Do You Reach Payout In Here Each Month?

@KrauseHome (36448)
United States
July 25, 2008 11:39pm CST
Personally, I have been an active member now for over 21 months. This is one of the best places I have found actually that is FREE that a person can come too and post, and meet new friends, talk about things going on in their life, and make some extra money from doing so as well. It may not be near what you can make from other sites and such, but the amount does help as well. In reality, I would say I have done OK with this site for sure, and have no complaints. I am sure there are many on here who have made more than me, but that is OK. I know I work full time, and have to also deal with other things in life so sometimes I may not be in here as much as I would like to as well. As for reaching payout each month, since they raised the amount you can earn in here, I am easily making it again, but there have been some months where it was really hard to do this, but I continued to stay active, and kept positive as I knew this site pays, and will continue to pay if I want to be paid here as well. So for the newer people just getting started here, no, you will never get rich here, but you can make a little extra in here each month if you try. Just continue to come here, make New friends, and post as you get time and good things will happen. ~~TINA~~
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46 responses
@liquorice (3887)
28 Jul 08
Hi Tina, I've been a member around four months, and I've reached payout every month except the first one, but that wasn't a whole month. If I'm just active on here for a little bit most days, I always find lots of discussions to get involved with, and before I know it I'm near payout. It's great that this can happen just from chatting to people It's interesting that they raised the earnings, I didn't realise that. Does it tell us about that somewhere, or was it something that you noticed youself.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
28 Jul 08
I too think there has been a very small raise in earnings over the last few weeks but this is after so many cuts that it hardly makes any difference keep on posting as much for fun as anything else blessed be
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@neilchua (888)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
i actually earn well here in my lot. i just started here last month and for july i already reached the 10$ payout by 15 of course there was a carry over for some of the days i've earned last month. but the unbelievable thing is i'm almost at my 20$ before the end of the month. neat huh? well hopefully i can make it. i'm also about to reach the 200 post which will enable to use the mylot code. wippeee. have a good day krausehome.:)
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 08
No, I don't make payout every month. I have been here for the past 17 months and it normally takes me 3 or 4 months to reach the minimum payout. And now it will take me even longer as I set my payout to a higher amount a few months ago. But that's okay. I enjoy this site and I'd probably be here whether or not I got paid! Though it is nice to get money from here.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I feel the same as you do regarding the reasons for coming here. The main one is the people. They're great! Then, there's the wonderful discussions. I have learned so much since I joined myLot! It's like a big, loving family; even moreso than a 'community'. The money is simply a really nice bonus. Where else can you go that doesn't cost you anything, you can have such a wonderful time AND get paid? I doubt there's anything like myLot anywhere! I've only been here since May, but I've reached payout every month. At first, it was so easy because I had more time to spend here, but lately I've had too many other things that need my attention, so I haven't been able to spend the time here that I'd like. Even then, I've already made payout for this month. I'm just going to let the money collect in PayPal until I'm ready to start Christmas shopping. I love your last statement: "Good things will happen." They certainly do happen here in myLot! Take care! Marti
@luvjabb (56)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Tina thanks for the information,I havent been a member here very long and not quite got the hang of all that goes on here. I have a question about friend reguest does the amount a people you request as Frinds have any thing to do with your earnings.I know some sites give more points or cash for requesting friends.
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@dreamssri (1796)
• India
26 Jul 08
well, i really dont know,for what did you gave such a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description to your question...well i agree that you can more if you are more detail...but this is too much,i think...its weird...make it somewhat short and sweet... now coming to the point,im a new mylotter and for the last 5 days i've earned $1.73....i dont think that im gonna reach the payout this month...but i'll try to do that in some upcoming months... Goodday, Sri
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@liquorice (3887)
28 Jul 08
Well, sometimes a longer discussion topic can promote a better discussion, if you see what I mean. I think this post had a good amount of description, some personal experience and some reassurance for other myLotters. Nothing weird about it, just quite friendly. I know that some posts can be too long, and the ones that read like a short novel do put me off and lose my attention, but I think this one's fine. Better than the one-line questions that lots of people do. Just my opinion!
