My family needs Health Insurance, but we cannot afford it.
By Stephannie
@stephcjh (38473)
United States
July 21, 2008 6:59am CST
Hi friends. My family and I live in the United States. We do not have a whole lot of income either. We cannot afford to pay for healthcare coverage for all of us. I am taking my daughter, who is 16, to try to qualify for Medicaid tomorrow because she has to have surgery. Her dad is to carry her coverage now but he will not call me back or answer his phone and give me that information. I really wish my husband and I could get healthcare coverage for ourselves. Every place I have checked is very expensive. We do not have it available through places of employment either.
Do you have healthcare coverage?
Does anyone know where we can go to get affordable healthcare coverage?
The places that I have checked, charges like, $600.00 a month for the whole family of three. We have no medical conditions other than for my daughter right now also, but it is not a condition that will be there after her surgery.
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19 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jul 08
stephcjh hi Ihave friends who have americare insurance and they dont pay anywhere near as much as 600 a month, I think theeres is thirty or forty dollars a month. I would look them up and see
what they could do for you. I am elderly so am on medicare and my gap insurance secure horizons evercare plan for poor seniors and it covers everthing with no monthly copay.I am lucky this way for sure. good luck in finding insurance you can afford. god bless.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Someone else mentioned Ameriplan to me also. I weill check into it tonight and see if it is something for my husband and I to have. I got my daughter on Medicaid today. I was so relieved about that. I have got to do something for my husband and I though. I really hope to find something that I can afford to pay mointhly. Please pray that I can find something. Ameriplan sounds like it would be affordable.

@stephaniej515 (6)
21 Jul 08
I work for a company called Ameriplan. It is the #1 health care provider in the US.. We have plans staring at $29.95 to $59.95 and that covers every one in the house. It has plans that include dental, vision, prescriptions, chiropratic, Physician, Ancillary services, hospital advocacy, nurse line and many more.. Please go to There you can look at all the plans we offer and see which one best fits you.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Hi. I will check it out. I got my daughter on Medicaid today so she is covered now. I am still looking around for my husband and I some health coverage. I picked up some brochures today at the Medicaid office. I hope to find something soon because medical bills are nothing to play around with. I will check into Ameriplan also. thanks for providing me with the information.
@weemam (13372)
21 Jul 08
I think it's a shame you have to pay for everything pal , we are really lucky here in Scotland with the NHS, I don't think my hubby would be here if we had been made to pay for his triple heart bypass , I will pray you all keep healthy pal , and hope all goes well for your daughter xx
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thank you very much. I really appreciate that. I got some assistance for my daughter today. I also picked up some brochures for my husband and I. I am going to go through them tonight and see if I can get us some health insurance. I know it will be expensive and we cannot afford much, but we need it and have to have it so badly right now. Please pray for me to find something before it is too late for us.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I am so sorry! I really do know how you feel. Our kids have med. card and my husband goes through the VA so he don't need it but i do. I did look into some insurance for myself but theres no way we can afford it. At least the kids and my hubby have it but i really need to go to the dentist,there no way we can afford for me to go. My husband says just go and we will take care of it but i know it will take things away from my kids and i can't do it. I have searched and tried to find something but no luck. Like you i have found that they want anywhere from $350 and up just for me. I don't hardly ever go to the doctors so it would be crazy to pay that much a month for the insurance, it would prolly be cheaper to go without. I am worried now because just today my husband started a new job that is paying much better and i am afriad that our kids are gonna loss there's. My cousion gets paid less then my husband and he can't get any help with his son's med. If my kids loss theirs we have to get them some and we'll end up paying t least $600 just for the boys. Then we'll be making less then he was at the job he just left. They make it imposable for people to live today. I'm sure we're gonna have to really start looking and if i found anything good i'll be sure to let you know. best of luck
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
That is the same with me. My husband is 15 years older than me and we really need to have the coverage in case something happens like this again. We do not get sick in my household either. We have been lucky with that. I used to carry our healthcare when I was working outside of the home but we have not had it since I work at home now. It costs alot each month. It will be more than my house payment. We do not have it so I am hoping to find something we may be able to barely afford. I got my daughter on Medicaid today, thank God, but I have got to get busy and find my husband and I insurance. One time to the hospital and they houd you for the money. Our government needs to do something. People cannot afford to pay these high prices, co-pays and deductibles. Please keep me in your prayers. I hope to find something for us this week.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Does your state have coverage that you can qualify for?
You need to make your ex give you that info. Go to legal aid and ask them what you can do to compel him give it to you. They don't charge for advice the last time I heard. Maybe he won't answer because he didn't maintain the policy?
Good luck to you. Insurance is ridiculously expensive and doesn't pay for much when it does kick in. Yet, we can have our lives ruined by one medical crisis! 

