Why are people so cruel?
By miller23231
@miller23231 (873)
United States
July 11, 2008 1:12am CST
Tonight, about midnight, my daughters woke me up to tell me that my dog had gotten out. I went out to look for her and watched some idiot in a beat up SUV run her over and speed past me as I screamed. My poor little dog didn't make it. I don't understand how anybody could run over a dog and not stop, even if the dog's owner is NOT standing by the side of the road screaming. How cruel is that?
So, now it's a little after 2am and I can't sleep. My boyfriend went out and picked up my dog and we are going to bury her tomorrow, but I'm just sick. What happened to basic human kindness?
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49 responses
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
Well, we've been talking about it and we believe he must have been drinking. There are 3 bars in town and it was late at night, that's the only place he could have been coming from. I'm sure he didn't want to be in any trouble for drinking and driving, but even drunk, he could have stopped. Thanks for your response.
@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
12 Jul 08
I also lost a dog that way when I was 8.that's very sad since I wasn't that kind to my dog.I'm sorry that it happened to your dog too.my parents,as drivers,they'd stop if they see anyone crossing the street including animals.Or at least blow the horn so that the animal/s would be aware that a car will be passing.Dogs are intelligent so they would run faster or at least step aside.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
13 Jul 08
There is a male beagle that wonders our neighborhood. He's the cutest thing, he won't come to me when I call him. Well, you can honk, stick your head out the window and yell at him. It's so funny, he's smart, but he's also a smart butt. He will look at you with a look that says, Hey, I know your there, but I'm not moving. He just trots down the street, without evn stopping, he will glance at all the houses.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
That seems like the responsible thing to do. I would stop if I saw an animal in the road, I even swerve to miss a mouse if it crosses in front of my car. Some of us just value life more than others. Thanks.
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@abhi_destar (764)
• India
11 Jul 08
I can't imagine a sane person showing that level of cruelty. If he can do this to a dog, he can as easily do the same thing for a street urchin crossing the road. That guy needs to be imprisoned, for sure. If he was indeed in his right mind while driving, then he has to come up with a reason for the uncalled-for brutality. And if he was drunk, then without question, he needs to be locked up straight for drunken driving. I don't suppose he has a license, either. But all these are just wistful thinking. Nothing of it will bring the wrongdoer to justice. And even if justice is meted out to him, you won't be getting your poor doggy back. So mourn over your pet as much as you feel, because he had been a devoted pet to you in his lifetime, and needs those pious drops of yours so that his soul may rest in peace. After that, just try to be happy with all those near and dear ones whom you still have around you. Life is very uncertain. You never know when one of us will be pulled away from our midst. Better to keep them close to yourself for as long as you can.
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
Thanks for your response. I've noticed that where I live there are a lot of rednecks who will go out of their way to hit an animal with a car, you know, a deer, ground hog, whatever. I guess it just shocked me that I was standing there when he did it.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
12 Jul 08
It makes me sick!! I wish with all my heart there was something I could do to ease your pain. I had to have my Rottie put down at my daughters demand. My grand daughter had provoked the dog and he bit, the first time he EVER even offered to bite and my daughter, who was living under my roof and not paying a cent to help with the bills, went beserk and informed me if I didn't destroy the dog immediately she would move out...I don't know why I didn't tell her "don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out". I went with her demands(to the tune of nearly $600 because they took the grand daughter in to the ER. The costs were for the quarintine of the dog, destroying the dog and the disposal of the body after they did the autopsy. Even though he was current on his rabies they decided that since I live in the country he had to have been attacked by another animal. I tried to tell them that he was an inside dog, but that didn't matter.) My grand daughter really played the guilt game, figuring that I would give her a Nintendo DS to make things better. This all happened the 21st of December. I begged my daughter to wait until after the first of the year...and she wouldn't back down. What the topper to the story is, her mother in law has a floor mop dog that has the worst temper of any animal I ever met. It has bitten everyone in sight. It had bitten the grand daughters several times, it bit my daughter, her husband, his uncle, the owner and a neighbor that reported the bite to animal control. Yet my daughter doesn't have the balls to tell her mother in law that she HAS to put the dog down like she demanded of me. To this day I hurt and feel soooo guilty about giving in to a spoiled little girl!
You have to take a minute and realize that a lot of people now days are only interested in themselves. They haven't learned compassion and consideration for other people. They don't know how to give of themselves in any form, and they feel that if there is something in their way they should just run it over. I know that it is poor consolation, but be thankful that it wasn't one of your daughters out there retrieving the dog. I will say that the driver probably was drunk and didn't want anyone to find out about their drinking and driving. I am not making excuses for the a$$hole, I am very anti drinking and doing anything.
