Why are people so AFRAID of everything?!
By mommyboo
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
July 1, 2008 7:48pm CST
I'm watching a little blurb about concerns about exposure to cell phones? What is wrong with people? Back in the 80s when microwaves were invented, there were huge studies done about how if you were exposed to the microwave, your kids would have birth defects and you'd get sick. Well, I'm a happy user of a microwave with NO side effects thank you very much. I also don't believe that I'm getting any damage from my tv, my monitor, and other electronics or products. Nothing MEASURABLE. Nothing to FREAK OUT about.
WHY are people so afraid and scared and concerned about everything? If you want me to be honest, LIFE causes most of the diseases and conditions that happen to people. They are going to happen anyway or they won't, I don't think it has anything to do with refusal to own a microwave or the fact that you watch 15 hours of tv a day or spend 10 hours on your cell phone.
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15 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Why are people so afraid of everything? Well for one, people have general fears about the present and the future. People already fear for their health, their welfare, their nation, their children... all valid fears. Problem is, with the right "studies", "findings" and claims, that fear can balloon in to complete insanity. The people have gone from independent, free-willed, and thinking: to scared, sheeple-like crybabies afraid of their own shadows. Want some examples?
No one cared that cellphones might cause cancer, especially if you only used cellphones say for business or important calls... you'd not be using it that much for it to matter. For one thing "might" was the working word. But thanks to the excess of cellphones (and thanks to overcaution), people are using them beyond habitually... but react to the keyword of "cancer" and not "might". So release a study to them about cellphone cancer and of course you'd get a reaction of: "OMG I don't want cancer, those cellphone companiez need to do sumthin about this. Liek 4 real." There is rarely if ever no mention of less use of said item... even worse than this, the focus never returns to "might"... it remains on cancer or brain damage.
A similar thing can be said for computers and laptops. You spend too much time around a heat/radiation generating computer you may get cancer. Some people follow this religiously and put themselves at an excessive handicap. You can't even use a laptop the way it was meant because the heat, radiation and other trace elements has "might" (a.k.a: has a small, small chance of) cause sterility.
What about diets? People fear getting fat, some for good reasons some for "meh" reasons. You have people running around screaming about low carbs, no carbs, no fats, no protein and whatever crazy crap comes out of the dieting world... all this is driven on the fears of getting fat, or less than this, just plumping a bit.
People fear getting old, getting wrinkly skin. The reasons vary but they do drive the fear. In response, a plethora of products are on the market as a result; the new "thing" varies from month to month, week to week. I've even seen some of the most bogus claims for this situation, consume silicon dioxide for example (despite the fact the body doesn't even absorb it...)
Here's another reason why people are afraid of things, they are called politicians, judges, lawyers, the media and other high-powered liars. All that seems to come from them is negativity, backwards laws, no leadership, constant gloom and doom, no action, and a reassurance the government can solve everything.
People are also afraid of other viewpoints and opinions. Several times this is disguised as discrimination, when nothing of the sort occured. Other times, there is shaming language, insults and other dirty tactics meant to shut a person up. Now if people were not afraid, there would be no need for any of this as they could confront the message or ignore it and continue spreading their own message. It seems that people's mental constructs and beliefs are so fragile that the minute disagreement occurs, they hit a panic button. They try to confuse or shame them into silence... if that doesn't work, they grab a moderator, a friend or other power... that doesn't work, get the law and government to your dirty work for you. Just cry offense or some other serious claim and it'll be your way soon enough.
Anyways, even without the extreme examples, one can see what the fear is doing. It allows rumors, hoaxes and scams to propagate despite how fallacious they really are. It makes people overly concerned, confused, even enraged. People seem to act like entitled children due to some of these fears (that everything must be reshaped for them and that nothing is ever wrong with them). It leaves people open to suggestion from authority in order to remedy the fear (and/or other emotions involved: confusion, anger, etc).
