My sons almost died last night!

United States
July 27, 2008 11:31am CST
My sons have been a a trip with their grandparents and last night they were going down the mountain and this jeep behind them went to pass two cars and ending up causing an accident and rolled six times. The people in the jeep were ok and the other car. My sons are ok! My son said when the guy got out to talk to them He was screaming he was going to jail. The man smelled like very strong of alcohol. My son told him he should quit complaining since he almost killed one person in the truck, his wife and my sons and his grandparents and cousins. He should be thankful to be alive and that no one was hurt. He said the guy then went and made himself puke so he could try and get the alcohol out of his system. my son has now calmed down but I sure hate those phone calls in the middle of the night when some thing terrible has happen. My heart fell to my needs. It was nice just to hear there voices. Why people think it is ok to drive drunk is beyond me. Have you ever drove drunk? Have you ever gotten these late night phone calls and been so worried and thankful at the same time?
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13 responses
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Wow! Glad that everyone is okay after this nearly tragic ordeal. Has anything been done as far as a breathalyzer or blood test for drunkeness by the other driver? I have been fortunate not to get a call along those lines. I did get one from the local sherrifs office for my son being arrested for drunk driving though. That cost him a small fortune. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
3 people like this
• United States
27 Jul 08
The breathalzer came back three times the legal limit. All the puking did not help him. My son said this is not his first time doing some thing klike this. Sacared the day light out of the poor kid. I do not know why people drive around like this. I hope your son learned his lesson.
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• Belgium
28 Jul 08
i'm sorry to give you a hard respons or comment on this because it's your son hu why isn't he in jail ????
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I'm so glad your family is safe and unhurt. Only once did I ever drive drunk when I was 17 and stupid. Luckily for me I only had about 6 blocks to get home, but even then I managed to rearend my boyfriend's car. That was enough for me, I never did it again. I had a friend killed by a drunk driver about 15 years ago. He was a cop who was working an accident, and a drunk driver mowed him down going 70 mph. He left a wife and two children. We got the call at 4am. Its not something you forget quickly.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
That is so sad! You are right it does not just effect the person you hit and kill but their whole family and friends. Drunk people never look at the big picture.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I am glad that your sons are okay honey. I haven't gotten any calls like this myself, but am sure that my heart would have fallen to my knees had I received a call like that. I wonder why the man had screamed he was going to jail? I am sure that it couldn't be to uncommon for him not to scream, anyone would given that situation, however it almost makes it seem as if he has done something in the past like that! I am not sure why people drive drunk or feel they can drive drunk. I have never drove drunk and never intend to do so, although I don't have my license now so it doesn't matter.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I'm glad everyone is okay. I have never driven drunk, and only once has my life been affected by a drunk driver, and luckily no real harm came from that. A drunk driver hit my husband's car on New Years Day a year and a half ago. My husband was fine, the car was totalled, and luckily my husband was alone and didn't have the kids with him. There really needs to be stricter punishments for drunk drivers. I know a kid we used to be friends with back before I got married. This guy has had 3 drunk driving accidents that I know of, and still he is not behind bars. Luckily he never hurt anyone but himself.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
I think are laws need to be stricter to. I see in the paper some time people are on their tenth drunk driving and they only take their license away. I think if they drive drunk they would drive with out a license to.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
yes, this person I mentioned has driven without a license as well, and again got into a drunk driving accident without a license... and yet he still isn't behind bars. I also saw in the paper the other day a person is going to court because he violated probation by driving drunk after 4 DUI's. I mean come on, how far are they going to let this go?
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• Belgium
28 Jul 08
please be happy in your case :-) it was only material loss :-) ( know the most important is there is nobody even harmed , exept maybe a little shocked ) yours trully chrisone nb : how come he's still free ??
