abortion Who are you to judge!
@honeydew82174 (1720)
United States
July 25, 2008 3:09pm CST
I was just watch a show on TV and this lady is on their criticizing this woman for getting an abortion. The woman go an abortion because she found out it had cystic fibrosis. If I am not mistaken that is when the child's lungs fill up with mucus and they have short miserable life span. I think they spend much of their lives in the hospital. Who the heck does she think she is judging this woman this way? There are so many reasons for an abortion such as this and maybe being raped. Some woman can carry the child of their rapist and give it up for adoption. Some woman can not do this. So why do we judge like this? I do not agree that abortion should be used as birth control but these woman that need to do this for good reason should not be judged so harshly. What do you think.
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22 responses
@insaneduck9 (836)
• United States
25 Jul 08
That is 100% true. The only true judges of an abortion is the parents themselves. The only problem I have with abortion is that a lot of couples seem to have abortions when the baby is alive.
At least do it about 1 week after you find out your pregnant. I responded to another discussion saying "I am 44 weeks pregnant, should I get an abortion?" . A lot of people where furious and I was one of them
. Who would kill an innocent life while in its developing stage? At least get rid of it before it contains a life.
If you are in a situation where the baby is 44 weeks old , or you know what I mean
, just get an adoption if you cannot handle raising a baby. It would be the best solution rather then abortion.

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@honeydew82174 (1720)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I agree that far along adoption is best. This woman I am talking about knew her child would have no quality of life even if she adopted it out. No one deseves to live like that. I do not think it is right if you do not want the child because you do not want to be a parent.
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@Aidensmommy821 (171)
• United States
25 Jul 08
44 weeks you should be delivering soon anyways. But after the first trimester they won't do an abortion anyways. But I totally agree with what your saying. I dont want to see a child being killed in any shape form or fashion. 1 week gestation or 1 week after being born or anytime in there childhood. I really hate all these women who has babies and then dump then in a garbage can or smothers them with a pillow or whatever these crazy,ignorant women are doing.
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@Aidensmommy821 (171)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Me personally believe abortion is wrong. But in situations where carrying full term could harm the mother or baby or for any other medical reason they should take the baby at the hospital. I think they should shut down all abortion clinics and just make it where if you have a medical problem then you take the baby in the hospital. If you get raped I know its tough for you to deal with but there is no reason for you to kill the baby for it. I know it will tough to carry full term but still you can give it up for adoption. If not then of course when you get raped go straight to the police and don't wash off and get a rape kit done and if you do find out your pregnant and can't deal with the stress of it all then get the abortion but they should still have abortion clinics shut down and be done at hospital only under emergency situations not just because you had a one night stand and you got pregnant. Not the baby's fault so don't kill it over your own mistakes. Thats is just my opinion on the situation. Take it or leave it.
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@honeydew82174 (1720)
• United States
25 Jul 08
What do you mean by take the baby at the hospital? Like take it and give it up?
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@Aidensmommy821 (171)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Sorry...what I was meaning to say was take the baby as in going through with the abortion. Sorry for the confusion there.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Jul 08
None of us is allowed to judge any woman who goes through an abortion because we, ourselves, could very well end up in their shoes, and then what do we do? A woman should never, NEVER, be forced to carry a rapist child or an unhealthy child. She should have the option of aborting if she is in that kind of a situation. People think the women just up and get pregnant and just abort the child they are carrying because they feel like it, and that is not the case at all. There are quite a few women out there that are carrying an unhealthy child or the child of a rapist there, and you are going to literally tell that person to carry that unwanted child to full-term. Why? What gives you the right to tell that woman what to do with her body?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I think that when you go on television to talk about something that people feel strongly about you are setting yourself up for being judged and attacked. I agree that cystic fibrosis is a horrible disease but there will always be one person who's objections to abortion over ride her concern for the welfare of the future child.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
26 Jul 08
Yup, absolutely right. Who are we to judge, anyway? These who went for abortions must have a reason for doing so. In the case of young girls who got pregnant, should they keep the child? Just imagine a child bringing up a child! Both will suffer. Or like you said, women who were raped or abused. Or have illnesses that threaten the lives of both the child and the mother.
I wonder those who protest so loudly, have done their homework before they criticise or hold demos and protests! Or are they protesting for the sake of hearing their voices????

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Jul 08
I do not believe in abortion unless it is a medical necessity. I have seen children who had cystic fibrosis who were able to live into their twenties at least and if you have all children aborted who have this condition, there will not be a cure for this disease. As for rape, is that child going to be a rapist if it is not aborted? I think the judgment should be on those who advocate abortion and are against adoption, who blame the child for the woman's problems, and also on the rapist who brutally attacked the poor woman and now because of those who advocate abortion for the raped victim, is getting away with it.
But the woman who believed that she could get no help. I feel pity for her and I hope that when they finally find a cure for cystic fibrosis, she does not regret what she did.
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@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
I really do not favor abortion but if there are some very compelling reasons to terminate the pregnancy, then let us just respect the decisions of the parents involved. I think that in this case, the child will only suffer horribly after birth and he or she will not really enjoy quality of life. No parent would want to see his or her child suffer.
@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I agree,though I personally don't think I could have an abortion for any reason it really is up to a woman what they do.However in some cases I don't think it is fair to the father who may have wanted the baby,but then he isn't the one carrying it for nine months and going through labor.The people who criticize them for it are just like the people who are prejudice,or hate all Muslims because of the few that are terrorists.They are closed minded and think their opinion is the only right one.I feel sorry for these people they spend way too much worrying what other people are doing and getting themselves upset over something that isn't any of their business,they miss out on so much not getting to know other people and cultures.