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Jul 08
I love that you said 'sheeple'... LOL! That is indeed the correct term. I really feel that some studies in the REVERSE ought to happen just to prove to people how stupid they are being. HERE HERE! Read it now! Cell phones don't cause any damage whatsover! Use either ear! Talk as long as you want! Rumors and myths debunked! I think part of the reason I get so irritated about this particular topic is that I'm concerned that this big blown out of proportion worry is going to insinuate itself into some 'ban' on usage down the line. I don't want any person, entity, government, etc telling me how and when I am allowed to use my personal things. I don't want anything like that ever for society. I don't want my daughter to be worried about 'big brother' peeping into her home, checking out what site she is browsing at on her computer, downloading her list of tv shows watched, gps tracking her cell phone to see where she went on Thursday. Each little thing is a part of something bigger but you don't see all the pieces until it's too late.
I spend a lot of time on my computer and I spend a LOT of time facing a monitor or tv, or at least in the same room as several monitors and a tv. I'm not going to cut down my time. I spend a fair amount of time on my cell phone. I'm not going to cut down that either.
The diet thing I think stems from another problem, people fear pain. Many people do not want to exercise because when you first start, it hurts. Then there's the emotional pain that some people experience because they are overweight and they do not want to be judged by people who are not overweight who happen to be around them. Then they don't want to diet because it seems they are always hungry or craving something they 'shouldn't have'. Then again, the whole issue of fat or overweight and people striving not to be comes from the media's portrayal of 'the perfect person' who is not fat nor overweight. Dieting is a pain in the rear. Take it from me, I'm normal. I love food. I love good food, and by that I mean both healthy stuff and stuff that merely tastes great but probably isn't great for ya. However, I believe in balance. I love to eat, therefore, I go to the gym. I'm active. I like being active too. Presto, balance. Do what you love, love what you do.
Getting old is an issue.. partially because I see some older people lose control of themselves. Physical control, mental control. Looking older causes some people to have incorrect ideas about you and other assumptions. To be quite honest though, there are similar issues with looking younger than you are, and those assumptions are just as bad.
Apparently thinking for yourself is dangerous business. It might even mean you're intelligent. There's much at stake, so much that there are large groups of people actively working to prevent people from thinking for themselves. It's okay, they won't get all of us =)
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I don't think the government should be wasting the money they receive from us in taxes though trying to drum up studies stating that cell phones are damaging though. In my opinion this has nothing to do with the government themselves. The government shouldn't be paying for studies about smoking and the effects of secondhand smoke either. These are things that if they are happening at all, should be undertaken privately by companies related to such things, maybe in the health industry. I mention private funds too because these studies should be unbiased and nobody should be either just handed money to do these, nor should they be paid by somebody to skew the results. I am very wary of any studies brought up by the government because I am aware that they lie to us about just about everything, so to believe them would be utterly ridiculous, yet people still do! I think there should be a penalty for believing something right out of the box without further proof, and the media should not be allowed to put all this stuff out there on tv and radio without it being approved first. I don't feel this way about information available online, since people have to actively search for it, or in magazines since people are subscribing or buying the magazine purposely.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I seriously doubt that there would ever be a cell phone ban, though, because of fear of negative effects from cell phones. It would never happen. People rely too much on cell phones, even government officials, and if the government put a ban on them, they would be putting every cell phone company out of business. That doesn't mean that if the government finds cell phones to be harmful, they can tell cell phone companies to look for a more "user-friendly" way of making and operating cell phones.
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@ebookyoung (184)
• Nigeria
2 Jul 08
You've answered your questions. Basically, most people are afraid of even their shadows, however, most of the concerns could be true. For instance why are there parachutes in the airplane and life jackets on board the ship? Fears...fears...fears of the unknown makes the King to wear the Queen's night gown to escape assassination from the prince..anyway, fear is within...fear
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Ah but a parachute is prevention for safety in the event you have to eject, and life jackets are prevention in case your ship sinks. People do not survive a fall from 10,000 feet without a chute and people do drown if left in water too long without rescue, you can't stay afloat forever without something to hold onto. I think this is completely different than a hypothetical idea that a cell phone could cause cancer.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Jul 08
Good answer yes, but there is no proof still about damage to people (measurable) from electronics. Even xrays - the normal amount you'd be exposed to isn't dangerous and wouldn't cause any problems, even though I know some people who are terrified of xrays.
