Will John McCain Please Make Up His Mind. I'm Confused.

United States
July 27, 2008 4:55pm CST
In a Associated Press interview on May 26, 2008 John McCain sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for not having been to Iraq since 2006. "Look at what happened in the last two years since Senator Obama visited " , the GOP presidential nominee-in-waiting told The Associated Press in an interview. "He really has no experience or knowledge or judgment about the issue of Iraq ," the Arizona senator added. On that same day Barack Obama addressed veterans in Las Cruces, New Mexico while McCain used a speech at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial in Albuquerque to press his case against withdrawing troops from Iraq, saying they must continue their mission even though he's "sick at heart" by mistakes at the outset of the war. Now let's fast forward to today, July 27th, 2008. Mr. McCain, whose campaign has bridled over the intense international coverage of Mr. Obama’s trip, sharply questioned Mr. Obama’s motivations. Well Mr. McCain, part of his motivation was the fact that you challenged Barack Obama to visit Iraq. Are you disappointed at the resecption he received from the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are you disappointed that after meeting face to face with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama gained fresh support Monday for the idea of pulling all U.S. combat forces out of the war zone by 2010? Are you disappointed that 200,000 Germans came to listen to Barack Obama, waving American flags as opposed to burning them? Are you disappointed that Barack Obama was well received in France and England, our former allies of which Donald Rumsfeld and the Republican Neacons called "Old Europe", after some European governments voiced opposition to invading Iraq? Sometimes in life you get what you ask for and sometimes you don't like the results. I think this is the case. That's why I want John McCain to please make up his mind because I'm surely confused. Lloyd
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10 responses
• United States
27 Jul 08
mccain lost me when if ound out hoe\w he ditcheed his disabled wife for his trophy wife!
3 people like this
• United States
28 Jul 08
oh yeah as long as it suits him hell stand by you That is till something he thinks is better comes along is this truly who we want to lead us????
• United States
28 Jul 08
It's not the kind of person I want leading us. If Barack Obama had this on his resume, we would never hear the end of this story. Lloyd
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Lloyd, thank you so much for telling the whole sordid tale of McCain's first marriage and how trustworthy and loyal he is. I can't believe some people think his status as a war hero, which can't be denied, by the way, means nothing else he's done since matters, no matter how slimy. As a woman I can understand there may be cases when a wife can forgive a husband's infidelity or a man forgiving a wife's but to me this is much worse, he literally abandoned her when she needed him most. Annie
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I'm confused too, but I guess it really doesn't matter since I am voting for Obama. I just watched a news clip about him supporting tax cuts and then he was against then and the for then against, it went on for about 5 minutes with his flip flopping ideas on tax cuts. I don't know if he even knows what he stands for anymore than we do. He has become a carbon copy of Bush.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Jul 08
If I could give you more than a + I would, you really put together a nice response! Thank you for educating all of us! I was in amazed by the tax cut flopping, and honestly I haven't pay McCain too much time this year since he has really changed since he first started running in prior elections. It seems that he has changed his mind on a lot of things numerous times. Again, thank you so very much, I hope that many undecided will read your post and be able to decide after reading this the best man for the job!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Annie, here you go have a good laugh.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c&feature=related
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• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello ZephyrSun. That You Tube video shows that John McCain tells lies. How could he ever think that he could get away with misleading the American people on this issue? I hope everyone watches this video. It will give you a better idea of the "True John McCain. Thanks for sharing it. Lloyd
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I'm confused too, Lloyd, but I doubt that either of us have ever been quite as confused his McCain, who isn't sure what NFL team roster he recited while a POW in Vietnam. Now, as he complains about his lack of media coverage and criticizes Obama for doing what McCain he criticized him for not doing a few short months ago he'd better ask himself if he really wants the media paying more attention to him. To McCain supporters who complain that the media didn't cover his trip to Iraq, that's because he didn't invite them. I suppose he should be glad of that too since there was nobody there to film the helicopters and armed guards in Baghdad while he boasted how it was safe enough to walk unprotected through the marketplace. Annie
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• United States
28 Jul 08
Isn't it amazing how he criticizes Obama for doing what he criticized him for 'not doing' a few short months ago. Sometimes you get what you ask for and don't like the results. To be honest, I can't wait until the media begins to focus on John McCain. Those who support him won't like what they see and hear. This guy wants to be the leader of the "Free World" and can't even log on to the internet. John McCain's Internet guy, for his campaign, was at a conference in NYC this week, and he was asked how well John McCain understands the Internet. This was his response: "You don't actually have to use a computer to understand how it shapes the country," he says. This doesn't sound like someone capable of leading the United States in the 21st Century. Maybe the pilots of the helicopters and armed guards can explain the potential of the internet in regards to nation security. Lloyd