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I know that phone call really scared you, even when you found out your family was okay. Thank goodness nobody was hurt! I know, each time the phone rings at night, I hate to look at the caller ID. I have teenage grandkids driving and also my Mom is 91. So those phone calls are scarey. And, it's usually only someone wanting to talk, although I have gotten a couple from my daughter when her son and daughter wrecked her jeep coming from WalMart. And, another time, her son had taken his girlfriend home from their house and went to sleep coming back home and totaled his truck - hit a tree. Thankfully, nobody was hurt either time. But it still puts your heart up in your throat!
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• United States
28 Jul 08
That would be scary faling asleep and hitting a tree. I am glad he was ok. He really could have killed himself. Have a good day my friend!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
28 Jul 08
The county was working on their main road, putting in a new sewer line, so they had to go way around in order to get back home. And he was very tired when he left and didn't ask Mom to drive his girlfriend, which he's done before. Coming back, he took the short cut on a winding road, came around a curve and just kept going to the left instead of straight and veered off the pavement, hitting a small tree (thank goodness) and knocking down a guy's fence. If it had been a big tree and a small truck (his was one of those big GM's on 'stilts'!) he would probably have been hurt.
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@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
28 Jul 08
It's terrible to drive when drink a lot. There is always something unexpected happen on road. I ever experianced a traffic accident in a winter. It snowed heavily and the road is slippery because the park snow had been pressed to ice. I went out by bus. Suddently a car turned about 10 meters ahead. It is a safe range if every thing is Ok. But the bus marched on slowly even the driver had braked. The bus hit the car in the rear and smash the back glass. The driver of the car came out safe and didn't complant anything because it was due to the bad weather and his careless.
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@momathome (474)
• Canada
28 Jul 08
Well first off glad to hear everyone is ok. It's never ok drive drunk at anytime. I have never drove drunk, first off you have a good chance at killing someone or yourself or getting pulled over by the cops and have your license taken from really not worth cause here you also get a big fine. And no I have never gotten a bad late night phone thank goodness.
• Belgium
28 Jul 08
your great :-) tx to drive safe :-)
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• India
28 Jul 08
Sure that GOD is with your family and my goodness how could that man drive when drunk. Sure the late night phone calls.. informing the sad news.. will break all good hearts into pieces.. and my god till this time i have not had one.. Take care friend.
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• Belgium
28 Jul 08
god don't exists :@
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@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
28 Jul 08
thank god, your sons survived the accident.. sounded like a real nasty one...
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@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
That is really crazy thing to do driving and being drunk. Its actually an invitation to an accident. I am glad that your son was okay. You are right that its really terrible to hear bad things. I do not drive when I am drunk. Of course there were instances that I have drunk and drive my car. But I sure know my limitations. Whenever I feel that I am no longer in condition to drive, then I don't drive.
• United States
28 Jul 08
That is horrible what happend It's good to know everyone was ok. There defineatley was an angel watching over all of them. Why people do things like this is beyond me and I think they should think twice befor going and driveing like this one guy did. I have never been in a situation like this and I hope and pray to god that it never happens. You can count your blessings knowing god brought home everyone safe and sound. Take care and god bless.
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• Belgium
28 Jul 08
your also great :-) thanx to be responeble to not drive when u drink ;-)
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@raclie (1732)
• Singapore
28 Jul 08
wow.... i am so glad that they are ok, i hate people like that!!!! have never gotten drunk and drive, but i hate the irresponsible thinking that cause you to do that!!!!
@shelly43 (1197)
• Australia
28 Jul 08
owwwwwww sweetie, that would have been soo terrifying are you ok as well, sooo glad they all came out with ot any harm i would say god was watching over them..just give them a big hug from me as well.. hun if you need to talk more pls pop in and send a pm i will be here for a little..thinking of you and your family.. and no i would never drink and drive as look at what happened it could have been the innocent that get hurt.. never have done, never will do... hugsssssssssssssssss
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• United States
28 Jul 08
I am ok! I was just worried but the boys have settled down now. They were a bit shaky yesterday still. Thank you for your kind words.
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• Belgium
28 Jul 08
hey shell , i just want to say this to you god do'nt even exists , otherwise he would not let die my angel ;-).....