Do you shop too much? Or not enough? Share your shopping habits.
By PearlGrace
@PearlGrace (3171)
United States
July 28, 2008 1:43pm CST
My husband is always trying to get me to buy something for myself: a new pair of shoes, a purse, or a book. Even jewelry. I do not shop very often. It's not that I don't like to have new things, I just think that many people, including myself, are over-focused on material goods and having the "newest thing." What about you, do you shop constantly? Do you have to buy something every time you go shopping, or can you just "window shop?" Share your shopping habits.
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36 responses
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Greetings reckon21.
Isn't it fun to people-watch? I must say that I am also an observer of people. Yes, they truly are fascinating. In my younger years, I ate quite a bit of fast foods. There are a few I eat occasionally, but I must say, as I've aged, I want really good food and tend to avoid the fast food.
Take care, reckon21. Thanks for sharing.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hey pearl! I shop too much. I can't stop myself. I will buy
something even if it's just a little thing in the dollar
store. I just love to shop! It's a sickness for me. No, really
it is! It's not that I will go out and get the "newest or
latest" thing or style. I just like "stuff". I am trying
to stop myself now. I have just cleaned out my apartment
and thrown out 27 years of stuff so I am trying to control
myself. Don't want to have to do that again!

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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hey Opal26.
Sorry to hear that you have struggled with your shopping habit. That sounds like a very tough thing to fight. Yes, I am well aware that shopping can be a sickness for some people. I applaud you for cleaning out your apartment. As you learn to be more conscious about your purchase selections, you will gain confidence and easily be able to "just say no" to spending money for items that you won't want later.
Take care.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I try not to go shopping at all because if I do, I will see something I want and buy it. But if I wait too long, I won't have any of something like food, clothes, etc.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Right now I work 6 days a week, so the one day I have off, I would like to stay home, too. But sometimes I have to go to the Drs. If I go before or after work, tends to increase my back pain. Trying to go to the Drs. less, too. Thanks and take care.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Not going out is a very smart plan when you want to save money. Good for you, writersedge, that you've figured out how not to spend. I told my husband that I would like to stay at home 2 days a week because of the cost of gas.
Plus, if we're at home, we're not spending money on other things either. It sounds like you have a very good handle on your shopping habits and that's why you avoid going out.

@anawar (2404)
• United States
28 Jul 08
PearlGrace - These are my shopping habits.
If I go into a store, I tell myself I can afford to buy anything I want from that store.
(of course I can't, but your sub-conscious believes it.)
Once I decide that, I don't want anything in the store at all!
I tend to stay out of stores because they are tempting.
If, in a moment of weakness, I enter a Linen's and Things, I protect my money this way.
First,If I see something I like, I walk around the store and return to the same item three times. Usually I decide I don't want it.
If I still want it, I leave the store and I know if I really wanted it, I would go back to the store and buy it.
If I do go back, I go back as many times as I can, without buying it. Eventually, I'll decide I didn't need it at all, or I get bored with it.
Something else I learned. I don't deny myself everything. I wait until the middle of the month and if finances are within budget, I'll buy something small that I like, maybe a DVD or a book.
If I don't treat myself once in awhile, I know I will go out and spend money, because I feel I have been deprived.
No, I don't care about material things. I do like to dress nicely, but I'm very careful with my purchases, watching for sales and never impulse buying.
Gosh, I have too much to say about this! Sorry.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hello there, anawar.
Wow, your style of shopping must burn alot of calories! All that walking around and returning to the item, then leaving the store and going back! I bet you wear out alot of shoes!
Seriously though, I think it's very cool that you get yourself something every month so as not to feel deprived. And shopping the sales is a very wise thing to do.
Please do not apologize for your response. It was fantastic! Plus, it gave some of the rest of us a few good ideas. Thank you for your response, anawar.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Pearl - Hi. The good thing about running back and forth is it gives me a bit of exercise. I like to park my vehicle far away from the door, because I get some more exercise walking through parking lots.
Thanks for the reassurance that my long answers are okay.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Hi anawar.
Your longer answers are always welcome, as far as I am concerned. That's cool that shopping is part of your exercise regime! Take care.
@Elixiress (3878)
29 Jul 08
I buy something most of the time when I go shopping, but I can window shop. If I see something I like then I tend to leave it a couple of weeks and then see if I still want it. My Dad says that I shop too much and will never have any money etc, but what does he know, I may go shopping a lot and go out with friends and stuff, but I still have a few thousand to my name. I like new things and buying things make me happy if I am feeling down.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello Elixiress.
