If you happen to meet God...

I'd like to go to heaven and meet God... - The sky symbolizes heaven, heaven is where God resides, where good people go to and receive eternal life...
@selece (2357)
July 23, 2008 12:38pm CST
[b]What if you had the chance to talk to God, what would you ask Him? What will you say to Him? [/b] I would actually say thank you for everything that He has given me. I'll also ask how my father is doing up there. Maybe ask Him why he took Him from us that early because I still do not quite understand even though I have already accepted the loss. I wonder what God's really like, how He would look like. I'd probably ask Him to please give me a girlfriend too. LoL. I was just kidding, dear God. How about you? What would you say or do?
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29 responses
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
24 Jul 08
There are many questions I have for God. It is always Why,Why Why does so many bad things have to happen in everyones life, and I'm not just talking about my life. But I would like to really know why my husband had to die so young, and why everything always has to be a struggle. I also would like to know what will become of our children when they grow up, as everything is getting really expensive, and jobs pay crap if you don't have a certain good proffesional job. I would also ask why so many people have to suffer in life. I could go on and on.. Great discussion
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Indeed, we have a lot of questions for Him. If He really does show up, He'll be bombarded with questions! Hehe! But I'm sure He'll be patient enough to answer all of them. Thanks for sharing!
@DOBryan (32)
• United States
24 Jul 08
If I met God, I would ask him why he never answered my prayers. I really get frustrated because I go to church every sunday, praising a god who isnt helping me deal with all my problems. Dont get my wrong, God is my life but there are times when I dont believe he cares about me.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Maybe it was not yet time to answer those prayers. In due time, I believe He would. I hope you get your answers someday! God bless!
• Canada
23 Jul 08
If I met God right now, I would ask him for the strength to endure the crap that a member of my husband's family is wreaking upon us. I'd ask him for strength to endure, patience to listen, widom to speak my mind, and for her understanding so tat she may ee blesed with the same gifts.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
We are also enduring a crisis that was brought upon by someone in our father's family. I can relate with you. I'm sure God would listen to you. Thank you for sharing! God bless!
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I would thank him face to face for everything good in my life. I would ask him to take care of my family and friends that I left behind. That they will come to terms of my being gone and have good lives with little worry and better health. I'd also thank him for taking me home, I am waiting to go so I won't be in pain any more.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Aw... I am sure that He will take good care of them. He'll take care of you too. I don't really know how much and what pain you're going through right now, but I believe He will never forsake a good person like you. God bless you!
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
23 Jul 08
selece,Hello there my dear friend, this is a great discussion!! If I were to meet God, I too would thank him for all the many blessings he has bestowed on me throughout the years.I would thank him for the many times he has pulled me through all the trying times, when I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel.The abusive relationship he got me out of, the surguries he saw me through.I too wonder why good people are taken from us so soon, like my father too, I miss him very much also!!I would ask why I had to become disabled at such a young age, and strugle so hard for years to make ends meet.And somewhat like you, why my relationships never seem to work out quit right!!
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Hello my dear friend. I'm sure God would answer your questions and soothe your heart. You deserve it and I'm sure He sees the goodness in you. Thanks for sharing!
@gothic03 (55)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
If God give me a chance to see him, I would thank him for all blessings and guidance to my family. Most of all I always pray to God for the courage and light of hope to surf the biggest waves of my life.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Hello! Very good responses from both of you. And yes, you are right about what people would say to Him. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
@sivanj (1263)
• India
24 Jul 08
so positive is it? oh... really good. for i think most people will ask for something or else curse God for not giving something or other. But it is great of you to think of what he has given to you and then acknowledge and thank him. very good friend, i like that attitude. it is a also a good thing for me to learn. i might have for sure asked him to give me this, that, .... (very selfish, isn't it). ha..ha...
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
24 Jul 08
I would actually argue with him for making the world look such an unfair place for some people, where those who do evils of curruption have all they need in life while the faithful casnt even make ends meet! I would like to know from God himself, why he condone injustices in our world!
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Knowing about God himself, is a very interesting thing. Thanks for sharing!
@mycharm88 (2288)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Awww.. dear you mean, you don't have a girlfriend yet? oh no, don't worry about thatm you're still young and I'm sure "the one" will come by sooner than you think. About this discussion, if i'd be given a chance to see my creator.. I would actually be shocked..lol (kidding!) no seriously, i would be so thankful for everything that HE has given me, the chance to live here on earth... But i would want to know my real purpose, that i may find ways to please HIM and to make my family (loved ones) happy and to find real happiness for myself too. Good luck dear and Gosd bless you.
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@mycharm88 (2288)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your dad having to leave so soon, but i'd say be patient dear, i know God will give you the answers. You just have to listen to HIM through your prayers. And i mean God bless you my friend c",)
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Well, It's been more than 2 years since my last one. LoL. Hehe! Guess I had a bad case of wrong time and wrong place issues. Anyone would be shocked! hehe! Thanks for sharing! God bless you!