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• United States
28 Jul 08
I think that someone who wants to be President of the United States should know how to log on to the internet. The internet has so much up-to-date information on it about what's going on in the world. He should be able to do a little research without having to rely on his "Interet Guy". Just face it, John McCain is not up to the job. He doesn't have the energy or knowledge to deal with the problems we face in the 21st Century. Lloyd
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• United States
28 Jul 08
So because I can't program computers, I don't understand that people can get jobs doing that? And Annie, John McCain doesn't walk unprotected anywhere anymore, so why would he do that in a war zone? Nobody's going to take a shot at an average person walking through there, maybe, but you know they still might take one at him.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Well he made some pretty speeches and got cozy with some leaders, but in the end his true colors still showed through. He chose to cancel his plans to visit wounded soldiers as soon as the pentagon informed him that his media circus could not accompany him. He had no problem making speeches, meeting with foreign leaders, riding in a king's Mercedes, or going to the gym. As soon as he found out that he couldn't make a hospital visit into a political media circus, he blew them off. Apparently he just couldn't bring himself to visit them alone without cameras and news anchors. That would have been inappropriate. It was much more appropriate to go to the gym so more articles could be written about what color sweatpants he wears.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
You are just repeating the latest talking points of the the right-wing in regards to Barack Obama not bothering to visit injured troops. The background on the military flap is that they [Obama campaign] had clearly planned a trip to Ramstein [AFB]. They were planning to visit the injured troops. And then the Pentagon explained that they couldn’t go as part of a political trip. The Obama campaign thought that they could go, leave the press corps on the tarmac, and then take off with military escort and make this one last visit, as he did in Iraq, by the way. He visited a casualty unit in the Green Zone, without photographers, as part of the congressional delegation. But the military said that the rules are that he could only go as part of a previously-arranged congressional delegation, to Ramstein. Barack Obama wanted this to be the final stop on the trip in Germany, and to do it without the press corps, just to do it on his own. He was planning to just go by himself, not with cameras, not with any entourage, as he had done in Walter Reed in the past in Washington, as he did in Iraq. So please stop spreading the "Right Wing" talking points without doing some research. It's these type of mistruths that the American people are resisting in this campaign. Barack Obama is just too smart to be "Swift Boated". Lloyd
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Jul 08
That's a great argument Lloyd. The problem is I don't see any evidence to back it up. All I've seen are Obama's claims. The Pentagon's account doesn't support those claims. Show me a dependable source that even begins to confirm what you've said and I might lay off it. All the articles I've read on the topic show that the pentagon made it clear that it could not be a political event. They never said he could not visit the hospital himself.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
All class, he is.
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@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
28 Jul 08
I wouldn't look for logic in what McCain says or does. His strategy is to always attack Obama and try to get as many points with the electorate as possible. He doesn't keep track to see if he contradicts himself, and he knows he doesn't have to keep track. The reason is that most of the electorate have an exteemely short memory. Looking at the whole picture for consistency is unfortunately a lost art. Kudos to you for doing it, but alas, few do.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
You are so right. His strategy is to just attack, attack and attack. He has no plans to deal with the problems that face everyday Americans. I always look for consistency. That is why John McCain and his supporter will never fool me. I'm glad you are able to see the contradictions in his statements and policies. Lloyd
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Not to mention, Obama's Global Poverty Act will put tax laws of the USA under the control of the United Nations. How's that for fixing America!?
• United States
29 Jul 08
Barack Obama's plan for dealing with what Americans go through every day appears to be teaming up with Joe Biden to send nearly a billion dollars in taxpayer dollars to third-world countries. That'll fix America.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
I would imagine you're confused about a lot of things.... John McCain didn't criticize Barack Obama for going to Iraq, he said he was doing it for the wrong reasons. And going just because someone criticized you for not going is for the wrong reasons.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Honestly I think that trip did not make Obama look good. He looked like an arrogant jerk that already fancied himself president of the United States. And he apologized for America? And doesn't even say anything about what we have done for Germany? Huh????