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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I got my daughter on Medicaid today for the time being and they are going to help me with her medical bills and surgery. I will deal with her dad when this is all overwith. He is a piece of garbage. He hasn't even called me back to see if she is okay or not. I am going to check into my husband and I coverage tonight. Please pray that I can find something good and affordable for us.
• United States
21 Jul 08
i wish i could help u. unledd uall qualify for medicade i know no other way. i'm on medicare now [thank god} but when i was working my ins. got so hight i could pay it. i just had to hold my breath for 2 years praying nothing would happen because i had had some serious health isues. it's a shame it's so high people can't afford's sure not good not to have any because u never know what can happen. cll your congressman, might not do any good but at least you've tried. good social services & see what they say. write the governor, write the president, worry the dodo out of them. hope your daughter gets along o.k.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thank you for your insight on this. I got my daughter on Medicaid today. She is feeling a little better. I rescheduled her Dr. appointment today so we can let the medicaid kick in and be valid in a couple of days. I need to look for my husband and I to get insurance now. I will check some bropchures I picked up today at their office. I hope to find some insurance we can afford to pay. Please keep my family in your prayers.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Wow! $600.00 is alot. And way to much. I wish me and my husband could get Healthcare Insurance but we are barely making it from month to month now as it is. And in the colder weather he doens't get much work so it is a struggle So we couldn't get the health insurance if we tried. Just no way..I hope all goes well with your daughter and that you get ahold of her father to figure out what is what ..
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I'm very sorry to hear that. My husband and I both work seven days a week just to make it and pay the bills also. We cannot afford the $600.00 a month either. He lost a good paying job last year and now we both work alot to make ends meet with less pay. Someone mentioned Ameriplan to me and I am going to check on it. They cover all kinds of things for $39.95 a month. I can afford that better than the $60.00 a month. It will take away from us financially but will be well worth it in the long run. You may want to check on it also.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Hey thanks Stephcjh I appreciate the tip. I will check it out aas well.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I don't have any healthcare insurance or coverage either. Hubby is on Medicare he has SSD. I have nothing and am a homemaker. I did have Washington Basic Health but they kept making the co-pay go higher and higher until the state health care program meant to help low income became out of reach for me financially. They did not cover eye glasses or dental either both of which I need. So I make do and do without and pray to God to help me and keep me from any really serious injury or health problem. Our total annual income is $17,000 that is not a lot to live on and have a mortgage of $600 a month. Our daughter buys our food and a son provides our internet and phone service. Hubby is allowed to work some on SSD but can only make $900 a month or SSD will cut him off. Basic health began pro rating what he would make and he does not make at all what they pro-rated him to make. The wanted to have us pay $199 a month for medical insurance and that was not our prescription co-pay or doctor visit co-pay or hospital co-pay. They said if we go injured or sick we had to come up with $1500 per year and we don't have that so I go without. I need dental care badly but just can;t afford it and need new glasses going to cost $395 for the pair. Not there we pray and hope and make a little here and there. That is why I am on mylot and other sites it all helps a little.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
That is awful. I am so sorry to hear that. Other Mylot members are referring me to Ameriplan. It costs $39.95 a month and covers alot of things. You may want to check on that also. It may be something for you. There is a link to the site on the fist page of this discussion. The girl from Mylot is an actual representative for the company also. I work Mylot and other sites also to help my family, but $600.00 a month for healthcare is outragious and we cannot afford it either.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Why don't you and your husband try to qualify for Medicaid?
It is expensive, but if something were to happen to you without it, you'd be RUINED. Any kind of accident, or illness, and that $600 a month would seem so small.
And as for your daughter and her father - if he is supposed to pay per court order, call the damn cops on him. That's ridiculous, if he has agreed to help with her health insurance and he is not answering the phone, report him to the authorities.
As for me, technically right now, I don't have coverage. I was laid off last month. I could pay the exorbitant COBRA coverage if something did happen. However, I am just waiting for the paperwork to come through on health care through my husband's company.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I know what you mean. I got my daughter Medicaid today but they said my husband and I do not qualify for it. I know $600 a month is not a whole lot ot some people but we just do not have it to put out at all. Most of our money goes to our bills we already have and the rest goes to food and just a few extras. I am going to look into getting coverage for both of us tonight. I hope I can find some that I can somehow manage to afford. Medicaid is supposed to go after the father too since he is to carry her coverage now. I have been trying to get that information for 4 years now, from him and through Child Support. I carried it all the way up until then. He is worthless.
I hope everything works out for you also with your healthcare. I'm hoping and praying I can find some tonight for my husband and I.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I went to Medicaid today and got it for my daughter. I also picked up some brochures for my husband and I. I am going to look through them tonight and see if they have some healthcare coverage that I can afford to pay each month. I sure hope so because we need it very badly.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I sure wish I could find something. everything I have found online tonight costs, $300-$500 a month for my husband and I. I got my daughter on Medicaid yesterday, thank God. The deductibles for these insurance companies are $10,000.00 a year also. That is outragious plus the monthly fees. I cannot afford that at all.
