Roaches roaches everywhere! Run?

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
July 6, 2008 9:00pm CST
When/if you see a roach, what do you normally do? Do you scream and run, or do you get all commando like me and grab a can of RAID and spray the heck out of it until it rolls over and dies? Ok, I admit that I scream too, and if my husband is near I get him to get rid of it. I hate roaches! We open the sliders at night to let in the cooler air so we don't have to run the AC at night. This is when one will get into the house and inevitably I'll find it the next day while cleaning. BTW, I don't want to hear about any the size of your hand, so if you have roaches the size of your hand where you live, don't tell me =P
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17 responses
• United States
14 Jul 08
Well, I know you are not going to believe me, but that's ok, I'm going to tell this story anyway. I was living in a residential hotel in San Francisco once that was horror movieishly overrun with cockroaches. They were taking over the entire building. If I walked in my room at night and switched on the light my walls transformed right before my very eyes from brown to white. One night I had had all I could take and I couldn't take anymore so I sat down in the middle of my floor and went into a sort of trance. I was looking for the 'cockroach wavelength'. I found it. It was a very high and fast vibration, and I projected into that vibration the intention to never see them again. I communicated to them that I respected their right to survival the same as anything else, but that I did not want to see them in my space anymore. This was not done in words but in mental and emotional concepts. I swear to you that I never saw any more of them, other than the occasional straggler scurrying away! Another place I lived when my son was just learning to walk was an apartment building in Hollywood, CA, and it had a cockroach problem. One morning I walked in the kitchen to find my son sitting on the floor squishing them with his fingers!!! Fortunately I haven't seen a cockroach in years and years.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
I was 17 years old and living in the Haight Ashbury district of San Francisco. It was a heavenly refuge from the streets. When you're panhandling to pay your rent it's best to have cheap rent.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Well, what I can't believe is not the whole trance and channeling part but the fact that you managed to LIVE there with roaches all over the walls and not flee immediately! I guess I am not that strong, I could not do it! I don't want icky little creatures in my space, I don't mind that they are alive but not alive in my space.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
7 Jul 08
Hello, mommyboo! Roaches? I'm indiferent to them. They are just like ants to me. The difference is that they are faster. There are ants really fast, but their size put them in a bad condition. Now, there are fast roaches aswell. And I kill them with a quick stomp, no screaming nor anything. There are roaches that can fly, they are a bit more hard to kill because they are usually flying in the height of your head. Throwing your sandals against them can just be too dangerous! What if you hit something, like a vase? It's better to wait until they get back on the floor, and SPLAT! Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
13 Jul 08
Yes, I guess you'll see more ants in the summer, or whenever it is hot. Well, for me, ants are no problem. I can see them and everything. If they get on me I'll simply kill them.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I don't like ants either! When I first moved here I caught ants pouring out of my drain in one of my master bath sinks! I freaked out.... and attacked them with hairspray, water, whatever I could get my hands on to kill them and get them back DOWN the drain. I had never seen something like that before in my life. Apparently, that's something that just happens here, and it has nothing to do with housekeeping, more to do with the season or if there's food or water available.
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• United States
8 Jul 08
I don't like roaches so I use RAID to terminate them. But where I live there is no roaches at all. Only black widows which makes it worse or risky when going in the back yard, shed or in the garage. If you think roaches are bad where you live you should see the ones in the philippines. They are a lot bigger and they fly in your way and can group up in hundreds during the hot night.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Is that why some people need nets to put around their beds at night? We get black widows around here too, as well as the occasional roach, and ants. I guess all the ickies like the nice climate too.
• United States
7 Jul 08
I pick it up wiht a kleenex and run it down the sonk with hot water! Bt then I find where they come form and use pesticide (natural, organic..but I use it) and try to eliminate them. Also, once a month I set off a bug bomb thingy. They run out of the walls (if you see one, you already have them breeding in the walls, along wiht spiders an other bugs!) and when they run out of the walls, I scoop them up and put them in a plastic bag and far away from the home, so trash can pick them up and get them out of here! Once you see one, you hav to realy go after them. Never leave a wet sink at night..wipe ti down so they won't get water. make sure all counters are clean at night and no dishes are left out. (NO crumbs.) If you have a bug service..even if it's only once? Not alot and they can spray around for you and it helps. Roaches creep me out! I alway work to eliminate them!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Yes, in the summer especially we can't leave anything out. I tend to be pretty anal about my kitchen, I don't like any mess, no dishes, counters wiped, swept, mopped, everything sealed and put away. I only see the occasional roach, I would probably be on the phone with an exterminator YESTERDAY if I ever saw several in my house at once!
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
7 Jul 08
Well, I love killing roaches! Hehe! I usually spray the hell out of them with our trusty insecticide. Or when I'm really annoyed, I stomp on them or squish the living daylight out of them with a shoe or sandal. Haha. Messy but, I can't let them just lurk around the house. Kill Kill Kill. I hate roaches too. Those who fly around I even hit them with a broom or anything useful. My sister screams a lot though when she sees them. Hehe.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I don't mind killing bugs. They do not have the right to get into where I exist (like my home) and I prefer to exterminate them from my yard, or at least around my patio and pool! LOL!
