Do you think it's easier to lose weight when you are younger?

United States
July 27, 2008 2:23am CST
When I was in my twenties, I had no problem losing weight. I had amazing energy levels and didn't mind exercising for hours on end. And I rarely had sore muscles. But after my baby was born, I found it hard to muster even one hour's strength every week for exercise. On days when I do exercise for an hour or more, I get sore muscles and feel sick for several days. I'm sure that exercise is the key to losing weight. But I just don't have the energy for it, now that I'm older! Ironic! Do you think that it's easier to lose weight when you are younger?
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48 responses
@egdcltd (12059)
27 Jul 08
As we get older our metabolism slows down, so you need to do more to burn off the calories. Youth is wasted on the young, you don't actually appreciate it until you're in your thirties.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Ugh, that is so the truth. It didn't make any sense to me when I was young of course but once you hit mid 30s, it hits home.
@cindy2003 (196)
• Australia
28 Jul 08
I am like htat now with my child, and now she's 5, the weight is coming off more slowly but quickly than it did just after my daughter was born. IF that makes sense
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 Jul 08
Well I do "think" that loosing weight does depend on your age as well. Our metabolism rate changes our eating habits changes and our body needs changes. But The most important factor that affects loosing or gaining weight is which "body type" you belong to. There different types of body and they need different types of workout. Some people eat a lot and they don't gain a fat at all.. and some does in even some bars of chocolates. It all depends on your body. Yes in your youth your were much more active and as a result you were thin. Lets take about my case I don't like exercising at all.. But I can swim for about more than an hour.. I can dance for about more than an hour. It is something I enjoy doing. That keeps me fit.. And I don't diet at all cause it just leaves me depressed as I am an emotional eater. So you too take up something like this where you can enjoy while exercising!! And if you exercise once a week it will only leave you having back aches and muscles sprains .. You have to be regular in this to see the result. :)
• United States
28 Jul 08
When I was younger I thought it was all an excuse that people made, but now I am struggleing to keep the weight off and it was a lot easier to stay fit when I was younger. It is not a myth and I have a lot of work to do.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Well I'm still in my 20's and no I don't have any energy. I got pregnant for my twins when I was 22. I gained 100 lbs during that pregnancy. Before that I had always been a healthy weight. Not really thin, but not fat either. After I had the twins I only lost 50 lbs, and have been carrying that other 50 all these years. I've recently started to change my eating and excersize habits, but I'm still not really losing weight, and it is very hard to muster up the energy to excersize. I'm not sure energy has anything to do with age, I think it has more to do with kids. They just drain you.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
Bikini, what's that? Oh wait, I think I remember, I used to wear one of those like 6-7 years ago.... wow! May never see me in another one again, lol.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
If you want to lose weight through exercise, then it's easier to do it while we're young and agile. Older people find it hard to run on the treadmill or even hold yoga postures.Not only are they more prone to injuries, they also have less stamina. But older people might have an easier time going on diet because they have the time to prepare healthier dishes and do grocery. If losing weight through surgery is an option, then older people definitely have a higher chance of success because they can afford the procedure. :)
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
28 Jul 08
I am 27 and have been trying to lose weight since I had my first child at 19. Maybe it's having children which makes it harder rather than age! I now have two children and have started losing weight without realising after 8 years of trying! My muscles ache if I exercise, especially in my arms. I'm not very fit despite going for regular walks and chasing after a toddler! I know I am younger than you but I have found it easier to lose weight now than I did when I had my first child although I get a lot more aches from exercising. So, for me, I don't think it has much to do with age. Perhaps the exercising is purely motivation and the aches are due to having children!
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• Malaysia
23 Oct 08
Of course it is easier to lose weight when we are younger. During my school days I never have to worry about dieting because my body is naturally skinny and no matter how much I eat I still can get a balanced weight on the scale. But now because I had no exercise my body is very prone to weight gain but very difficult to decrease weight. Last year I had tried dieting and it succeeded. I am very happy about it and I succeeded to maintain the ideal weight for more than a year. But recently about a couple of months ago I started gaining weight again and I suspect it was because I was worried about something. I ate a lot during that time and because of that my body got fat and until now it is very difficult to lose weight again. However I am determined to lose weight again. I want to do the fasting because in this way I am able to lose my weight, just like what I have done before.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I think it's easier to find the time when you are younger without a family. I usually feel better after I start an exercise program. Maybe you are doing too much too fast. Slowly jump back into a program. I do agree that it is easier to lose weight when you are younger. I think it's all about metabolism. Getting old stinks!