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@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I totally know what you're going through.
I get my personal insurance through work. But it was too expensive to put my husband and kids on it. I got my kids on Medicaid (KidCare - it's under a different name now I think). And then found out once the kids were on Medicaid it was easy to add an adult.
At least that's the way it was for the last couple of years. THIS year they changed the budget and cut out much of the healthcare offerings. Now my husband has been cutoff while the kids will remain for one more year. Hopefully by the time I have to reapply for them next year, they'll reinstate everything.
Thankfully my husband will be on Medicare soon. Otherwise we'd be stuck much like yourself.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I got my daughter on Medicaid today but my husband and I did not qualify for any assistance. I am going to be looking for insurance again tonight for the both of us. My husband is 51 and I am 37, so we cannot get Medicare yet. I pray to find something that I can afford to pay monthly. We need it so badly. I wish your family the best with yours also. It is so hard to get help and afford things these days.
@pradysgirl (246)
• India
22 Jul 08
Try Blue cross Blue shield, we used to have that in Illinois, at a premium of 250-300$ for a family of 3( 2 adults and 1 kid) I think that was affordable, please check with their current charges. It has been a long time since I have used them, as I am away from United states.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I sure will check on that. A Mylot member referred me to Ameriplan also. they are very cheap but I need to make sure that is what I need for my family. I don't know a whole lot about them. I want to make sure we are getting the kind of coverage that we need for $39.95 each. I used to have Blue Cross Blue Shield also years ago and we paid around $300.00 a month also. I cannot afford that either, really. Our money is very tight right now. I am going to check on Ameriplan today and see if it is for me. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. I got my daughter on Medicaid today, thank God!
@renitaperrone (547)
• United States
24 Jul 08
that is really tough and I totally feel your pain. Do you qualify for the state insurance? If so, that's probably your best option. My husband has insurance through his work, but I have to pay for private insurance and it is over $200 a month and the coverage STINKS. I really think it's a waste of money. My kids qualify (so far) for the state insurance so that is great. I'm currently in requalification for it and praying we still qualify. Otherwise, to add them to my husband's insurance is over $700 a month for 2 kids and THAT is not possible.
Also, know that most states do not allow interest to be charged if you have to pay off doctors/hospitals on a payment plan. My youngest is 4 and I'm still paying off her birth. I had insurance but she was a c-section baby so the expenses were higher and I hadn't had my insurance long enough for them to cover it all. But they get my measly $20 a month like clockwork so they can't do anything to me because of it.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I am not sure yet. We have to check on that. We sure will try to see if we can get some help. I have to take care of my daughter first though. she has a cyst on her ovary and we got her some Medicaid. She has to go to the doctor at 2:00 p.m. today. It would cost my husband and I about $600.00 a month also for regular insurance and there is a $10,000.00 deductible. We need insurance really bad. I sure will check on the state thing though. We could definitely use some help.
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@renitaperrone (547)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I'm so glad you were able to get the medicaid for your daughter. Hopefully that means the rest of you will qualify as well.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
22 Jul 08
wow, Steph, that is some high Ins. I wondered do they goby your income, at the Hospital, most Hospitals do that. They call it getting rated.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Yes. It is very high. A few people here at Mylot are telling me to check into Ameriplan. I am going to do that today when I get my work done. They are cheap and we need coverage really bad. I got Medicaid for my daughter today and I thank God for that. I hope and pray to find something for my husband and I too. The hospital said that we owe $4000.00 already just for the emergency room visit and the doctor office said we need about $600.00 upfront for him to see her and start the surgery. Medicaid is going to cover that for us now for her. Please keep us in your prayers.
@sarcos (201)
• New Zealand
22 Jul 08
Well that is one thing in my country that we don't have to much problem with as we have public health service. But can get soverage to go into private health places with southern cross and other ones but that does't help in your case. I wish you all the best and hope things turn out okay for you
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I wish they would do something for us here in the United States. I got my daughter some medical assistance today through Medicaid. I am going to be looking for my husband and I some healthcare coverage today though. I pray to find something I can afford. Thank you for your kindness and wishing my family well. that really means alot to us.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
those prices are outrages, I thank God I live in Canada, I wish I knew what to tell you
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@littleowl (7157)
21 Jul 08
Hi steph'-wish I could help on this one but I live in the UK and we do get free health care as well as private-but not knowing much about the way things work in the US I don't know what to say-your freind littleowl
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thank you. I appreciate your response, all the same. I hope that we can all find some healthcare coverage we can afford soon. The medical bills will ruin a persons life. I did get my daughter some help today with Medicaid. They are going to help us with her medical bills for now.