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@alena2508 (18)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
there are kinds of abortion. if you had abortion because it threatens your life or you know that it's impossible for the baby to live after all, it's a therapeutic abortion but if you just had abortion for no reason at all well that's a no no.
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@FarTheGreat1 (15)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Well, the people that criticized that woman are obviously self-righteous close minded people. If I were the person that was aborted, I'd rather have myself killed than live a life of shortness and arduousness. Now, don't get me wrong, I just hate those that get abortions because they made a "mistake" and don't want to go through the job of being a parent. They deserve whatever they get, which includes a child. However, if the reason that they're aborting is because they were raped or the child has a life threatening disease already, then they should be able to abort the child with no problem. That's because the first example is just for the fairness for the woman that's having the child, since she shouldn't be forced to raise it (If she were a really good woman, then she'd have the child and then let it go for an adoption, but she doesn't have to.) and the second example is just for the child's sake of not having to live a pretty abnormal life.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
27 Jul 08
I know that I wouldn't be able to have an abortion myself but I understand that every one has an opinion and I don't judge people. Some women have an abortion and feel this is right for them but it would never be right for me. Lots of women regret having an abortion later in life. Some ladies can cope with being the mother of a disabled child and some can't. If a lady is raped she might want to abort but I would adopt then the child would have a loving family bring them up. I would carry on with my pregnancy if I was going to have a disabled child.
I found out that my son has spina bifida at 36 weeks pregnancy. I was offered an abortion outside the normal 24 weeks limit. But I said no to this horrific suggestion. My baby was fixed up nicely after 3 week stay in the Intensive Care Baby Unit. Whilst in there one girl had cystic fibrosis and I saw her parents try out the exercises. It is so sad to think of the little girl's short lifespan. I don't know how happy it will be. Every child is different. My friend has a down syndrome little boy and he is so lovely. He seems to be having a happy life.
@shelly43 (1197)
• Australia
26 Jul 08
what a true statement hun,
people are always way too quick to judge any woman that has an abortion, no matter the reason and it is just so wrong.. the poor woman your talking about had no choice i bet she just didnt want her child to suffer..i dont understand why poeople can be so harsh and very cruel..
i dont agree with abortion either but like you and many others out there, there is more to it most of the time and these people that are totally against it need to find out WHY instead of making some poor woman who has vroken her heart making a decission like that..
@soooobored (1184)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I wouldn't abort a child for this, a person can live a full life with this disease, and while they may have a shorter than normal life span (and may die even tragically young) that's not for me to decide. Plus the risk of a false positive, there is no way to distinguish before birth whether or not the child definitely has the disease, or is merely a carrier.
But I wouldn't attack someone else for doing so. At most, if I were in a position to counsel them before making the choice I would make sure they understand the shortcomings of the test, and the scope of the disease.
@Anne19 (300)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
I still feel sorry for the unborn child, but you see there are many reasons why women opted to resort to abortion. If you know too well that the child you're carrying is in for a miserable life, would you continue with your pregnancy? I believe that sometimes it's more better to have an abortion than to see your child suffer because of illness and much more. I don't think anybody has the right to judge women who has an abortion, because they will know never know how painful it is for those women to let go of their children. They might never know that those women suffers the most, and often than not, they carry that burden all their life. Everybody is not perfect, so what do those judgmental people think of themselves anyway, a saint?
@chrisone (99)
• Belgium
26 Jul 08
first of all i'm not into abortion myself to as is if i would be female eh ...
but i can assure you this, if a girl, woman was raped or abused and so came pregnant it is absolutly an option abortion:-), and surly if there is an 100% knowledge of the lifespan of the concerned child due to any kind of desease ...
and at the end, there is only ONE person who can and shall deciede if she will carry the baby till the end to give birth, and that's the woman/ mother to be in question
that's my opinion:-)
yours trully
ps : to all readers , PLEASE be gentle :-) if i miswrite some thing in english , it's not my motherlanguage eh i would be glad if some one corrected me :-)
@youngsweetheart (772)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I absolutely agree with what honeydew said. While I don't generally approve of abortions, especially as a means of birth control, there are some circumstances that I definitely wouldn't argue with. When you know your child has a terrible disease that not only severely lessens their quality of life, but also rather severely shortens it - that poor child would suffer for the entirety of its short life. Women who abort in such situations generally do not make that decision lightly. They suffer guilt and depression frequently. Most of the time it's not an issue of the woman not wanting to be "saddled" with a special needs child, like many would think, but a matter of taking into account the suffering of said child. My heart goes out to ANYONE who has had to make such a decision.