the cost of living is much higher as we all know.

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
June 29, 2008 9:08pm CST
Have any of you ever heard older people use this adage about the cost of living, use it up, wear it out, make it do,or do without.? my mom used to say that to me when I was a little' kid and wanted something she did not think we could afford.This was just on the tale end of the depression years.My question is does this make sense now with the higher cost of Living? I know I myself have cut backon how much I eat out, and am 'making things last longer before replacing them. also I do not throw out leftovers as easily any more but keepthem for 'tomorrow's meals.
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15 responses
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
30 Jun 08
I hadn't heard of this motto before,but it sounds like a truism!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
its a really old one, come about I think from the depression years in the 1930's.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
7 Jul 08
I've never heard that expression but I certainly live by it. I buy cheap clothes because I'm gaining weight so rapidly. I buy large sizes and wear them till they are rags. I never throw out food...ever. Either the goats or the dogs get it. I compost what the goats don't eat. I use the goat's poo for fertiliser. I walk wherever I can to save fuel and I always run several errands when I use my car. I also run errands for a friend and so he pays for some of my fuel. I rarely eat out...if ever. If I do it's because someone else pays or it's around $5.00. I don't buy books at full price and I never buy magazines. I have a bookcase full of books to read so I always have plenty. I do buy DVDs but I never pay more than $5 unless it's something I want and then there's a limit of $15. Out of 100 DVDs I only paid $14.95 for 1. I have no problem watching movies several times over. I still cry at sad ones even if I know the I turn out lights I'm not using and switch things off at the wall when not in use. I do full loads of washing and hang things on the line to dry. I wash up once a day.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 08
hi mstickle you and me both, I have always been frugal so it stand me in good stead now days. lol.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Jul 08
Yes it does make sense but it is sad that we are having to go through this People are working so hard for their Money and can't enjoy it because of the cost of Living gone so High People can't afford to take their Children anywhere any more as it is all to expensive and of course with all costs gone up it is not possible It is sad really sad
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jul 08
hi gabs yes it is so sad that people wo rk so hard and cannot enjoy it as the cost of living just keep going up.we paid 700 a month rent before we moved here and now are paying almost 1300 and my son is only making nineteen dollars an hour, yet the rents are the same all over here now except in the slummy partof Santa Ana where nobody who is intelligent will live,as that is the home of the mexican gangs.well we will just do the best we can. we make it month by month. lol.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jul 08
That sounds like a pretty good slogan for these tough times. It's a hard pill to swallow for a lot of the young people today who have been used to getting everything they want when they want it. I've certainly cut back a lot but it's scary because soon there won't be anything left to cut back on. I really feel for the parents of young kids today, it's so hard to feed and clothe them properly if you're not rolling in money. Annie
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 08
hi anniepa yes its a good slogan for nowdays and its easier for those of us who are already frugal.
@gemini_rose (16264)
30 Jun 08
It does make sense yes. I think that it is right as well. Before the cost of living happened to go up and everything else went pear shaped I had already decided that I was going to live to somethng like that anyway. I have no debts apart from the mortgage and want to go abroad next year and have my garden done. I have no intentions of getting another loan or credit card and so I have been living to a tight budget and cramming every spare penny away. Of course now the world has tipped up and my spare money is getting less and less.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
hi gemmini rose I have had to be more thrifty as I am 'retired without that paycheck coming in every two weeks 'so am haviing to live on my social secureity check plus my mylot earnings and my twenty dollars from mysurvey.
• Canada
7 Jul 08
I've been preparing for it for quite a while.Been preparing dehydrated foods and bottles for water and all emergency things.We all need to get together and do all this before it's too late.Start today.There is lots of sites you can go to on the net and find out what you need to do to prepare.Don't by anything but necessities.We got to hit these guys in their pocket books.Go to work with friends.Most cars hold 5 people in them so you can save five full gas tanks.I get together with my neighbors to get groceries.Wear clothes in the house and turn down your heat.Cook meals for more than one person and put it in the feezer if you have to.Don't be surprised when people welfare checks start bouncing.The government is spending our money on wars instead of food.Don't throw out anything you can burn.You may need it for a fire for heat.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 08
hi DivineLIght I have been frugal all my life so its business as usual with me as my social security check is not very big.
