Slapping You All Upside The Head!

Regina, Saskatchewan
July 19, 2008 11:40pm CST
Well geez louise group; I go away for a few weeks and all hell breaks loose! Ok - so the site has a new look. It's a bit of a shock to see for the first time, but being a member of an infinitely adaptable race, I got used to it pretty quick and don't feel the need to go on and on about it. Then I get the word that old and dear friends are being hounded and harrassed and some have left the site literally in tears! In surfing discussion I find post after post about the state of the lot in general, and the inmates taking over the asylum. And now the God discussions are cropping up again deriding the lack of tolerance here. Another discussion actually has a post from mylot admin on it! Will wonders never cease!!! So it seems I've missed a lot and you all have obviously missed me, because you've all gone savage without me! LOL So I'm back. But my personal rules have changed. My energy levels are low right now and so are my interests. I won't respond to discussions anymore about the state of mylot, stars, ratings or trolls unless these topics are brought to my attention by a friend who needs my help. Which I will gladly give, but the gloves will be off! I have been to hell and back recently and certain priorities have come into focus for me, that if it weren't for my friends here that I so badly miss, I'd leave you all to feed on each other til nothing was left but the fat lady singing! This is a universal website with more personalities than Carter has liver pills. Get over it! You can't please all the people all the time. All the people can't please you all the time. The people who jump on you, hurt your feelings or make you mad ARE OF NO CONSEQUENCE in the greater scheme of your time here. Don't let them get under your skin. Move on, stick to your friends and give the raspberry () to those that get up your nose. Use your time here to have fun ([em] w00t[/em]) and to hell with everyone else. The less we feed the nut jobs and pokers the less they'll bother us. Now somebody open the cocktail bar and let's get pissed with booze instead of negative words! So did you miss me? ROFL
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35 responses
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Hullo Sparkybaby. Bout time you got back! Ya know, I've been a bit MIA myself for a while now, and I've missed all of the craziness that's been going on here, but I think I'm better for having missed it. Life in the real world is just too hard and we don't need this little utopia of ours being so chockfullofshit as it appears it's been lately. I've seen a couple of the posts about tolerance and the admin selling our e-mails and such, and I'm staying away from all of it. I'm having a hard enough time - I don't need this extra-added-attraction. So yeah, let's open the cocktail bar and have some fun like we used to.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Nova my darling! Good to see you. And I so totally agree. Life's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too short to let our fun be tarnished anymore with a bunch of pea brains. So the bar will open 24/7 from now on (HIC!) and as I'm going to be using this place as my personal fun therapy, I refuse to stop drinking, so let the chips fall where they may! ROFL. Missing you and thinking of you and worried sick about you. Love you!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 Jul 08
no worried sick for you damit.. youve been sick enough already so quit with that. i think the three of us need to commune someplace out in the middle of the woods ..;nod;..
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
I have a fairy ring under my towering pines.........will that do? Sounds like a plan to me!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 Jul 08
now yer starting to sound like me! ..;squishes;.. good to have ya back sweetums.. have a shot of jet fuel lemonade.. aka MindPhuck.. on me! welcome home!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
I only let the BEST people rub off on me tess! LOL Especially when they have mind phucking lemonade! ROFL Good one! Way to start a Sunday morning OUTSIDE of Church! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
HIC! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yummy!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 Jul 08
..;raises a shotglass;.. to yer good health my friend
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Jul 08
Yes I missed you very much even though I have not been here much lately and won't be here much for a little while Al of it has got to me this time I will be around like you for my Friends but not as much as I have been Love and Hugs to you
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Jul 08
Thank you Spark you now that I care a lot for you and that you are one special Friend to have certainly to me Big Hugs
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'll shout it from the mylot rooftops if I have too: You are a mylot treasure Gabs. You will always be the heart of this place. I respect your feelings and understand completely your desire to take a break. And when you do pop in, you will be welcomed with open hearts and loving arms. NEVER doubt that!
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Jul 08
2 people like this
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Well, welcome back! Yeah I went away for 4 days and came back to this mess. I always miss the whole troll attacking thing and just hear the remnants of it. It's pretty sad that this type of behaviour is allowed to go on. I have never been attacked by these people - that I know of - and would probably just ignore it if I were. I just don't have time for it. It is aggrivating that they continue to chase away some good people.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Cool - I'll keep an eye out for ya! Should be a blast :)
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Jul 08
Just don't laugh so hard you blow up! LOL I couldn't live with that on my conscience! ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Hey kiddo, how are ya? Yeah, apparently it's been quite a mess here. A very dear friend and a valued member here got driven off. Sometimes you just want to strangle some people, you know? I just don't see the point of making someone's life a misery. What a poor excuse for a power trip! So Sparks is back and won't tolerate this kind of crap anymore. I can be fun, but I can be hell on wheels too! LOL
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
20 Jul 08
WooooHooooo, you said it, go girl. I agree with all you said. I'm glad to have you back Spark you are a refreshing site.