• United States
28 Jul 08
Just face it. John McCain gambled and lost. He thought Barack Obama would fall flat on his face. Not only did Barack Obama appear Presidential, he received support from the Prime Minister of Iraq and the leaders of France, Germany and England, something John McCain has yet to receive. Sometimes you get what you ask for and don't like it. Lloyd
2 people like this
• United States
28 Jul 08
Ummmm...OK...whatever. I fail to see how he loses by taking the high road in this, not doing whatever for the attention. He may lose the election but when it's all over, he's the better man.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Obama was not as well received by all our soldiers overseas as many may think and as the media may present.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I'm speaking as a military wife with a bit of an inside view. Look at the crowd for one. Not that I like bringing race into but look at the number that are black compared to the number that are white. The percent of black military members is only 17% over all. However you look at the ratio of black to whites in the crowd and as you can see where I am going with this. But with the fake letter from a supposed marine having been brought into discussions everywhere it would be difficult to explain further without everyone jumping to call me a liar. However not everyone is impressed with Obama black or white. He is a man who will always be remembered through out history as the first black canidate who had a chance at the presidency. It would be a story to tell to meet a man who will soon have his name in the history books in every school in America and around the world no matter where you stand on election day.
• United States
9 Aug 08
That crowd in the room represents the troops who are actively serving our country. Even if Blacks only represent 17% percent of the military, that percentage is much higher when you consider the troops in the field and not those who manage the war from the comfort of the Pentagon or the many other military complexes. Are you saying that the "All Mighty" Barack Obama requested that a certain percentage of the troops receiving him are to be Black? That would have been "Headline New". Stop reaching for excuses. Those troops were impressed with Barack Obama. Let's not bring race into this issue. Lloyd
• United States
8 Aug 08
Your statement is completely false. Please watch the following video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1icHG0x0Am8 Now put your spin on this. Lloyd
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Ha, ha, ha! Boy do I know how you feel. Even Reagan was more on the ball! This is what scares me about McCain. Sometimes I feel that he is either on purpose by his staff or his own brain fuzz lost in space. I find this a little scary. What would he do in a real crisis? Which voice would he listen to?
2 people like this
• United States
28 Jul 08
A lot of people here at myLot says that Barack Obama scares them. I can think of no one more frightening that John McCain. No one has a clue as to how this man would react during a crisis. I think his first response to any situation that would arise would be to shoot first and ask questions later. How the Rublicans ever made John McCain their Presidential nominee, I'll never know. I respect his service to our country, but he's not up to the task of dealing with the many issues that affect the American people. Lloyd
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• United States
29 Jul 08
I agree with you. Listening to Obama speak shows me that he is thoughtful and serious. Of course that could also just be good writing by his speech writers. On the other hand McCain, to me, is a bit muddled in his thought process. At least he seems that way when I see him speak. While oratory is no precursor to a successful presidency, it does make people listen. If a President can not remember facts and details he had better have good people to correct him. I don't understand why people are afraid of Obama or his wife. Cindy McCain is scary to me.
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@snowy22315 (186341)
• United States
28 Jul 08
You know how politicians are they are apt to say anything that they feel will give them some sort of advantage. Barack is not immune from this, although I think his character is of higher moral fiber than McCains. I'm glad he had a sucessful trip overseas and got the visi of being commander and chief. He wanted to appear that way and increase his foregin policy credientials and I think he did both.
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• United States
28 Jul 08
I think Barack Obama handled himself very well during his trip. I really liked the reception he received in Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, France and England. It made me feel that not only are Americans ready for change, but the world is ready also. McCain is boxed in a corner and he has nowhere to go but to increase his negative campaigning. Barack is taking the higher ground and sticking to the issues that affect the American people. Lloyd
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• Barbados
28 Jul 08
This is the most interesting discussion for me so far on this site. This should be known to all America...
2 people like this
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hello ChefMiguel. Thanks for joining the discussion. Don't be a stranger. Are you a real Chef? What are your specialties? I love seafood. I see that you are from Barbados. Two of my friends at work are from Barbados. I've visited many islands in the Carribean, but never Barbadous. Tell us a little more about your country. Lloyd
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