• United States
30 Jun 08
I had never heard that one before but, IMO, during these tight times it makes perfect sense. I have not yet has to cut back on how much I eat for me it would not be very healthy as I do not eat vert large portions. My friends say I eat like a bird!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
as a diabetic I have to be so careful too about portion sizes so I do not overeat, as I want to keep my blood 'glucose level at all times. then I feel so much better. I am overweight but with these shingles I have lost eight pounds so there is a bright
• United States
30 Jun 08
hatley, I understand completely that quote. Every week I cut back on my food budget only to find that I spent more than I did the week before and brought home less. If this trend continues I don't know what anyone is going to do. Like you nothing gets thrown out as far as left overs. I have always been good at dressing up a left over meatloaf of roast. At the end of the week I make what I call refrigerator soup or stew. Left over vegetables, potatoes, meats and pasta all get thrown in a pot seasoned up appropriately and served with warm bread. I have to make that dollar stretch as far as I can. As I have no idea what this next few years are going to be like,
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
hi angelwhispers I know, so I am really sticking to my budget these days and have cut back on eating out as that was costing me too much. and I was already buying food to cook at home anyway. lol.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Jun 08
I was always told "You cant afford it," and it was said to me so many times, that I translated it to mean "Everyone in the World with the same income can have it,' but you are not allowed to have it. I do find that we can still afford to get things, but that we have to save and throw things away and to buy stuff that lasts. We have always done that, so the cannot afford it seems meaningless, since by scrimping and saving, we were able to.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
hi suspenseful I know that feeling believe me, I also find 'that if a person uses his money wisely he can afford a lot more than you would think he could or she could.
@youless (112898)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Jun 08
I agree that nowadays everything's price keeps higher and higher. The salary can never match the increase of the living cost. Especially the gasoline is higher, and then it leads to everything's cost higher. I love China
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
hi youless yes so we just have to budget accordinly lol.
@terri0824 (4993)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I've never heard that adage before but it sure does fit for these times that we are living. I need to replace my washer because it isn't working properly. It still does the wash cycle, but doesn't spin out. So I'm making it do for now and I am wringing the clothes out by hand and then saving even more by not using the dryer and hanging the clothes up to dry. Have to cut corners any possible way we can these days. I don't tend to eat out much anyway, and if I did it would be off the dollar menu generally. As far as left overs, I've always been one to eat the left overs. I guess being the oldest of seven children, I just learned how to do these types of things. My dad told me a few years ago before he passed this past August that he thought my my mom could stretch a dollar, but thought I could stretch one even further!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
hi terri it does fit for these times. I love the smell of 'line dried clothes, you can never get that out of a' dryer. lol.I have always usedd up my leftovers too.
@nupats (3564)
• India
30 Jun 08
yes dear tht is exactly wt we do..we now see for cheaper places to party at or eat out..i cook lesser quantity of food just enough quantity so tht surplus need not b wasted or given to maid..and i buy wt is needed and do not go out buying anything tht fancies me..
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
hi nupats I also have learned to find less expensive places to eat out at, and often cook for myself instead.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
30 Jun 08
My friend always says Laura it is hard times right now and everyone is suffering some , and changing the ways .I know my fiance and me have cut back so much . We don't eat out as much , plan better meals , don't go out and do as much , and both have took on more work . Just seems we are falling behind and once we catch up thigs will get better .
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
metschica I know all about falling behind and then catching up.with us its the high cost of rents so we cut corners so' we can keep up with the rent.
30 Jun 08
Being thrifty is a really important skill that one has to master right now. I'm even training my 3-year old son on how to utilize and MAXIMIZE his resources wisely, like school supplies, milk (and really trying to teach him to finish his milk). It's hard to set aside money for your savings, now that the cost of living is unbelievably high.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
yes masterof life, being thrifty is very important now and we can teach our kids how to save too, thats really important.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
30 Jun 08
i do that too i mean utilize left over and reinvent to make it more palatable such rice...ill make some fried rice in the morning and mixed it with eggs,ham peas and cube or slicely thin carrots..during this time of crisis we must learn cost cuttinf cutting techniques..
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jun 08
thats the way I was brought up and thats kept me out of trouble now things are more expensive. I love'to be inovative with leftovers and its so much fun too.