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
27 Jul 08
I'd have to say most of the time. Being younger has benefits such as more flexible body and can do more intensive workout compared to much older people. There are exercises and programs fit for different people though based on their frame and capabilities. I'm 28 and I can't go high impact compared to a few years ago. I busted my knees though. But the biggest factor in losing weight in relation to age is metabolism. Younger people have much higher metabolic rates and usually have a more active lifestyle to complement that. That makes it easier to lose weight without compromising food intake. I'm just 28 but I feel a slight decrease in metabolic rate compared to when I lost a lot of weight when I was 22. I'd have to pump more muscles to match my metabolic rate at that age. But it can be overcome. With motivation, focus and setting the right goals, losing weight is possible at all ages. Take care my friend.
• Canada
28 Jul 08
You are right. Younger people have a higher rate of metabolism. I used to be skinny until I got into my 30's. I am now losing some weight as I am taking care of my sleep apnea.
@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Jul 08
Yes I do think it is easier when you are younger, although you can lose weight when your older it just seems to take more time. I am lucky in that I still have good energy levels and I still do my exercises, I just do not lose weight as quick but there again it could be because I am at my ideal weight. I think if I lost anymore I would look ill. Now I just need to try and keep it off!!
• United States
28 Jul 08
That is always the challenge for me once I lose the weight is keeping it off for good!
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Absolutely! Our metabolism slows down as we age - if we also slow down, then it's a double whammy (which explains ME!) My son is 27 and I STILL have his baby weight and more! LOL You have to stay active and adjust your dietary intake in response to the metabolic changes in your system.
• United States
28 Jul 08
OK! I did not know that. Its only been about four years for me since she was born. And I assumed the weight would drop off any day now! I will have to make extra special efforts!
• United States
28 Jul 08
Definitely. As a teenager I lost weight really fast. I'm 22 now and I can't seem to lose as much as I used to. I think my body is really slow for my age now, lol. My body is kind of weird anyway. I don't have any energy now and I'm aware how sad that is. I really wish I had some of the energy I had as a teenager. Even though back then I wasn't really energetic to begin with, lol.
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
28 Jul 08
I can relate totally to this discussion. When I was young, I could lose several kilos in a week if I had a special occasion on and wanted to wear something particular. Now it is much harder to shift, and I gained a LOT when I was pregnant. I started taking a natural energy supplement about a year ago, and that has helped heaps. I think it depends on the type of exercise you do, because with a young child, I'm always moving!
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
3 Aug 08
I think kids have a better way of dealing with obessity-they can play and run about to burn the fats, but an old fat person may not have the endurance to do exercise, hence weight lose becomes relly hard!
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
3 Aug 08
My friend told me that people have a certain basic energylevel up till their mid twenties or so, and after that it all depends on how active you are yourself. He has studied aerobic and fitness instructor so I guess he knows what he's talking about. It seems that up to a certain age your body is up to more stuff because it pretty much has to (nature wise) and after that they figure you know what to do and take care of it yourself... or something like that? Because of this losing weight might be going faster, I agree that metabolism is also a very important part in this. It also depends on the type of exercise you are doing. Aerobics and step aerobics are known to attack the tough areas on the stomach, bum and upperlegs. Drinking a lot of water is also a common tip. I hadn't a good energy level when I started working out, even though I'm still young I would get tired very easily. I have a balance impairment and I daren't go to a gym or do another sport because I was affraid to be laughed at as a kid. So basicly, just a lot of walking for me and no other exercise because riding a bike wasn't a possibility either. Now that I started I found out that getting your energy level up can go pretty fast, just don't push yourself to hard and be happy with every small goal you reach.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
22 Oct 08
Of course it is easier to loose weight when the person is young. There metabolism is much quicker that people that are older so they burn more calories when doing the same thing as someone older. I have lost 30 pounds in the last few months and I don't exercise. But then I get lots] of exercise just working since I clean houses for a living. They say that a person can burn off 200 calories an hour cleaning house. Since I am working about 6 hours a day I think I am burning around 1200 calories a day, so I don't need to exercise more. I am hoping I am right about this. Maybe do more housework if you don't want to exercise. hehe
@michelyn (717)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Being that I am now 36 and losing weight now is the hardest it's ever been, I would have to answer that with a "yes". From what I've read, after you turn 30, your metabolism slows down to a crawl. I'm the heaviest I have ever been and that includes during each of my pregnancies. I can work and work to lose 20 pounds, but then I plateau and I can't seem to lose more than that. I end up going back up instead of any further down. I'm currently trying again because I'm very dissatisfied with myself. We'll see how I do this time around.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
3 Aug 08
Losing weight is never been easy regardless of age.I think its just a matter of courage and determination of being something done.If we are really willing and determine to lose weight i guess we can make it.But as i said its not easy.I think it is more easier to gain weight than losing.
• United States
29 Jul 08
absolutely! I think most of us struggle with weight more as we get older. Studies show that hormones (especially midlife ones) slow down metabolism. and I hate it! lol