I am back, but no longer with my abusive husband!

@cream97 (29085)
United States
July 30, 2008 1:59pm CST
I am checking back into myLot as of today. I don't know how often I will be back here. When I move into my apartment, I will have Internet Connection back on soon. But as of now, I am trying to get a job and get a new apartment. A friend of mines ffrom high school has been telling me about a program that will give you a grant for free just to go back to school. I plan to look more into it. My kids are doing fine. As for me, I am still stressed out from leaving my husband. I sometimes feel like as if I did the wrong thing, but I know that I did not. I wonder what life will be like like everyday from now. It really scares me. I don't know what to think or feel. All I know is that I have became so tired of being a scared tactic with my husband. He told me this past Saturday, that he will not pay Child Support. He also told me that he is not giving me any money out of the Stimulus Check. He says that it is not my money, it is his, and that, I did not work. I told him that if he filed our three kids, that money is mines, just as much as it is his! I now, have the money going to a private street address. He can change it anytime, being that both of our names are on the check. He can't cash it, without me signing first. I have plans for him to meet me at the bank, so that he can sign it. I will tell the teller to deposit half of this check amount into my bank account. Me and my husband don't share a joint account, and this will be a piece of cake. He may not like it. But, I need this money so that I can take care of our three kids. It is not what he wants anymore, it is what is best for me and the kids! He told the judge that he wants to do everything that he can to take care of me and the kids. Then, why not, does he not want to pay Child Support? That is the best effective way, of taking care of his kids and me. My husband is just such a liar. He even told the judge that I have said that I would kill his mother, and that his sister can testify to that! This is very untrue! I have never made a comment about his mother like that, ever! And as far as his sister is concerned, she is never around when me and my husband communicate like that. He is just making all that up just so that I can go down with him! I told my father about it, and he told me that if he did this to you, you know that he is no good. I know that he is not! Right now, everytime that I see him he is begging me back, but I just can't fall for his lies anymore. I just can't do it. I have to start living my life without him. I have to do what is best for me and my our three kids from now on. He begs me constantly, for us to go and do marriage counseling. But, I am not feeling that. I have done all I can do in this marriage, until there is nothing left for me. I am all cried out! Sometimes, I don't know who I am anymore because of how my husband has brain washed me all these years. But leaving him I will regain all that has been lost and taken away form me, by this cruel and manipulative man!
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33 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Jul 08
He has to pay child support, he can't escape it. Get yourself the best lawyer you can, take it from me that they're worth their weight in gold! With the past record of abuse, it shouldn't be too hard to prove that the marriage is over and he should pay child support and, if he makes enough, spousal maintenance while you get on your feet. I'll keep you in my prayers. Never give up, never give in and never back down!
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
18 Oct 08
I too, have left my husband recently. I left him 6 months ago and I moved right out of the city we were living in. I moved in with my daughter and we now share a two bedroom suite in a basement suite in a house. I love it here and I am no longer afraid of my husband yelling at me for every little thing. It is not healthy to stay in a relationship that is abusive whether it is physical or mental. My abuse was mental abuse as he never ever laid a hand on me, but mental abuse is just as bad. It is nice and relaxing when not walking on egg shells anymore. I can finally relax and not be afraid to open my mouth anymore. I hope you are coping well and that it gets easier for you every day. Please let me know how you are doing now that three months have passed, by commenting on this response.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Hi, I have seen your other comments on my other discussions .. I appreciate your response.. I am okay, as of now.. Things are better..
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
18 Oct 08
I am happy to hear that my friend. Keep on smiling. That is what other people tell me. I don't know that it works but it can't hurt. hehe
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I know what you mean and I've been there. You are right of course about the stimulus check. He only gets $300 and that's if he does not owe more than $500 in child support. If he owe child support to the amount of $500 or more then he wouldn't get anything it would go to the kids. My brother worked and got less than $300 so it depends on how much he made too. He only got a good amount because of you and the kids. It doesn't matter that he is the one that worked. You keep the money and tell the judge about it. That you and the kids needed a place to live and school stuff and everything that comes with starting over from scratch. Yes, you can get a grant to go back to college or go to college. You'll most likely get some extra but you have to be enrolled in classes to get the money. Talk to someone at the college they will help you fill out the forms. I know it's rough right now. I know you are lost. You'll find your way when things start looking better for you. Just take it one day at a time.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Jul 08
Cream I am so proud of you and I am sure the rest of mylotters are too. You took the steps you neededto take and having your family behind you will help too. dont fall for your husband's lies any more, he is just desparate to get you back under his control again and you no longer need that. You are a strong woman and your dad knows that and he knows how wrong your husband is for you.His chances for marriage counseling are gone .You are going to make it one day at a time, and one step at a time. goodluck and God bless.
