im unlucky

July 3, 2008 12:07pm CST
sometimes i just wanted to laugh when im starting to think how unlucky i am.. imagine having an unfaitful husband, lost my child, no job, didnt even finished any course, having a very difficult life no money no work aghh all this things only hurts my head but sometimes i just look up and say LORD have mercy and guide me.. how unlucky am i..
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4 responses
• United States
3 Jul 08
Wow sophie you are dealing with a lot right now and I pray for your mental strength. How did you lose your son? I am so sorry to hear that. But you know what, when you lift your head up to God and ask him to guide you, you are doing the best thing possible for God is who we need to depend on. God will see us through the storm and right now, you are having a storm but to God be the glory. Stay strong sophie. I know it's hard but keep leaning on the lord. God Bless!
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Being unlucky is really a way of thinking. If you continue to think negatively then negative things will continue to happen to you. You have to think positive and do things for yourself because not even almight god can help you. Change your way of thinking and you change your life.
• United States
3 Jul 08
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Everyone has problems, you are not alone. If you don't have money, how do you pay for your internet service????? Get out and find a job!!!!
• Thailand
3 Jul 08
I know life can get a bit difficult sometimes, but you have to have faith. Positive thinking can bring about positive results. HOld your head up high and face life and what it brings for you. You should stop feeling sorry for yourself and try look for a way of making your life better. Remember there's a silver lining behind every dark cloud. Best of luck