@ajayrekha (491)
• India
24 Jul 08
If I ever meet the GOD, I will ask him WHO HE IS. If he is a Hindu God, Muslim God or a Christian God or its all ONE. What ever he answers, I will request him to appear once globally in sky in front of every body and make all humans clear about GOD so that they stop fighting each others of religion and learn respecting humanity.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Wow! Makes sense! Good answer! Thanks for sharing!
• India
4 Aug 08
@mayka123 (16881)
• India
24 Jul 08
Like you I think I too would thank him for all that he has given me. I too would ask how my father is doing up there. And my husband too. And would ask him why too took them so early. And about a boyfriend (you would ask for a girlfriend) ....well I think I am happy the way I am.
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@mayka123 (16881)
• India
25 Jul 08
Yes they were very good
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I'm sorry to hear about your father and husband. I think they're doing pretty well in heaven because like you, they are good persons I'm sure. God would probably explain to you why. Thanks for sharing!
• Canada
24 Jul 08
Last November, I sustained a head injury that left me in a coma for a couple of days, and as others have asked, I saw the light. But I guess it wasn't my time to meet God in the flesh, so to speak. I would ask the God of male and female energy to bring peace and joy to all living beings. If I had met God while I was in a coma, the reverence probably would have shocked me enough that I would have never awakened. I honestly think that we must take higher powers seriously, because they exist.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
I'm glad you're still here with us. That must have been a terrifying experience if I was in your case. Thanks for sharing!
@Icyfairy (284)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
25 Jul 08
If i met God right now i have no idea wat i would ask. i would be too scared cause that would mean that it's judgement day which would definately suck! i say it would suck cause if judgement day is to come RIGHT NOW then i am definately not gonna go where i want to, cause right now i'm in the process of changing my life but i'm not there yet. so if i meet God after i have done so then YAY! sure! bring it on! but before that? no way! lol
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Hehe. I'm afraid of judgement day too, for now. I feel for you! Hehe! Thanks for sharing!
• United States
24 Jul 08
If I had the chance I would ask god why I am trapped on planet earth during the so called end times and who a chaotic planet did I have to be born on. Id ask to live in a more peaceful noble world
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
25 Jul 08
Yes, and I'm sure a lot of people would like that too. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
• India
24 Jul 08
i think don need 2 meet god. m already his best friend. most of the times the things i ask frm him cme true. i talk 2 him just as a friend. but still its not bad if i'd ever get a chance 2 meet him.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
25 Jul 08
Wow, good for you! Hope He becomes our bestfriend too. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
@milkfish (371)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I think I will ask him how I fared on His exams, that is how I lived my life according to His standards. In general, was I a good child of Him or not? And what I can do to touch other people's lives positively.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Good question, everyone want to know how well they did in life. I hope we passed his standards! Thanks for sharing!
@angelamp (241)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Wow...if I ever come face to face with God...I'd ask Him if I still deserve a long life...and if He says yes, then I'd ask Him to heal me completely---physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.... ...and of course, I should also ask for... WORLD PEACE!!! :D
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
25 Jul 08
Sounds like Ms. Congeniality! Hehe! I think you do deserve a long life. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Jul 08
If I had the chance to talk to God I guess I would ask him alot of things. The first thing would be why he took my brother so young (he was 32) and could I speak to him. I think I might ask him if I'm ever going to be happy and if my mom can stay around for a long time cause she's all that I have. I don't know, it's kind of a scary thought. I talk to him, but if he answered I don't know. Sometimes I want him to, but if he did I think I'd freak!
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
25 Jul 08
I feel for you and I can relate with your response. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I will kiss him,thanking him for all the blessings. Ask forgiveness to my sins and trespasses. Ask him for eternal peace on earth,no more fighting, killing and misunderstanding.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
That's a good one. To be able to kiss God, is such an honor. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
@Ronald84 (26)
• South Africa
24 Jul 08
well thats a really good question...well to be honest i would ask him for guidance in MY life and the career path im going into... and also to bring my grandad to me just for a week to ask him why im not in the position im in today.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I'm sure He'll guide you and that He'll grant your request if it's good for you. Thanks for sharing! God bless!
24 Jul 08
If I had the chance to talk to God, I would say thank you for taking care of me and my family and then I would asked Him about all questions in my head, one example is Charles Darwin's theory about the Human Evolution vs the Bible version of the theory. I don't know what I would ask Him... Maybe I would ask nothing, just let Him does everything with His own way.
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@selece (2357)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I see. There are a lot of questions in our minds but sometimes, it's better to stay quiet since He knows what is best for us. Thanks for sharing!