@Annie2 (594)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Cream, congratulations on making the break. Stand strong and don't let him get control back. He will wait for a time when you are feeling weak and he will try to trap you in again. He will beg, he will cry, he will be mean, he will threaten, he will with hold money, he will do anything and everything to try to get control of you again. They always wait for that weak moment. And you will have them. Just stand strong and don't give in to it. It will pass. As time goes, it will get easier and he will eventually let up. He'll probably find himself another woman to control while you are still trying to recover from the life you've had with him. Give your children the most stable life you possibly can. That's what they need now. Don't fool yourself into believing he will change. He will long enough to get you back and then he will revert to his old ways. Don't fool yourself into thinking that all your problems are over now that you've left him. You have just exchanged those problems for different ones. But, you can handle it. You've shown your strength and fortitude by leaving . . . continue being strong in your staying away. Best of luck.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Honey, he doesn't want to pay child support for the same reason he's trying to keep the entire stimulus check...control. Abusers are all about control. Take him to court for child support and ask for a wage garnishment based on his threats not to help support his kids and his past abusive behavior. You're doing such a good job standing up for yourself, girl!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hi cream, I am happy to hear that you are now far from that unhealthy environment with your husband threatening you all the time! Just be strong for you and for the kids and let him realized that he was so wrong for treating you those way.. I wish he will become fair to you and the kids by just a man and will support your child.. I will also wish you can find a job so that slowly you will be able to start good with the kids, I know you can do it!
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Cream - there are so many thoughts here, I can tell you're trying hard to work through all your problems and you're winning! My husband took me to court because I sued for divorce. You can't imagine the lies he told his lawyer! When it all came out and I told my side, the lawyer was disgusted with my ex and so was the judge. They even asked my own father to testify! I'm only telling you because your husband manipulates you as mine did me. I wish I could tell you how much easier things were after the divorce, but it was difficult. You are experiencing that now. Honestly, you don't need advice or help. You are right on top of everything, committed and strong. Accept that your husband will work against you. You might have a rough road ahead. In the end, all will be settled and everyone will begin their new lives. Give it time, and be brave. Everyone here at mylot is ready to listen whenever you get to a computer. Stay strong.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Jul 08
I am so proud of you for doing what is best for you and your children. It sounds like you are making a plan and taking action to make it all happen. It also sounds like you are doing things the smart way as to make sure you and your children are taken care of. Fight for your child support, He has to pay it, but it don't mean he will. His wages can be garnished and eventually he could go to jail for not paying at least that it how it is in my state. Best of luck to you on making a new and better life for you and your children.
1 person likes this
30 Jul 08
firstly well done for actually leaving him?! that is prob the biggest step you could take and now your life will improve vastly so will the lifes of your children keep focuses and trying to stay positive i can totally understand it is hard and there will be tiems you wondered if you have done the right thing but keep at it and all will come good very good luck for the future and once again well done xxx
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Jul 08
so sorry it is like that for you. i do hope that you can heal and gain a new and better life from this.
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@KellyMate (361)
30 Jul 08
I am so proud of you for leaving him! you have made the best decision ever hun!! Ive been in an abusive relationship once and its not the best thing to have to deal with, mine was when I was 14!! But I felt so relieved to have ended it! And it gives you that wonderful feeling of power!
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• Romania
30 Jul 08
you made the right choose when you break up of this man,is not for you.get your thoughts together and get a fresh start.in court take everything you can from him,you deserve much more.i'm sorry for my bad english i'm from Romania .i wish you the best
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• Philippines
18 Oct 08
I'm sorry to hear your story about your husband. I wish you'll recover from the maltreatment you had soon. Thanks for being a friend.
• United States
31 Jul 08
Why is it that a lot of men are abusive? And do some women let their men do this to them? My mother, brother, and myself, were all victims of verbal abuse. My brother's father really put us down a lot, to the point where I do not want to be near him or speak to him. And when I began dating and looking for that special someone, I was picky. I wanted someone who was the complete opposite of the men in my mother's life. I am really hoping that my boyfriend will never abuse me, so far, he has not shown any signs of being abusive.
@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
31 Jul 08
i am so hppy that you had he guts to leave this horrible man.i hope that now you will work on making you and your kids a happy life.i wish you all the b est in getting a nice apartment and a good job you truly deserve it.god bless you.
@gemini_rose (16264)
31 Jul 08
I am so pleased to be reading this, I have followed some of your other discussions and reading this is great news. WELL DONE. It will feel strange for a while but never doubt what you have done and it will get better. Your hubby will probably try every trick he can to get you to either come back or do as he says but you stick to your boots and carry on. You will gain strength everyday that you are away. You are going to be fine, if in doubt talk to your friends on here that will also help you, keep reminding yourself of the reasons you left and think that now your life can really start. Live it and HAVE FUN!!!
@snowbitz (487)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Congrats!!!Good for you.I hope and pray that things will work out fine for you and your kids.I know you might feel that your decision is not right don't it way take awhile to sort thing out but at least you will now start with a new chapter of your life and your kid with out your husband in the picture.Don't be discourage if you fail sometimes because its normal always think of your child if you feel discourage put in your mind that you have made a good decision of leaving your husband and choose to give a better future for your kids. You may not feel the effect of your decision now but when the time you really need some encouragement just look at your kids and i think you will find your answers.
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
I'm sorry to hear of what you're going through. I know it is very painful for you but time will heal all wounds. I do not know you but I will pray for you.It's the best option you've got.God Bless You!
• United States
31 Jul 08
You know what all I can say is that sweetheart I applaud you for everything your doing. So many females in your situation didnt have the strength to leave and sometimes it was fatal. One thing you need to do is to look in about child support because they are his kids too and he needs to support them not just you by yourself. I hope you have the faith to really get back on your feet and all that will take is prayer and believing. If ever you need someone to talk to always feel free to come to my profile page or whatever and help yourself.