6 people like this
• United States
20 Jul 08
I do dance as much as this tired old bod will let me, lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Oh I hear that moon beam! Sometimes when I'm really in the mood, I have to take my arthritis pills BEFORE I dance! That way I can really enjoy it! LOL
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Are ya dancin' yet moon beam? I am! LOL Hugs kiddo. Good to see you!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Spark, you must have been gone when I came to Mylot. I haven't seen you around until tonight. But I will have to say you have made me laugh! I haven't been in on any of the inmates discussions, but I have read enough about them to realize someone must have been dipping into the fortune cookies and didn't like what they pulled out. I really loved your 'Carter liver pills' comment! You are right; we can't please all the people all the time, but neither can we please some of the people ANY time. We just have to do our best to keep our hands clean and let the rest do whatever pleases them. I have really enjoyed my time here at MyLot. When I can't find anything a friend has written to comment on, I often just go to my interests and when all else fails, I try Mylot, and that's how I happened upon you discussion. Thanks for a great laugh tonight.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
I approved your request with pleasure Barb. As long as your alerts are turned on, you'll get notice of my discussions. I usually stick to my own interest groups. YOu'll find them eventually. Welcome to the group. Now let's party hearty all night long and to hell with that bed thing.................!LOL
4 people like this
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I'm tired!!! I went to bed at 1:30. My husband got up at 4. He went down in the basement to the sewing room where he has a computer and works on others. He was working on our daughter's and playing music. Woke me up EARLY and I tried to go back to sleep and never could. So I figured I'd be sleeping in church but I managed to stay awake. I meant to come home and take a nap, but I haven't yet. Been on the phone with my daughter and the computer caught my eye.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I put in a friend request. I went to your interest and couldn't find the two topics you were talking about. I'll try again tomorrow. I probably overlooked them considering it's 1:15 and I really need to be in bed. I'm a night owl and need to learn to go to bed earlier. So I think I will call it a night. So glad to have met you.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Jul 08
You are a great writer, sparks. I've missed you here and yes, it all went to hel in a handbasket when you left. So I think the solution is simple...just don't leave again. The solution appears obvious. They now can stop fighting with each other and go after is after all, your fault. You've just admitted it so don't even try to get out of it now. we have evidence.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
LOL sid, so good to see you! Let 'em come after me! I've got margarita's! LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Jul 08
I like being a "Nut Job". Can't I be just a little bit potty please. As for missing you...Pah.......... Never heard of you. LOL.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Oh I reeled you in a long time mr. fish! ROFL And your kind of nutiness is a welcome relief from the others here, so have at it in spades! LOL
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Hell, I've only seen you once or twice on here and I can see I missed you!!! What a breath of fresh air you are!! Amen, amen, and I say verily, amen to your re-entry discussion to myLot!!! You have hit the nail squarely on the head even before you tried the upsides!! I'm a relative newcomer, but there has been plenty of nasty about (and apparently, I played a part on one discussion - but hey - I'm human!) So, why don't we see if we can navigate the excremental flow and find a fresh water spring near the head waters, eh?
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Sounds like a plan to me! Now here's a margarita! Time to get pissed and have some fun here for a change! And everyone's human. So no worries.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
20 Jul 08
Yea! Sparky..your back! and your front looks great too! where's the party? am i early or did i come a day late again?..LOL..and poo on anyone who spoils your discussion with comments not needed here! Missed you!
6 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Missed you guys too! And my front is finally balanced! ROFL You are not early, and you're not late - so pass the margarita's and let's get this party loud and lively and FUN! But no pooing on the guests ok? I don't want to have to clean up the mess! ROFL
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
20 Jul 08
Oh please? Just a tiny bit of pooing on them..I promise to tone down the monkeys this time..and going into the kitchen to shake up the margaritas..anything else while i'm there?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Ok, a little pooing then. But YOU clean up after them! LOL I'd like a bowl of bits and bites to go with the margarita's please! Missed my dinner and too lazy to feed myself! ROFL
5 people like this
• United States
20 Jul 08
yes - i did miss you! although i've also had so much going on that i didn't realize i've missed people until someone brings it to my attention that they're gone - it happen all the time in my "physical life" too i'm trying to keep myself more active here, rather than just i finally notice more and am starting to get to know MyFriend's personalities. Welcome back - could have used some of your discussions in the last few days
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
It's always better to get out front and centre than lurk! LOL I only lurk when I'm stalking someone! ROFL And I can't keep my mouth shut so my lurking doesn't laugh long! LOL Good to SEE you!