There is measurable proof that a plane crash kills people. There is certainty. Maybe some survive sometimes but it is more likely that most will die. It's happened and we've seen the results. Because we know what generally happens in a crash, we learn how to protect ourselves via prevention of falling unaided 10,000 feet.
More than 10 decades of people have existed being exposed to various electronics. Like i stated originally, there is no measurable proof that any exposure to any electronics has directly caused any disease or mutation in any person. It's more likely it was caused by pollution or genetic mutation than electronics. I'm not trying to be mean. I just think the people who go on and on about cell phones have something against cell phones or cell phone companies and they are somehow trying to reduce the numbers of people using them. I don't know if they benefit from it, but in my opinion they need to keep their fears to themselves.
@ebookyoung (184)
• Nigeria
3 Jul 08
No mommyboo, no. they are all the same thing. Prevention comes as a result of fear of what might happen if prevention is not in place. All the things I mentioned were designed by men who foresaw the future. Do you know some people won't board an airplane if not the availability of the chute? Well, try and see it my way my dear cos, fear is the basic thing. Feeling sleepy. Would respond better next time.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I'm sorry I have to say this. Life is to damn short to worry about what might kill me ten yrs down the road. I'm more worried about the car that is swerving into my lane. LOL!!!*shakes head* I don't know if you are afriad of everything for what it might do you might was to go and lock yourself in a fortress alone, but hey you might fall down the steps and kill yourself ...You know what, I feel that you live life to the fullest everyday as if it were your last so you have no regrets.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Jul 08
While I'm here, I'm going to enjoy myself. Bah and fie on the people who say crap like 'we are not here to enjoy ourselves'. Who says? LOL! I am the sort who wants to enjoy the journey. i'm less interested in reaching point B than I am about having fun from point A to point B, then having a party when I get there! Regrets are for those who worry too much, for those who never think ahead, and for people who are doing everything for the wrong reasons.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I, for one, am not afraid.. I did use the microwave, I also took Tylenol and Ibuprofen, I ate the peanut butter, I even ate the tomatoes last week.. I watch Tv, use my cell phone, and stare at the monitor on my computer for hours on end.. I grew up in a time when we were told that in case of an emergency we were to get under our tables and put our head between our knees, or something like that, I was too afraid then to care, (that was in the early 50's and I was just about 6 or 7 years old), I just did it, so these petty little things now can't scare me now..
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I ate the tomatoes too. The one thing I remember not doing was eating fresh spinach during THAT scare, but my best friend and I bought spinach at the same time at the same grocery store, and when she ate it, she and her family got sick, so that's the only reason I threw mine out.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I forgot about the spinach scare, I didn't eat it either.. I didn't want to push my luck..
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
2 Jul 08
maybe if they get scared of something and then avoid it then it makes them feel like they are having a little bit of control in their lives since they avoided that danger or something
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
3 Jul 08
i agree but some people dont know how to live and exist with out fearing something if not everything so they are just doing it to themselves..
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
2 Jul 08
It's a fear of the unknown coupled with HYPE. It is always going to be something and there is always an angle! I am amazed that billions of us are not dying daily! lol. Same goes with food. Take eggs for example, they are good, then they are bad, then they are good again..... Chickens don't care! Why should we?? Common sense will always prevail and I have no doubt that most of the things they express to be dangerous actually CAN be if not used intelligently. Now excuse me as I have to strap 50 mobile phones to my head; press my face to the television set for 10 hours while sitting on a microwave that is cooking me some fake butter popcorn and a heck of a lot of eggs! I might just surf the net while I am at it too!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I like your flair. I feel the same, I kind of wish I could just do all those things at once to the extreme and prove once and for all that there is nothing for people to get all freaky about. I'm one of those awful people who wants to say 'I told you so' when things turn out the way I predicted and others argued with me. =P I trust my intuition and I go with my gut, and I have few regrets when I live this way. If I start second guessing or believing other people I tend to have a bucket full of regrets to go hide under some rug.