I am saying a prayer for both you and your beautiful dog. I know that she is in that special part of heaven reserved for our pets waiting for us to return to them. She is watching you now, and hopes that instead of remembering her with pain in your heart, one day you will remember her with the love and fun memories that keep pain in the past.
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
That's awful! I feel for you, I'm completely torn up over losing Corona. I went and picked up a new Jack Russell puppy last night and she's adorable, but I still miss Corona horribly.
You're right, people are only concerned about themselves and drinking and driving is a huge pastime here where I live. I know the guy was probably worried about a DUI if he stopped, but that just makes it worse in my opinion.
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 08
I feel so sorry to hear that T_T they must be nuts, just forget it, maybe they will be got punishment for what they did later ... hope your next day will get better, lets pray for your dog, he might be in heaven right now, and maybe he will thanx to you for taking care of him ^.^
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
Thanks. I appreciate all the kind responses I've gotten here, there really are decent people in the world!
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
Yeah, the driver is definitely an idiot! Probably drunk. Thanks.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
12 Jul 08
((((miller23231)))), I'm so sorry for your loss. Poor baby, I pray that she didn't suffer. Does this idiot, live in your neighborhood, maybe ask around to see if anyone knows who the truck belongs to. I would call the police after locating the idiot and seeing what can be done. If not, I would take a knife to it's tires, and spray paint dog killer on every spot of the suv, until I ran out of paint, then I would pick up a new can, and start all over again. This bas**rd shouldn't get away with this.
Again, I'm so sorry.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
I'm pretty certain the driver lives around here, I've seen the truck before. Mostly at the bar in town. I think I just want to move on, though. We buried her in the back of my apt., my landlord suggested a spot for us. If I see the truck driving past my house like that again, though, I may just call the police so they can watch for it. The speed limit in town is only 25mph, he shouldn't be driving like that when there are so many kids in town. Thanks!
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@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I am so sorry for your loss.I have lost a kitten just 2 days ago.I get so mad and upset when people are cruel to animals and do things to harm them.I am sure it was hard on you to watch that happen.My parents dog got run over by a woman in a pick up truck and all she could say is it wasnt her fault then she left.My mom said she was going faster than the speed limit.Thankfully he survived after a big bill at the vet that my dad is still paying on but they paid it because they loved him and wanted him to live.I am sorry again for your loss and that our dog didint make it.

@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Oh, that's horrible! I did go get a new puppy last night, but she will never replace Corona. She's adorable and I will love her as much, I'm sure, but we will never forget Corona. I still am having trouble answering all the responses I've gotten because it just brings the tears again. Thanks so much.
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@lloydbelleza (1227)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08

@miller23231 (873)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I don't know who it was that ran over my dog, but I wish I did! My boyfriend keeps looking for the vehicle that did it and he hasn't found it yet. Thank you for your response.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I know what you mean about crossing the street! My daughters have friends who live right across the street from us and I'm so afraid to let them go over there. I always walk out with them and watch them cross. They get a little upset with me, but what can I do? People drive like idiots up our street, I worry about my girls. I just got a new puppy and I won't even let her out front of our apartment. She has to be taken out the back door. And, of course, never without her leash!! Thanks for your response.
@nutthouse3 (63)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Oh my gosh, I am so at a loss for words ! I am so sorry that someone would even do something like this and call themselves a human being, I am so very sorry about your poor little dog. Some people in this world don't know the meaning of "basic human kindness" nor do they have brains, nor a conscience. That person who did that isn't human, there is no way!!nobody who is could do that and keep going !!
That is a very sick person .I'm very, very, sorry to hear about your little dog. I have always lived by the saying "What comes around goes around". And whoever did that wil get theres in the ends".
some people today have no regard for human life ,so how can we expect them to care about others precious animals? I believe that the world has tilted of it axis, that is why everybody has lost their minds. I hope that things are getting better for you each day.
Take care andgod bless.!
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond, we got a new puppy and I've been very busy with her. I'm so protective of her! I'm so afraid she'll get out on the road like Corona did. Anyway, thank you for your response.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I am very sorry about your loss.
But I can tell you that even with cruel people like that in the world, there is still some nice and decent people out there that will help others.
I hope that even with the sad way your dog left that you think of the years that your dog was your pet and that were happy for you.
Take care please.
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
12 Jul 08
Oh, I'm sure there are decent people out there. And I certainly can't help thinking about the time she was with us. Thanks.
