what time did you sleep? ...and why...
@joyadalia (1408)
July 15, 2008 6:46pm CST
some people are just night people and sleep so late, while some get to bed as early as after dinner. i was wondering if your sleeping pattern is regular/circadian or just like mine: without a rhythm. :O)
in my job, we change shifts every two weeks. this affects my sleeping pattern very much! when i am on the 6am to 2pm shift, i have to wake up at 5am (very very early according to my standard) and sleep anytime i like -- that depends on what activities are available for the night. when i am on the 2pm to 10pm shift, i sleep really really late and wake up really really late -- but that then depends upon the activities i had in line for the morning.
this week, i am on the 6am to 2pm shift. i woke up at 5am yesterday, but slept last night -- no i think that i should say morning -- at 1am because i watched some late night shows on television then perused some computer and tech magazines as i am planning to buy my laptop later today. then i had to wake up at 5am this morning. tough :-(
so how about you? did you sleep well and early last night? or were you a night own last night? ;OD
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22 responses
@tamarafireheart (15384)
16 Jul 08
Hello joyadalia,
Yesterday I was on my LapTop untill 4.a.m then then went bed but couldn't sleep. I have been awake for 24hr, and it is now after midnight and I am begining to get very tired and all this talk about sleep Good night.
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
hi tamara, being awake for 24 hours can cause migraines ;O) i've tried that before when i was working at a cement plant (I also tried being awake for 48 hours there!) and i felt like a zombie afterwards. so how was your sleep last night? was it much better?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
18 Jul 08
Hello joyadalia,
Yes I slept like a log, didn't get up to 12.30, next day so I felt fine, it so awful when you can't sleep.
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@sabahking (416)
16 Jul 08
i sleep at midnight because i need to study and i get many homework.So i need to do that.I want early but i cant make it !! i also get a lot od activity during days .Only at midnight i have fre time to do homework!
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
when i was a student i slept early and didn't study much. but i failed in two subjects. that says it all ;o)
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
16 Jul 08
I used to work these crazy shifts, way back in Germany in the early eighties. It was relatively easy because I knew that this was a temporary thing (six month, while I saved up my money from that well-paying job to go to India.) But I woudn't want to do it as a regular job, must be difficult. But you sound as if you're managing quite well.
These days my sleepng habits are completely screwed up because I basically spend my life online, interspersing it with some language classes I give. For example, I went to bed at 4.00 a.m. this morning, got up at 7:00 a.m., worked until 12:00 p.m., had a nap, some lunch, then worked some on the computer, lay down again for about half an hour at 16:00.....Get the picture?
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
ooooooopppps, the last line in my post should have been: or were you a night OWL last night? ;O) pardon
all of you guys have worse sleeping habits than i have ;o) but i think i will be in your league once i get that much-coveted laptop. then we can meet each other here and lament about not sleeping and sleeping late :-D maybe we should make a no-sleep society ;o)
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@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Hi there, I usually sleep around 2 in the morning. I have sleeping problems, I think due to stress and a lot of problems. I used to sleep around 11 in the evening before, but I think I'm now battling to insomnia. I prefer to take some shower and even drink hot chocolate before sleeping but I think I can't bear to sleep that early now. I used toss and turn for an hour before I get to sleep. I have to sleep at least 6-8 hours so I have a strength for tomorrow. It's hard to have a graveyard work, and this will make you sleepy in the morning, but I think you need to make some adjustment so you can find time to relax some times. Taking vitamins is good, so try to take vitamin C to boost your immune system. Take good care and good luck!
@Xdrowninghavocx (3117)
• United States
16 Jul 08
My sleeping pattern is so off key. Since I graduated high school four years ago I have been on a downward spiral. I have insomnia sometimes, but mostly my sleeping times are reversed. I sleep during the day and I'm up in the evening. I don't like this pattern, but it's becoming harder to break.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I have frequent migraines that cause my sleeping patterns to go bonkers. I can find myself sleeping all day, or I can be 'early to bed'. I am on Disability so I don't work, thus my oddball sleeping patterns don't cause me much trouble.
@ivylrc (57)
• United States
16 Jul 08
crazy shifts do really affects sleeping habits of a person, don't torture yourself, if you shift is on 6-2, sleep early, if your on 2-10, sleep late as usual because you will have to be awake till 10pm, be up late also, just be sure you have enough sleep
@pretty_babe (704)
• New Zealand
22 Jul 08
Hi Joyadalia.
For me, Sleep is pretty much between 11:30pm/12:30am and 1-3am. I can't just go to bed and sleep so I have to have some wind down time. If I am tired during the day I will have a "Nana Nap" and carry on my Day til I actually go to bed to go to sleep.
