By rehanaanwer
@rehanaanwer (415)
United Arab Emirates
37 responses
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
4 Nov 06
As a religion it is good .but some practices are not good
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@rehanaanwer (415)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Nov 06
thanks for your comment but just for the sake of discussion can you please mention the practices

@israr82 (45)
• Pakistan
17 Nov 06
I am a muslim .and ofcourse i love islam and i consider myself to be a muslim,because islam is the religion that really teaches peace and love for the for others,justice in the Islamic state.unfourtunately now a days there is no single state in the world that truely represents islam.there is need that a real islamic state be established so that the world may know what islam really teaches.
@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
15 Nov 06
Women's have the lowest respect in islam. men can divorce their wife with just three letters
It upholds mens supriority men can have four wifes but is not allowed vice versa
Prophet mohammad married a 9 year old girl at the age of 54.
He married his own daughter-in-law.
He ordered to kill all those people who doesn't follow the path of islam.
@Shahied (194)
• India
17 Nov 06
I don't know from where did u find the things can u tell me from where ?
Don't listein up just state the truth...
U say three word do u know there is no court there is nothing before your and my religion...And do u thing that today divource is created by God no it is created by human...If a person doesn't likes his wife than he divourse it there may be any reason do u know reasons for which muslim divorce...How abt your religion do u know the history..I know it I have read geeta, and bible too ever followed it...No.. No futher discussion...Please i am not here for any offense but i should not keep silence on ignorant and wrong knowledge distribution...
@cutedeceiver (384)
• Pakistan
17 Nov 06
islam means peace, so religion of peace can't be bad it's best among the religions.
@hossamkiwan (724)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I am Muslim
go through forums
very good information
@hotpress (205)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Salaam everyone!! Islam teaches peace. I understand that many of you have been blinded by the media due to 911 and other missfortunes. The media only wants to turn people away from Islam, not bring anyone into Islam. God makes one a Muslim, so the media is truly wasting their time. If someone is going around killing others, they should not go around saying that they are Muslim because this is a misrepresentation of Islam and Muslims. A person is only Muslim when they are doing something righteous, not something to harm others. Surah 90 Ayat 5 of The Quaran says:"Thinketh he that none Hath power over him? ...Thinketh he that none Beholdeth him? Have We not made for him a pair of eyes?--And a tongue, and a pair of lips? And shown him the two highways? But he hath made not haste on the path that is steep. And what will explain to thee the path that is steep? (It is:) freeing the bondman; Or the giving of food in a day of privation to the orphan with claims of relationship, or to the indigent (Down) in the dust. Then will he be of those who believe, and enjoin patience, (constancy, and self-restraint), and enjoin deeds of kindness and compassion. Such are the companions of the Right Hand. But those who reject Our Signs, they are th (unhappy) companions of the Left Hand. On them will be Fire vaulted over (all around)." As I am sure that you are thinking, the word of God speaks for itself. Obviously, Islam does teach peace.
@seeyogeshwagh (724)
• India
17 Nov 06
I have no comments for this religion. All I wanted to say, I live in India. There we have lot of diversity.
@idiosyncratic (3560)
• Pakistan
17 Nov 06
alot of ppl have mis conception abt islam.....i admit there are black sheeps in every communiy and so as islam have....but plz try to understand wht ISLam preaches....islam is the religion of teaches us not even to hurt our teaches us to help other......i'll not say much but plz try to think this just one time why soo many ppl r accepting islam....ppl say that islam don't give rights to the women and the instresting thing is that in usa and many others regions women are accepting islam more den the men......pls think abt it