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I don't make payout every month, although I have been doing better lately on that. For the amount of time & effort I put in here (not much) and the amount of fun I have here (a lot), I'm very pleased with the results. I think myLot is great!
@pitstop (13537)
• Australia
26 Jul 08
On an average it takes me about 3-4 months to reach payout. It seems like a long time, but I really don't mind as there's much more to mylot than just the payments!
@roque20 (518)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
I am so happy that many enjoys staying here in mylot. i havent reach the minimum payout yet,but i have my goal to reach the minimum payout or even more that so i can have my first payout.i am working hard now and hope things get better. yes this site really pay,and i am happy for that because there are many scams here in internet. and i will do my best to spend time here in mylot and respond and keep in touch with you all.
@heero1103 (322)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
Wow! I didn't know that people can reach payout in a month! Whew! I want to reach at least half of the payout for now, then I would target the whole payout the next time! Good Luck for the both of us!
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@bea2008 (73)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
Hello Tina... I for myself as a starter has a thinking that I can make much money in here but as I get to read the posts, I have found myself enjoying reading and replying on those post that interests me. Meaning I am not after the earnings now but the posts and replies of opinions of all people here in myLot. Every post that I get to give here really are my opinion and I am enjoying exchanging ideas and experiences. Though sometimes I really must admit that I am looking for something that will give me much income here in net.
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@Anne19 (300)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
I'm quite new around. But I've already meet a lot of people and I've already gained friends. I think the pay is just the icing of the cake. I enjoy this site because it has given me the opportunity to express my thoughts, without the fear of criticism or anything like that. The people here are great indeed. :)
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• Brazil
26 Jul 08
i am newer here and i do not know if all months i will reach the minimum payout but actually i am working for it too =p in 3 days i've did around 2US$ i know that isn't enough for some people that do 1US$/day but i thing is a start for me. i'm learning some functions too. so, i think i can reach 10US$ months but we can only have sure of it when i complete it xD just wait more 27 days and i answer you again (maybe Oo)
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26 Jul 08
hey tina well thanks for the information but u know i donne think i could be rich if i make 2 $ per day ha :D or even 10 per day ,, i guess i cannot make more than this online , per posting ,,, but as u says , find friends , good talking most of all good new ppl as U ,,
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@shelly43 (1197)
• Australia
26 Jul 08
i totally agree with your reply, great friends, having fun and just getting things of your chest..
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Jul 08
Yes I do now, but only just as there is times I give here a big break away like at the moment I am not here much at all for several reasons But yes I do make the Payout every Month again
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
26 Jul 08
no not always. there were time swhen i would reach payout say once in every 3-4 months. i was not very active also. i am reaching payout in last 2-3 months in each month. its nice site.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
26 Jul 08
Hi, I too love this place. It is the only place I really enjoy spending time on. I gave others a try and nothing beats this place. The reward they pay does help and is very welcomed but more than that I have met some wonderful people here and look forward to chatting with them through the day and night. I love the fact that when your stuck on an idea you can get many different opinions and usually find the answer your searching for. I have tried numerous times to refer a few people and they never bothered to spend a few moments here to see how great this place is - oh well, their loss I guess. Have a great day!
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• Philippines
26 Jul 08
money is one of the resources in our life but the friendship,advices,is the important here in mylot coz you can help other person who has problems by posting and adding comments in that ways,this is also good to find new friend on which you can share your ideas and things that you want to be discussed to other people.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
I don't make payout each month. I make about 20 cents a day so it takes me a little while to get paid. It's fun, though. It's also more money that I make with any other site.
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• Czech Republic
26 Jul 08
Yes that is true I am trying lot but getting very small payout. But I think oneday like this it will be bigger . So please can you give me some Hints how to get more earning in Parttime . Your Points are very Nice and helpful thanks
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