If I am away then it is not too much of a difference away either. I watch TV, DVD's, Go on the Computer and that is about all I do before I go to sleep.
Catch ya later
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Hello pretty_babe!
I'm glad that you're still pretty with all that late night sleeping. I feel so ugly this last week as I was not able to get much sleep :-( but then it was on my own volition so i have no one to blame but my self ;O) Hey, that star on above your name looks so pretty? What's that for?
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
6 Aug 08
Last night I slept really really late: 3AM because I was doing some writing work for a website. My head ached a lot this morning but after resting it was all well again. I got late 15 minutes at work because of the late night unrest ;O)
@missbdoll (1165)
• Australia
16 Jul 08
The last few years I've become a real night person, I work very late on the net and am often still around working untill around 2 in the morning, So I'm very often not uo till after 10, that is uunless I have an early start because I have to be somewhere.
I yhink my bidy is really into this cycle now, and I've stopped worring about as I am very productive and do get a lot done.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
16 Jul 08
Hi,joy!I slept very late last night about past 2 am.My hubby is out of town and i was missing him,
.If he was here i would also sleep late because thats his sleeping pattern but not as late as last night.I just kept on surfing the net until i finally feel so sleepy.

@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
hi everyone, even though i woke up at 5am yesterday, i slept last night -- yet again -- at 1am. Why so? I bought my laptop! A Neo Empriva baby ;o) and I was busy tinkering that i was up all night. I can't connect to the internet yet as I have problems with the IE and I don't have firefox. Maybe later today I can get that to work.
I woke up at 5am today! Do the math and you'll realize that i just had 4 hours of sleep :-)) so let me go get my coffee
good morning to everyone
@Afallingrock (289)
• United States
16 Jul 08
My internal clock is a bi messed up during the summer when i sleep whenever I'm bored. I usually stay up all night and sleep in the morning. It's great to sleep whenever you want but I think it makes you a bit lazy some times. To me theres nothing better than jsut the right amount of sleep, not to little so a you fell tired during the day, and not too much so you feel like a zombie all day long. When you get the perfect amout of sleep i find i have more energy and am in an overall better mood.
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Last night was much better than all the other nights this past week. I slept at 12:00 midnight. I was busy making a mini-movie of my notebook and didn't realize it was that late but this is still much earlier that the dawn-sleep patterns I had last week.
@jlaparece (51)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Before when I was still a student I used to sleep at midnight thats why I have a lot of pimples in my face. Now that I am already working I really see to it that I could sleep early. I am just happy because my work schedule is fixed the time is the same everyday. Now that I sleep early I dont have anymore pimples.
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@TannerSite (698)
• United States
16 Jul 08
My girlfriend was really sick last night, so we both fell asleep pretty late - at least, later than we usually do. Fortunately after we had fallen asleep we slept well through the entire night. A good night's sleep always makes me feel great the next day. :)
@alori61 (344)
• United States
16 Jul 08
For the past 9 years I have worked a job where I have to be at work at 4AM, which means I have to be up by 3AM, Monday thru Friday. When I first started I was in bed at 8:30 at night as time progressed my bedtime has gotten later and later till I'm now lucky to be in bed by 10:30 on work nights. Sleep deprived is the mode for each day, when the kids are in school a nap after work is my afternoon but with them on summer break I just walk around a zombie and sleep in till 5:30 or 6 on weekends.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
16 Jul 08
When I am living alone, I'm a natural night owl. I liked to stay up until two or three in the morning. That's when my writing flows. It's quiet everywhere with no interruptions.
I'm visiting my brother who is an early riser. He makes so much noise, he wakes me up. So, I end up in bed by 10 or 11pm and I'm asleep by midnight.
This unnatural cycle tires me out and this morning was the first day I woke up feeling refreshed. MY body finally adjusted.
I get caught up on the computer like you. I can function on 4 hours of sleep, but as some point, my body insists I make up for it.
@excellence7 (3655)
• Mauritius
16 Jul 08
I sleep about 10-11 p.m. because I have my assignments and research work to do and sometimes I am in my home-gym or surfing on the net:D
@shintongs23 (537)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
I usually sleep after a long hours of being online, when I feel that my eyes are hurting and wanted to close for a rest. But before when I was not yet an internet addict, I sleep as early as eight in the evening. Our dinner usually starts at seven and after that I will do my school homework/assignments. I am not fond of watching TV series or watching TV as a whole. That was when I still don't have my own laptop. For now, I prefer to surf the internet after dinner and I can stay awake as early as four in the morning. Last night, I did not sleep. Actually I am not aware of the time until our house helper called me for lunch! I only quit the internet and took a sleep after lunch and after almost six hours, back again here in front of my computer.