@cannior (29)
• Philippines
8 Jul 08
Everytime I saw a roaches, I stepped on it, twisting my foot to crush it, the after that, I'll clean up. Because using an insecticide is not effective because those egg roaches is becoming immune to the insecticide you uses. The best thing to do is, use a different kinds of insecticides. 2 or more is better to use. :D
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I use sprays sometimes but it is more satisfying sometimes to crush the buggers lol.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
7 Jul 08
LOL!! i am not scared of bugs. i mean i don't want to live with them, but if i see one i am not going to go screaming in the other room. i will just kill it and move on to what i was doing. i have never seen one the size of my hand though. i think that would make me go running and screaming out the house!!
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
7 Jul 08
I will hunt the cockroach, holding either a can of pest killer spray, or sth to hit it hard :). Then I will get rid of the corpse and go on. I dont understand why people feel weird with cockroach. It might be cos they make that awful sound when they are stepped on :P
@misty99 (736)
7 Jul 08
I shout and run (for my dear life,lol),specially the flying ones,it brings goose bumps even just remembering those days back home.Same as you are, get all commando (with my sisters help),armed with slippers and sweeper-attack.Just imagine how we laugh after winning the battle.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 08
FLYING ones? You mean they fly??? ARGH!!! I've only seen the small brown ones or the larger brown ones, they are icky no matter what size they are!
• United States
7 Jul 08
we do not have roaches here. If you do see them they are very small. I would call the bug guys and get rid of them. They multiply so fast. I think they are hard to get rid of once you get them. I think they travel from house to house to. yuck , no thanks.
@Craz3hC (110)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Roaches. What are they here for? I think I have a phobia of them!! One time it took me 30 MINUTES to kill just one!! And it wasn't even all that big. But I tell yah, I hate 'em!! I usually scream and think of tactics on how to kill it. I think I've improved, because I used to go tell my parents about it and have them kill it. But now, me and my mom have a system. I get rid of the baby lizards, and she kills the roaches. It works beautifully. =D
• United States
7 Jul 08
i just like to grab my can of raid and go to work. my boyfriend is a roach hunter if he sees one, he assumes there are more and before i know it he starts opening al the cabinets around the house and he starts spraying.i dont know how he did it but one night i went into the kitchen after he had finished and i saw a huge pile of roaches in the middle of the kitchen floor.
• United States
7 Jul 08
well when i first moved into my old aptment we had roaches there and what i did was bomb the place out.we didnt even unpack anything so it was easier.we opened all the doors all the cabinets,made sure all the windows were closed and then we put the sprays in each room and bombed it out.we stayed at my dads for the day.then i came back without everyone and cleaned down everything.well let me tell u after that i never saw another one.and this sprayed kill all bugs not just roaches.i hope this helps you.and if u see one roach im sure there r more.alot more.
7 Oct 08
Years ago I was working in a restaurant and went to use the phone. When I got to the phone there was a roach sitting on it. I went to the back, grabbed my purse and walked out. Nothing grosses me out like a roach. They are the creepiest thing I've ever seen lol.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 Oct 08
They really are disgusting. My best friend and I were having a drink on the terrace outside an Applebees this past summer when we saw a roach on the ground. I think the stupid thing was about to crawl into her purse! Needless to say we moved to another table and the purses went ON the table after that. I don't think I've ever seen a roach inside a restaurant, maybe that's a GOOD thing. From time to time they do get in my house, but I try to kill them on sight. We leave the sliders open in the summer at night so we don't have to run the air - triple digit temps DO encourage the bugs and creepy crawlies to venture inside where it's a nice 77 degrees! I'm an evil house mistress and they don't live long inside though.. muahaha!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Well, luckily for me, it has been many yrs. since I have seen any, and I am glad for that one. I actually live in an area now that is more damp than anything else a lot of the yr. so unless a person is really FILTHY, and tracked roaches in from somewhere else you do not see any. But back when I used to live in Eastern WA, I did see them from time to time, and they are grouse looking. I even knew someone that had them crawling so thick thru her place that they crawled in her Microwave, etc. It was totally grouse, but since she never cleaned her place up even using a Bomb only killed the Big ones, and not the Eggs so she constantly had them. For me, I would Love to never see one again anywhere. But if I do, I will SCREAM, and get someone else to help kill them if I can.
• India
7 Jul 08
roll a newspaper ... no dont worry, i dont squash it, lol .. roll a newspaper and block its way and drag it out of the house, so i dont have to kill it AND its out of my way. Now, if it had been on me, or my clothes or something, i do grab a bug reppelent spray as well. They dareth not touch me :P
@SHUGA81 (220)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Whenever I see one, I panic at first but then I regain composure and just kill the dang thing with a shoe, a can of raid, or newspaper. Anything that I can get my hands on. They are very disgusting. They are the worst intruders.