
@snowbitz (487)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Yes most of us converse well in english specially those who finish there studies.I finish my studies but still i find it awkward to speak to someone that is not speaking in my native tongue.I guess that's a normal feeling when you are not use of speaking to a person different from your language not until i started to work that i find it noraml already to speak in english because most of our clients are americans.I think every one will agree that even though how well you know the language if you are not speaking it everyday you will be afraid speaking it for the first time but if you get the hang of it it will always be as if that's your native language.
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@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Hello zweeb82! Believe it or not, I can express more of myself in typing or writing rather than talking orally. That's my weakness. It's so hard for me to express myself and I am really bad in oral recitation. [i] In school, I am highest in our exams but I rarely raised my hand to participate. I don't know why. Maybe I am just too shy. That's the reason why I am active here in mylot because I enjoyed the freedom to express myself.[/i]
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 09
So I guess you've found yourself a niche in myLot - just the right place to express yourself more freely, hahaI express myself well in both areas being the chatterbox I am? HahaBut again it really depends on whether there's an interesting or intelligible topic, haha
• United States
23 Feb 09
hahaha..yes, you're right zweeb..I have been resting for 2 days here..I am not in the mood to respond but now I'm back..
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• United States
23 Feb 09
hello njc..me too..I miss my friends here..I would probably look up to your new discussions..hehhe..I received notifications..
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• India
24 Feb 09
he zweeb82, it is very difficult to be impartial and more so, when the person to be judged is himself/herself. most of us, at least me (if all my friends like to differ) tends to have biased opinion, though may not be consciously, to the better side. trying to be fair, as far as practicable, i am neither very good in talking nor excel in writing. most of the time, lack of mastery of the language makes my expression inflexible and while talking on a very serious subject, the need to answer on the spot makes it difficult to convince the other party. later on many thoughts come to mind which would have resulted in a better one. good day
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 09
I think sometimes I face that problem with writing - after finished writing everything & re-reading it, I find I normally have something else to add as in maybe in grammer or expression wise? Or maybe I'm just plaine long winded? Haha
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 09
Have a good day. All the best in your myLotting. You can improve your English here as well. I've been able to brush up my English here as I haven't been writing a lot
• India
24 Feb 09
This feeling I want to avoid at any cost, but lack of command over the language prevents. I am trying to improve upon it, but it will take time. good day
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
29 Jun 08
i think i am more a type/write person rather than talk... but i can do both confidently... it is just that i can put and organise my thoughts better when i type/write them first rather than if i say it straight away face to face to somebody... in most cases, i still prefer to talk face to face rather than type/write because i can see the face expressions of the person whom i am talking to and it is very honest... take care and have a nice day...
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Yes, it is true that the body language & spontaneous expressions are harder to hide
• United States
29 Jun 08
I am actually comfortable doing both. But, I've noticed that I get a much better reception when I write than when I talk. Maybe it's because the person can stop and start reading it whenever they want. Or, they don't hear my tone of voice or something. People don't seem to want to listen to me when I talk, but people seem to like reading what I write. I dunno.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Maybe like you mentioned it's because of your tone? Sometimes I find people respond to me the same way as you've expressed
• United States
28 Jun 08
Sometimes my mouth gets me in trouble because I don't have much friends or people to talk to, and because of misunderstandings that I try to clear up, but couldn't. I'm not much of a talker, so I mostly keep silent. Also, I keep to myself, and since I can't rely on my family, I don't use my voice much. So I prefer typing or writing. Mostly typing because my fingers says more than my mouth can say. My fingers express what i'm saying way better than my mouth can. It's not that different from talking orally, but it's my main preference. I've been doing it since high school when I had almost no friends and a lot of bullies, harassers and enemies. I couldn't express myself because I mostly internalize my feelings, so I have to type in order to express myself. Sometimes talking and typing get me in trouble because of misunderstandings, but typing lessens that since they said I was autistic and I sometimes try to come up with what i'm saying, but can't do so at that exact spot. But i'd rather take typing over speaking any day.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Well, I guess there are many things that contribute to our uniqueness of expressing ourselves & communicating. From what you've typed, I understand that sometimes people may think that you're weird or slow but maybe like you said you internalize your feelings & what you express & the way you express may not appear to be the normal ways that people would expect for an answer or might not even fully express yourself the way others expect you to as you're expressing yourself at the surface level or vice versa & others just can't seem to comprehend & handle it? HahaAnyway thanks for expressing yourself here
@joker26 (41)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
I'm kinda talk and type person, why? because I'm a call center agent and we do maintain no silence during the call, so I have practiced already multi-tasking, being a multi-tasking person let's your brain works, both side! So you really to more than just one thing in every single of minute in order for you to finish all works that are still waiting to be done! Especially if your a type of person who really make every second very precious!
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
AhaI hear you loud & clear joker26 mr call center agent. Yup, every minute counts & I can see that you are very efficient
• United States
28 Jun 08
i express myself better when i write or type it out. that way i can think about what i have to say and make corrections before i actually say it . i found that actually helped my relationship out a little bit too. people understand you better if they read what you have to say rather than you scream it at them.
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
HahaScream it at them you say? But you can just say it plainly to them? HahaI get what you mean. Well, if it means that writing / typing helps you out more in conveying your message & expressing yourself more clearly then concentrate on your strength you should
• Singapore
28 Jun 08
For me, i feel comfortable when i talk compared to typing and writing. it's because I feel the bond in between when i speak, I tend to express myself more to the listener by having some actions. but as for writing/typing, I would prefer to do this way just to make my friends puzzled of what am i thinking about at all times. And by having that, none of my friends manage to know me better. hahah..
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
29 Jun 08
Hmm, the bond thing, good point there. Generally it's easier to capture the heart of the crowd when one is talking especially if that person is the charismatic type. Writing the way to conceal one's true self, hmmm, something to ponder, haha