It's fun to go window shopping sometimes. I like your technique of not immediately buying something you want and instead, waiting a couple of weeks.
I'm sure that has saved you some money in the past.
Take care and thank you for sharing your shopping habits.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Hi Elixiress.
Many of us are guilty of a rare impulse buy when we feel under pressure to get a particular item. It sounds like you've got most of your shopping under great control. Take care.
@Elixiress (3878)
30 Jul 08
Yeah it has, I feel like I have saved more money than most of my friends that buy everything on impulse. However I do sometimes impulse by when I am down or need something for a certain occasion that is soon.
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@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
28 Jul 08
My husband is the same way, always telling me to buy myself something. I much prefer buying things for him or my son. He says it's hard to shop for Christmas and birthdays for me because I hardly ever just point out random stuff I want. I do love to go look and dream though!
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hi sunnflr.
Sounds like we are both reticent shoppers! However, it's important to be able to give to ourselves also. And, I must say, it's fun and feels pretty good when I do go ahead and buy myself something. Perhaps you could pick something small every couple of months, something you'd really like to have. Plus, it sounds like your husband needs the ideas!
My most recent purchase was a large white purse and I am so enjoying that! And I got a really, really good deal on it, so that helps. Take care, sunnflr.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hey cher913.
Sorry to hear about your knees. It's no fun to shop when your knees are hurting.
True, the prices have really increased. However, in our little Florida community, there have been lots of sales because so few people are spending money. I am not much of a shopper myself. But those who are could get some really good deals here in our town.
I appreciate your response.
@cursedsoul (925)
• India
30 Jul 08
I think I shop too much these days. Ended up buying a piece of clothing I already owned in a slightly darker shade, without realizing I already had it..and that cost me $30! Not the nicest feeling. 

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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello cursedsoul.
Your recent shopping experience sounds pretty frustrating. It sounds like you must have alot of clothes.
I've had most of my clothes for so long that the experience you had would not happen to me. That's because, by the time I'd be going shopping for clothes again, all the clothing I already had are so old and completely out of style, that the same types of clothing would not be for sale! Pathetic, huh?
Take care, cursedsoul. And thanks for responding.
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I used to go out shopping at least once a week which sounds like a lot now but it wasn't to me. NOw I have cut back to 2-3 times a month if that even, I have had to really cut back with the prices of gas and so many other things going up so high.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Hello bowtieguy.
It sounds like you've adjusted your shopping due to the rising costs of everything. I don't blame you. Many people are using up their expendable income just to live from day to day. Since I'm not a big shopper anyway, I haven't had to adjust my shopping habits. Even so, I don't like paying inflated prices on items if I can avoid it.
Thanks for responding.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 08
hi pearl grace I dont shop enough as I am housebound right
now with shingles and should do some shopping but wearing
my bra right now is still painful. as a rule I love to window shop then get whatever it is that I need and come home.for
one thing I am on a very tight budget so must be very
careful of how much I spend.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello Hatley.
Sorry to hear you are housebound and have the shingles. Hope you get to feeling better very, very soon. Just as an FYI, I hate wearing my bra and I don't even have the shingles!!
Anyhoo, back to the shopping thing. I think window shopping is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy what you are doing. I used to have to be on a very tight budget myself. It sounds like you have a lot of self-discipline, good for you.
Thanks for sharing your shopping habits, Hatley. Do take care.
@godpower1k1 (424)
• United States
29 Jul 08
lol shopping is a good activity but i hate this .... because our too much time is wasted in it .... awww .... but .... some thing i really want to get ... then i do shopping =X
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello godpower1k1.
It seems that you feel that shopping is wasted time. I agree there are many other activities to do that are more fun. Yet, if I'm really in the mood, I can enjoy shopping. I am like you, if there's something I really want, I'll go get it.
Thank you for responding to this discussion. Take care.
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
29 Jul 08
I do not shop much but I do a lot of window shopping. It helps me understand the trends and culture of the fashion at that point of time. I shop quite often because I don't like much of shopping. I do shop sometimes depending upon the need of my wardrobe. Basically I think shopping is a waste of money.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello dropofrain.
Yes, window shopping is quite enjoyable. And it does help me pick out an outfit or think about what kind of jewelry or accessories to wear with an outfit.
Thank you for responding to this discussion. Do take care.