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@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
[b]Well, what can i say? I'm new here and i read your post between the lines. I'm just thinking how is my lot two years before i come. You said that some of your friends has been hounded and harassed. Does it really happened here? I thought this is a nice site and full of friendly people. If i encounter rude people here i will just ignore them. Welcome back...! A greetings from a new member.[/b]
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Yes, like any site with a large membership, there are going to be people who bend over backwards to make your life miserable just because they can. But I like your attitude - just ignore them! Stick with your friendly friends and have fun. Welcome to the lot and I love your avatar! So pretty and refreshing!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Terribly Glad to see you return. Yes, the nut cases have taken over the asylum. But, what else is new? Isn't that the way of the world these days? I agree...The people who jump on you, hurt your feelings or make you mad ARE OF NO CONSEQUENCE in the greater scheme of your time here. I plan on having fun here and just to prove it, here's a just for you!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Good to see you dude! And thanks for the raspberry! LOL Now I feel at home.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Well, that's certainly a relief Wouldn't want you to not feel at home!
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@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
20 Jul 08
The new look is cool even though a sudden change came as a shock.I agree that u cannot please all the people so I never even try to do that
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Good policy pkraj. Stick to it and you will enjoy your time here much more.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 Jul 08
girl i am with you. i don't post to those topics ever. i mean there are so many wonderful things to talk about. who the hell wants to talk about all the drama and non-sense all day. i am with you, let's open up a bottle of booze and get our drink on!! what do you want girl cause i got it all in my little bar shopping mall!! drinks are on me, so don't worry about paying, i got you
@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 Jul 08
well a fresh batch coming up right now!!! make sure you save me a glass, i gotta go check my fried chicken i got cooking in the kitchen.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Virtual booze never runs out momma. Now YOU save ME some of that fried chicken. Yummy!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Hic! Well I'm three sheets to the wind on margarita's momma, so a fresh batch of those would go down a treat. And yes, no more drama! There's not enough booze in the world to make drama less dramatic! LOL
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• United States
20 Jul 08
Goodness graceous. I had been away for awhile and only touching base every now and then. I came back on here on a regular basis and the first time I came back the site page is changed. And I for one think it is a good change. I love it. As far all this other things that are going on it is really silly. I come on here to have some fun and make friends. I don't let people bother me and never have. Everyone has there own opinion and are intitled to it. I don't push my opinions on anyone and I don't expect them to push their opinions on me. There are a whole whole lot of people here and there is no way that a person can please all of them. I'm not sure if I have met you. I have been here a year. I have not been on lately for no other reason than I had other things that I had to take care of. Welcome back. To the new and improved mylot.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Yep, we've met and lady, the sun shines on my day when I see you! LOL I do so agree with everything you've said. Friends are too precious to waste and I have so many good ones here. It breaks my heart when they're treated badly. But the worst part of this site is the complaining. I don't have time for it anymore. Let's just enjoy each other and ignore the rest!
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• Pakistan
20 Jul 08
To me, I was also turned upside down. I really liked the new mylot layout. Actually, I'm visiting here after a couple of months and hope to start getting fit into this new layout, hopefully. :)
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
I don't think it will take you long friend. Good luck and hope to see you again.
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@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
20 Jul 08
It's good to have the sanity back on the site.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Hey Winter, how are you? It's good to be back, and you can be sure I'll be turning the sanity into FUN insanity. Just like the 'good old days'! ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
You gotta deal Winter. And whine all you want, just do it with humor! Hugs.
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@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
20 Jul 08
How am I doing? Tired and whining about it. And, after reading some of what has been going on with you (and others here), I am going to try to re-prioritize my whining (even though I have an unspoken addiction to my whining). And to paraphrase an old saying about one man's garbage being another's treasure: "One person's insanity is another's sanity." Keep the laughter rolling. It most definitely "sparks" up life and sanity.
5 people like this
• United States
21 Jul 08
So nice to have ya back Sparks!!! I have been away a lot lately as well, so I guess I've missed most of what you reported on. School and all, ya know? MAybe things will straighten up a bit with you back:)
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Jul 08
Well they damn well better staighten up edgy! I've no patience anymore for this kind of stuff and if it's brought into my threads, I'll be slapping people upside the head right and left! And your absence here paid off where your schooling is concerned! Congrats again on being appointed to the Dean's List you clever little thing you! Well done!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Jul 08
You worked hard edgy! I'm very proud of you!
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• United States
21 Jul 08
way to make a girl blush Thanks for your encouragement!!
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• United States
20 Jul 08
I am new so I don't know the ebb and flow of this site. I'm kind of bummed that I tried to use the smilies and because I don't have 200 posts I can not use them. I think this site looks pretty good. I like what you said about not letting people get to you here. Do people really do that? Okay the bar is open..lets go in.. I want a Hawaiian Sunset!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Jul 08
Welcome to the lot Cinnamon. And yeah, people really do that here, so take my arm and let's go inside the bar and get right and truly pissed! Hawaiian Sunsets all around barkeep!
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