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@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I completely agree with you! People are so paranoid about everything. And the news and stuff they just seem to want to sensationalize any little thing because it makes people watch the news to find out the latest thing that will supposedly kill them. You are so right, I really don't think there is much we can do to prevent a lot of things, and if we try too hard all we are going to prevent is ourselves, from having any fun, convenience, etc. From a scientific view, our bodies are made up of millions of cells, those cells divide, die, regenerate, etc. Once they can no longer do this anymore, well, that's when we die. At least that is what I have gathered through reading about cells and the body. Sure, there can be a mutation of certain cells, and that becomes cancer, but I do believe that our genetic code decided that long before we decide we aren't going to use a cell phone, microwave or eat something considered bad for us.
I have learned that being paranoid and scared does nothing but hold a person back. Not that I am fearless, far from it actually, but I watch tv, use a laptop, use a microwave, have talked to a friend on my cell phone for like 6+ hours before.. and do I worry I will die for those things? No. And if I did, at least I will have lived my life by my own rules and not by listening to the news misinterpreting studies, or even studies that could have been conducted by bias companies, for example, maybe the microwave studies were done by a company that makes ovens, or cell phone studies by traditional phone companies.
Great discussion! 

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Jul 08
Great post! Fancy seeing you here =) That's what I'm getting at, I see people foregoing things they want to do out of fear of something, and what they really should just do is enjoy things and not cut out fun or convenience. I mean I suppose if someone WANTS to who am I to say they are wrong, but they might be miserable and I would say 'hey, I have the CURE for that' but would they listen to me, no. LOL!
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
2 Jul 08
Who knows? People always
need something to gripe over.
I think it's just human nature
to worry about petty stuff
and be involved in trivialities.
It's a function of the brain to
crave drama.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I don't like drama, other than the class where you earn an A. =P Or... movies! I do believe it is basic human nature to worry about things, but that's why people who have learned not to worry are happier. I'm not going to trade my happiness for knowledge about everything wrong, know what I mean?
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I remember a cartoon in National Lampoon of a mother bringing food from the microwave to the dinner table. She had snake arms, her face was a skull and extra boobs.
I've used a microwave for years. I look older, but I still have the same two boobs I started with. LOL
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
2 Jul 08
It might not all be fear.
People who do these studies and make these announcements also do them as a money earner or as an ego starter.
There's just a need for some people to show they're making a contribution and this is how they do it.
If you listened to everything you'd be afraid to wake up in the morning.
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@nick1in (195)
• Lucknow, India
2 Jul 08
Booooo!!!!!!!! Be afraid. Be very afraid. We all are surrounded by radio waves. just kidding. Actually, as in everything else in life, take precautions in whatever you do. Buy excellent quality branded products. Get the product repaired immediatly if damaged so it will not leak dangerous materials.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Well see, there's the thing. There are people who live to be over 100, some of them over 110, and they are all exposed to the very same things everybody else has been exposed to and they are fine. I think some people are just more susceptible to things than others and there's no way to know who will be when we are born. We are all surrounded by radio waves and satellite waves and pollution and radiation and who knows what else. We exist regardless. =)
@stagewhisper (901)
• United States
2 Jul 08
People are afraid because it's more exciting than being serene. It gives them a certain satisfaction to be able to freak out, make random accusations, and generally make nuisances of themselves... all to get attention, either negative or positive (sometimes it doesn't matter, so long as attention is gained). It's sad, but that's the feeling I get from these people and studies.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Jul 08
That is why I try to avoid stuff like that. I don't want to watch it, hear about it, etc because that's what they want, to control people through fear and cause people to change something they do. Well, I just tromp merrily on my way, talking on my cell phone, leaving my computer on all night, and drinking from disposable plastic water bottles (and the horror - throwing them away!) and laugh at those who are scared. I will probably outlive all the scaredycats anyway due to the fact that being scared of everything shortens your life span due to stress.
@honeydew82174 (1720)
• United States
2 Jul 08

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I won't get cancer FROM anything if I do get it. I'll get it because somebody hates me and thinks my time on earth needs to end. LOL! Or... I suppose I'll get it because cells just begin to mutate as they age and if there are too many mutations, poof, disease and cancer.
I have a delightful friend who replaced most of her water bottles with glass or stainless steel and she's pretty careful about things like that. It's not worth the expense to me but I do give her kudos.