@shinymood (405)
• China
30 Jul 08
I like to go shopping with my best friends especially when i want to buy some clothes. They can give me comments about a particular piece of clothe i try on. And we can always figure out a reasonable price for it. If it's beyond my spending line,i'll just leave it. I also like window shopping very much but not my husband. We went shopping in Hong Kong a year ago. I shopped for half a day and i didn't buy anything. My husband was very happy about this. He said it was simply a waste of time if I just shopped without buying anything.I finally caved in and bought a coat that I thing it's a bit expensive. I made up my mind not to shop with my huddy when i decide to feast my eyes only from then on lol. One trouble with window shopping is that i often end up buying things that are not in my shopping lists.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hi shinymood.
Thank you for sharing your shopping habits. It seems that you enjoy shopping with your friends. Plus, they can help you decide if the price on a clothing item is reasonable.
I, too, like to window shop. Well, I guess the danger of window-shopping is that a person might select an item for purchase that they really don't need.
Take care.
@icegermany (2524)
• India
29 Jul 08
shopping helps get freshened up sometimes when u get really bored sitting at home
it is not that whenever we got out i shop but whenever i like it somethg which i really like it i purchase it.
i like to shop household items to decorate my house n i also shop for my kid
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hi icegermany.
It seems you like to go shopping when you get bored. That's cool that you enjoy shopping for your child. It is fun to decorate the house and look for just the right pictures to hang on the wall. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about shopping.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I'm definately not one for wanting the "newest thing" never have been actually...And as much as I'd love to be able to shop whenever I wanted and so on I think I'd get bored with it very quickly...I love my "stuff" but since I've gone completely without in the past its still just "stuff" to me ya know...
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello Ravenladyj.
That is great that you don't get caught up in having to have the latest thing. I agree that shopping could somehow lose its glow if you got to do it all the time. It just wouldn't feel special anymore. Yes, I know exactly what you mean--it is all just stuff. We really don't need most of it and it really doesn't do anything for us.
Thank you for sharing. Do take care.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hello subha12.
Yes, my husband is very loving and caring. And you are right, I am very lucky to have him.
Even so, I do not shop all that often because I think it is wiser to save money. But, if I really need or want something, I know I can go get it.
Do take care, subha12.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hello sivenabc.
It is wise to only go shopping when you need something. That way, you are not spending alot of extra money on frivolous things. I try to stay out of the supermarket as long as I can! I make a store list and go every 3 or 4 days.
Thanks for responding to this discussion.
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
Well, everyone loves to go for shopping but sad to say not everyone is capable to buy what they like in shopping.. Of course, I love shopping.. But as what I said I am the one who is not capable to buy something that I really like due to lack of money...
Anyways,sometimes if I have an extra money I used this money for the grocery and not for shopping because for me grocery is the most important thing to buy first than going for shopping.. If after I had my grocery and I still have some extra money then I will go for window shopping and see what are the things that are latest or new.. Well, mostly I don't used to buy something for myself.. If ever I go for shopping I'll buy some toys for my niece and something special for my boyfriend.. I also buy something for myself if I really need it but if I still don't need it then I just keep my money.. 

@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Greetings kissie34.
It is very smart of you to not spend money unless you really need something. Plus, we've got to make sure there's enough money to eat, don't we?
Window shopping can be a fun way to spend a couple of hours. It does seem to be more fun to buy for others, doesn't it?
Take care and thank you for sharing.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
i don't shop that often. cause i think i don't need to buy a lot . i just buy the basic needs. and i think that almost have all the things that i need in life. all those basic things i will want to have i have almost have them all.
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hey there hotsummer.
I know what you mean. I always tell my husband, "I don't need anything." Sometimes he says, "But you seem to want that. Just buy it." And I say, "Well, I'll think about it and if I really want it, I'll come back to get it."
Once our basic needs are fulfilled, there's not alot of reasons to buy a bunch of stuff. Thank you for sharing.
@sarahlqf (11)
• China
29 Jul 08
well, I really like shopping very much. Though I do not have much money at hand sometimes, I will date with my best friend ,who loves shopping as much as me, to go shopping. we usually go to visit many shops to compare the prize ,the style and then decide which to buy. I really don't like window shopping. Every time I go shopping, I need to buy something back, or I think it is a waste of time to go out without things back.I like new clothes, to make my appearance different , to make life wonderful!
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
29 Jul 08
It's fun when you have a best friend who likes to do the same things you like. Shopping can be very entertaining and a lot of fun. It's too bad that you don't like window shopping as it's a great way to enjoy an afternoon without spending too much money.
It is a great feeling to wear something new and to feel like you look your best. Thanks for your response, sarahlqf.