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
14 Jul 08
However sick it is, some people actually get some kind of a joy out of running over animals... how this happens, is beyond me! Anyway, sadly when I was younger I experienced 3 dogs getting run over... once when I was walking down the road with my friends two strays had started to follow us... someone ran one of them over and did not even stop to ask if it was our dog... and once my german shepherd had gotten out of the back yard when i was alseep and someone had run over him but they had the courtesy to stop and ask if he was our dog... and once our beloved family pet Sandy, a beautiful yellow lab, had been outside playing in our yard w us and had started across the street to the pond when a telephone truck came speeding down our county road and ran over her... he then kept going until he reached the end of our street where he stopped to to his telephone work on a pole... anyway i ran after he screaming and eventually he came back down the road about an hour later to ask if we needed any help... my dog lived, but was very hurt and she was growling at his presence.... to say the least... people need to learn to be more compassionate... I think that has alot to do with our world being so screwed up right now... a lack of compassion!
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
You're right, I know a lot of people who go out of their way to hit animals when they see them on the road. It's sick. And, yes, we definitely need more compassion in this world. Thanks
@ke7fxb (65)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Ahh, poor dog, I don't blame you for feeling horrible! But, I know exactly how you feel. I live down a road where my neibors will try to run over me and my dog while we are going for a walk. They actually aim for us! A lot of people don't have cats where I live becuase they are constantly being run over with no one to care. I hope you feel better.

@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Dragonlady is right! You should definitely report them!
@dragonlady9947 (122)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Report them to the police - trying to run you over is attempted murder!

@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
15 Jul 08
Gee, it was very cruel to run your dog over and then not even to stop! People can be so cruel, especially when they see that the pet's owners are standing by! Yes, one wonders about basic human kindness, as sometimes they do that with people too!
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I know, people can be so unkind! An acquaintance of mine called me a "flower child" yesterday and I don't really see what's wrong with that! I guess caring and kindness are pretty much things of the past!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Jul 08
He must have been drunk or in so much of a hurry, he did not watch what he was doing. He might not have seen the dog, but if he had not had the radio on that loud, he should have heard the shriek so there is no excuse. I gather his radio was blasting, because that would be the only way he could not hear her, but why did he not stop when he heard the bump? He could have run over a child just as well.
He should have been paying attention instead of listening to the radio, and that plus the speed to get somewhere would be the only excuse. Unless he was running away from the law. Crooks usually do not basic human kindness.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
A lot of people around here are lacking basic human kindness. Much of the younger crowd (18-25) think it's funny to run over animals on the road, they will even swerve to hit them. I think it's pathetic. And, yes, I believe he had probably been drinking. I'm just thankful my daughters came to get me and didn't try to get her themselves. It could have been them. Thanks for your response.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Thank you. It makes me very sad, too. I really believe in treating others the way you would like to be treated and, obviously, that guy didn't. It's very sad. Thank you.
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
If that driver intentionally run over your dog or even by accident and intentionally sped away without stopping and trying to help. I don't know why people can be so cruel. Where our sense of morality going to? Sometimes just to think of it is scary. If they can do it to lovable pets like dogs their just a few steps away from doing it to us people.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
You're so right, it's awful the way people are so selfish now. It doesn't seem to matter who gets hurt, as long as there is no consequence to them. It is scary, and I'm so glad my girls weren't out there, they could have gotten hurt too. Thanks for your response.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
15 Jul 08
OMG, I am so sorry, I'm sorry as well that I saw your post, now I will be thinking about that poor doggie all night.
That simple jerk that hit your dog, will pay for it some kind of way.
Why are people so cruel. I am so so sorry for you. I do not like the thought of pets being hurt. Whenever there is a story on the news about animal cruelty my husband and I quickly turn the channel.
I hope your little girl is ok.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Kids get over things so much more quickly than adults, I've noticed. I bought a new Jack Russell puppy last night and they seem to be ok now. Not me, I hold the new puppy and all I can think about is Corona (our dog). The new puppy is adorable, but I still miss Corona!
@Virgie60 (556)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Oh My! I am almost speechless here as that is the most awful thing that I have heard of in a long time. How could someone be that heartless. They definitely must not have a conscious (sp?). If I accidentally ran over someones pet I would be crying myself and not able to sleep because of it. I would be a basket case. This is really awful. I feel for you and your family. May you have the strength that you need during this sad and trying time.
@miller23231 (873)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Thank you! I am overwhelmed at the responses I've gotten on here. I'm beginning to think that the only humane people left in the world are right here on Mylot!